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  • 1 study

    1. verb
    1) (to give time and attention to gaining knowledge of a subject: What subject is he studying?; He is studying French; He is studying for a degree in mathematics; She's studying to be a teacher.) estudar
    2) (to look at or examine carefully: He studied the railway timetable; Give yourself time to study the problem in detail.) examinar
    2. noun
    1) (the act of devoting time and attention to gaining knowledge: He spends all his evenings in study; She has made a study of the habits of bees.) estudo
    2) (a musical or artistic composition: a book of studies for the piano; The picture was entitled `Study in Grey'.) estudo
    3) (a room in a house etc, in which to study, read, write etc: The headmaster wants to speak to the senior pupils in his study.) gabinete
    * * *
    [st'∧di] n 1 estudo. 2 exame, investigação, examinação, pesquisa. 3 matéria estudada, disciplina, objeto ou ramo de estudo. he makes literature his special study / ele especializou-se no ramo da literatura. 4 trabalho científico. 5 consideração. 6 sala de estudos, estúdio. 7 Arts modelo, esboço. 8 Mus estudo, peça musical (para o desenvolvimento de certa técnica). 9 esforço, aplicação, dedicação. 10 pensamento profundo, fantasia. • vt+vi 1 estudar. 2 examinar cuidadosamente, investigar, pesquisar. 3 considerar, ponderar, pensar, planejar, meditar, refletir. 4 observar atentamente. 5 visar, buscar, procurar. to be a fast study Theat decorar o papel rapidamente. to be in a brown study pensar muito em algo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > study

См. также в других словарях:

  • grey literature — noun Material published non commercially, eg government reports • • • Main Entry: ↑grey …   Useful english dictionary

  • grey literature — /ˈgreɪ lɪtrətʃə/ (say gray litruhchuh) noun 1. publications, as government and corporate publications, which are outside the mainstream of commercial publishing and lack strict bibliographic control. 2. publications which are not peer reviewed.… …  

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  • literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… …   Universalium

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  • Gray literature — (or grey literature) is a field in library and information science. The term is used variably by the intellectual community, librarians, and medical and research professionals to refer to a body of materials that cannot be found easily through… …   Wikipedia

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  • Cultural depictions of Lady Jane Grey — Lady Jane Grey Preparing for Execution, oil by George Whiting Flagg, 1835. Royal claimant Lady Jane Grey has left an abiding impression in English literature and romance. The limited amount of material from which to construct a source based… …   Wikipedia

  • Elizabeth Caroline Grey — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Elizabeth Caroline Grey Nombre Elizabeth Caroline Grey Nacimiento 1798 …   Wikipedia Español

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