1 goods exchange
- goods exchange
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > goods exchange
2 goods exchange
3 goods exchange
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > goods exchange
4 goods exchange
1) Юридический термин: товарная биржа, товаровед обмен2) Экономика: обмен товарами3) Политика: товарообмен -
5 goods exchange
2) pl товарооборот; операции по обмену товарами -
6 goods exchange
7 goods exchange
обмен товарами, товарообмен; товарная биржаEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > goods exchange
8 goods exchange
обмен товарами, товарообмен; товарная биржа -
9 goods exchange
10 goods exchange operations
Общая лексика: товарообменные операцииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > goods exchange operations
11 annual goods exchange
Юридический термин: ежегодный товарообмен -
12 commodity (goods) exchange
Общая лексика: товарная биржаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > commodity (goods) exchange
13 development of goods exchange
Юридический термин: развитие товарообменаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > development of goods exchange
14 expansion of goods exchange
Юридический термин: расширение товарообменаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > expansion of goods exchange
15 spot goods exchange
16 spot goods exchange
бирж. = spot marketThe new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > spot goods exchange
17 exchange
- exchange
- n1. обмен
2. биржа
3. телефонная станция
- air exchange
- anion exchange
- base exchange
- cation exchange
- central exchange
- commodity exchange
- convective heat exchange
- employment exchange
- goods exchange
- heat exchange
- ion exchange
- labor exchange
- moisture exchange
- radiant heat exchange
- recuperative heat exchange
- stock exchange
- telephone exchange
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
18 exchange
1. n1) обмен; мена; замена2) pl товарообмен3) биржа4) иностранная валюта; девизы•- American Stock Exchangeto hold exchanges with smb — проводить обмен с кем-л.
- amicable exchange of views
- angry exchanges between smb
- animated exchange
- artillery exchange
- available supplies of foreign exchange
- bellicose exchange of threats
- bill of exchange
- bitter exchange
- commodity exchange
- comprehensive exchange of opinions
- corn exchange
- cultural exchanges
- employment exchange
- exchange is falling
- exchange is rising
- exchange is steady
- exchange of awards
- exchange of civilities
- exchange of courtesies
- exchange of day
- exchange of decorations
- exchange of diplomatic missions
- exchange of experience
- exchange of goods by barter
- exchange of greetings
- exchange of information
- exchange of instruments of ratification
- exchange of letters
- exchange of lists of prisoners
- exchange of notes
- exchange of official visits
- exchange of pleasantries
- exchange of ratifications
- exchange of services
- exchange of students
- exchange of toasts
- exchange of views
- exchange of written representations and arguments
- fall in exchange
- favorable exchange
- foreign exchange
- Foreign Stock Exchange
- frank exchange of views
- freely convertible exchange
- fruitful exchange
- full exchange of views
- goods exchange
- heated exchange
- humanitarian exchanges
- in exchange for
- inequitable exchange
- international exchange
- international petroleum exchange
- labor exchange
- lively exchanges of views
- London Mercantile Exchange
- London Stock Exchange
- loss or gain on exchange
- medium of exchange
- mercantile exchange
- metal exchange
- mutually-beneficial exchange
- noisy exchanges in Parliament
- nominal exchange
- nonequivalent exchange
- official exchange
- open exchange - pegged exchange
- people-to-people exchange
- petroleum exchange
- produce exchange
- profitable rate of exchange
- reciprocal exchange
- remarkable frank exchange
- robust exchange of views
- scientific exchange
- seismic data exchange
- sharp exchange between smb - there has been good exchange
- through the diplomatic exchange of written communications
- traditional trade exchanges
- unequal exchange
- useful exchange
- variable exchange
- verbal exchanges
- vigorous exchanges 2. v -
19 exchange
1. [ıksʹtʃeındʒ] n1. 1) обмен, менаheat exchange - физ. теплообмен
exchange of goods /commodities/, commodity exchanges - товарообмен
medium of exchange - средство обмена [см. тж. 3, 3)]
exchange of civilities - обмен любезностями, светская беседа
exchange of prisoners - воен. обмен военнопленным
exchange of instruments of ratification - обмен ратификационными грамотами
exchange of fire - воен. артиллерийская перестрелка
to give [to offer, to take] in exchange - давать [предлагать, брать] в обмен
to make an exchange - а) обменять; б) обменяться
2) фин. размен (денег)2. 1) замена, смена2) (библиотечный) обмен3. 1) иностранная валюта (тж. foreign exchange); переводный вексель, тратта (тж. bill of exchange)exchange loss - а) потеря валюты, сокращение валютных резервов; б) потеря на разнице валютных курсов
exchange permit - валютное разрешение; разрешение на перевод валюты
exchange restrictions - валютные ограничения; ограничения в переводе иностранной валюты
exchange transactions - валютные операции, операции в валюте
2) курс ( иностранной валюты)exchange is falling [rising, steady] - курс падает [повышается, устойчив]
3) расчёты посредством девиз; расплата посредством переводов векселейmedium of exchange - средство международных расчётов [см. тж. 1, 1)]
4. биржаcommodity /goods/ exchange - товарная биржа
corn /grain/ exchange - хлебная биржа
exchange business - биржевые операции; биржевая торговля
5. (центральная) телефонная станция; коммутатор6. гарнизонный магазин, магазин военно-торговой службы (тж. post exchange)7. обменная книга, обменный экземпляр (тж. exchange copy; в библиотеке)8. физиол. обращение, обмен9. мат., физ. обмен местами; перестановка2. [ıksʹtʃeındʒ] v1. 1) менять, обмениватьto exchange farm products for manufactured goods - обменивать продукты сельского хозяйства на промышленные товары
2) обмениваться; менятьсяto exchange letters [views] - обменяться письмами [мнениями]
to exchange prisoners [instruments of ratification] - обменяться /произвести обмен/ военнопленными [ратификационными грамотами]
to exchange greetings /salutations/ - приветствовать друг друга, обменяться приветствиями
to exchange a few words with a friend - переброситься с другом несколькими словами
to exchange pawns - шахм. разменять пешки
to exchange words with smb. - спорить, браниться, препираться с кем-л.
to exchange from /out of/ one regiment into another - перевестись в другой полк путём встречного обмена
exchange forgiveness with me, noble Hamlet ( Shakespeare) - простим друг друга, благородный Гамлет
2. променять3. 1) разменивать ( деньги)2) обменивать (одну валюту на другую и т. п.) -
20 goods
pl товар, товары; изделия•
См. также в других словарях:
exchange — ex·change n 1 a: a giving of something of value (as real property) in return for something of equal value (as money or property of a like kind) b in the civil law of Louisiana: a giving of something of value in return for something of equal value … Law dictionary
exchange of property — A transaction wherein parties trade goods, or commodities, for other goods, in contrast with a sale or trading of goods for money. Dictionary from West s Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005. exchange of property … Law dictionary
exchange economy — ➔ economy1 * * * exchange economy UK US noun [C] ► ECONOMICS an economy in which goods are exchanged for money or other goods: »In a pure exchange economy, the production process is ignored … Financial and business terms
Exchange — may mean: * Trade or barter, the voluntary exchange of goods and/or services * Social exchange * Student exchange program or high school exchange * Exchange rule, from Mathematical Logic * The exchange (chess), the value difference between rook… … Wikipedia
exchange theory — Exchange theories view social order as the unplanned outcome of acts of exchange between members of society. There are two major variants. Rational choice (or, as it is sometimes known, rational action) theory locates the source of order in the… … Dictionary of sociology
exchange — vb Exchange, interchange, bandy mean to give a thing to another in return for another thing from him. Exchange may imply a disposing of one thing for another by or as if by the methods of bartering or trading {exchange horses} {the hostile forces … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Exchange rate — Foreign exchange Exchange rates Currency band Exchange rate Exchange rate regime Exchange rate flexibility Dollarization Fixed exchange rate Floating exchange rate Linked exchange rate Managed float regime Markets Foreign exchange market Futures… … Wikipedia
exchange — An association of persons who participate in the business of buying or selling futures contracts or futures options. A forum or place where traders gather to buy or sell economic goods. With the advent of the computerized exchange, it is… … Financial and business terms
Exchange — The marketplace in which shares, options and futures on stocks, bonds, commodities and indices are traded. Principal US stock exchanges are: New York Stock Exchange ( NYSE), American Stock Exchange ( AMEX) and the National Association of… … Financial and business terms
exchange — ex|change1 [ ıks tʃeındʒ ] noun *** ▸ 1 giving each other something ▸ 2 angry conversation ▸ 3 change type of money ▸ 4 change places with ▸ 5 place to buy & sell goods ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count a situation in which one person gives another person… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
exchange rate — the ratio at which a unit of the currency of one country can be exchanged for that of another country. Also called rate of exchange. [1895 1900] * * * Price of one country s money in relation to another s. Exchange rates may be fixed or flexible … Universalium