1 grave
( pesante) heavy( serio) serious( difficile) hard* * *grave agg.1 (pesante) heavy (anche fis.): barcollava sotto il grave carico, he was staggering under the heavy load // (fis.) i corpi gravi, heavy bodies2 (appesantito) heavy: occhi gravi di sonno, eyes heavy with sleep // essere grave d'anni, to be well-on in years3 (fig.) (difficile da sopportare) harsh, severe; grievous: fu una grave perdita, it was a severe (o grievous) loss; grave dolore, grievous sorrow; merita una grave punizione, he deserves a severe (o harsh) punishment; non gli furono risparmiati gravi rimproveri, he wasn't spared harsh (o stern) rebukes4 (fig.) (che implica responsabilità o rischio, che ha serie conseguenze) serious, heavy, weighty, onerous; momentous: situazione grave, serious situation; grave decisione, serious (o momentous) decision; grave responsabilità, weighty responsibility; grave compito, onerous task; grave reato, serious crime (o felony); danno grave, serious damage; grave malattia, serious illness; preoccupazioni gravi, heavy cares; fu un grave errore, it was a serious mistake; sono sorte gravi complicazioni, serious complications have arisen; ciò che dice è molto grave, what he says is very serious; furono lanciate gravi accuse contro di loro, serious accusations were made against them; occupatevi dei feriti gravi, see to the seriously wounded; essere (malato) grave, to be seriously ill5 (serio, austero, solenne) serious, solemn, grave: espressione grave, solemn (o grave) expression; mi colpì il suo contegno grave, his solemn (o serious) behaviour impressed me; in quella casa regna sempre un'atmosfera grave, a grim atmosphere always reigns in that house; avere un aspetto grave, to look grave6 (fon.) grave: accento grave, grave accent7 (mus.) low, grave: nota grave, low (o grave) note; voce grave, low (o low-pitched o deep o full-toned) voice◆ s.m.1 (fis.) heavy body2 (cosa grave, seria, pericolosa) serious thing: il grave è che siamo senza soldi, the real problem is that we haven't got any money.* * *['ɡrave]1. aggun malato grave — a seriously ill patient, a person who is seriously ill
2) (suono, voce) deep, low-pitched3) Gramm2. smFis (heavy) body* * *['grave] 1.1) (serio) [problema, errore, incidente] serious; [ferita, malattia] serious, grave; [ condizioni] acute, serious; [ danni] severe, major; (pesante) [sconfitta, perdita] heavy; [ responsabilità] heavy, weighty; [ decisione] momentous; [ ingiustizia] grosssu, non è niente di grave! — cheer up, it doesn't matter!
2) (austero) [espressione, tono, viso] grave, solemn3) (di bassa frequenza) [voce, suono] deep, low-pitched; [ nota] bass, low4) ling. [ accento] grave2.sostantivo maschile1) (cosa grave)il grave è che... — the real problem is that
2) fis. body* * *grave/'grave/1 (serio) [problema, errore, incidente] serious; [ferita, malattia] serious, grave; [ condizioni] acute, serious; [ danni] severe, major; (pesante) [sconfitta, perdita] heavy; [ responsabilità] heavy, weighty; [ decisione] momentous; [ ingiustizia] gross; su, non è niente di grave! cheer up, it doesn't matter!2 (austero) [espressione, tono, viso] grave, solemn3 (di bassa frequenza) [voce, suono] deep, low-pitched; [ nota] bass, low4 ling. [ accento] grave1 (cosa grave) il grave è che... the real problem is that...2 fis. body. -
2 grave
['ɡrave]1. aggun malato grave — a seriously ill patient, a person who is seriously ill
2) (suono, voce) deep, low-pitched3) Gramm2. smFis (heavy) body -
3 accento grave
4 accento
m accent* * *accento s.m.1 accent; ( tonico) stress // porre l'accento su qlco., to stress sthg.2 ( pronuncia) accent, pronunciation3 (mus.) accent* * *[at'tʃɛnto]sostantivo maschile1) (inflessione) accentparlare ita liano senza accento, con un leggero accento inglese — to speak Italian without an accent, with a slight English accent
2) ling. accent, stress; (segno grafico) accent (mark)3) fig. (enfasi) stress (su on)4) (tono) tone•* * *accento/at't∫εnto/sostantivo m.1 (inflessione) accent; parlare ita liano senza accento, con un leggero accento inglese to speak Italian without an accent, with a slight English accent2 ling. accent, stress; (segno grafico) accent (mark)3 fig. (enfasi) stress ( su on)4 (tono) tone; con accento umile in a humble toneaccento acuto acute accent; accento grave grave (accent); accento principale primary stress; accento secondario secondary stress; accento tonico stress. -
5 accento sm
[at'tʃɛnto]1) (pronuncia) accent2) Fonetica accent, stress, fig stress, emphasis3) (segno grafico) accentaccento grave/acuto/circonflesso — grave/acute/circumflex accent
si scrive con l'accento sulla "u" — it's spelled with an accent on the "u"
4) (inflessione) tone (of voice) -
6 accento
sm [at'tʃɛnto]1) (pronuncia) accent2) Fonetica accent, stress, fig stress, emphasis3) (segno grafico) accentaccento grave/acuto/circonflesso — grave/acute/circumflex accent
si scrive con l'accento sulla "u" — it's spelled with an accent on the "u"
4) (inflessione) tone (of voice)
См. также в других словарях:
Grave accent — Grave Grave, a. [Compar. {Graver} (gr[=a]v [ e]r); superl. {Gravest.}] [F., fr. L. gravis heavy; cf. It. & Sp. grave heavy, grave. See {Grief.}] 1. Of great weight; heavy; ponderous. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] His shield grave and great. Chapman.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
grave accent — ► NOUN ▪ a mark ( ) placed over a vowel in some languages to indicate a feature such as altered sound quality. ORIGIN French grave heavy, serious … English terms dictionary
grave accent — [gräv, grāv] n. a mark ( ˋ ) used to indicate: a) the quality or length of a vowel, as in French chère b) in French, a distinction in meaning, as in où, “where” and ou, “or” c) secondary stress as in týpewrìter d) full pronunciation of a syllable … Universalium
grave accent — [gräv, grāv] n. a mark ( ˋ ) used to indicate: a) the quality or length of a vowel, as in French chère b) in French, a distinction in meaning, as in où, “where” and ou, “or” c) secondary stress as in týpewrìter d) full pronunciation of a syllable … English World dictionary
Grave accent — The grave accent ( ) is a diacritical mark used in written Catalan, French, Greek until 1982 (polytonic orthography), Italian, Norwegian, Occitan, Portuguese, Scottish Gaelic, Vietnamese, Welsh, Dutch, and other languages.The word grave is… … Wikipedia
grave accent — noun a mark ( ) placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation • Syn: ↑grave • Hypernyms: ↑accent, ↑accent mark * * * grave 2 [grave … Useful english dictionary
grave accent — kairinis kirtis statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Ženklas . Kodai: 96 (ASCII, dešimtainis), U+0060. Savarankiškas ženklas, neturintis aiškios paskirties. Pakeltas aukščiau ir uždėtas ant raidės gali būti laikomas tos raidės diakritiniu… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
grave accent — grave′ ac′cent [[t]greɪv, grɑv[/t]] n. ling. a mark ( ) placed over a vowel esp. to indicate that the vowel is open or lax, as French è, has distinct syllabic value, as in English belovèd, or that the vowel or the syllable it is in has secondary… … From formal English to slang
grave accent — noun A diacritic mark ( ˋ ) used in many languages to distinguish the pronunciations of vowels. See Also: acute accent … Wiktionary
grave accent — См. accento grave … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
grave accent — [grα:v] noun a mark ( ) placed over a vowel in some languages to indicate a feature such as altered sound quality. Origin C17: Fr. grave (see grave2) … English new terms dictionary