Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 greeting

    noun (friendly words or actions used in welcome.) saudação
    * * *
    [gr'i:tiŋ] n saudação, cumprimento.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > greeting

  • 2 greeting

    saudação, cumprimento

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > greeting

  • 3 greeting

    noun (friendly words or actions used in welcome.) saudação

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > greeting

  • 4 HI

    (a word of greeting: Hi! How are you?) olá
    * * *
    abbr 1 Hawaii (Havaí). 2 high intensity (alta intensidade). 3 humidity index (índice de umidade).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > HI

  • 5 bid

    [bid] 1. verb
    1) (- past tense, past participle bid - to offer (an amount of money) at an auction: John bid ($1,000) for the painting.) oferecer
    2) ((with for) - past tense, past participle bid - to state a price (for a contract): My firm is bidding for the contract for the new road.) concorrer
    3) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to tell (someone) to (do something): He bade me enter.) mandar
    4) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to express a greeting etc (to someone): He bade me farewell.) dizer
    2. noun
    1) (an offer of a price: a bid of $20.) oferta
    2) (an attempt (to obtain): a bid for freedom.) tentativa
    - bidding
    - biddable
    * * *
    [bid] n 1 oferta, proposta, licitação, concorrência pública, coleta de preços. 2 lance, quantia oferecida. 3 Amer coll convite. 4 declaração (em jogo de cartas). 5 tentativa para obter ou alcançar. • vt+vi (ps bade, bid, arch bad, pp bidden, bid) 1 mandar, ordenar. I bade him shut the door / mandei-o fechar a porta. 2 dizer, dar cumprimentos. he bade me farewell / ele despediu-se de mim. 3 convidar. bid him come in / faça-o entrar. 4 proclamar, declarar. 5 oferecer. he bade defiance / ele ofereceu resistência. 6 fazer um lance, oferecer um preço. he bid up / ele fez subir o preço pelos seus lances (leilão). 7 declarar (em jogo de cartas). it bade fair to succeed estava começando bem, estava promissor. they bid for safety eles agem com cuidado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bid

  • 6 bow

    I 1. verb
    1) (to bend (the head and often also the upper part of the body) forwards in greeting a person etc: He bowed to the ladies; They bowed their heads in prayer.) saudar
    2) ((with to) to accept: I bow to your superior knowledge.) curvar-se
    2. noun
    (a bowing movement: He made a bow to the ladies.) aceno
    II 1. [bəu] noun
    1) (a springy curved rod bent by a string, by which arrows are shot.) arco
    2) (a rod with horsehair stretched along it, by which the strings of a violin etc are sounded.) arco
    3) (a looped knot of material: Her dress is decorated with bows.) laço
    2. noun
    ((often in plural) the front of a ship or boat: The waves broke over the bows.) proa
    * * *
    [bou] n 1 arco: a) arma para atirar flechas. b) vara para tocar alguns instrumentos musicais de corda. 2 curva, curvatura. 3 nó, laçada, laço. 4 qualquer objeto ou coisa curvada. 5 arco-íris. • vt 1 curvar, dobrar. 2 tocar (violino etc.) com arco. • adj curvado, dobrado. bow and ends laço com pontas compridas. to bend (or draw) the bow armar o arco. to draw the bow up to the ear esforçar-se, meter os peitos. to draw the long bow coll mentir, contar histórias, contar vantagem.
    [bau] n 1 reverência, saudação. 2 mesura: inclinação de cabeça. • vi 1 reverenciar, curvar o corpo ou a cabeça em sinal de reverência, de respeito etc. he bowed his thanks / ele curvou-se em agradecimento. 2 demonstrar reverência, inclinando o corpo ou a cabeça. 3 curvar, dobrar. 4 submeter-se. he bowed to fate / ele submeteu-se ao destino. 5 oprimir, subjugar. he bowed and scraped ele desfez-se em mesuras. he bowed back to me ele respondeu a minha saudação. he made his bow ele retirou-se (do palco).
    [bau] n proa (de navio, de avião). at the bow na proa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bow

  • 7 fraternal

    (of or like a brother: a fraternal greeting.) fraternal
    - fraternity
    * * *
    [frət'ə:nəl] adj fraternal, fraterno.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fraternal

  • 8 greet

    (to welcome: She greeted me when I arrived.) saudar
    - greetings
    * * *
    [gri:t] vt 1 cumprimentar, saudar. 2 dirigir-se, endereçar-se. 3 receber, acolher. 4 encontrar, apresentar-se. a strange sight greeted the eyes uma vista estranha apresentou-se aos olhos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > greet

  • 9 hail

    I 1. [heil] noun
    1) (small balls of ice falling from the clouds: There was some hail during the rainstorm last night.) saraiva
    2) (a shower (of things): a hail of arrows.) saraivada
    2. verb
    (to shower hail: It was hailing as I drove home.) cair saraiva
    II 1. [heil] verb
    1) (to shout to in order to attract attention: We hailed a taxi; The captain hailed the passing ship.) chamar
    2) (to greet or welcome (a person, thing etc) as something: His discoveries were hailed as a great step forward in medicine.) saudar
    2. noun
    (a shout (to attract attention): Give that ship a hail.) grito
    3. interjection
    (an old word of greeting: Hail, O King!) salve!
    * * *
    [heil] n granizo. • vi 1 chover granizo. 2 precipitar-se, metralhar como em chuva de granizo.
    [heil] n saudação, aclamação. • vt saudar, aclamar, chamar. they hailed her as a bride / saudaram-na como noiva. • interj Poet bem-vindo!, salve! within hail ao alcance da voz.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hail

  • 10 handshake

    noun (the act of grasping (a person's) hand eg as a greeting.) aperto de mão
    * * *
    [h'ændʃeik] n aperto de mão.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > handshake

  • 11 hello

    interjections, nouns
    (a word used as a greeting, to attract attention, or to express surprise: Say hello to your aunt; `Hullo,' I said to myself, `What's going on here?') olá
    * * *
    [hel'ou] n, interj olá, alô, oi.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hello

  • 12 hullo

    interjections, nouns
    (a word used as a greeting, to attract attention, or to express surprise: Say hello to your aunt; `Hullo,' I said to myself, `What's going on here?') olá
    * * *
    [h∧l'ou] n, interj = link=hello hello.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hullo

  • 13 nod

    [nod] 1. past tense, past participle - nodded; verb
    1) (to make a quick forward and downward movement of the head to show agreement, as a greeting etc: I asked him if he agreed and he nodded (his head); He nodded to the man as he passed him in the street.) baixar a cabeça
    2) (to let the head fall forward and downward when sleepy: Grandmother sat nodding by the fire.) cabecear
    2. noun
    (a nodding movement of the head: He answered with a nod.) inclinação da cabeça
    * * *
    [nɔd] n 1 aceno de cabeça (indicando aquiescência ou para dar um sinal). 2 inclinação para a frente. 3 fig comando, ordem. • vt+vi 1 acenar com a cabeça. 2 deixar pender a cabeça. 3 ter sonolência. 4 oscilar. on the nod sem objeção, por unanimidade. to give (someone) the nod dar permissão (a alguém). to nod off adormecer, cochilar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > nod

  • 14 wave

    [weiv] 1. noun
    1) (a moving ridge, larger than a ripple, moving on the surface of water: rolling waves; a boat tossing on the waves.) onda
    2) (a vibration travelling eg through the air: radio waves; sound waves; light waves.) onda
    3) (a curve or curves in the hair: Are those waves natural?) onda
    4) (a (usually temporary) rise or increase: the recent crime wave; a wave of violence; The pain came in waves.) onda
    5) (an act of waving: She recognized me, and gave me a wave.) aceno de mão
    2. verb
    1) (to move backwards and forwards or flutter: The flags waved gently in the breeze.) ondular
    2) (to (cause hair to) curve first one way then the other: She's had her hair waved; Her hair waves naturally.) ondear(-se)
    3) (to make a gesture (of greeting etc) with (eg the hand): She waved to me across the street; Everyone was waving handkerchiefs in farewell; They waved goodbye.) acenar
    - waviness
    - waveband
    - wave
    - wavelength
    - wave aside
    * * *
    [weiv] n 1 onda: a) vaga b) Phys vibração c) Poet água, mar. d) fig explosão (de entusiasmo, etc.). 2 ondulação, ondeado. 3 chamalote (tecido). 4 aceno, gesto, sinal com a mão. 5 agitação, oscilação, tremor. 6 onda, aumento rápido. • vt+vi 1 ondear, ondular. 2 acenar, fazer sinal (com a mão). we waved him farewell / nós lhe acenamos um adeus. they waved me aside / eles me chamaram à parte com um aceno. 3 abanar, agitar. 4 flutuar, tremular. 5 brandir. 6 oscilar, balançar. 7 achamalotar (tecido). 8 dar aspecto ondeado a (superfície metálica). a wave of indignation uma onda de indignação. cold wave onda de frio. heat wave onda de calor. long waves Radio ondas longas. long wave set Radio aparelho de ondas longas. permanent wave permanente (cabelo). short waves Radio ondas curtas. the waves Lit o oceano. to make waves causar problemas. to wave down fazer sinal para o ônibus, o carro parar. to wave someone off dizer adeus para alguém que está partindo. to wave something aside recusar a aceitar alguma coisa por ser irrelevante. they waved my objections aside / eles desprezaram minhas objeções. to wave something goodbye dizer adeus a (aceitar a situação). wave of light onda de luz.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wave

  • 15 wink

    [wiŋk] 1. verb
    1) (to shut and open an eye quickly in friendly greeting, or to show that something is a secret etc: He winks at all the girls who pass; Her father winked at her and said: `Don't tell your mother about the present I bought her.') piscar o olho
    2) ((of eg lights) to flicker and twinkle.) piscar
    2. noun
    (an act of winking: `Don't tell anyone I'm here', he said with a wink.) piscadela
    * * *
    [wiŋk] n 1 pestanejo, piscadela, abrir e fechar de olhos. 2 instante, momento. • vt+vi piscar, abrir e fechar os olhos rapidamente. I winked at her / pisquei para ela. by wink a) dar sinal piscando os olhos. b) pestanejar. c) cintilar, tremular. forty winks soneca. in a wink num instante. to tip somebody the wink dar um aviso ou informação de maneira secreta (para alguém). to wink at something tolerar, fazer que não vê, fechar os olhos a. I winked at it / fiz de conta que não vi. we could not get a wink of sleep não conseguimos dormir, não conseguimos fechar os olhos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wink

  • 16 hallo

    interjections, nouns
    (a word used as a greeting, to attract attention, or to express surprise: Say hello to your aunt; `Hullo,' I said to myself, `What's going on here?') olá

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hallo

  • 17 shake hands with (someone) / shake someone's hand

    (to grasp a person's (usually right) hand, in one's own (usually right) hand, as a form of greeting, as a sign of agreement etc.) apertar a mão a

    English-Portuguese dictionary > shake hands with (someone) / shake someone's hand

  • 18 shake hands with (someone) / shake someone's hand

    (to grasp a person's (usually right) hand, in one's own (usually right) hand, as a form of greeting, as a sign of agreement etc.) apertar a mão a

    English-Portuguese dictionary > shake hands with (someone) / shake someone's hand

  • 19 bid

    [bid] 1. verb
    1) (- past tense, past participle bid - to offer (an amount of money) at an auction: John bid ($1,000) for the painting.) licitar, oferecer
    2) ((with for) - past tense, past participle bid - to state a price (for a contract): My firm is bidding for the contract for the new road.) pleitear
    3) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to tell (someone) to (do something): He bade me enter.) convidar para
    4) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to express a greeting etc (to someone): He bade me farewell.) expressar, dizer
    2. noun
    1) (an offer of a price: a bid of $20.) proposta
    2) (an attempt (to obtain): a bid for freedom.) tentativa de conseguir
    - bidding - biddable

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > bid

  • 20 bow

    I 1. verb
    1) (to bend (the head and often also the upper part of the body) forwards in greeting a person etc: He bowed to the ladies; They bowed their heads in prayer.) curvar(-se)
    2) ((with to) to accept: I bow to your superior knowledge.) curvar-se a
    2. noun
    (a bowing movement: He made a bow to the ladies.) inclinação
    II 1. [bəu] noun
    1) (a springy curved rod bent by a string, by which arrows are shot.) arco
    2) (a rod with horsehair stretched along it, by which the strings of a violin etc are sounded.) arco
    3) (a looped knot of material: Her dress is decorated with bows.) laço
    2. noun
    ((often in plural) the front of a ship or boat: The waves broke over the bows.) proa

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > bow

См. также в других словарях:

  • Greeting — (also called accosting) is a way for human beings (as well as other members of the animal kingdom) to intentionally communicate awareness of each other s presence, to show attention to, and to suggest a type of relationship or social status… …   Wikipedia

  • greeting — greeting, salutation, salute denote the ceremonial words or acts of one who meets, welcomes, or formally addresses another. Greeting is the ordinary term which carries no suggestion of formality and no implication of inferiority in the one who… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Greeting — Álbum de Nami Tamaki Publicación 25 de febrero, 2004 Grabación 2003 2004 Género(s) J Pop Duración …   Wikipedia Español

  • Greeting — Album par Nami Tamaki Sortie 25 février 2004 Enregistrement 2003 2004 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • greeting — O.E. greting “salutation,” from gretan (see GREET (Cf. greet)). Related: Greetings. First record of greeting card is from 1876 …   Etymology dictionary

  • Greeting — Greet ing, n. Expression of kindness or joy; salutation at meeting; a compliment from one absent. [1913 Webster] Write to him . . . gentle adieus and greetings. Shak. Syn: Salutation; salute; compliment. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • greeting — greet‧ing [ˈgriːtɪŋ] noun [countable, uncountable] something you say or do when you meet someone: • They briskly exchanged greetings before sitting down to start negotiations …   Financial and business terms

  • greeting — [n] welcome; message of kindness accosting, acknowledgment, address, aloha*, attention, best wishes*, blow*, card*, ciao*, compellation, compliments, good wishes*, hail, hello, heralding, hi, highball*, high five*, how do you do*, howdy*, letter* …   New thesaurus

  • greeting — ► NOUN 1) a word or sign of welcome or recognition. 2) (usu. greetings) a formal expression of goodwill …   English terms dictionary

  • greeting — [grēt′iŋ] n. 1. the act or words of a person who greets; salutation; welcome 2. [often pl.] a message of regards from someone absent …   English World dictionary

  • greeting — noun 1 first words you say when you meet sb ADJECTIVE ▪ formal, friendly, polite ▪ traditional ▪ The traditional Muslim greeting is ‘Salaam’. VERB + GREETING …   Collocations dictionary

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