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  • 1 fear

    [fiə] 1. noun
    ((a) feeling of great worry or anxiety caused by the knowledge of danger: The soldier tried not to show his fear; fear of water.) strach
    2. verb
    1) (to feel fear because of (something): She feared her father when he was angry; I fear for my father's safety (= I am worried because I think he is in danger).) báť sa
    2) (to regret: I fear you will not be able to see him today.) obávať sa
    - fearfully
    - fearless
    - fearlessly
    - for fear of
    - in fear of
    * * *
    • strach
    • bázen
    • bát sa
    • pramen strachu
    • mat strach
    • nebezpecie
    • obava
    • obávat sa

    English-Slovak dictionary > fear

  • 2 dread

    [dred] 1. noun
    (great fear: She lives in dread of her child being drowned in the canal; His voice was husky with dread.) hrôza
    2. verb
    (to fear greatly: We were dreading his arrival.) desiť sa
    - dreadfulness
    - dreadfully
    * * *
    • strach
    • hrôza
    • bát sa

    English-Slovak dictionary > dread

  • 3 wing

    1) (one of the arm-like limbs of a bird or bat, which it usually uses in flying, or one of the similar limbs of an insect: The eagle spread his wings and flew away; The bird cannot fly as it has an injured wing; These butterflies have red and brown wings.) krídlo
    2) (a similar structure jutting out from the side of an aeroplane: the wings of a jet.) krídlo
    3) (a section built out to the side of a (usually large) house: the west wing of the hospital.) krídlo
    4) (any of the corner sections of a motor vehicle: The rear left wing of the car was damaged.) blatník
    5) (a section of a political party or of politics in general: the Left/Right wing.) krídlo
    6) (one side of a football etc field: He made a great run down the left wing.) krídlo
    7) (in rugby and hockey, a player who plays mainly down one side of the field.) krídlo
    8) (in the air force, a group of three squadrons of aircraft.) peruť
    - - winged
    - winger
    - wingless
    - wings
    - wing commander
    - wingspan
    - on the wing
    - take under one's wing
    * * *
    • perut (voj.)
    • letiet
    • krídlo
    • okrídlit
    • okrídlovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > wing

См. также в других словарях:

  • great bat — rudasis nakviša statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Nyctalus noctula angl. common noctule; great bat; noctule; noctule bat vok. Abendsegler; eurasischer Abendsegler; frühfliegende Fledermaus; gemeiner… …   Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas

  • Bat Ye'or — ( he. בת יאור, meaning daughter of the Nile ); a pseudonym of Gisèle Littman, née Orebi, is an Egypt born British historian specializing in the history of non Muslims in the Middle East, and in particular the history of Christian and Jewish… …   Wikipedia

  • Great Bent-winged Bat — Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 2.3) Scientific classification …   Wikipedia

  • Great White Shark — Personnage de fiction apparaissant dans Batman Alias Warren White (véritable identité) Mr. Fish Activité(s) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bat out of Hell — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bat out of Hell Álbum de Meat …   Wikipedia Español

  • Bat-Mite — Personnage de fiction apparaissant dans Batman Alias the Mite Dimension Origine 5e …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Great Guns — est un court métrage de la série Oswald le lapin chanceux, produit par les studios Disney et sorti le 17 octobre 1927. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Commentaires …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Great Khali — Dalip Singh Rana Dalip Singh Rana Pseudo(s) de lutte Giant Singh[1] The Great Khali …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Great Khalie — Dalip Singh Rana Dalip Singh Rana Pseudo(s) de lutte Giant Singh[1] The Great Khali …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Great khalie — Dalip Singh Rana Dalip Singh Rana Pseudo(s) de lutte Giant Singh[1] The Great Khali …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Great Evening Bat — Taxobox | status = LR/nt status system = iucn2.3 name = Great Evening Bat regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia ordo = Chiroptera familia = Vespertilionidae genus = Ia species = Ia io binomial = Ia io binomial authority = Thomas …   Wikipedia

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