1 gross
adj. stor; plump; grov; motbjudande; fet; folklig--------adj. total-; brutto---------n. tolv dussin (144)--------v. tjäna brutto* * *[ɡrəus] 1. adjective1) (very bad: gross errors/indecency.) grov2) (vulgar: gross behaviour/language.) grov, plump, rå3) (too fat: a large, gross woman.) fet, uppsvälld4) (total: The gross weight of a parcel is the total weight of the contents, the box, the wrapping etc.) total-, brutto-2. noun(the total amount (of several things added together).) gross, helhet- grossly -
2 gross national product
bruttonationalprodukt (summan av produkter producerade i ett land)gross national product (GNP) -
3 gross amount
bruttosumma, totalsumma -
4 gross exaggeration
grov överdrift -
5 gross income
bruttoinkomst (total inkomst innan skatt och andra avgifter dragits) -
6 gross mistake
ett grovt misstag -
7 gross negligence
grov vårdslöshet -
8 gross pay
bruttolön -
9 gross price
bruttopris -
10 gross profit
(ekon.) balans av ett företags inkomst efter avdrag av kostnader som råmaterial löner och betalningar till leverantörer (fast utan att dra av finansierande utgifter som marknadsföring -
11 gross receipts
bruttoinkomst -
12 gross weight
bruttovikt, totalvikt -
13 gross yield
bruttoavkastning (total avkastning som en investering ger) -
14 GNP
bruttonationalproduktGNP (gross national product)
См. также в других словарях:
Gross — steht für: Gross SZ, Viertel der Gemeinde Einsiedeln in der Schweiz Groß (Hollabrunn), eine Katastralgemeinde von Hollabrunn Gross, ein andere Schreibweise für die Messeinheit Gros Gross Income, eine Bezeichnung für Nettohonorarumsatz Gross… … Deutsch Wikipedia
gross — 1 / grōs/ adj [Middle English, immediately obvious, from Middle French gros thick, coarse, from Latin grossus] 1: flagrant or extreme esp. in badness or offensiveness: of very blameworthy character a gross violation of the rules of ethics a gross … Law dictionary
Gross — Gross, a. [Compar. {Grosser}; superl. {Grossest}.] [F. gros, L. grossus, perh. fr. L. crassus thick, dense, fat, E. crass, cf. Skr. grathita tied together, wound up, hardened. Cf. {Engross}, {Grocer}, {Grogram}.] 1. Great; large; bulky; fat; of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gross — Gross, n. [F. gros (in sense 1), grosse (in sense 2). See {Gross}, a.] 1. The main body; the chief part, bulk, or mass. The gross of the enemy. Addison. [1913 Webster] For the gross of the people, they are considered as a mere herd of cattle.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gross — may refer to:* Gross (economics), before deductions (brutto) * Gross (unit), a counting unit equal to 144 * Gross examination, in anatomical pathology, identification of disease with the naked eye * Gross realm, in mysticism, the physical realm * … Wikipedia
gross — [grōs] adj. [ME grose < OFr gros, big, thick, coarse < LL grossus, thick] 1. big or fat and coarse looking; corpulent; burly 2. glaring; flagrant; very bad [a gross miscalculation] 3. dense; thick 4. a) lacking fineness, as in texture … English World dictionary
gross — [adj1] large, fat adipose, big, bulky, chubby*, corpulent, dense, fleshy, great, heavy, hulking, husky, lumpish, massive, obese, overweight, porcine, portly, stout, thick, unwieldy, weighty; concepts 773,781 Ant. skinny, slender, thin gross… … New thesaurus
gross — ► ADJECTIVE 1) unattractively large or bloated. 2) vulgar; unrefined. 3) informal very unpleasant; repulsive. 4) complete; blatant: a gross exaggeration. 5) (of income, profit, or interest) without deduction of tax or other contributions; total.… … English terms dictionary
gross up — To convert a net figure into a gross one for the purpose of tax calculation, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑gross * * * ˌgross ˈup [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they gross up he/she/it … Useful english dictionary
GROSS (M.) — GROSS MICHAEL (1964 ) Surnommé l’«Albatros» en raison des son envergure, le nageur allemand Michael Gross bat douze records du monde au cours de sa carrière. Il remporte trois titres olympiques (200 mètres nage libre et 100 mètres papillon en… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Gross — Gross, NE U.S. village in Nebraska Population (2000): 5 Housing Units (2000): 1 Land area (2000): 0.130441 sq. miles (0.337841 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.130441 sq. miles (0.337841 sq. km) … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places