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См. также в других словарях:

  • Depiction — is meaning conveyed through pictures. Basically, a picture maps an object to a two dimensional scheme or picture plane. Pictures are made with various materials and techniques, such as painting, drawing, or prints (including photography and… …   Wikipedia

  • graphical description — vivid account, detailed depiction …   English contemporary dictionary

  • List of popes (graphical) — This is a graphical list of Popes of the Roman Catholic Church.While the term Pope ( la. papa , father ) is used in several churches to denote their high spiritual leaders, this title in English usage generally refers to the supreme head of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Penrose graphical notation — In mathematics and physics, Penrose graphical notation or tensor diagram notation is a (usually handwritten) visual depiction of multilinear functions or tensors proposed by Roger Penrose[1]. A diagram in the notation consists of several shapes… …   Wikipedia

  • Polygyny threshold model — The polygyny threshold model is an explanation of polygyny, the mating of one male species with multiple females. The model shows how females may gain a higher level of biological fitness by mating with a male who already has a mate. The female… …   Wikipedia

  • Markowitz efficient frontier — The graphical depiction of the Markowitz efficient set of portfolios representing the boundary of the set of feasible portfolios that have the maximum return for a given level of risk. Any portfolios above the frontier cannot be achieved. Any… …   Financial and business terms

  • yield curve — A chart in which the yield level is plot on the vertical axis and the term to maturity of debt instruments of similar creditworthiness is plotted n the horizontal axis. The yield curve is positive when long term rates are higher than short term… …   Financial and business terms

  • графическое представление — [Интент] Тематики ЦОДы (центры обработки данных) EN graph based mappinggraphic displaygraphic expressiongraphic presentationgraphic representationgraphical depictiongraphical descriptiongraphical overviewgraphicsiconic representationpictorial… …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Database schema — A depiction of MediaWiki database schema. A database schema (pronounced skee ma, /ˈski.mə/) of a database system is its structure described in a formal language supported by the database management system (DBMS) and refers to the organization of… …   Wikipedia

  • Global navigation satellite system — (GNSS) is the standard generic term for satellite navigation systems that provide autonomous geo spatial positioning with global coverage. A GNSS allows small electronic receivers to determine their location (longitude, latitude, and altitude) to …   Wikipedia

  • Virtual globe — A virtual globe is a 3D software model or representation of the Earth or another world. The first widely publicized virtual globe was Google Earth. A virtual globe provides the user with the ability to freely move around in the virtual… …   Wikipedia

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