1 gravitational attraction
English-Russian dictionary of geology > gravitational attraction
2 gravitational attraction
1) Геология: гравитационное притяжение2) Океанология: притяжение силы тяжести3) Макаров: всемирное тяготение, тяготениеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > gravitational attraction
3 gravitational attraction
English-russian dictionary of physics > gravitational attraction
4 gravitational attraction
5 gravitational attraction
6 gravitational attraction
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > gravitational attraction
7 gravitational attraction
English-russian astronautics dictionary > gravitational attraction
8 gravitational attraction of moon and sun
English-Russian dictionary of geology > gravitational attraction of moon and sun
9 gravitational attraction of moon and sun
Океанология: притяжение луны и солнцаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > gravitational attraction of moon and sun
10 gravitational attraction of the earth
Техника: притяжение ЗемлиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > gravitational attraction of the earth
11 gravitational attraction effect
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > gravitational attraction effect
12 gravitational attraction force
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > gravitational attraction force
13 Newtonian gravitational attraction
Макаров: всемирное тяготение, ньютоновское притяжение, тяготениеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Newtonian gravitational attraction
14 attraction
притяжение@Earth's attractionземное тяготение@gravitational attractionгравитационное притяжение@mutual attractionвзаимное притяжение@Newtonian attractionньютоновское, всемирное тяготение@solar attractionсолнечное притяжение@terrestrial attractionземное тяготение@universe attractionвсемирное тяготение@zenith attractionзенитное притяжение (для метеоров)@ -
15 attraction
притяжение, тяготение -
16 attraction
17 constant
постоянная величина, константа; коэффициент || постоянный, неизменный
* * *
постоянный ( о величине); неизменённый, одинаковый
* * *
1) константа, постоянная2) коэффициент•- gas constant
- gravitational constant
- linear velocity constant
- parabolic velocity constant
- permeability constant
- propagation constant
- rock dielectrical constant
- textural constant
- universal gas constant
- velocity constant
- water influx constantАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > constant
18 water
1) вода; уровень воды2) орошать; увлажнять; мочить; смачивать, поливать; поить3) просачиваться, давать течь4) разбавлять•- water of condensation - water of crystallization - absorption water - acid water - acid waste water - activated water - adhesive water - adsorbed water - aerated water - aggressive water - alkaline water - artesian water - atmospheric water - attraction water - backwash water - banked-up water - basal water - bathing water - bitter water - bleed-off water - boiler water - boiling water - bottom water - bound water - brackish water - capillary water - chemically combined water - chilled water - chlorinated water - chlorine water - circulating water - city water - clarified water - clear water - combined water - condensed water - confined water - connate water - contaminated water - cooling water - corrosive water - crystallization water - dammed water - day water - deep water - deionized water - delivered water - diluted water - dirty water - discharge water - dish water - distilled water - domestic water - domestic hot water - downstream water - drain water - drinking water - earthy water - earth water - edge water - effluent water - entrained water - eternal water - excess water - excessive tail water - feed water - film water - fixed water - finished water - fleet water - flood water - flowing water - flowing sheet water - flushing water - foul water - free water - fresh water - fringe water - gauging water - gel water - graphite water - gravitational water - gravity water - gravity ground water - gray water - gritty water - ground water - gutter water - hard water - head water - heavy water - high water - hydrate water - hydration water - hygroscopic water - impotable water - impounded surface water - impure water - industrial water - industrial waste water - infiltration water - influent water - injection water - intermediate water - interstitial water - irrigation water - jacket water - lagooned water - leakage water - level water - lime water - lockage water - low water - main water - make-up water - manufacturing water - mean high water - mean low water - melt water - meteoric water - microbiologically safe water - mine water - mineral water - mineral-free water - mixing water - moderately hard water - mother water - muddy water - municipal water - natural water - naturally soft water - natural sparkling water - natural tail water - nonartesian water - noncirculating water - nonpotable water - onsite water - outlet water - overflow water - perched water - percolating water - phreatic water - piped water - pit water - potable water - power water - precipitated water - press water - priming water - process water - product water - pure water - quarry water - quiescent water - rain water - raw water - reclaimed water - recycled water - residuary water - retained water - return water - reuse water - river water - running water - rusty water - safe water - saline water - saline-alkaline water - salt water - sample water - sanitary water - scale-producing water - sea water - seepage water - seismic sea water - seltzer water - service water - sewage water - shallow water - shoal water - sluicing water - snow water - soft water - softened water - sparkling water - spilling water - sprayed water - spring water - stagnant water - still water - still head water - storm water - subcutaneous water - subsurface water - sulphur water - surface water - suspended water - swamp water - sweet water - tail water - tap water - thawing water - thermal water - tide water - town water - treated water - trickling water - turbid water - uncontaminated water - underground water - untreated water - upper water - vadose water - very hard water - wash water - washing water - waste water - wasted water - well water - whirling water* * *1. вода; влага2. поливать водой; увлажнять, орошать- water of hydrationwater contained in aggregates — вода, содержащаяся в заполнителях; вода, поглощённая заполнителями
- absorbed water
- adsorbed water
- aggressive water
- artesian water
- bank-filtered water
- batched water
- bleed water
- boiler water
- bound water
- brackish water
- capillary fringe water
- chilled water
- circulating water
- city water
- clean water
- clear water
- concrete curing water
- condenser water
- confined water
- cooling water
- cut water
- deep-well water
- domestic hot water
- drinking water
- emergency water
- excess water
- feed water
- finished water
- finish water
- foul water
- free water
- fresh water
- fringe water
- gauged water
- glycol water
- gravitational water
- gravity water
- hard water
- heating water
- held water
- higher high water
- higher low water
- high pressure hot water
- hygroscopic water
- impounded water
- industrial water
- industrial waste water
- infiltration water
- interstitial water
- intrapermafrost water
- javelle water
- lime water
- lockage water
- low water
- lower high water
- lower low water
- low pressure hot water
- low temperature hot water
- mains water
- make-up water
- mixing water
- perched water
- phreatic water
- potable water
- pressure water
- primary water
- process water
- raw water
- receiving water
- recirculated water
- recooling water
- regenerated water
- return water
- reused sewage water
- rinse water
- salt water
- scavenging water
- sea water
- silicone water
- slop water
- sludge water
- soft water
- storm water
- subpermafrost water
- subsurface water
- superheated water
- suprapermafrost water
- surface water
- surplus water
- sweet water
- system water
- tape water
- untreated water
- used water
- washout water
- wash water
- waste water
- well water -
19 theory
1) теория•-
Abbe's theory
Abbe theory
absolute reaction rate theory
acid-basic catalysis theory
adhesive theory of friction
affinity theory
age theory
Airy-Stokes theory
approximation theory
Arrhenius theory
association theory
automata theory
automatic control theory
behavior theory of canals
boundary-layer interaction theory
boundary-layer theory
Bronsted theory
bunching theory
catastrophe theory
chemical graph theory
chemical kinetics theory
circuit theory
coding theory
combinatorial theory
communications theory
communication theory
constant angle theory of arch dam design
contact clastohydrodynamic theory
control theory
control-system theory
coordination theory
Coulomb's wedge theory
cylinder theory of arch dam design
delamination theory of wear
diffraction theory
diffusion theory
dispersion theory
dissociation theory
donor-acceptor interaction theory
double shear theory
drag theory
effective arch theory
elastic theory
elastic wave theory
elasticity theory
electromagnetic field theory
electromagnetic theory
energetical wear theory
erosion theory
estimation theory
evaporation theory
fatigue theory of wear
fatigue theory
field theory
filter theory
flash temperature theory
Flory theory
free space theory
free volume theory
free-electron theory of metals
fuzzy-set theory
game theory
general theory
generalized electric machine theory
graph theory
gravitational theory
gravitation theory
group theory
handling theory
hydroxo-complex theory
imperfection theory
information theory
ionic theory
kinetic theory of gases
kinetic theory of liquids
local theory
logic theory
long-range stress theory
magnetic field theory
magnetotelluric theory
mapping theory
mathematical economic theory
maximum shear theory
maximum strain energy theory
Maxwell's electromagnetic theory
mechanical interlocking friction theory
membrane theory
mixing length theory
model theory
molecular attraction friction theory
molecular theory
molecular-kinetic theory
molecular-mechanical theory of friction
mosaic-block theory
multienergy-group diffusion theory
multigroup theory
multiple catalysis theory
multiple seismometer theory
network flow theory
network theory
nuclear drop theory
nuclear theory
number theory
nutrient theory
one-speed diffusion theory
oxidational theory of wear
oxide-film barrier theory
oxyacid theory
oxygen attack theory
peracid theory of gum formation
perturbation theory
plastic collapse theory
plastic theory
plasticity theory
plate theory
potential field theory
potential theory
prediction theory
probability theory
quantum field theory
quantum theory of light
queueing theory
queuing theory
radiometry theory
Rankine's theory
ray-path theory
ray theory
reflection theory
refraction theory
regime theory of rivers
renewal theory
scaled-particle theory
seismic theory
set theory
solid-state theory
solvation theory
stability theory
statistical-decision theory
steady-state creep theory
superlattice theory
system theory
theory of algorithms
theory of chances
theory of elasticity
theory of errors
theory of failure
theory of functions
theory of lateral earth pressure
theory of limits
theory of magnetism
theory of oscillations
theory of plasticity
theory of reliability
theory of scheduling
theory of screws
theory of similarity
theory of specific heats
theory of stream lines
theory of strength
theory of testing
theory of thermoelastic instability of contact
theory of vibrations
thermodiffusion theory
thermofluctuational strength theory
tidal-wave theory
tractive-force theory
transition state theory
transport theory
unified electrical machine theory
utility theory
valence bond theory
valency theory
variable-radius theory
wave theory of light
welding-shearing friction theory
zone theory of solids -
20 field
1. n поле, луг2. n большое пространство3. n площадка, участокflying field — лётное поле; аэродром
blackening field — участок, подвергающийся экспонированию
strewn field — участок земли, изобилующий тектитами
4. n собир. спорт. игроки, участники состязанияto bet against the field — держать пари, делать ставку
5. n геол. месторождениеfield going to water — месторождение, начинающее обводняться
6. n поле сражения, поле битвыin the field — в походе, на войне; в действующей армии, в полевых условиях
to hold the field against — оставить за собой поле боя, не сдаться
to pitch a field — выбрать поле сражения; расположить войска для боя
field work — полевая съёмка, работа в поле; разведка, съёмка
7. n битва, сражение8. n воен. район развёртывания9. n область, сфера деятельности10. n спец. поле, областьoperation field — поле кода операции; разряды кода операции
new-ploughed field — свежевспаханное поле, поднятая целина
11. n геральд. поле щита12. n иск. фон, грунт13. n гладкая сторона монетыout in left field — рехнувшийся; не в своём уме
14. a производимый в полевых условиях15. a периферийный, работающий на периферииfield Negro — негр, работающий на плантации
16. a выездной; разъездной17. a воен. полевойfield hygiene — военно-полевая гигиена, военно-санитарное дело
field force — полевые войска; действующая армия
18. a спорт. относящийся к лёгкой атлетике19. v принимать мяч20. v сушить на открытом воздухе21. v выставлять, выдвигать22. v делать ставку; держать пари23. v отвечать без подготовки, экспромтомto field questions — отвечать на вопросы,
24. v спорт. выпустить на поле, выставитьСинонимический ряд:1. acreage (noun) acreage; garden; grassland; heath; mead; meadow; moor; pasture; plot; tillage2. bailiwick (noun) area; bailiwick; champaign; demesne; domain; dominion; jurisdiction; precinct; province; realm; region; sphere; territory; walk3. battlefield (noun) airfield; airport; battlefield; terminal; terrain4. calling (noun) business; calling; discipline; occupation; profession5. candidates (noun) applicants; candidates; contestants; nominees; participants; possibilities6. expanse (noun) expanse; range; scope; stretch7. subject (noun) arena; department; subject8. track (noun) circus; course; court; diamond; park; playground; rink; stadium; track; turf9. catch (verb) catch; recover; retrieve
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
gravitational attraction — gravitacinė trauka statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. gravitational attraction vok. gravitative Anziehung, f rus. гравитационное притяжение, n pranc. attraction gravitationnelle, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
gravitational attraction — noun (physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth s mass for bodies near its surface (Freq. 1) the more remote the body the less the gravity the gravitation between two bodies is… … Useful english dictionary
Gravitational lens — Gravitational Lensing Formalism Strong lensing … Wikipedia
Gravitational interaction of antimatter — The gravitational interaction of antimatter with matter or antimatter has not been conclusively observed by physicists. While the overwhelming consensus among physicists is that antimatter will attract both matter and antimatter at the same rate… … Wikipedia
Gravitational constant — The gravitational constant G is a key quantity in Newton s law of universal gravitation. The gravitational constant, denoted G, is an empirical physical constant involved in the calculation of the gravitational attraction between objects with… … Wikipedia
Gravitational coupling constant — The gravitational coupling constant, αG, is a fundamental physical constant, the coupling constant characterizing the gravitational attraction between two elementary particles with charge and nonzero mass. αG is also a dimensionless quantity, so… … Wikipedia
attraction — noun 1 fact of attracting/being attracted ADJECTIVE ▪ fatal, irresistible, obvious, powerful, strong ▪ mutual ▪ They shared a powerful mutual attraction … Collocations dictionary
gravitational force — noun (physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth s mass for bodies near its surface (Freq. 1) the more remote the body the less the gravity the gravitation between two bodies is… … Useful english dictionary
Gravitational tractor — In asteroid deflection, a gravitational tractor is a way to use the gravitational attraction between a spaceship and an asteroid to modify its trajectory to prevent it from colliding with the Earth. In the plan, the spaceship hovers above the… … Wikipedia
gravitational radius — Astron. See Schwarzschild radius. * * * ▪ astrophysics also called Schwarzschild radius the radius below which the gravitational attraction between the particles of a body must cause it to undergo irreversible gravitational collapse. This … Universalium
gravitational mass — noun (physics) the mass of a body as measured by its gravitational attraction for other bodies • Topics: ↑physics, ↑natural philosophy • Hypernyms: ↑mass * * * Physics. the mass of a body as measured by its gravitational attraction for other… … Useful english dictionary