1 ground proximity
Авиация: сближение с землёй -
2 ground proximity
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > ground proximity
3 ground proximity
4 ground proximity
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > ground proximity
5 ground proximity
6 ground proximity extraction system
GPES, ground proximity extraction systemсистема беспарашютной выброски грузов с самолета на предельно малой высотеEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > ground proximity extraction system
7 ground proximity warning indicator
GPWI, ground proximity warning indicatorEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > ground proximity warning indicator
8 ground proximity warning system
GPWS, ground proximity warning systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > ground proximity warning system
9 ground proximity warning system
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > ground proximity warning system
10 ground proximity cargo delivery system
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ground proximity cargo delivery system
11 ground proximity extraction system
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ground proximity extraction system
12 ground proximity extraction system landing
Военный термин: десантирование на парашютных платформах с малой высотыУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > ground proximity extraction system landing
13 ground proximity feeler
Космонавтика: щуп для определения момента приземленияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > ground proximity feeler
14 ground proximity warning
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ground proximity warning
15 ground proximity warning indicator
Военный термин: индикатор системы предупреждения о приближении к землеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > ground proximity warning indicator
16 ground proximity warning system
1) Военный термин: система предупреждения о приближении к земле3) Авиационная медицина: система предупреждения опасного сближенияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > ground proximity warning system
17 ground proximity warning
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > ground proximity warning
18 ground proximity warning system
= GPWSEnglish-Russian electronics dictionary > ground proximity warning system
19 ground proximity warning
20 ground proximity warning system
Англо-русский словарь по авиации > ground proximity warning system
См. также в других словарях:
Ground proximity warning system — (GPWS) is a system designed to alert pilots if their aircraft is in immediate danger of flying into the ground or an obstacle. Another common name for such a system is ground collision warning system (GCWS). Commercial aircraft The system… … Wikipedia
Ground Proximity Warning System — In einem mit einem Ground Proximity Warning System ausgerüsteten Flugzeug werden in niedriger Flughöhe unter 762 m Radiohöhe (2500 ft) aus verschiedenen Daten Kriterien abgeleitet, bei deren Unterschreitung ein Alarm im Cockpit… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ground proximity warning system — noun A device which warns the pilot that the aircraft may be in danger of collision with the ground. Syn: ground collision warning system … Wiktionary
ground-proximity warning system — A system that warns the crew if the aircraft’s current flight path would result in impact with the ground. The system automatically and continuously monitors the aircraft’s flight path with respect to the terrain at all altitudes between 50 and… … Aviation dictionary
Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System — Das Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) stellt eine Weiterentwicklung des Ground Proximity Warning System dar. Die Federal Aviation Administration empfiehlt die Benutzung des Oberbegriffs Terrain awareness and warning system (TAWS)… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Proximity sensor — A proximity sensor is a sensor able to detect the presence of nearby objects without any physical contact. A proximity sensor often emits an electromagnetic or electrostatic field, or a beam of electromagnetic radiation (infrared, for instance),… … Wikipedia
Ground fighting — (in martial arts sometimes referred to as ground work or ground game ) is hand to hand combat which takes place while the combatants are on the ground, generally involving a degree of grappling. The term is commonly used in martial arts and… … Wikipedia
Proximity fuze — A proximity fuze (also called a VT fuze, for variable time ) is a fuze that is designed to detonate an explosive device automatically when the distance to target becomes smaller than a predetermined value or when the target passes through a given … Wikipedia
Ground effect in aircraft — Aircraft may be affected by a number of ground effects, aerodynamic effects due to a flying body s proximity to the ground.One of the most important of these effects is the Wing In Ground effect, which refers to the reduction in drag experienced… … Wikipedia
proximity fuze — a design for detonating a charge, as in a projectile, within a predesignated radius of a target. Also called variable time fuze, VT fuze. [1940 45] * * * also called Vt Fuze, or Influence Fuze, an explosive ignition device used in bombs … Universalium
Ground effect vehicle — A ground effect vehicle, wing in ground effect vehicle (WIG), flarecraft, sea skimmer, ekranoplan, or wing in surface effect ship (WISE) is a vehicle that attains level flight near the surface of the Earth, made possible by a cushion of high… … Wikipedia