1 gothic roof
2 gothic roof
Строительство: готическая крыша -
3 gothic roof
4 gothic roof
5 roof
1) крыша, кровля; кровельное покрытие; кровельный ковёр3) перекрывать, настилать крышу, крыть, покрывать•roof in hollow tiles — кровля из желобчатой черепицы, кровля из итальянской черепицы
roof truss of hall — стропила для навеса, ангара
to roof in — крыть, настилать крышу
- aluminium roof - arched roof - asbestos roof - asbestoscement roof - asphaltic cardboard roof - asphalt mastic roof covering - bad roof - barrel roof - bench roof - bolted roof - bonded roof - breather roof - broach roof - built-in roof - built-up roof - butterfly roof - cantilever roof - cardboard roof - ceramic roof - clerestory roof - close-boarded roof - collar roof - compass roof - conical roof - copper roof - couple roof - curb roof - dead-level roof - deck roof - design of roof - dome roof - dome-shaped roof - doubly-bent shell roof - equilateral roof - exposed roof - fabric roof - false roof - fantail roof - fence roof - flat roof - flat suspended roof - flexible roof - flexible metal roof - flooding roof - framed roof - gable roof - gambrel roof - glass roof - glazed roof - gothic roof - hard roof - helm roof - high-pitched roof - high-rise roof - hip of roof - hip roof - hipped roof - hold-up hold-down roof - immediate roof - insulated roof - intersecting roof - inverted roof - king-bolt truss roof - king-post roof - lamella roof - lattice roof - lean-to roof - loose roof - low-pitched roof - mansard roof - mine roof - monitor roof - multi-span roof - nail roof - northern-light roof - ogee roof - open roof - pantiled roof - paper roof - pavillion roof - pent roof - penthouse roof - pitched roof - polygonal roof - poor roof - precast reinforced concrete roof - purlin roof - pyramidal roof - queen-post roof - rafter roof - railway roof - reed roof - ribbed roof - ridge roof - ruberoid roof - saddle roof - saddle-back roof - sawtooth roof - self-supporting roof - shed roof - shell roof - simple roof - slated roof - slate roof - sloped roof - sloping roof - soft roof - solar-electric roof - solid roof - span roof - split roof - steel roof - steel cable roof - steep roof - stepped roof - strutted roof - tank roof - tank floating roof - tent roof - terrace roof - thatched roof - thin-shell roof - thin-shell barrel roof - tie-beam roof - tile roof - trussed roof - unsound roof - vaulted roof - vel roof - wagon roof - wood roof - wood shingle roof - zinc roofto roof over — крыть, настилать крышу
* * *крыша, покрытие ( здания)- all-over roof
- arched roof
- arch roof
- arched barrel roof
- barrel shell roof
- barrel roof
- barrel-vault roof
- beam roof
- Belfast roof
- bell-shaped roof
- bell roof
- bonded gravel roof
- bowstring roof
- butterfly roof
- cable-suspended roof
- cable roof
- cantilever roof
- clipped gable roof
- cloth roof
- collar beam roof
- collar roof
- column-supported tank roof
- compass roof
- concrete shell roof
- corrugated shell roof
- cottage roof
- couple roof
- couple-close roof
- curb roof
- cut roof
- dome roof
- double-deck floating roof
- double-frame roof
- double-pitched roof
- double-pitch roof
- equal duo-pitched roof
- equilateral roof
- fabric roof
- factory-type roof
- felt-and-gravel roof
- flat roof
- flat-deck roof
- floating roof
- flooded roof
- folded-plate concrete roof
- gable roof
- gambrel roof
- glass roof
- gravel roof
- high-pitched roof
- hip-and-valley roof
- hipped roof
- hipped-gable roof
- italian roof
- jerking-head roof
- knee roof
- lamella roof
- lean-to roof
- low pitched roof
- low-profile roof
- M roof
- mansard roof
- monitor roof
- monopitch roof
- multigabled roof
- mushroom roof
- north-light shell roof
- north-light roof
- open roof
- pan floating roof
- pavilion roof
- pent roof
- pitched roof
- pontoon floating roof
- post-tensioned roof
- rainbow roof
- reed roof
- retractable roof
- rope-suspended roof
- rope roof
- saddle roof
- sawtooth roof
- self-supporting tank roof
- shed roof
- sickle-shaped roof
- single roof
- single-pitch roof
- skirt roof
- solar-electric roof
- sprayed roof
- spray-pond roof
- steel cable roof
- steel deck roof
- steel folded plate roof
- steel prismatic shell roof
- steel rope roof
- steep roof
- sun roof
- suspended roof
- suspended cloth roof
- tank roof
- tank dome roof
- terrace roof
- trussed roof
- umbrella roof
- unequal duo-pitched roof
- valley roof
- water-filled roof
- waved shell roof -
6 Gothic
1. n готский язык2. n готический стильGothic title — заглавие, напечатанное готическим шрифтом
3. n полигр. готический шрифт4. a готский5. a варварский; грубый; жестокий6. a готическийGothic architecture — готическая архитектура, готика
Gothic pitch — скат крыши в 60°
7. a уст. германский8. a уст. средневековый, готическийСинонимический ряд:1. Barbarian (adj.) Barbarian; Barbarous; Hunnic; Hunnish; Savage; Uncivil; Uncivilized; Uncultivated; Wild2. medieval (adj.) antique; barbaric; grotesque; medieval; old; romantic; rude; venerated -
7 gothic
1. готический шрифт2. гротеск3. готический стильGothic architecture — готическая архитектура, готика
4. старинный готический английский шрифт -
8 arch
1) арка2) аркада3) свод ( в сыпучем материале)4) перекрывать сводом, аркой6) изгибаться•- arch in trellis work - arch without articulation - arch of vault - acute arch - askew arch - axed arch - back arch - barrel arch - basket-handled arch - blank arch - blind arch - bonded arch - boomerang arch - braced arch - brick arch - bridge arch - built-up segmental arch - camber arch - cambered arch - catenary arch - caterpillar logging arch - centre arch - chimney arch - circular arch - composite arch - coved arch - curved arch - cycloidal arch - deck arch - depressed arch - diminished arch - discharging arch - double-hinged arch - drop arch - dumb arch - Dutch arch - elliptic arch - elliptical arch - end arch - equilateral arch - equilateral pointed arch - face arch - false arch - fantail arch - five-centred arch - fixed arch - flxed end arch - flat arch - flattened arch - flexible arch - floor pressure arch - floor arch - flying buttress arch - four-centred arch - French arch - full-centred arch - gauged arch - glued laminated timber arch - Gothic arch - groined arch - high-crowned arch - hinged arch - hingeless arch - horseshoe arch - imperfect arch - interlacing arches - interrupted arch - inverted arch - jack arch - laminated timber arch - lancet arch - low angle arch - masonry arch - Melan arch - Moorish arch - mosque arch - multifoil arch - multiple arch - oblique arch - ogee arch - one-centred arch - oval arch - parabolic arch - plate arch - pointed arch - precast arch - raised arch - rampant arch - rear arch - recessed arch - relieving arch - reversed arch - ridge-type bearing arch - right arch - rigid arch - rising arch - roof arch - rough arch - round arch - rubble arch - safety arch - saracenic arch - scheme arch - segmental arch - semi arch - semi-circular arch - semi-Gothic arch - shell arch - side arch - single-hinged arch - skew arch - slender arch - soil arch - soldier arch - solid arch - spandrel arch - spandrel-braced arch - spandrel-filled arch - steel arch - steep arch - stilted arch - straight arch - straining arch - superimposed arches - suspended arch - three-centred arch - three-hinged arch - tied arch - transverse arch - trimmer arch - triple articulation arch - triumphal arch - trumpet arch - truss arch - trussed arch - Tudor arch - two-hinged arch - two-pinned arch - umbrella arch - Venetian arch - Venetian pointed arch - voussoir arch - wave arch* * *1. арка; арочная перемычка2. перекрывать аркой или сводом, возводить арки или своды; выгибать, изгибать (дугой); придавать форму арки- accommodation archarch hinged at the abutments — двухшарнирная арка, арка с шарнирными опорами
- acute arch
- annular arch
- Arabic arch
- back arch
- bell arch
- blind arch
- braced arch
- braced-rib arch
- bridge arch
- built-in arch
- cantilever arch
- circular arch
- continuous arch
- crescent rib arch
- crescent type arch
- depressed arch
- discharging arch
- drop arch
- Dutch arch
- edge arch
- elastic arch
- elliptical arch
- equilateral pointed arch
- equilateral arch
- fixed arch
- fixed-end arch
- flat arch
- formwork arch
- four-centered arch
- French arch
- gauged arch
- glued laminated timber arch
- glued laminated arch
- glulam arch
- hingeless arch
- horseshoe arch
- inflected arch
- inverted arch
- jack arch
- keel arch
- laminated arch
- lancet arch
- longitudinal arch
- lop-sided arch
- miter arch
- Moorish arch
- mosque arch
- multifoiled arch
- multifoil arch
- obtuse angle arch
- ogee arch
- ogive arch
- one-centered arch
- one-hinged arch
- one-pinned arch
- one-pin arch
- parabolic arch
- parallel curve rib arch
- plate arch
- pointed arch
- precast arch
- raised arch
- rampant arch
- rear arch
- relieving arch
- rib arch
- rigid arch
- rising arch
- Roman arch
- round arch
- round horseshoe arch
- safety arch
- Saracenic arch
- segmental arch
- semicircular arch
- sickle-shaped arch
- side arch
- single-hinged arch
- skew arch
- soldier arch
- spandrel filled bridge arch
- spandrel filled arch
- steel arch
- steep arch
- straight arch
- three-hinged arch
- three-pointed arch
- through arch
- trefoil arch
- transverse arch
- trussed arch
- Tudor arch
- two-centered arch
- two-hinged arch
- vault arch
- Welsh arch -
9 язык
I муж.
1) tongue прям. и перен. языки пламени ≈ tongues of flame обложенный язык ≈ coated/ furred tongue воспаление языка ≈ glossitis показать язык ≈ (врачу и т.п.) to show one's tongue (to a doctor, etc.) ;
(дразнить) to stick one's tongue out, to put out one's tongue (at smb.)
2) tongue (кушанье) копченый язык ≈ smoked tongue
3) clapper, tongue of a bell ( колокола) ∙ просится на язык ≈ it is on the tip of one's tongue попадать на язык кому-л. ≈ to fall victim to smb.'s tongue язык сломаешь ≈ it's a real jawbreaker не сходит с языка, быть у кого-л. на языке ≈ to be always on smb.'s lips у него отнялся язык ≈ his tongue failed him язык до Киева доведет ≈ you can get anywhere if you know how to use your tongue;
a clever tongue will take you anywhere у него хорошо язык подвешен ≈ he has a ready/glib tongue разг. у него язык плохо подвешен ≈ he is not good with words держать язык за зубами ≈ to hold one's tongue, to keep one's mouth shut тянуть/дергать кого-л. за язык ≈ to make smb. say smth.;
to make smb. talk у него язык не повернется сказать это ≈ he won't have the heart to say it язык у меня не повернулся это сказать ≈ I could not bring myself to say it разг. у него язык чешется сказать это ≈ he is itching to say it разг. это слово вертится у меня на языке ≈ the word is on the tip of my tongue разг. у него, что на уме, то и на языке ≈ he wears his heart on his sleeve, he cannot keep his thoughts to himself разг. у него длинный язык ≈ he has a long/loose tongue разг. у него язык без костей ≈ he is too fond of talking у него бойкий язык, он боек на язык ≈ to have a quick/ready tongue, to be quick-tongued он слаб на язык ≈ he has a loose tongue острый язык злой язык злые языки высунув язык придержать язык развязать язык чесать язык чесать языком точить язык трепать языком прикусить язык распустить язык сорвалось с языка лишиться языка язык проглотишь болтать языком II муж.
1) language, tongue (речь) владеть каким-л. языком ≈ to know a language владеть каким-л. языком в совершенстве ≈ to have a perfect command of a language говорить русским языком ≈ to say in plain Russian, in plain language языки общего происхождения ≈ cognate мн.;
линг. агглютинативный язык ≈ agglutinative language русский язык ≈ the Russian language на русском языке ≈ in Russian национальный язык ≈ national language родовые языки ≈ clan languages племенные языки ≈ tribal languages общий язык ≈ common language родной язык ≈ mother tongue;
native language живой язык ≈ living language мертвый язык ≈ dead language обиходный язык ≈ everyday language разговорный язык ≈ colloquial/familiar speech;
spoken language литературный язык ≈ literary language иностранный язык ≈ foreign language новые языки ≈ modern languages говорить языком ≈ to use the language (of) суконный язык ≈ dull/vapid/insipid language англосаксонский язык ≈ Anglo-Saxon сингалезский язык ≈ Cingalese корнуоллский язык ≈ Cornish корнийский язык ≈ Cornish голландский язык ≈ Dutch албанский язык ≈ Albanian арамейский язык ≈ Aramaic армянский язык ≈ Armenian ассирийский язык ≈ Assyrian азербайджанский язык ≈ Azerbaijani баскский язык ≈ basque болгарский язык ≈ Bulgarian бирманский язык ≈ Burmese белорусский язык ≈ Byelorussian каталанский язык ≈ Catalan китайский язык ≈ Chinese коптский язык ≈ Coptic немецкий язык ≈ Dutch ист., German галльский язык ≈ Gaulish грузинский язык ≈ Georgian верхненемецкий язык ≈ High German, High Dutch нижненемецкий язык ≈ Low German, Low Dutch общегерманский язык ≈ Germanic готский язык ≈ Gothic греческий язык ≈ Greek, Hellenic венгерский язык ≈ Hungarian, Magyar исландский язык ≈ Icelandic персидский язык ≈ Iranian, Persian ирландский язык ≈ Irish японский язык ≈ Japanese калмыцкий язык ≈ Kalmuck каракалпакский язык ≈ Kara-Kalpak казахский язык ≈ Kazakh киргизский язык ≈ Kirghiz корейский язык ≈ Korean латинский язык ≈ Latin, Roman редк. литовский язык ≈ Lithuanian малагасийский язык ≈ Malagasy малайский язык ≈ Malay молдавский язык ≈ Moldavian монгольский язык ≈ Mongol древнескандинавский язык ≈ Old Norse польский язык ≈ Polish португальский язык ≈ Portuguese провансальский язык ≈ Provencal афганский язык ≈ Pushtoo, Pushtu, Afghan румынский язык ≈ Roumanian древнесаксонский язык ≈ Saxon сербский язык ≈ Serbian сербо-хорватский язык ≈ Serbo-Croat сингальский язык ≈ Sinhalese, Cingalese испанский язык ≈ Spanish валлонский язык ≈ Walloon валлийский язык ≈ welsh еврейский язык ≈ Yiddish зулусский язык ≈ Zulu письменный язык ≈ written language официальный язык ≈ official language второй язык ≈ second language древний язык ≈ ancient language искусственный язык ≈ artificial language креолизованный язык ≈ creolized language естественный язык ≈ natural language изолирующий язык ≈ isolating language детский язык ≈ children's language богатый язык ≈ rich language классические языки ≈ classic мн., humanity язык поэзии ≈ poetic diction язык хинди ≈ Hindi язык хиндустани ≈ Hindustani родственные языки ≈ kindred languages язык программирования ≈ computer language, machine language, programming language язык саами ≈ Lapp, Lappish язык жестов ≈ pantomime язык пушту ≈ Pushtoo, Pushtu язык скифов ≈ Scythian язык урду ≈ Urdu халдейский язык ≈ Chaldean финикийский язык ≈ Phoenician урало-алтайские языки ≈ Turanian флективный язык ≈ inflecting language
2) воен.;
разг. (пленный) prisoner for interrogation;
identification prisoner;
prisoner who will talk () добыть языка III муж.;
уст. people, nation (народ)м.
1. tongue;
показать ~ кому-л.
1) (врачу) show* smb. one`s tongue;
2) (дразня) put* out one`s tongue at smb. ;
злой ~ wicked/bitter tongue;
2. (кушанье) tongue;
3. (речь) language;
родной ~ mother-tongue, one`s language;
разговорный ~ colloquial speech;
новые ~и modern languages;
древние ~и ancient languages;
4. (стиль) style, language;
книга написана хорошим ~ом the book is well written;
5. (пленный) information prisoner;
~ к гортани прилип у кого-л. smb`s tongue stuck/cleaved to the roof of his, her mouth;
~ хорошо подвешен у кого-л. smb. has a ready tongue;
~ чешется у кого-л. smb. is itching to speak;
держать ~ за зубами keep* a still tongue in one`s head;
придержать ~ hold* one`s tongue;
сорвалось (слово) с ~а one never meant to say it;
я вам русским ~ом говорю let me spell it out (for you).
См. также в других словарях:
Gothic Architecture — • History of the style Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Gothic Architecture Gothic Architecture † … Catholic encyclopedia
Gothic architecture — See also: Gothic art The western façade of Reims Cathedral, France … Wikipedia
Gothic Kabbalah — Infobox Album Name = Gothic Kabbalah Type = Studio album Longtype = Artist = Therion Released = flagicon|Germany January 12, 2007 flagicon|United Kingdom January 22, 2007 flagicon|Japan January 24, 2007 flagicon|France February 5, 2007… … Wikipedia
roof — rooflike, adj. /roohf, roof/, n., pl. roofs, v. n. 1. the external upper covering of a house or other building. 2. a frame for supporting this: an open timbered roof. 3. the highest part or summit: The Himalayas are the roof of the world. 4.… … Universalium
English Gothic architecture — Westminster Hall and its hammerbeam roof, pictured in the early 19th century. English Gothic is the name of the architectural style that flourished in England from about 1180 until about 1520. Contents … Wikipedia
American Gothic House — Dibble House U.S. National Registe … Wikipedia
Hammerbeam roof — Westminster Hall in the early 19th century … Wikipedia
St John's Church, Hutton Roof — St John s Church, Hutton Roof, from the north … Wikipedia
Tented roof — A hipped roof or tented roof is a special type of roof, widely used in 16th and 17th century Russian architecture for churches and belltowers. It is either: * a conical (actually polygonal) roof made of wood, where wood logs are located along the … Wikipedia
Crimean Gothic — Spoken in formerly Crimea Extinct by the 18th century(?) Language family Indo European Germanic … Wikipedia
Portuguese Gothic architecture — is the architectural style prevalent in Portugal in the Late Middle Ages. As in other parts of Europe, Gothic style slowly replaced Romanesque architecture in the period between the late 12th and the 13th century. Between the late 15th and early… … Wikipedia