21 ground observation post
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > ground observation post
22 observation post
наблюдательный пункт, НП* * * -
23 observation
1. наблюдение; измерение 2. съёмка
altimeter-aneroid observation барометрическое нивелирование
azimuth observation определение азимута
direct observation прямое [непосредственное] наблюдение; прямое [непосредственное] измерение
field observation 1. наблюдение на местности 2. полевая съёмка
gravimetric(al) observation гравиметрическое определение
ground observation полевое обследование, рекогносцировка
magnetic observation 1. магнитные наблюдения 2. магнитная съёмка
pressure observation барометрическое нивелирование
undirect observation косвенное наблюдение; косвенное измерение
visual observation 1. визуальное наблюдение 2. глазомерная съёмка
* * *• замер• отсчет -
24 observation post
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > observation post
25 observation
1) наблюдение; визуальное наблюдение; визуальный контроль3) геод. отсчёт; замер•to make observation — брать отсчёт-
aerial observation
aerodrome observation
aerological observations
air observation
asynoptic observations
back observation
background observations
ballon observations
bogus observations
buoy observations
current-meter observation
delayed-mode observations
delayed observations
echo-sounding observations
endoatmospheric observations
exoatmospheric observations
field observation
fore observation
generated observations
global observations
ground-based observations
ground observations
ground-truth observations
human observation
hydrological observations
imaging observations
in-cloud observations
intermediate synoptic observations
lidar observation
long-term observations
manual observation
meteorological observations
motion-picture observation
near-continuous observations
nonimaging observations
noninstrumental observation
observation of work
occultation observations
orbiting astronomical observations
ozonometric observations
perennial observations
photographic observation
plot observations
principal synoptic observations
pseudo observations
radar observations
radarsonde observations
radiometric observations
radiosonde observations
radiowind observations
rain-gage observations
rawinsonde observations
rejected observations
remotely sensed observations
rocket-sonde observations
satellite observations
sensory observation
ship observation
simulated observations
space-based observations
space observations
spacecraft observations
surf observations
surface-derived observations
surface observations
surrounding observations
synoptic observations
truncated observations
upper-air observations
visual observation
water-level observations
weather observations
window radiance observations -
26 observation
наблюдение; обзор; мед., мор. обсервация; см. тж. surveillancenight color image intensification (ground target) observation — ночное наблюдение (за наземными целями) с использованием ПНВ с усилением цветного изображения
27 observation
наблюдение@airborne observationsвысотные наблюдения из атмосферы@amateur observationsлюбительские наблюдения@anticenter observationsнаблюдения антицентра (Галактики)@astrolabe observationsнаблюдения с астролябией@astrometric observationsастрометрические наблюдения@astronomical observationsастрономические наблюдения@astrophysical observationsастрофизические наблюдения@available observationsданные наблюдений@background observationsнаблюдения фона (космического) радиоизлучения@balloon observationsнаблюдения с воздушных шаров (стратостатов)@declination observationsопределение склонений@differential observationsдифференциальные [относительные] наблюдения@direct observationsпрямые наблюдения@eclipse observationнаблюдения затмения@extraterrestrial observationsвнеатмосферные наблюдения@fundamental observationsамт. фундаментальные [абсолютные] наблюдения@ground-based observationsназемные наблюдения@high-resolution observationsнаблюдения с высоким разрешением@hydrogen line observationsнаблюдения в линии водорода@infrared observationsнаблюдения в инфракрасном диапазоне@interferometer observationsинтерференционные наблюдения@latitude observationsширотные наблюдения@long-baseline observationsрда. наблюдения с большим базисом@lunar observationsнаблюдения Луны@meridian observationsамт. меридианные наблюдения@meridian circle observationsнаблюдения с меридианным кругом@meteor observationsнаблюдения метеоров@microwave observationsнаблюдения в микроволновом диапазоне@optical observationsоптические наблюдения@photographic observationsфотографические наблюдения@photoelectric observationsфотоэлектрические наблюдения@planetary observationsнаблюдения планет@polarization observationsполяризацонные наблюдения@radar observationsрадиолокационные наблюдения@radio(-astronomical) observationsрадиоастрономические наблюдения@radio source observationsнаблюдения источников радиоизлучения@satellite observations1.наблюдения спутников 2.наблюдения со спутников@seeing observationsнаблюдения качества астрономических изображений@solar observationsнаблюдения Солнца@solar X and UV observationsнаблюдения рентгеновского и ультрафиолетового излучения Солнца@spacecraft observationнаблюдения с космических аппаратов@spectral observationsспектральные наблюдения@synoptic observationsсиноптические наблюдения@telescopic observationsтелескопические наблюдения@transit observationsнаблюдения прохождений светил через меридиан@visual observationsвизуальные наблюдения@white-light observationнаблюдения в белом свете@ -
28 ground-based observation
Англо-русский словарь по экологии > ground-based observation
29 ground-based lunar observation
Космонавтика: наблюдение за Луной с ЗемлиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > ground-based lunar observation
30 ground-based observation
Экология: наземное наблюдениеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > ground-based observation
31 ground-based planetary observation
Космонавтика: наблюдение за планетами с ЗемлиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > ground-based planetary observation
32 observation against a bright back ground
Макаров: наблюдение в светлом поле (в микроскопии)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > observation against a bright back ground
33 observation from the ground
Военный термин: наземное наблюдениеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > observation from the ground
34 observation from the ground
English-Russian military dictionary > observation from the ground
35 observation from the ground
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > observation from the ground
36 night color image intensification observation
Военный термин: (ground target) ночное наблюдение (за наземными целями) с использованием ПНВ с усилением цветного изображенияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > night color image intensification observation
37 astronomical ground based observation
Космонавтика: астрономическое наблюдение с ЗемлиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > astronomical ground based observation
38 night color image intensification (ground target) observation
Военный термин: ночное наблюдение (за наземными целями) с использованием ПНВ с усилением цветного изображенияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > night color image intensification (ground target) observation
39 GOC
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Gene Ontology Consortium2) Морской термин: оператор с общим дипломом (ГМССБ) (GMDSS General Operators Certificate (GOC))3) Медицина: Global Operators Console (GE)4) Военный термин: General Officer Command, Global Operations Center, Government of Canada, Ground Observer Corps, ground observation center, group operations center, gunnery officer's console, General Officer Commanding (UK)5) Техника: ground operating complex6) Ветеринария: General Optical Council (human, UK)7) Сокращение: Ground Operations Command (South Korean Army)8) Нефть: газонефтяной контакт (gas-oil contact)9) Геофизика: ГНК10) Деловая лексика: Good Offices Committee11) Сахалин Ю: gas-oil contact12) Расширение файла: GOC language source code file (Geoworks)13) Нефть и газ: gas-liquid contact, газожидкостный контакт14) Аэропорты: Gora, Papua New Guinea -
40 GOP
1) Американизм: God's Own Party, Government Of the People2) Спорт: Game Oriented Play3) Военный термин: Gas Oil Petroleum, General Operating Procedures, Generated Option Plan, Growth Opportunity And Patriotism, Gun Of Plasma, general operational plot, general outpost, government-owned property, ground observation post, ground observer post4) Техника: Guarantee of Payment5) Шутливое выражение: Gatecrash Our Party, Gauntlet Of Power, Get Old People, Get Out And Party, Give Out Patronage, Give Out Pork, Gluttons Of Privilege, Gnomes Of Power, Good Ol Pub, Good Old Plutocracy, Got Other Priorities, Grand Old Package, Grand Old Plutocrats, Grand Old Politics, Grand Old Porkers, Great Opportunities For Profits, Great Opportunity Party, Greed Over Patriotism, Greed Over People, Greedy Oligarchic Power, Greedy Oppressive Phonies, Gripe Often Persistently, Ground Out Privacy, Grumpy Old Patriarchs, Guns Over People, Gut Our Public, Guy's Own Party6) Химия: Gas Oil And Plutonium7) Математика: Goodness Of Prediction8) Бухгалтерия: gross operating profit9) Грубое выражение: Gain Obscene Profits, Gang Of Prostitutes, Get Off Pristine, Grabbing Other Peckers, Grand Ole Perverts, Greed Or Piety, Greedy Obnoxious People, Greedy Old Parasites, Greedy Overbearing Psychopaths, Group Of Perverts, Gun Owners Prohibited, Gutless Old Putzes, Gutter Obscene Politics10) Сокращение: Grand Old Party, Grand Old Party (Republican)11) Университет: General Orientation Program12) Вычислительная техника: group of pictures, Group Of Pictures (Video, VOBU, DVD)13) Нефть: gross operational profit14) Американский английский: (God's Own Party) Республиканская партия США
См. также в других словарях:
ground observation — observation that is carried out on the ground (not from the air) … English contemporary dictionary
Observation post — For astronomical observation posts, see Observatory. An observation post for airfield defense coordination. An observation post, temporary or fixed, is a position from which soldiers can watch enemy movements, to warn of approaching soldiers… … Wikipedia
Observation tower — in Auersberg, Saxony, Germany. An observation tower is a structure used to view events from a long distance and to create a full 360 degree range of vision. They are usually at least 20 metres (65.6 ft) tall and made from stone, iron, and… … Wikipedia
Observation deck — The 1793 Puente Nuevo bridge allows viewing from 120 m above the floor of El Tajo canyon. Main article: Deck (building) For other uses, see Deck … Wikipedia
Observation balloon — An observation balloon being launched from the USS Arizona. This balloon has a two man crew that performed artillery spotting in support of the battleship s main guns … Wikipedia
Ground Defense Force! Mao-chan — Mao chan redirects here. For the figure skater often referred to in the Japanese press by that nickname, see Mao Asada. Earth Defender! Mao chan 陸上防衛隊まおちゃん (Ground Defense Force! Mao chan) Genre Comedy, Magical girl … Wikipedia
ground visibility — The visibility at an aerodrome, as reported by an accredited observer (ICAO). The visibility is contained in a weather observation reported by an ATC (air traffic control) unit, an FSS (flight service station), a community aerodrome radio station … Aviation dictionary
Ground Observer Corps — The Ground Observer Corps was a series of Civil Defense programs in the United States to protect against air attack. First begun in World War II by the Army Air Force, the 1.5 million civilian observers at 14,000 coastal observation posts used… … Wikipedia
Observation on the Spot — Polish book cover Observation on the Spot (Wizja lokalna, also translated as Inspection at the Scene of the Crime) is a science fiction novel by Stanisław Lem which has not been translated into English. It deals with Ijon Tichy s traveling to a… … Wikipedia
ground observer — noun : one that observes, tracks, and reports the movement of aircraft from an observation post * * * a person stationed in a position on the ground to watch, follow, and report on flights of aircraft, esp. of enemy aircraft. * * * ground… … Useful english dictionary
observation post — Mil. a forward position, often on high ground, from which enemy activity can be observed and, particularly, from which artillery or mortar fire can be directed. * * * … Universalium