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  • 1 -Discussing video games-

    Social1 Discussing video games
    You've got a lot of games here. Hai un sacco di videogiochi qui.
    Are you a big gamer? Sei un appassionato di videogiochi?
    What kind of games are you into? Quali giochi ti interessano?
    I like sports games, adventure games and driving games, but adventure games are my favourite. Mi piacciono i giochi di sport, di avventura e di guida, ma quelli di avventura sono i miei preferiti.
    What are you playing at the moment? A che stai giocando in questo periodo?
    I'm really into Dark Realm. Sono davvero preso da Dark Realm.
    Have you ever played Dark Realm? Hai mai giocato a Dark Realm?
    What's it like? Com'è?
    What do you have to do exactly? Cosa devi fare precisamente?
    You'd have to play the game to get the idea. Dovresti giocare per fartene un'idea.
    What are the graphics like? Com'è la grafica?
    The graphics are pretty cool. La grafica è una figata.
    You should have a go. Dovresti provare.
    It's an online game. Si gioca online.
    You buy the software which you have to install. Compri il software che devi installare.
    When you sign in you get a password to play online. Quando ti registri ricevi una password per giocare online.
    You play against other people online. Giochi contro altra gente online.
    You can play against people from all over the world. Puoi giocare contro persone di tutto il mondo.
    That sounds fun. Sembra divertente.
    It's a great laugh playing the game with your mates. È molto divertente giocare con i tuoi amici.
    Is there anything else to pay once you've bought the software? C'è altro da pagare dopo che hai comprato il software?
    There's a catch. C'è un tranello.
    You have to pay a subscription fee to play online. Ti devi abbonare per giocare online.
    It's not much, but it soon starts adding up after a while. Non è molto ma dopo un po' le spese cominciano ad accumularsi.
    Sounds like too much palaver for me. Sembra un po' troppo complicato per i miei gusti.

    English-Italian dictionary > -Discussing video games-

  • 2 ♦ capability

    ♦ capability /keɪpəˈbɪlətɪ/
    1 capacità; idoneità: the capability to do (o of doing) st., la capacità di fare qc.; production capability, capacità produttiva
    3 capacità; abilità; attitudine; potenzialità: a boy of great capabilities, un ragazzo che ha grandi capacità; This is within [beyond] my capabilities, questo rientra nelle [va al di là delle] mie capacità
    4 (mil.) potenziale: nuclear capability, potenziale nucleare; war capability, potenziale bellico
    5 capacità; funzioni (pl.); risorse (pl.): technical capabilities, capacità tecniche; (comput.) graphics capability, funzionalità grafiche.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ capability

См. также в других словарях:

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  • graphics — UK US /ˈgræfɪks/ noun [plural] ► (also computer graphics) IT pictures shown on a computer screen: »The storyline of the game was great but the graphics were very disappointing. »There is good detail in both text and graphics. »They specialise in… …   Financial and business terms

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  • Graphics and Calligraphy Office — The Graphics and Calligraphy Office (GCO) is a unit of the Social Office at the White House, the official residence of the president of the United States. Located in the East Wing, the Graphics and Calligraphy Office coordinates and produces all… …   Wikipedia

  • Great Soviet Encyclopedia — The Great Soviet Encyclopedia ( ru. Большая Советская Энциклопедия, or БСЭ; transliterated Bolshaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya) is one of the largest and most comprehensive encyclopedias in Russian, issued by the Sovetskaya entsiklopediya state… …   Wikipedia

  • Great Greed — Infobox VG title=Great Greed developer=Namco publisher=Namco designer= engine= released=vgrelease|Japan|JPN|September 17, 1992 [http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/gameboy/data/585735.html ] vgrelease|United States of America|USA|1993 genre=RPG… …   Wikipedia

  • Goemon's Great Adventure — Developer(s) Konami Computer Entertainment (Osaka) Publisher(s) …   Wikipedia

  • Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice — 2nd Edition in C   …   Wikipedia

  • Scalable Vector Graphics — Infobox file format name = Scalable Vector Graphics icon = caption = extension = .svg, .svgz mime = image/svg+xml [ [http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGMobile12/mimereg.html M Media Type registration for image/svg+xml] ] type code = uniform type = magic =… …   Wikipedia

  • Color Graphics Adapter — The 640×200 2 color mode with its default foreground color Arachne Internet suite. The Color Graphics Adapter (CGA), originally also called the Color/Graphics Adapter or IBM Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter,[1] introduced in 1981, was IBM s first… …   Wikipedia

  • Motion graphics — are graphics that use video footage and/or animation technology to create the illusion of motion or rotation, graphics are usually combined with audio for use in multimedia projects. Motion graphics are usually displayed via electronic media… …   Wikipedia

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