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  • 41 deeply

    adverb (very greatly: We are deeply grateful to you.) profondément

    English-French dictionary > deeply

  • 42 delight

    1. verb
    1) (to please greatly: I was delighted by/at the news; They were delighted to accept the invitation.) enchanter
    2) (to have or take great pleasure (from): He delights in teasing me.) prendre plaisir à
    2. noun
    ((something which causes) great pleasure: Peacefulness is one of the delights of country life.) délice
    - delightfully

    English-French dictionary > delight

  • 43 dread

    [dred] 1. noun
    (great fear: She lives in dread of her child being drowned in the canal; His voice was husky with dread.) terreur
    2. verb
    (to fear greatly: We were dreading his arrival.) redouter
    - dreadfulness - dreadfully

    English-French dictionary > dread

  • 44 enthral

    American - enthralled; verb
    (to delight greatly: His stories enthralled the children.) captiver
    - enthralment

    English-French dictionary > enthral

  • 45 great

    1) (of a better quality than average; important: a great writer; Churchill was a great man.) grand
    2) (very large, larger etc than average: a great crowd of people at the football match.) grand
    3) (of a high degree: Take great care of that book.) grand
    4) (very pleasant: We had a great time at the party.) merveilleux
    5) (clever and expert: John's great at football.) doué pour
    - greatness

    English-French dictionary > great

  • 46 hearten

    verb (to encourage or cheer up: We were greatly heartened by the good news.) encourager

    English-French dictionary > hearten

  • 47 horrify

    verb (to shock greatly: Mrs Smith was horrified to find that her son had a tattooed chest.) horrifier

    English-French dictionary > horrify

  • 48 hugely

    adverb (very much; greatly.) énormément

    English-French dictionary > hugely

  • 49 idol

    1) (an image of a god, which is worshipped: The tribesmen bowed down before their idol.) idole
    2) (a greatly loved person, thing etc: The singer was the idol of thousands of teenagers.) idole
    - idolatrous - idolatrously - idolize - idolise

    English-French dictionary > idol

  • 50 idolise

    verb (to love or admire a person etc greatly or too much: She idolized her older brother.) adorer

    English-French dictionary > idolise

  • 51 idolize

    verb (to love or admire a person etc greatly or too much: She idolized her older brother.) adorer

    English-French dictionary > idolize

  • 52 improve

    (to (cause to) become better, of higher quality etc: His work has greatly improved; They recently improved the design of that car.) (s')améliorer
    - improve on

    English-French dictionary > improve

  • 53 increase

    1. [in'kri:s] verb
    (to (cause to) grow in size, number etc: The number of children in this school has increased greatly in recent years.) (s')accroître
    2. ['inkri:s] noun
    ((the amount, number etc added by) growth: There has been some increase in business; The increase in the population over the last ten years was 40,000.) accroissement
    - on the increase

    English-French dictionary > increase

  • 54 knowledge

    1) (the fact of knowing: She was greatly encouraged by the knowledge that she had won first prize in the competition.) connaissance
    2) (information or what is known: He had a vast amount of knowledge about boats.) connaissances
    3) (the whole of what can be learned or found out: Science is a branch of knowledge about which I am rather ignorant.) savoir
    - general knowledge

    English-French dictionary > knowledge

  • 55 martyr

    1. noun
    1) (a person who suffers death or hardship for what he or she believes: St Joan is said to have been a martyr.) martyr, yre
    2) (a person who continually suffers from a disease, difficulty etc: She is a martyr to rheumatism.) personne qui souffre beaucoup de
    2. verb
    (to put (someone) to death or cause (him) to suffer greatly for his beliefs: Saint Joan was martyred by the English.) martyriser

    English-French dictionary > martyr

  • 56 melodrama

    1) (a (type of) play in which emotions and the goodness or wickedness of the characters are exaggerated greatly.) mélodrame
    2) ((an example of) behaviour similar to a play of this sort: He makes a melodrama out of everything that happens.) mélo
    - melodramatically

    English-French dictionary > melodrama

  • 57 microscope

    (an instrument which makes very small objects able to be seen magnifying them greatly: Germs are very small, and can only be seen with the aid of a microscope.) microscope
    - microscopically

    English-French dictionary > microscope

  • 58 relish

    ['reliʃ] 1. verb
    (to enjoy greatly: He relishes his food; I relished the thought of telling my husband about my promotion.) savourer
    2. noun
    1) (pleasure; enjoyment: He ate the food with great relish; I have no relish for such a boring task.) plaisir
    2) (a strong flavour, or a sauce etc for adding flavour.) assaisonnement

    English-French dictionary > relish

  • 59 shatter

    1) (to break in small pieces, usually suddenly or forcefully: The stone shattered the window; The window shattered.) (se) fracasser
    2) (to upset greatly: She was shattered by the news of his death.) anéantir

    English-French dictionary > shatter

  • 60 slash

    [slæʃ] 1. verb
    1) (to make long cuts in (cloth etc): He slashed his victim's face with a razor.) taillader
    2) ((with at) to strike out violently at (something): He slashed at the bush angrily with a stick.) cingler
    3) (to reduce greatly: A notice in the shop window read `Prices slashed!') réduire
    2. noun
    1) (a long cut or slit.) entaille
    2) (a sweeping blow.) entaille

    English-French dictionary > slash

См. также в других словарях:

  • Greatly — Great ly, adv. 1. In a great degree; much. [1913 Webster] I will greatly multiply thy sorrow. Gen. iii. 16. [1913 Webster] 2. Nobly; illustriously; magnanimously. [1913 Webster] By a high fate thou greatly didst expire. Dryden. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • greatly — c.1200, from GREAT (Cf. great) + LY (Cf. ly) (2). Cf. M.Du. grotelike, Du. grootelijks …   Etymology dictionary

  • greatly — iargely, mostly, chiefly, mainly, principally, generally …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • greatly — [adv] considerably abundantly, by much, conspicuously, eminently, emphatically, enormously, exceedingly, exceptionally, extremely, famously, glaringly, highly, hugely, immeasurably, immensely, incalculably, incomparably, incredibly, indeed,… …   New thesaurus

  • greatly — ► ADVERB ▪ very much …   English terms dictionary

  • greatly — great|ly W3 [ˈgreıtli] adv formal extremely or very much greatly increased/reduced ▪ The cost of repairs has greatly increased in recent years. ▪ All offers of help will be greatly appreciated . ▪ The quality of health care varies greatly …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • greatly — adverb Date: 13th century 1. to a great extent or degree ; very much < contributed greatly to improved relations > < not greatly bothered > 2. in a great manner ; nobly, magnanimously < a man may live greatly in the law O. W. Holmes †1935 > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • greatly — great|ly [ greıtli ] adverb ** very much: Your support is greatly appreciated. greatly reduced costs The houses vary greatly in size …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • greatly — [[t]gre͟ɪtli[/t]] ADV GRADED: ADV with v, ADV adj (emphasis) You use greatly to emphasize the degree or extent of something. [FORMAL] People would benefit greatly from a pollution free vehicle... We were greatly honoured that Sheik Hasina took… …   English dictionary

  • greatly */*/ — UK [ˈɡreɪtlɪ] / US adverb very much greatly reduced costs The houses vary greatly in size. Your support is greatly appreciated …   English dictionary

  • greatly — adverb a) Nobly; magnanimously. Expenses greatly exceeded revenues. b) To a great extent or degree. He was more greatly beloved than anyone in living memory …   Wiktionary

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