1 ground vole
2 ground vole
3 vole
полёвка; серая полёвка ( Microtus)- Chinese vole
- common field vole
- common vole
- field vole
- grey-sided vole
- ground vole
- high-mountain vole
- large-toothed redback vole
- meadow vole
- mole vole
- mountain vole
- narrow-skulled vole
- northern mole vole
- northern red-backed vole
- oriental vole
- pine vole
- root vole
- sagebrush vole
- short-tailed vole
- singing vole
- snow vole
- tundra vole
- water vole* * *• полевка -
4 vole, ground
1. LAT Arvicola terrestris Linnaeus2. RUS (европейская) водяная полёвка f, (европейская) водяная крыса f3. ENG ground [water, European water] vole, vole [water] rat4. DEU (Ost-)Schermaus f, große (europäische) Wühlmaus f, große Erdmaus f [Feldmaus f], Mollmaus f, Wühlratte f, Erdratte f, Wasserratte f5. FRA campagnol m aquatique [terrestre], grand campagnol m (d'Europe), rat m d'eau [taupier], souris f de terre -
5 vole, water
1. LAT Arvicola terrestris Linnaeus2. RUS (европейская) водяная полёвка f, (европейская) водяная крыса f3. ENG ground [water, European water] vole, vole [water] rat4. DEU (Ost-)Schermaus f, große (europäische) Wühlmaus f, große Erdmaus f [Feldmaus f], Mollmaus f, Wühlratte f, Erdratte f, Wasserratte f5. FRA campagnol m aquatique [terrestre], grand campagnol m (d'Europe), rat m d'eau [taupier], souris f de terre1. LAT Microtus richardsoni Dekay2. RUS полёвка f Ричардсона3. ENG water vole4. DEU —5. FRA — -
6 vole, European water
1. LAT Arvicola terrestris Linnaeus2. RUS (европейская) водяная полёвка f, (европейская) водяная крыса f3. ENG ground [water, European water] vole, vole [water] rat4. DEU (Ost-)Schermaus f, große (europäische) Wühlmaus f, große Erdmaus f [Feldmaus f], Mollmaus f, Wühlratte f, Erdratte f, Wasserratte f5. FRA campagnol m aquatique [terrestre], grand campagnol m (d'Europe), rat m d'eau [taupier], souris f de terreDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > vole, European water
7 rat, vole
1. LAT Arvicola terrestris Linnaeus2. RUS (европейская) водяная полёвка f, (европейская) водяная крыса f3. ENG ground [water, European water] vole, vole [water] rat4. DEU (Ost-)Schermaus f, große (europäische) Wühlmaus f, große Erdmaus f [Feldmaus f], Mollmaus f, Wühlratte f, Erdratte f, Wasserratte f5. FRA campagnol m aquatique [terrestre], grand campagnol m (d'Europe), rat m d'eau [taupier], souris f de terre -
8 rat, water
1. LAT Arvicola terrestris Linnaeus2. RUS (европейская) водяная полёвка f, (европейская) водяная крыса f3. ENG ground [water, European water] vole, vole [water] rat4. DEU (Ost-)Schermaus f, große (europäische) Wühlmaus f, große Erdmaus f [Feldmaus f], Mollmaus f, Wühlratte f, Erdratte f, Wasserratte f5. FRA campagnol m aquatique [terrestre], grand campagnol m (d'Europe), rat m d'eau [taupier], souris f de terre1. LAT Scapteromys tumidus Waterhouse2. RUS водяной хомячок m3. ENG (South American) water rat4. DEU —5. FRA —1. LAT Dasymys incomtus Sundevall2. RUS лохматоволосая [косматая] крыса f3. ENG shaggy(-haired) [marsh, African marsh, water, African water] rat4. DEU —5. FRA — -
9 3667
1. LAT Arvicola terrestris Linnaeus2. RUS (европейская) водяная полёвка f, (европейская) водяная крыса f3. ENG ground [water, European water] vole, vole [water] rat4. DEU (Ost-)Schermaus f, große (europäische) Wühlmaus f, große Erdmaus f [Feldmaus f], Mollmaus f, Wühlratte f, Erdratte f, Wasserratte f5. FRA campagnol m aquatique [terrestre], grand campagnol m (d'Europe), rat m d'eau [taupier], souris f de terre
См. также в других словарях:
ground vole — vandeninis pelėnas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Arvicola terrestris angl. European water vole; ground vole; vole rat; water rat; water vole vok. Erdratte; große Erdmaus; große europäische Wühlmaus; … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
vole rat — vandeninis pelėnas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Arvicola terrestris angl. European water vole; ground vole; vole rat; water rat; water vole vok. Erdratte; große Erdmaus; große europäische Wühlmaus; … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
vole — vole1 /vohl/, n. any of several small mouselike or ratlike rodents of the genus Microtus and related genera, having short limbs and a short tail. [1795 1805; short for volemouse field mouse, perh. < Norw *vollmus, equiv. to voll field (cf. WOLD1) … Universalium
Tatra Pine Vole — Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)[1] … Wikipedia
European water vole — vandeninis pelėnas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Arvicola terrestris angl. European water vole; ground vole; vole rat; water rat; water vole vok. Erdratte; große Erdmaus; große europäische Wühlmaus; … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
water vole — vandeninis pelėnas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Arvicola terrestris angl. European water vole; ground vole; vole rat; water rat; water vole vok. Erdratte; große Erdmaus; große europäische Wühlmaus; … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
California vole — Conservation status … Wikipedia
Meadow Vole — Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 3.1) … Wikipedia
Northern Red-backed Vole — Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)[1] … Wikipedia
Common Vole — Conservation status Least Concern ( … Wikipedia
European Water Vole — Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN … Wikipedia