1 green flash
<meteor.> вспышка зеленая -
2 green flash
1) Астрономия: зелёное мерцание2) Космонавтика: зелёный луч -
3 green flash
геофиз. зелёный луч -
4 green flash
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > green flash
5 green flash
метео -
6 green flash
астр. зеленый луч -
7 flash
1) блеснуть
2) блик
3) бликование
4) бликовать
5) взблеск
6) взблеснуть
7) взвешенный
8) вспыхивание
9) вспышечный
10) заливина
11) замелькать
12) люстра
13) облойник
14) отжимный
15) заусенец
16) искрить
17) вспышка
18) возгорание
19) оплавление
20) грат
21) вспыхивать
22) вспыхнуть
23) испарительный
24) мгновенный
25) мгновенен
26) однократный
27) однократен
28) равновесный
29) равновесен
– flash ADC
– flash column
– flash distillation
– flash evaporation
– flash evaporator
– flash getter
– flash lamp
– flash light
– flash lining
– flash magnetization
– flash mold
– flash out
– flash pasteurizer
– flash point
– flash roasting
– flash smelting
– flash tower
– flash vaporization
– getter flash
– green flash
– igniting flash
– light flash
– top flash
– trimming of flash
– twilight flash
flash photographic printer — <comput.> аппарат фотопечатающий
8 flash
1. засветка, засечка ( на экране локатора)2. проблеск, вспышка || вспыхиватьgreen flash es: "cleared to taxi" — зелёный мигающий свет: «руление разрешаю» (сигнал для воздушных судов на земле)
green flashes: "return for landing" — зелёный мигающий свет: «вернитесь для посадки» (сигнал для воздушных судов в полёте)
red flashes: "aerodrome unsafe, do not land" — красный мигающий свет: «аэродром не пригоден, посадка не разрешается» (сигнал для воздушных судов в полёте)
red flashes: "taxi clear of landing area in use" — красный мигающий свет: «рулите в обход используемой для посадки зоны» (сигнал для воздушных судов на земле)
white flashes: "land at this aerodrome and proceed to apron" — белый мигающий свет: «выполняйте посадку на этом аэродроме и следуйте к перрону» (сигнал для воздушных судов в полёте)
white flashes: "return to the starting point on the aerodrome" — белый мигающий свет: «вернитесь к месту старта на аэродроме» (сигнал для воздушных судов на земле)
9 flash
1) кратковременная экспозиция; засветка2) вспыхивание || вспыхивать3) искрение || искрить4) мгновенное испарение || мгновенно испаряться5) мгновение || мгновенный6) провал; проседание ( поверхности)7) флеш, топкое место• -
10 flash
вспышка@green flashзеленый луч@helium flashгелиевая вспышка в начале выгорания гелия в ядре звезды@helium shell flashгелиевая вспышка в оболочке ядра звезды@light flashсветовая вспышка@radio flashesрадиовсплески@twilight flashсумеречная вспышка@ -
11 green
1) зеленый
2) несхватывающийся
3) свежепрессованный
4) свежеприготовленный
5) свежераспиленный
6) свежесрубленный
7) сидеральный
8) сырой
– green bond
– green brick
– green concrete
– green flash
– green focus
– green fodder
– green manure
– green matte
– green oil
– green soap
– green wood
12 green goods
13 flash dough
syn: green goods, hard money, queer, scratch, shufflen. counterfeit moneyблины, гравюра, дрянцы, ремарки, сарга линковая, сингер -
14 вспышка зеленая
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > вспышка зеленая
1) Сокращение: Phosphor manufactured by Derby Luminescents of Enfield (mixture of CSA and para amino benzophenone makes a blue-green flash followed by blue phosphorescence)2) НАСДАК: Sunderland Corporation -
16 vivid
ˈvɪvɪd прил.
1) яркий;
ясный a vivid flash of lightning ≈ яркая вспышка молнии Syn: bright, blazing
2) живой, яркий;
пылкий Syn: graphic яркий - * colouring яркая окраска - of a * green ярко-зеленого цвета - a * flash of lightning яркая вспышка молнии живой;
яркий - * performance яркая игра - * interest живой интерес - * imagination живое /пылкое/ воображение - * expression яркое /образное/ выражение - * personality живой /энергичный/ человек;
яркая личность четкий, ясный - a * reflection in the water ясное /четкое/ отражение в воде - he gave a * description он дал яркое описание - we have a * recollection of the scene мы живо /отчетливо/ припоминаем эту сцену vivid живой, яркий;
vivid imagination пылкое воображение ~ яркий;
a vivid flash of lightning яркая вспышка молнии ~ яркий;
a vivid flash of lightning яркая вспышка молнии vivid живой, яркий;
vivid imagination пылкое воображение -
17 gas
1. газ, газообразное вещество || выделять газ; наполнять газом, насыщать газом2. горючее; газолин; бензин || заправлять горючим— acid gas— dry gas— end gas— exit gas— fat gas— flue gas— free gas— fuel gas— lean gas— net gas— oil gas— rich gas— rock gas— sour gas— town gas— trip gas— wet gas
* * *
high altitude liquid petroleum gas — сжиженный нефтяной газ с повышенным содержанием бутана (для применения в условиях пониженного атмосферного давления)
— dry gas— foul gas— lean gas— lift gas— oil gas— rich gas— rock gas— sour gas— tank gas— wet gas
* * *
1. газ2. горючее, бензин
* * *
* * *
1) газ, газообразное вещество || выделять газ; наполнять газом, насыщать газом2) горючее; газолин; бензин || заправлять горючим•gas in place — запасы газа в коллекторе;
gas in reservoir — пластовой газ;
gas in-situ — газ в пластовых условиях;
gas in solution — растворённый газ;
no gas to surface — газ на поверхность не поступает;
gas originally in place — первоначальные запасы газа в коллекторе;
to boost gas along to its destination — повышать давление газа для доставки его к месту назначения;
to make the gas — выделять газ;
to sweeten gas — удалять из газа соединения серы;
- gas of radiation-chemical originto take-off casing-head gas — отбирать нефтяной газ на устье скважины;
- gas of stratal water
- absorbed gas
- accompanying gas
- acid gas
- active gas
- actual gas
- adsorbed gas
- aerogen gas
- air gas
- air-free gas
- air-producer gas
- alky gas
- all-weather liquefied petroleum gas
- ammonia synthesis gas
- annular gas
- artificial gas
- associated gas
- associated dissolved gas
- associated petroleum gas
- aviation gas
- background gas
- biochemical natural gas
- blanket gas
- blowdown gas
- blue gas
- bottled gas
- Braden head gas
- burned gas
- burning gas
- butane-enriched water gas
- butane-propane gas
- by-product gas
- cap gas
- carbon-dioxide gas
- carbureted gas
- carbureted hydrogen gas
- carbureted water gas
- carrier gas
- casing-head gas
- city gas
- coercible gas
- coke oven gas
- combination gas
- combustible gas
- combustion gas
- commercial gas
- commercial rock gas
- compressed gas
- compressed natural gas
- condensed gas
- condensed natural gas
- conditioned gas
- consumer gas
- conventional gas
- converted gas
- corrosive gas
- crude gas
- cumulative gas injected
- cushion gas
- cylinder gas
- dehydrated petroleum gas
- diluted gas
- dispersed gas
- dissolved gas
- distillation gas
- domestic gas
- drive gas
- dry gas
- dry petroleum gas
- dump gas
- end gas
- enriched gas
- entrained gas
- escaping gas
- exhaust gas
- exit gas
- expansion gas
- extraneous gas
- extremely dry gas
- fat gas
- filtered flue gas
- fire gas
- fixed gas
- flammable gas
- flare gas
- flash gas
- flue gas
- fluorocarbon gas
- flush gas
- formation gas
- formation water gas
- foul gas
- free gas
- fuel gas
- full-stream gas
- fume-laden gas
- furnace gas
- gaslift gas
- gas-well gas
- green gas
- heating gas
- helium-bearing natural gas
- high gas
- high-altitude liquid petroleum gas
- high-BTU gas
- high-calorific gas
- high-line gas
- highly corrosive gas
- high-pressure gas
- high-purity gas
- household fuel gas
- humid gas
- hydrocarbon gas
- ideal gas
- illuminating gas
- immobile gas
- imperfect gas
- imported gas
- inactive gas
- included gas
- incoming gas
- indifferent gas
- industrial gas
- inert gas
- inflammable gas
- initial gas in reservoir
- injected gas
- in-place petroleum gas
- ionized gas
- kerosene gas
- kiln gas
- lean gas
- lean petroleum gas
- liberated gas
- lift gas
- lighting gas
- liquefied gas
- liquefied hydrocarbon gas
- liquefied natural gas
- liquefied petroleum gas
- liquid gas
- liquid natural gas
- liquid petroleum gas
- live gas
- low-boiling gas
- low-calorific gas
- low-pressure petroleum gas
- low-thermal-value fuel gas
- makeup gas
- manufactured gas
- manure gas
- marsh gas
- medium-energy coal-derived gas
- metamorphic natural gas
- methane-rich gas
- mixed gas
- mud gas
- naphtha gas
- native gas
- natural gas
- net gas
- noble gas
- nonassociated gas
- nonassociated natural gas
- noncondensable gas
- noncorrosive gas
- nonhydrocarbon gas
- nonpurified gas
- nonrecoverable gas
- nonstripped petroleum gas
- noxious gas
- occluded gas
- off gas
- oil gas
- oil-dissolved gas
- oil-water gas
- oil-well gas
- olefiant gas
- onboard-stored gas
- oxyhydrogen gas
- paraffin gas
- peat gas
- perfect gas
- petroleum gas
- pipeline gas
- poor gas
- power gas
- processed gas
- produced gas
- producer gas
- product gas
- purchased gas
- purge gas
- radiogenic gas
- purifield gas
- quenching gas
- radioactive gas
- radon gas
- raw natural gas
- reactivation gas
- receiver gas
- recirculated gas
- recoverable gas
- recoverable petroleum gas
- refinery gas
- regeneration gas
- residual gas
- residue gas
- retained gas
- rich gas
- rich petroleum gas
- rock gas
- sales gas
- sedimentary natural gas
- separator gas
- shale gas
- shallow gas
- shocked gas
- sludge gas
- solute gas
- solution gas
- sour gas
- sour petroleum gas
- spent gas
- stabilizer gas
- stack gas
- stillage gas
- stripped gas
- stripped petroleum gas
- stripper gas
- substitute natural gas
- sulfur dioxide gas
- sulfurous gas
- sweet gas
- synthetic gas
- tail gas
- tank gas
- town gas
- toxic gas
- transborder gas
- transcontinental gas
- transported gas
- trapped gas
- treated gas
- trip gas
- unassociated gas
- underground storage gas
- undissolved gas
- unstripped gas
- vadose gas
- washed gas
- waste gas
- water gas
- water-dissolved gas
- well head gas
- wet gas
- wet field gas
- wet petroleum gas
- zero-hydrogen-index gas* * * -
18 mold
1) литейная форма; кокиль; пресс-форма; изложница || отливать в форму; формовать2) шаблон; модель; лекало || обрабатывать по шаблону3) формировать (напр. изображение детали); образовывать ( контуры программируемой детали на дисплее)•- bar mold- casting mold
- closed mold
- compression mold
- compression transfer mold
- core mold
- die-casting mold
- dispensable mold
- dry-sand mold
- expendable mold
- fixed mold
- flash mold
- flash-type mold
- foundry mold
- four-cavity mold
- green-sand mold
- injection blow mold
- injection mold
- investment mold
- layer mold
- master mold
- metal mold
- multicavity mold
- multi-impression injection mold
- multiimpression mold
- multilayer mold
- multiple mold
- multiple-cavity mold
- permanent mold
- plastic injection mold
- plastic mold
- plunger mold
- portable mold
- press mold
- rotating mold
- sand mold
- semiportable mold
- shell mold
- single-cavity mold
- single-impression mold
- skin-dried mold
- transfer mold
- two-impression moldEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > mold
19 vivid
[ʹvıvıd] a1. яркий2. живой; пылкий; яркийvivid imagination - живое /пылкое/ воображение
vivid expression - яркое /образное/ выражение
vivid personality - живой /энергичный/ человек; яркая личность
3. чёткий, ясныйa vivid reflection in the water - ясное /чёткое/ отражение в воде
we have a vivid recollection of the scene - мы живо /отчётливо/ припоминаем эту сцену
20 gas
1) газ || выделять газ || газовый; газообразный2) авто проф. сокр. от gasoline топливо; бензин3) отравляющее вещество, ОВ || поражать ОВ4) наполнять газом; насыщать газом; пищ. газировать•gas in place — запасы газа в коллекторе;gas in-situ — газ в пластовых условиях;to boost gas along to its destination — повышать давление газа для доставки его к месту назначения;to sweeten gas — удалять из газа соединения серы;to take off casing-head gas — отбирать нефтяной газ на устье скважины-
absorbent gas
acid gas
active gas
actuation gas
aerogen gas
aggressive gas
air gas
air-free gas
alky gas
all-weather liquefied petroleum gas
ammonia gas
ammonia synthesis gas
anaerobic fuel gas
anode gas
artificial gas
associated gas
associated-dissolved gas
ballast gas
blast-furnace gas
blau gas
blue gas
bottled gas
bradenhead gas
burning gases
burnt gas
butane-enriched water gas
butane-propane gas
by-product gas
calibrating gas
cap gas
carbureted gas
carbureted hydrogen gas
carrier gas
casinghead gas
cathode gas
char gas
city gas
coal gas
coke oven gas
coke-cooling gas
combination gas
combustible gas
combustion gas
compressed gas
condensed gas
consumer gas
contaminant gas
conventional gas
converted gas
converter waste gas
coolant gas
corrosive gas
cryogenic gas
degenerate gas
desuperheat gas
dielectric gas
diluent gas
diluted gas
dissolved gas
diving gas
domestic gas
doping gas
dry gas
drying gas
dump gas
dust-laden gas
effluent gas
electrode gas
electronic gas
electron gas
electronegative gas
elementary gas
end gas
enriched gas
entrained gas
exhaust gas
explosion gas
extremely dry gas
fat gas
filtered flue gas
fire gas
fission gas
fixed gas
flare gas
flash gas
flue gas
fluidizing gas
fluorocarbon gas
foul gas
free gas
fuel gas
fume-laden gas
furnace gas
gas-lift gas
glass-forming gas
green gases
head-space gas
heating gas
helium-bearing natural gas
high btu gas
high gas
high-altitude LP gas
high-purity gas
household fuel gas
humid gas
hydrocarbon gases
ideal gas
illuminating gas
incoming gas
indifferent gas
industrial gas
inert gas
inflammable gas
injected gas
inleaking gas
intergalactic gas
interplanetary gas
interstellar gas
ionized gas
kerosine gas
kiln gases
landfill gas
lean gas
lift gas
lighting gas
liquefied natural gas
live gas
LN gas
low-boiling gas
low-energy coal-derived gas
low-thermal-value fuel gas
LP gas
makeup gas
manufactured gas
manure gas
marsh gas
medium-energy coal-derived gas
mine gas
mixed gas
mustard gas
naphtha gas
native gas
natural gas
noble gas
nonassociated natural gas
noncondensable gas
nonhydrocarbon gases
nonstripped petroleum gas
noxious gas
occluded gas
off gas
oil gas
oil samp gas
oil-water gas
oil-well gas
olefiant gas
onboard-stored gas
paraffin gas
peat gas
perfect gas
petroleum gas
pipeline gas
pollutant gases
poor gas
power gas
process gas
processed gas
producer gas
propulsive gas
protective gas
purge gas
radiating gas
radioactive gas
radioactive noble gases
rare gas
reaction gas
reactionless gas
reactivation gas
reactive gas
receiver gases
recoverable gas
recycled gas
recycle gas
reference gas
refinery gas
refrigerant gas
regeneration gas
relief gases
residual gas
residue gas
rich gas
rich petroleum gas
roaster gas
roast gas
rock gas
sales gas
separator gas
sewer gas
shocked gas
sludge gas
solute gas
solution gas
sour gas
span gas
spent gas
stabilizer gas
stack gas
steam run gas
stillage gas
still gas
stripped gas
suction gas
sweet gas
synthesis gas
synthetic natural gas
synthetic gas
tail gas
tank gas
tar gas
top gas
town gas
toxic gas
trace gases
trapped gas
trap gas
treated gas
trip gas
unassociated gas
underground storage gas
unstripped gas
vapor gases
washed gas
waste gas
water gas
wet gas
working gas
zero gas
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Green flash — Green flashes and green rays are rare optical phenomena that occur shortly after sunset or before sunrise, when a green spot is visible for a short period of time above the sun, or a green ray shoots up from the sunset point.Green flashes can be… … Wikipedia
Green Flash — est une comédie américaine réalisée par Paul Nihipali Jr., sortie en 2009. Sommaire 1 Histoire 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution 4 Lien externe … Wikipédia en Français
green flash — n. a sudden, bright flash of greenish light sometimes visible near the horizon at sunset or sunrise on a clear day, caused by the atmospheric refraction of sunlight … English World dictionary
green flash — noun : a momentary green appearance of the uppermost part of the sun s disk that results from atmospheric refraction when the sun sinks below or rises above the horizon * * * a green coloration of the upper portion of the sun, caused by… … Useful english dictionary
green flash — noun A rare phenomenon observed in morning or evening when the sun is crossing or immediately below the horizon, in which a momentary flash or ray of green light appears above the upper rim of the solar disk, caused by refraction … Wiktionary
green flash — /grin ˈflæʃ/ (say green flash) noun a phenomenon sometimes observed in a clear atmosphere at sunset when the very last part of the sun to remain above the horizon appears as a bright green light …
Green Flash (film) — Green Flash (2008) is a comedy/drama film starring Torrey DeVitto, David Charvet and Kristin Cavallari. Other stars of the film include Bree Turner, Christine Adams, Wilson Cruz and Matt Prokop. The film was directed by Paul Nihipali. PlotAt the… … Wikipedia
Green Flash — La Silla Observatorium, 15. Januar 2006 San Francisco, 18. September 2006 Der Grüne Blitz, manchmal auch Grünes Leuchten … Deutsch Wikipedia
green flash — noun Date: 1912 a momentary green appearance of the uppermost part of the sun s disk at sunrise or sunset that results from atmospheric refraction … New Collegiate Dictionary
green flash — a green coloration of the upper portion of the sun, caused by atmospheric refraction and occasionally seen as the sun rises above or sinks below the horizon. [1910 15] * * * … Universalium
Green Flash — rare view of green light from the rising or setting sun in clear atmosphere, lasting up to 3 seconds … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games