1 grid expansion router
2 grid expansion router
алгоритм трассировки [трассировщик] с распространением по сеткеEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > grid expansion router
3 grid expansion router
4 router
1) маршрутизатор (устройство для соединения сетей, использующих разные архитектуры и протоколы;
осуществляет выбор одного из нескольких путей передачи сетевого трафика, а также фильтрацию широковещательных сообщений для локальной сети) - router ID - router identifier - seed router communications router
2) программа трассировки;
алгоритм трассировки, трассировщик router with a preference arrow router automatic router channel router channelless router dogleg router dogleg channel router global router grid expansion router gridless router loose router maze router ripout router( техническое) фасонно-фрезерный станок( техническое) фасонная фреза router вчт. мост-маршрутизатор ~ вчт. программа прокладки маршрута -
5 router
1) маршрутизатор (устройство для соединения сетей, использующих разные архитектуры и протоколы; осуществляет выбор одного из нескольких путей передачи сетевого трафика, а также фильтрацию широковещательных сообщений для локальной сети)2) программа трассировки; алгоритм трассировки, трассировщик- automatic router
- channel router
- channelless router
- dogleg channel router
- dogleg router
- global router
- grid expansion router
- gridless router
- logical router
- loose router
- maze router
- positional router
- ripout router
- router with a preferenceEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > router
6 algorithm
- ad hoc algorithm
- adaptive algorithm
- aim algorithm
- algorithm for path connections
- automatic assessment algorithm
- back-propagation algorithm
- banker's algorithm
- best-route algorithm
- bicomponent algorithm
- bipartitioning algorithm
- bisection algorithm
- branch-bound algorithm
- branching algorithm
- cascading algorithm
- chain algorithm
- channel router algorithm
- coarse-to-fine algorithm
- column sweep algorithm
- combinatorial algorithm
- computational algorithm
- computing algorithm
- conservative algorithm
- control algorithm
- convergent algorithm
- curve-fitting algorithm
- cutting-plane algorithm
- D-algorithm
- decision algorithm
- decoding algorithm
- demand-paging algorithm
- deterministic algorithm
- digit-by-digit algorithm
- divide-and-conquer algorithm
- double-sweep algorithm
- draphics algorithm
- drawing algorithm
- DSP algorithm
- dual algorithm
- durable algorithm
- earliest-deadline-first algorithm
- edge-based algorithm
- event-scheduling algorithm
- exchange algorithm
- fault-handling algorithm
- fine-to-coarse algorithm
- fixed-stealing algorithm
- fixed-step-size algorithm
- flow-synthesis algorithm
- forward-looking algorithm
- generalized algorithm
- genetic algorithm
- Goto algorithm
- graph algorithm
- graph traversal algorithm
- greedy algorithm
- grid expansion algorithm
- hardware algorithm
- heuristic algorithm
- Hightower algorithm
- incorrect algorithm
- inference-based algorithm
- inferencing algorithm
- instruction issue algorithm
- integer algorithm
- integrated query optimization algorithm
- iteration algorithm
- iterative algorithm
- layout algorithm
- layout copmaction algorithm
- leaky bucket algorithm
- learning algorithm
- least frequently used algorithm
- least recently used algorithm
- Lee-expansion algorithm
- Lee-type algorithm
- levelization algorithm
- linear expansion algorithm
- line-placing algorithm
- line-probe algorithm
- logical algorithm
- mathematically based algorithm
- mathematically intensive algorithm
- maximum matching algorithm
- mesh algorithm - minimum path-length algorithm
- modeling algorithm
- multikey algorithm
- multipass algorithm
- nested algorithm
- network algorithm
- normal algorithm
- no-wait algorithm
- operative algorithm
- optimal assignment algorithm
- optimal cutting algorithm
- ordering algorithm
- page-replacement algorithm
- paging algorithm
- parallel algorithm
- partitioning algorithm
- path-tracing algorithm
- pipeline algorithm
- pitch algorithm
- placement algorithm
- prediction algorithm
- primal-dual algorithm
- primary algorithm
- problem algorithm
- procrastination algorithm
- public-key algorithm
- quorum-based algorithm
- random search algorithm
- recognition algorithm
- recursive algorithm
- relaxation algorithm
- replicate algorithm
- robust algorithm
- round-robin algorithm
- routing algorithm
- scanline algorithm
- scheduling algorithm
- sequential algorithm
- shortest path algorithm
- shrinking algorithm
- simplex algorithm
- simulated annealing algorithm
- software algorithm
- spanning tree algorithm
- speech generation algorithm
- speed-enhancing algorithm
- square rooting algorithm
- steepest ascent algorithm
- systolic algorithm
- testing algorithm
- text-to-speech algorithm
- threshold decoding algorithm
- timetable scheduling algorithm
- trace back algorithm
- translation algorithm
- transportation algorithm
- tree-search algorithm
- two-dimensional placement algorithm
- two-list algorithm
- type-inferencing algorithm
- unconstrained minimization algorithm
- universal algorithm
- variable-stealing algorithm
- Vintr algorithm
- VLSI algorithm
- write-back algorithmEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > algorithm
См. также в других словарях:
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