1 ground inversion
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > ground inversion
2 ground inversion
1) Техника: приземная инверсия2) Макаров: приземная инверсия (метео), приземная инверсия (температуры) -
3 ground inversion
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > ground inversion
4 ground inversion
5 ground inversion
6 ground inversion
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > ground inversion
7 ground inversion
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > ground inversion
8 ground inversion
English-Russian small dictionary of medicine > ground inversion
9 nocturnal ground inversion
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > nocturnal ground inversion
10 inversion
11 inversion
ground inversionприземная инверсияmountain inversionинверсия над горами -
12 inversion
1) инверсия; обращение; обратное преобразование6) полигр. обращение изображения•-
alternate mark inversion
coded mark inversion
difference mode inversion
Fourier inversion
frequency inversion
ground inversion
image inversion
input inversion
interface inversion
inversion of series
inversion of stress
logic inversion
matrix inversion
mirror inversion
periodic mark space inversion
phase inversion
polarity inversion
population inversion
power inversion
precipitation inversion
raised inversion
ribbon inversion
space inversion
spectrum inversion
stereochemical inversion
subsidence inversion
temperature inversion
time inversion
trade wind inversion
trade inversion -
13 ground
grounding vзаземлениеabove ground levelнад уровнем земной поверхностиaerodrome ground profileпрофиль местности в районе аэродромаaerodrome ground signalназемный аэродромный сигналaerodrome ground visibilityвидимость у земли в зоне аэродромаAerodromes, Air Routes and Ground Aids SectionСекция аэродромов, воздушных трасс и наземных средств(ИКАО) aeronautical ground lightназемный аэронавигационный огоньaeronautical ground markназемный аэронавигационный ориентирat the ground levelна уровне землиcome clear of the groundотрываться от землиengine ground test timeвремя опробования двигателя на землеen-route ground markназемный ориентир на трассе полетаground aidsназемные средстваground air starting unitаэродромная установка для запускаground attenuationзатухание звука у поверхности землиground based aidsсредства наземного базированияground beaconназемный маякGround BranchОтдел наземных службground checkназемная проверкаground circuitцепь заземленияground conditionsназемные условияground contactконтакт с объектами на землеground controlуправление наземным движениемground controlled approachзаход на посадку на посадку под контролем наземных средствground control systemназемная система управления(полетом) ground crewбригада наземного обслуживанияground cueназемный ориентирground cushionвоздушная подушка у землиground effectвлияние близости землиground effect takeoffвзлет с использованием влияния землиground equipmentназемное оборудованиеground guidance systemназемная система наведенияground handlingназемное обслуживаниеground handling chargeсбор за наземное обслуживаниеground handling facilitiesназемные средства обслуживанияground handling operationназемное обслуживание рейсовground holdожидание сигнала к взлетуground idleрежим земного малого газаgrounding cableтрос заземленияgrounding linkтрос заземленияground interrogation addressадрес запроса, передаваемого наземной станциейground inversionприземная инверсияground levelуровень земной поверхностиground loadнагрузка при стоянке на землеground locking pinштырь фиксации на землеground loopрезкий разворот на землеground mapping rangeдальность обзора местностиground markingназемная маркировкаground movement controllerдиспетчер наземного движенияground operating timeнаработка на землеground operationназемная эксплуатацияground personnelназемный персоналground position fixместоположение относительно поверхности землиground position indicatorавтоштурманground power unitаэродромный пусковой агрегатground pressurization connectionштуцер для проверки наддува на землеground proximityсближение с землейground proximity warningсигнализация об опасном сближении с землейground proximity warning systemсистема предупреждения опасного сближения с землейground reactionвлияние землиground referenceусловия у землиground reference navigationнавигация по наземным ориентирамground reflection coefficientкоэффициент отраженияground reflection effectвлияние отражения от поверхности землиground runдвижение по землеground run monitorблок контроля скорости пробега по землеground runupгонка двигателя на землеground run-up noise abatementснижение шума при опробовании двигателей на землеground service equipmentназемное оборудование для обслуживанияground servicingназемное обслуживаниеground shift systemсистема блокировки при обжатии опор шассиground speedпутевая скорость(скорость воздушного судна относительно земли) ground speed indicatorуказатель путевой скоростиground speed vectorвектор путевой скоростиground spoilerтормозной интерцептор(используемый на земле для гашения подъемной силы) ground starting unitназемная установка для запускаground stationназемная станция(обеспечения полетов) ground storage batteryаэродромная аккумуляторная батареяground surveillance radarназемный обзорный радиолокаторground taxi from landing operationруление после посадкиground taxi operationруление по аэродромуground testing connectionштуцер для проверки на землеground testsназемные испытанияground timeвремя простоя на землеground towбуксировка на землеground trackingназемное сопровождениеground trainingназемная подготовкаground training procedureпорядок наземной подготовкиground transmissionпередача с землиground turn-around timeвремя, необходимое на полное обслуживание и загрузкуground velocityпутевая скоростьground weather radarназемный метеорологический радиолокаторground wind indicatorназемный указатель направления ветраhovering in the ground effectвисение в зоне влияния землиin ground effectв зоне влияния землиinstrument ground timeвремя наземной тренировки по приборамmaintenance ground timeвремя простоя на техническим обслуживанииout of ground effectвне зоны влияния землиradar ground mapping1. отображение радиолокационного обзора земной поверхности2. радиолокационный обзор земной поверхности rotorcraft ground resonanceземной резонанс вертолетаstatic ground angleстояночный уголvisual ground aidsназемные визуальные средстваvisual ground fixingопределение местоположения по наземным ориентирамvisual ground signalназемный визуальный сигнал -
14 ground level inversion
15 ground level inversion
Экология: приземная температурная инверсияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > ground level inversion
16 atmospheric inversion
атмосферная инверсия
[ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]EN
atmospheric inversion
A temperature inversion in the atmosphere in which the temperature, instead of falling, increases with height above the ground. With the colder and heavier air below, there is no tendency to form upward currents and turbulence is suppressed. Inversions are often formed in the late afternoon when the radiation emitted from the ground exceeds that received from the sinking sun. Inversions are also caused by katabatic winds, that is cold winds flowing down the hillside into a valley, and by anticyclones. In inversion layers, both vertical and horizontal diffusion is inhibited and pollutants become trapped, sometimes for long periods. Low-level discharges of pollutants are more readily trapped by inversions than high level dischargers, hence the case for high stacks. Furthermore, high level discharges into an inversion tend to remain at a high level because of the absence of vertical mixing. (Source: GILP96)
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > atmospheric inversion
17 приземная инверсия
ground inversionБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > приземная инверсия
18 приземная инверсия
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > приземная инверсия
19 level
1) уровень
2) ватерпас
3) ватерпасный
4) выверять по уровню
5) горизонтировать
6) заравнивать
7) нивелир
8) нивелировать
9) разравнивать
10) сувальдный
11) уровнь
12) уровнять
13) устанваливаться
14) ступень
15) горизонтальный
16) ровный
17) ровно
18) выравнивать
– above sea level
– acceptor level
– acidity level
– background level
– binocular level
– black level
– blacker-than-black level
– blanking level
– block level
– capture level
– carpenter's level
– charging level
– clamp level
– cloud level
– confidence level
– cross-talk level
– cut-off level
– datum level
– deep-lying level
– donor level
– draw level
– drawdown level
– dummy level
– empty level
– energy level
– excitation level
– excited level
– Fermi level
– fill level
– filled level
– flux level
– frame level
– grizzly level
– ground level
– hand level
– high-water level
– hum level
– hunting for a level
– hydrogenic level
– illumination level
– injection level
– insulation level
– integration level
– intensity level
– intermediate level
– inversion level
– ionization level
– ionized level
– level airplane
– level amplifier
– level balance
– level blocking
– level bubble
– level checker
– level circuit
– level control
– level crosscut
– level crossing
– level curve
– level datum
– level detector
– level flight
– level gauge
– level ground
– level inverter
– level line
– level lock
– level logic
– level monitoring
– level multiple
– level net
– level of confidence
– level of hierarchy
– level of low waters
– level pillar
– level shaft
– level shears
– level shift
– level splints
– level splitting
– level square
– level surface
– level the plane
– level vial
– limiting level
– loudness level
– low water level
– low-lying level
– low-water level
– main level
– mean sea level
– noise level
– occupied level
– occupy level
– on a level with
– output level
– overload level
– oxidation level
– pond level
– power level
– precise level
– pumping level
– quantization level
– quantum level
– radiation level
– recording level
– reduce to sea level
– reduction to sea level
– redundancy level
– reference level
– regulator of level
– reside at level
– rotational level
– sea level
– sea level pressure
– set up a level
– significance level
– sound level
– spare level
– spirit level
– striding level
– threshold level
– tilt a level
– tilting level
– top up level
– top up the level
– transmission level
– volume level
– Wannier-Stark level
– when level
– white level
– working level
– zero level
automatic level gage — автур, уровнемер автоматический
coded at the machine-language level — <comput.> над машинными кодами
high water level — <geol.> горизонт высоких вод
line of precise level — <geod.> линия точного нивелирования
population of rotational level — заполненность вращательных уровней
sound level meter — измеритель силы звука, < radio> импульсмессер
suspended level viscometer — вискозиметр с подвешенным уровнем
20 frequency
= freq1) частота (1. величина, обратная периоду; величина, пропорциональная обратному периоду (напр. круговая частота) 2. частота появления случайного события, отношение встречаемости к числу испытаний) || частотный2) встречаемость ( случайного события); периодичность•- acoustic frequency
- acoustical frequency
- actual frequency
- air-ground radio frequency
- air-to-ground radio frequency
- alias frequency
- alpha cutoff frequency
- alternate frequency
- angular frequency
- antenna resonant frequency
- antiferromagnetic resonance frequency
- antiresonant frequency
- anti-Stokes frequency
- assigned frequency
- atomic frequency
- audio frequency
- aural center frequency
- authorized frequency
- avalanche frequency
- base frequency
- base-transport cutoff frequency
- basic frequency
- bass frequency
- beat frequency
- beta cutoff frequency
- bias frequency
- Bragg frequency
- break frequency
- bubble-propagation frequency
- bus frequency
- carrier frequency
- center frequency
- channel frequency
- characteristic frequency
- chopping frequency
- circular frequency
- clock frequency
- co-channel sound frequency
- collision frequency
- combination frequency
- commercial frequency
- complex frequency
- constant frequency
- core frequency
- corner frequency
- critical frequency
- critical fusion frequency
- crossover frequency
- cumulative relative frequency
- cutoff frequency
- cyclotron frequency
- data frequency
- data communications frequency
- 3-dB frequency
- dedicated frequency
- difference frequency
- diffusion frequency
- distress frequency
- Doppler frequency
- Doppler-beat frequency
- Doppler-shifted frequency
- down-link frequency
- drift frequency
- driving frequency
- dynamic-scattering cutoff frequency
- echo frequency
- electron Langmuir frequency
- electron paramagnetic resonance frequency
- electron plasma frequency
- expected frequency
- extinction frequency
- extremely high frequency
- extremely low frequency
- facsimile picture frequency
- ferrimagnetic-resonance frequency
- ferromagnetic-resonance frequency
- field frequency
- fixed frequency
- flicker-fusion frequency
- flutter frequency
- folding frequency
- forward-bias cutoff frequency
- frame frequency
- free-running frequency
- fundamental frequency
- fundamental scanning frequency
- fusion frequency
- gap frequency
- gliding frequency
- ground-air frequency
- ground-to-air frequency
- group frequency
- Gunn frequency
- half-power frequency
- harmonic frequency
- helicon frequency
- heterodyne frequency
- high frequency
- highest probable frequency
- horizontal-line frequency
- horizontal-scanning frequency
- hyperfine frequency
- hyperfine transition frequency
- hyperhigh frequency
- idler frequency
- image frequency
- imaginery frequency
- IMPATT-frequency
- impingement frequency
- impulse frequency - instantaneous frequency
- intercarrier frequency
- intermediate frequency
- intermodulation frequency
- intermodulation component frequency
- inversion-layer cutoff frequency
- ion cyclotron frequency
- ionization frequency
- ion plasma frequency
- jittered pulse-recurrence frequency
- Josephson frequency
- keying frequency
- knee frequency
- Langmuir plasma frequency
- Larmor frequency
- laser-frequency
- laser-emission-frequency
- lattice vibration frequency
- line frequency
- line screen frequency
- lobe frequency
- local-oscillator frequency
- locking frequency
- low frequency
- lower side frequency - lowest useful high frequency
- magnetohydrodynamic frequency
- magnetoplasma frequency
- mains frequency
- maser frequency
- maser-emission frequency
- master frequency
- maximum frequency of oscillation
- maximum keying frequency
- maximum modulating frequency - microwave frequency
- midband frequency
- mode frequency
- modulation frequency
- multiple frequency
- natural frequency
- nominal frequency
- notch frequency
- note frequency
- Nyquist frequency
- observed frequency
- operating frequency
- optical frequency - photoelectric threshold frequency
- picture frequency
- piezoelectric crystal antiresonant frequency
- piezoelectric crystal resonant frequency
- pilot frequency
- plasma frequency
- power frequency
- power-line frequency
- precession frequency
- primary frequency
- pulse-recurrence frequency - pumping frequency
- quasi-optical frequency
- quench frequency
- quenching frequency
- quiescent frequency
- radian frequency
- radio frequency
- rated frequency
- reactive cutoff frequency
- real frequency
- reference frequency
- relative frequency
- relative frequency
- repetition frequency
- resistive cutoff frequency
- resonance frequency
- resonant frequency
- rest frequency
- resting frequency
- ringing frequency
- ripple frequency
- scan frequency
- scanning-line frequency
- screen frequency
- secondary frequency
- second-channel frequency
- self-neutralization frequency
- self-resonant frequency
- SH frequency
- side frequency
- sonic frequency
- sound frequency
- sound carrier frequency
- sound center frequency
- space frequency
- spark frequency
- spatial frequency
- speech frequency
- spike frequency
- spin frequency
- spot frequency
- standard frequency
- Stokes frequency
- subaudio frequency
- subcarrier frequency
- subharmonic frequency
- sub-Nyquist frequency
- subsonic frequency
- sub-telephone frequency
- sum frequency
- summation frequency
- superaudio frequency - super-telephone frequency
- supply frequency
- suppression frequency
- sweep frequency
- synchronizing frequency
- threshold frequency - toggle frequency
- tone frequency
- top baseband frequency
- transition frequency
- transit-time frequency
- transit-time cutoff frequency
- transmission frequency
- TRAPATT frequency
- trapped plasma frequency
- treble frequency
- turnover frequency
- ultra-audible frequency - undamped frequency
- uniform precession frequency
- unity-gain frequency
- up-link frequency
- upper side frequency
- variable frequency
- vertical frequency - video frequency
- vision frequency
- vision carrier frequency
- visual carrier frequency
- voice frequency
- voltage gain cutoff frequency
- waveguide cutoff frequency
- window frequency
- wow frequency
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Inversion (meteorology) — In meteorology, an inversion is a deviation from the normal change of an atmospheric property with altitude. It almost always refers to a temperature inversion, i.e., an increase in temperature with height, or to the layer within which such an… … Wikipedia
inversion — UK [ɪnˈvɜː(r)ʃ(ə)n] / US [ɪnˈvɜrʒ(ə)n] / US [ɪnˈvɜrʃ(ə)n] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms inversion : singular inversion plural inversions 1) formal a change that makes something the opposite of what it was before, or turns it upside down … English dictionary
inversion — in|ver|sion [ınˈvə:ʃən US ˈvə:rʒən] n [U and C] 1.) formal the act of changing something so that it is the opposite of what it was before, or of turning something upside down (=the bottom is on the top and the top is on the bottom) 2.) technical… … Dictionary of contemporary English
inversion — in|ver|sion [ ın vɜrʒn, ın vɜrʃn ] noun count or uncount 1. ) TECHNICAL a weather condition in which the air near the ground is colder than the air above it 2. ) FORMAL a change that makes something the opposite of what it was before, or turns it … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
inversion — noun (C, U) 1 formal the changing of something so that it is the opposite of what it was before, or of turning something upside down 2 technical a kind of weather condition in which the air nearest the ground is cooler than the air above it … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
temperature inversion — Meteorol. inversion (def. 12). [1940 45] * * * In meteorology, an increase of air temperature with altitude. Such an increase is a reversal of the normal temperature condition of the troposphere, where temperature usually decreases with altitude … Universalium
Population inversion — In physics, specifically statistical mechanics, a population inversion occurs when a system (such as a group of atoms or molecules) exists in state with more members in an excited state than in lower energy states. The concept is of fundamental… … Wikipedia
Capping inversion — A capping inversion is an elevated inversion layer that caps a convective boundary layer. The boundary layer is the part of the atmosphere which is closest to the ground. Normally, the sun heats the ground, which in turn heats the air just above… … Wikipedia
Immelmann (inversion) — Éléments de montagnes russes Traduit de l anglais en:Roller coaster elements Les montagnes russes se composent de nombreux éléments. Ces éléments peuvent être purement techniques (frein, harnais...) ou avoir comme but d offrir des sensations aux… … Wikipédia en Français
Soil inversion — Plantation sur sol inversé La plantation sur sol inversé (Soil inversion ou Topsoil inversion pour les anglophones) est une technique de plantation et de restauration de la strate herbacée inspirée du labour, mais visant d autres objectifs… … Wikipédia en Français
Topsoil inversion — Plantation sur sol inversé La plantation sur sol inversé (Soil inversion ou Topsoil inversion pour les anglophones) est une technique de plantation et de restauration de la strate herbacée inspirée du labour, mais visant d autres objectifs… … Wikipédia en Français