1 ground alert intercept
n перехоплення зі становища чергування на аеродроміEnglish-Ukrainian military dictionary > ground alert intercept
2 radar
1. n1) радар; радіолокатор; радіолокаційна станція, РЛС2) радіолокація2. a1) радарний•- acquisition-and-tracking radar - active radar - aerodrome control radar - airborne radar - aircraft's radar - airfield control radar - airport surface surveillance radar - airport surveillance radar - air-search radar - air surveillance radar - air traffic control radar - air-search radar - alert radar - alerting radar - altitude-finding radar - approach control radar - all-round looking radar - anticollision radar - approach control radar - area control radar - autofollow radar - autofollowing radar - autotracking radar - back-search radar - backward-looking radar - baseband radar - beam-rider radar - beam-transmitter radar - bistatic radar - chirped radar - coherent pulse radar - coherent radar - collision-avoidance radar - collision-warning radar - conical-scanning radar - continuous-wave radar - detection radar - digital radar - discrimination radar - Doppler radar - down-looking radar - dual-frequency radar - early-warning radar - electronically agile radar - electronically scanned radar - enemy radar - en-route surveillance radar - fine grain radar - flight path radar - forward-looking radar - frequency-agile radar - frequency-hopping radar - frequency scan radar - general-purpose radar - ground-based radar - ground-controlled approach radar - ground surveillance radars - guidance radar - guiding radar - height-finder radar - height-finding radar - holographic radar - illuminating radar - illuminator radar - imaging radar - infrared radar - interrogating radar - interrogation radar - landing radar - laser radar - light radar - lobing radar - lock-follow radar - long-range radar - look-down radar - mapping radar - medium-range radar - meteorological radar - microwave radar - microwave search radar - monopulse radar - monostatic radar - moving-target detection radar - moving-target indication radar - multifrequency radar - multimode radar - multistatic radar - navigation radar - navigational radar - NAV radar - noncoherent pulse radar - noncoherent radar - oil slick detection radar - omnirange radar - optical radar - OTH radar - overlap radars - over-the-horizon radar - panoramic radar - passive radar - phased-array radar - plan-position-indicator radar - portable radar - precision approach radar - primary radar - probing radar - pulse Doppler radar - pulsed radar - radar for mapping - radar for weather - range-gated radar - range-only radar - real-aperture radar - rendezvous radar - searchlight-control radar - search radar - secondary radar - secondary surveillance radar - semiactive radar - sensing radar - short-range radar - side-looking radar - sky-wave radar - space radar - space-borne radar - spacecraft-borne radar - space-vehicle radar - splash detection radar - step-frequency radar - surveillance radar - swept-frequency radar - synthetic-aperture radar - target-tracking radar - terminal radar - terrain avoidance radar - terrain-clearance radar - terrain-following radar - tracker radar - tracking radar - vertical incidence radar - very long-range radar - warning avoidance radar - weather radar -
3 crew
n1) екіпаж2) бригада, група3) член екіпажу•- air crew- airfield servicing crew - alert crew - alert flight crew - cabin crew - fail-safe crew - ferry crew - flight crew - ground crew - long-duration crew - maintenance crew - operating crew - ramp crew - relief crew - short-duration crew - shuttle crew - supernumerary flight crew - takeoff crew - wrecking crew -
4 circuit
1. n1) коло [замкнена траєкторія] польоту3) електр. (електричне) коло; схема, контур, ланцюг4) зв'язок канал, лінія2. v◊•- aerodrome circuit - aerodrome taxi circuit - aerodrome traffic circuit - aeronautical fixed circuit - aeronautical fixed telecommunication network circuit - alarm circuit - alert circuit - amplifying circuit - armed circuit - ATS direct speech circuit - automatic frequency control circuit - auxiliary circuit - backup circuit - broken circuit - built-in test circuit - closed circuit - closed loop circuit - communication circuit - compensating circuit - completed circuit - conference circuit - control circuit - coupling circuit - dc circuit - dedicated circuit - destruct circuit - dial-up circuit - digital circuit - direct circuit - direct speech circuit - duplex circuit - electric circuit - electrical circuit - erection circuit - exciting circuit - failure detection circuit - feed circuit - feedback circuit - field circuit - firing circuit - fixed circuit - ground circuit - ignition circuit - input circuit - integrated circuit - interlocking circuit - landline circuit - left circuit - left-turn circuit - load circuit - locking-out circuit - loop circuit - main trunk circuit - monitoring circuit - multichannel circuit - multipoint circuit - opened circuit - output circuit - parallel circuit - permanent virtual circuit - power supply circuit - printed circuit - protective circuit - radio link circuit - redundant circuit - right circuit - right-turn circuit - satellite circuit - search circuit - self-test circuit - series circuit - short circuit - shorted circuit - standby circuit - starting circuit - switching circuit - timer circuit - traffic circuit - tributary circuit - trunk circuit - virtual circuit - warning circuit - wire circuit
См. также в других словарях:
ground alert — Mil. 1. the state of waiting for orders in or near combat airplanes ready to take to the air at once. 2. the aircraft standing by during a ground alert. [1960 65] * * * ground alert, 1. a state of readiness in which aircraft and crews are ready… … Useful english dictionary
ground alert — Mil. 1. the state of waiting for orders in or near combat airplanes ready to take to the air at once. 2. the aircraft standing by during a ground alert. [1960 65] * * * … Universalium
ground alert — budintieji orlaiviai statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Aerodrome ar ant lėktuvnešio denio paruošti, apginkluoti, su įgulomis orlaiviai, pasiruošę per nustatytą trumpą laiką (paprastai 15 minučių) pakilti gavę įsakymą kilti. atitikmenys: angl.… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
ground alert — That status in which aircraft on the ground/deck are fully serviced and armed, with combat crews in readiness to take off within a specified short period of time (usually 15 minutes) after receipt of a mission order. See also airborne alert;… … Military dictionary
ground alert — That status in which aircraft on the ground or the deck are fully serviced and armed, with combat crews in readiness to take off within a specified short period of time (usually 2, 5, 15, or 30 min) after receipt of a mission order … Aviation dictionary
alert — 1. Readiness for action, defense or protection. 2. A warning signal of a real or threatened danger, such as an air attack. 3. The period of time during which troops stand by in response to an alarm. 4. To forewarn; to prepare for action. See also … Military dictionary
ground readiness — That status in which aircraft can be armed and serviced and personnel alerted to take off within a specified length of time after receiving orders. Once aircraft are serviced and armed, they are on ground alert … Aviation dictionary
Ground proximity warning system — (GPWS) is a system designed to alert pilots if their aircraft is in immediate danger of flying into the ground or an obstacle. Another common name for such a system is ground collision warning system (GCWS). Commercial aircraft The system… … Wikipedia
Ground-controlled interception — (GCI) an air defense tactic whereby one or more radar stations are linked to a command communications center guides interceptor aircraft to an airborne target. This tactic was pioneered by the Royal Air Force during the World War II, although the … Wikipedia
Ground Defense Force! Mao-chan — Mao chan redirects here. For the figure skater often referred to in the Japanese press by that nickname, see Mao Asada. Earth Defender! Mao chan 陸上防衛隊まおちゃん (Ground Defense Force! Mao chan) Genre Comedy, Magical girl … Wikipedia
Ground Launched Cruise Missile — Infobox Weapon is missile=yes name=BGM 109G Gryphon (GLCM)1 caption= origin= type=long range, all weather, subsonic tactical/strategic cruise missile used by= manufacturer=General Dynamics unit cost=$1.3 mil propellant= production date=… … Wikipedia