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gravitational attraction

См. также в других словарях:

  • gravitational attraction — gravitacinė trauka statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. gravitational attraction vok. gravitative Anziehung, f rus. гравитационное притяжение, n pranc. attraction gravitationnelle, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • gravitational attraction — noun (physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth s mass for bodies near its surface (Freq. 1) the more remote the body the less the gravity the gravitation between two bodies is… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Gravitational lens — Gravitational Lensing Formalism Strong lensing …   Wikipedia

  • Gravitational interaction of antimatter — The gravitational interaction of antimatter with matter or antimatter has not been conclusively observed by physicists. While the overwhelming consensus among physicists is that antimatter will attract both matter and antimatter at the same rate… …   Wikipedia

  • Gravitational constant — The gravitational constant G is a key quantity in Newton s law of universal gravitation. The gravitational constant, denoted G, is an empirical physical constant involved in the calculation of the gravitational attraction between objects with… …   Wikipedia

  • Gravitational coupling constant — The gravitational coupling constant, αG, is a fundamental physical constant, the coupling constant characterizing the gravitational attraction between two elementary particles with charge and nonzero mass. αG is also a dimensionless quantity, so… …   Wikipedia

  • attraction — noun 1 fact of attracting/being attracted ADJECTIVE ▪ fatal, irresistible, obvious, powerful, strong ▪ mutual ▪ They shared a powerful mutual attraction …   Collocations dictionary

  • gravitational force — noun (physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth s mass for bodies near its surface (Freq. 1) the more remote the body the less the gravity the gravitation between two bodies is… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Gravitational tractor — In asteroid deflection, a gravitational tractor is a way to use the gravitational attraction between a spaceship and an asteroid to modify its trajectory to prevent it from colliding with the Earth. In the plan, the spaceship hovers above the… …   Wikipedia

  • gravitational radius — Astron. See Schwarzschild radius. * * * ▪ astrophysics also called  Schwarzschild radius        the radius below which the gravitational attraction between the particles of a body must cause it to undergo irreversible gravitational collapse. This …   Universalium

  • gravitational mass — noun (physics) the mass of a body as measured by its gravitational attraction for other bodies • Topics: ↑physics, ↑natural philosophy • Hypernyms: ↑mass * * * Physics. the mass of a body as measured by its gravitational attraction for other… …   Useful english dictionary

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