1 graph of errors
Математика: график ошибок, кривая ошибок -
2 graph of errors
мат.график ошибок; кривая ошибок -
3 graph of errors
график погрешностей [ошибок]Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > graph of errors
4 graph
1) граф2) график || строить график3) диаграмма || чертить диаграмму•- alternating composition graph - arbitrarily transversable graph - derived graph - doubly connected graph - doubly transitive graph - fully connected graph - locally countable graph - locally finite graph - locally restricted graph - log-log graph - partially labeled graph - partially orderable graph - progressively finite graph - regressively finite graph - strictly weak graph - strongly orientable graph - strongly regular graph - strongly rigid graph - strongly singular graph - strongly smooth graph - totally inductive graph - triangleless graph - triply transitive graph - uniquely intersectable graph - uniquely representable graph - weakly disconnected graph -
5 graph
6 graph text
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > graph text
7 график ошибок
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > график ошибок
8 кривая ошибок
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > кривая ошибок
9 theory
1) теория•-
Abbe's theory
Abbe theory
absolute reaction rate theory
acid-basic catalysis theory
adhesive theory of friction
affinity theory
age theory
Airy-Stokes theory
approximation theory
Arrhenius theory
association theory
automata theory
automatic control theory
behavior theory of canals
boundary-layer interaction theory
boundary-layer theory
Bronsted theory
bunching theory
catastrophe theory
chemical graph theory
chemical kinetics theory
circuit theory
coding theory
combinatorial theory
communications theory
communication theory
constant angle theory of arch dam design
contact clastohydrodynamic theory
control theory
control-system theory
coordination theory
Coulomb's wedge theory
cylinder theory of arch dam design
delamination theory of wear
diffraction theory
diffusion theory
dispersion theory
dissociation theory
donor-acceptor interaction theory
double shear theory
drag theory
effective arch theory
elastic theory
elastic wave theory
elasticity theory
electromagnetic field theory
electromagnetic theory
energetical wear theory
erosion theory
estimation theory
evaporation theory
fatigue theory of wear
fatigue theory
field theory
filter theory
flash temperature theory
Flory theory
free space theory
free volume theory
free-electron theory of metals
fuzzy-set theory
game theory
general theory
generalized electric machine theory
graph theory
gravitational theory
gravitation theory
group theory
handling theory
hydroxo-complex theory
imperfection theory
information theory
ionic theory
kinetic theory of gases
kinetic theory of liquids
local theory
logic theory
long-range stress theory
magnetic field theory
magnetotelluric theory
mapping theory
mathematical economic theory
maximum shear theory
maximum strain energy theory
Maxwell's electromagnetic theory
mechanical interlocking friction theory
membrane theory
mixing length theory
model theory
molecular attraction friction theory
molecular theory
molecular-kinetic theory
molecular-mechanical theory of friction
mosaic-block theory
multienergy-group diffusion theory
multigroup theory
multiple catalysis theory
multiple seismometer theory
network flow theory
network theory
nuclear drop theory
nuclear theory
number theory
nutrient theory
one-speed diffusion theory
oxidational theory of wear
oxide-film barrier theory
oxyacid theory
oxygen attack theory
peracid theory of gum formation
perturbation theory
plastic collapse theory
plastic theory
plasticity theory
plate theory
potential field theory
potential theory
prediction theory
probability theory
quantum field theory
quantum theory of light
queueing theory
queuing theory
radiometry theory
Rankine's theory
ray-path theory
ray theory
reflection theory
refraction theory
regime theory of rivers
renewal theory
scaled-particle theory
seismic theory
set theory
solid-state theory
solvation theory
stability theory
statistical-decision theory
steady-state creep theory
superlattice theory
system theory
theory of algorithms
theory of chances
theory of elasticity
theory of errors
theory of failure
theory of functions
theory of lateral earth pressure
theory of limits
theory of magnetism
theory of oscillations
theory of plasticity
theory of reliability
theory of scheduling
theory of screws
theory of similarity
theory of specific heats
theory of stream lines
theory of strength
theory of testing
theory of thermoelastic instability of contact
theory of vibrations
thermodiffusion theory
thermofluctuational strength theory
tidal-wave theory
tractive-force theory
transition state theory
transport theory
unified electrical machine theory
utility theory
valence bond theory
valency theory
variable-radius theory
wave theory of light
welding-shearing friction theory
zone theory of solids -
10 theory
- theory of algorithms
- theory of central manifolds
- theory of diffraction
- theory of errors
- theory of evidence
- theory of magnetism
- theory of oscillations
- theory of relativity
- theory of reliability
- theory of vibrations
- theory of waveguides
- Abbe resolution theory
- Abrikosov-Gor'kov-Khalatnikov theory
- adaptive resonance theory
- AGK-theory
- analog adaptive resonance theory
- automata theory
- automatic control theory
- Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory
- BCS theory
- big bang theory
- binary adaptive resonance theory
- bubble stability theory
- catastrophe theory
- category theory
- Cayley theory
- circuit theory
- classical field theory
- coding theory
- cognitive theory
- cohort theory
- communication theory
- complexity theory
- consensus theory
- decision theory
- descriptive theory
- diffraction theory
- domain theory
- domain-wall motion theory
- domino theory
- elasticity theory
- electromagnetic theory
- energy-band theory
- evolutionary theory
- field theory
- fluid theory
- fuzzy adaptive resonance theory
- fuzzy-set theory
- game theory
- general theory of relativity - graph theory
- group theory
- hydrodynamical theory
- information theory
- Kramers' theory
- large-signal theory
- learning theory
- logic theory
- mapping theory
- Mattis-Bardeen theory
- Maxwell's theory
- MB theory
- meta-theory
- microscopic theory
- microwave theory - neural net theory
- normative theory
- number theory
- one-fluid plasma theory
- organization theory
- Paley-Wiener theory
- perturbation theory
- phenomenological theory - Pippard nonlocal theory
- possibility theory
- potential theory
- prescriptive theory
- probability theory
- quantum theory
- quantum theory of radiation
- quantum field theory
- quantum light theory
- queuing theory
- radio-wave propagation theory
- rational choice theory
- reliability theory
- Ridley-Watkins-Hilsum theory
- RWH theory
- sampling theory
- scheduling theory
- self-consistent field theory
- semiconductor theory
- set theory - situational theory
- small-signal theory
- solid-state theory
- special theory of relativity
- spectral theory
- spectral theory of diffraction
- spin-fluctuation theory
- stability theory
- statistical communication theory
- steady state theory
- stochastic approximation theory
- string theory
- superconductivity theory
- superstring theory
- supersymmetric theory
- switching theory
- system theory
- transmission-line theory
- two-fluid plasma theory
- unified field theory
- uniform theory
- uniform theory of diffraction
- utility theory
- Whitham theory
- Zermelo set theory
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ty|po|graph|i|cal — «TY puh GRAF uh kuhl», adjective. 1. of or having to do with printing or typing. 2. produced or expressed in print or by typing: »typographical symbols. “Catt” and “hoRse” contain typographical errors. –ty´po|graph´i|cal|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
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