1 nerf
• grain -
2 draad
• grain• lead• thread• wire -
3 houtnerf
• grain• herringbone• woodgrain -
4 korrel
• grain• granule• grit -
5 korrelgrens
• grain boundary -
6 korrelgrootte
• grain size• granular size -
7 korrelstructuur
• grain structure• granular structure -
8 korrelverfijner
• grain refiner -
9 zandkorrel
• grain of sand -
10 korrel
grain, graine, pépin -
11 zaadkorrel
grain, graine, pépin -
12 nerf
13 korrel
14 gierst
n. millet, type of grass that is cultivated for its grain which is mostly used as fodder, grain harvested from millet grass -
15 gries
n. grits, coarsely ground grain which has been boiled and then fried (eaten as a breakfast food); coarsely ground grain -
16 kaf
♦voorbeelden:als kaf verstuiven • se disperser aux quatre vents -
17 bakmeel
n. flour, finely ground meal made from grain -
18 barn
pref. barn, farm building used to house animals or store hay and grain -
19 boekweit
adj. buckwheat--------n. buckwheat, grain -
20 dorsvloer
n. threshing-floor, surface on which grain is separated
См. также в других словарях:
grain — [ grɛ̃ ] n. m. • v. 1160; lat. granum → graine I ♦ 1 ♦ Fruit comestible des graminées. Le grain des céréales est un caryopse. Grain de blé, de maïs, de mil, de riz, d orge. Ôter les grains d un épi. ⇒ égrener. Menuis. GRAIN D ORGE. Assemblage à… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Grain — (gr[=a]n), n. [F. grain, L. granum, grain, seed, small kernel, small particle. See {Corn}, and cf. {Garner}, n., {Garnet}, {Gram} the chick pea, {Granule}, {Kernel.}] [1913 Webster] 1. A single small hard seed; a kernel, especially of those… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
grain — Grain, m. monosyllab. Est ce qui vient en l espi, contenant farine. Granum fromenti, hordei, siliginis, auenae, et semblables. Ainsi en bail à moison de grain on dit, Moyennant dix muyds de grain, les deux parts bled, le tiers avoine. Et selon ce … Thresor de la langue françoyse
grain — [greın] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(food)¦ 2¦(lines in wood etc)¦ 3¦(small piece)¦ 4 a grain of something 5 against the grain 6¦(measure)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: Latin granum seed ] 1.) … Dictionary of contemporary English
Grain — симметричный алгоритм синхронного потокового шифрования, ориентированный, в первую очередь на аппаратную реализацию. Шифр представлен на конкурсе eSTREAM в 2004 году Мартином Хеллом, Томасом Юханссоном и Вилли Мейером. Алгоритм стал одним из… … Википедия
grain — [ greın ] noun ** 1. ) uncount the seeds from crops such as wheat, rice, or CORN that are used for food: bags of mixed grain a ) uncount food crops such as wheat, rice, or CORN: golden fields of grain b ) count an individual seed from one of… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
grain — [grān] n. [ME greyne < OFr grein, a seed, grain (< L granum, a seed, kernel) & grainne, seed or grain collectively (< LL grana, fem., orig. pl. of L granum) < IE base * ĝer , to become ripe > CORN1, KERNEL] 1. a small, hard seed or … English World dictionary
GRAIN — is an international non governmental organization based in Barcelona, Spain, which works toward sustainable agriculture. It was formed upon the realization that the genetic diversity of the world s food crops has been drastically eliminated. Very … Wikipedia
Grain — 〈[ grɛın] m. 6; bei Zahlenangaben Pl.: 〉 1. älteres kleines Juwelengewicht, 1/4 Karat 2. Gewichts u. Maßeinheit in Großbrit. u. den USA, 0,0648 g [frz. u. engl., „Korn“ <lat. granum „Korn“] * * * I Grain [greɪn; englisch »Korn«] der, s/ ( … Universal-Lexikon
grain — ► NOUN 1) wheat or other cultivated cereal used as food. 2) a single seed or fruit of a cereal. 3) a small, hard particle of a substance such as sand. 4) the smallest unit of weight in the troy and avoirdupois systems, equal to 1 / 5760 of a… … English terms dictionary
grain|y — «GRAY nee», adjective, grain|i|er, grain|i|est. 1. like the grain of wood or marble. 2. grainlike; granular: »a grainy surface … Useful english dictionary