1 goolie
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2 goolie
абориг. каменьAustralia and New Zealand. English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > goolie
3 goolie
См. также в других словарях:
goolie — (also gooly) ► NOUN (pl. goolies) Brit. informal ▪ a testicle. ORIGIN perhaps related to a Hindi word meaning bullet, ball, pill … English terms dictionary
goolie — n. (also gooly) (pl. ies) 1 (usu. in pl.) sl. a testicle. 2 Austral. sl. a stone or pebble. Etymology: app. of Ind. orig.; cf. Hind. goliacute bullet, ball, pill * * * goolie [goolie goolies … Useful english dictionary
goolie — noun (slang) testicle … Wiktionary
Goolie — 1. stone; 2. testicle; 3. glob of phlegm … Dictionary of Australian slang
goolie — I Australian Slang 1. stone; 2. testicle; 3. glob of phlegm II Canadian Slang In Manitoba, a derogatory term for someone of Icelandic descent. From Islendigur, meaning Icelander … English dialects glossary
goolie — goo|lie gooly [ˈgu:li] n [C usually plural] BrE informal a rude or humorous word meaning a ↑testicle … Dictionary of contemporary English
goolie — n. (British Slang) stone; testicle … English contemporary dictionary
goolie — [ gu:li] (also gooly) noun (plural goolies) 1》 Brit. vulgar slang a testicle. 2》 Austral./NZ informal a stone or pebble. Origin 1930s: appar. of Ind. origin (cf. Hindi golī bullet, ball, pill ), although sense 2 may be from an Aboriginal language … English new terms dictionary
goolie — I. /ˈguli/ (say goohlee) noun Colloquial 1. (usually plural) a testicle: hit in the goolies. 2. a gob of phlegm. Also, gooly. {origin uncertain, compare Hindi gullī small round object, golī ball} II. /ˈguli/ (say goohlee) noun Especially Qld, NSW …
Ging Gang Goolie — or Ging Gang Gooli is a gibberish scouting song written by Robert Baden Powell.cite web url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A13346886 title=Ging Gang Goolie a Scouting Song accessdate=2006 11 22] The song is still popular among the Boy Scouts and… … Wikipedia
gooly goolie — noun (countable usually plural) BrE slang an impolite word meaning a testicle … Longman dictionary of contemporary English