1 golden bunting
Биология: дубровник (Emberiza aureola) -
2 golden bunting
3 bunting
орнит.овсянка ( Emberiza); pl овсянковые ( Emberizidae)- black-headed bunting
- cinereous bunting
- cirl bunting
- common bunting
- corn bunting
- golden bunting
- gray bunting
- gray-hooded bunting
- gray-necked bunting
- Japanese reed bunting
- Lapland bunting
- lazuli bunting
- little bunting
- long-tailed bunting
- masked bunting
- meadow bunting
- ortolan bunting
- Pallas' reed bunting
- pine bunting
- red-headed bunting
- reed bunting
- rock bunting
- rufous bunting
- rustic bunting
- Siberian meadow bunting
- snow bunting
- Tristram's bunting
- white-capped bunting
- yellow bunting
- yellow-breasted bunting
- yellow-browed bunting
- yellow-throated bunting* * *• овсянка -
4 bunting, golden
—1. LAT Emberiza aureola ( Pallas)2. RUS дубровник m3. ENG yellow-breasted [golden] bunting4. DEU Weidenammer f5. FRA bruant m auréoléПЯТИЯЗЫЧНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ НАЗВАНИЙ ЖИВОТНЫХ — птицы > bunting, golden
5 bunting, yellow-breasted
—1. LAT Emberiza aureola ( Pallas)2. RUS дубровник m3. ENG yellow-breasted [golden] bunting4. DEU Weidenammer f5. FRA bruant m auréoléПЯТИЯЗЫЧНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ НАЗВАНИЙ ЖИВОТНЫХ — птицы > bunting, yellow-breasted
6 bunting, golden-breasted
—1. LAT Emberiza flaviventris ( Stephens)2. RUS желтобрюхая овсянка f3. ENG golden-breasted [yellow-bellied] bunting4. DEU Gelbbauchammer f5. FRA bruant m à poitrine doréeПЯТИЯЗЫЧНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ НАЗВАНИЙ ЖИВОТНЫХ — птицы > bunting, golden-breasted
7 bunting, Somali golden-breasted
—1. LAT Emberiza poliopleura ( Salvadori)2. RUS сомалийская овсянка f4. DEU Somali-Ammer f5. FRA —ПЯТИЯЗЫЧНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ НАЗВАНИЙ ЖИВОТНЫХ — птицы > bunting, Somali golden-breasted
8 bunting, yellow-bellied
—1. LAT Emberiza flaviventris ( Stephens)2. RUS желтобрюхая овсянка f3. ENG golden-breasted [yellow-bellied] bunting4. DEU Gelbbauchammer f5. FRA bruant m à poitrine doréeПЯТИЯЗЫЧНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ НАЗВАНИЙ ЖИВОТНЫХ — птицы > bunting, yellow-bellied
9 yellow-breasted bunting
English-russian biological dictionary > yellow-breasted bunting
10 9157
1. LAT Emberiza aureola ( Pallas)2. RUS дубровник m3. ENG yellow-breasted [golden] bunting4. DEU Weidenammer f5. FRA bruant m auréolé -
11 be white about the gills
разг.(be (или look) white about (амер. around) the gills (тж. be или look green and yellow about или around the gills))1) иметь нездоровый, бледный вид, выглядеть больным, плохо выглядеть; см. тж. be rosy about the gills‘Did you see him? Was he green about the gills?’ ‘No, he was in the pink,’ said Philip... (G. Vidal, ‘The Judgment of Paris’, ch. 6) — - Ну как, вы видели мистера Уиллиса? Он, говорят, с лица спал? - Нет, нет. У него цветущий вид, - ответил Филип.
In the mirror he saw his image also listening and looking very white about the gills, he thought. (R. Greenwood, ‘Mr. Bunting at War’, ch. XVII) — В зеркале Эрнест увидел своего двойника. "Очень бледный и тоже прислушивается", - подумал Эрнест.
2) иметь подавленный, расстроенный вид, быть не в настроенииA: "My dear fellow!.. You're looking terribly green about the gills this morning." B: "Yesterday I lost my job, and I don't know what I shall do if I can't find work quickly." (SPI) — А: "Ну и вид у вас сегодня! Краше в гроб кладут..." Б: "я вчера потерял работу. Не знаю, что и делать, если быстро не найду новую."
3) (только be или look white about (амер. around) the gills) испугаться‘I don't blame him. Felt that way myself the first time I went down tbe shaft we sank on Coolgardie. Remember, Dinny?’ ‘Do I remember?’ Dinny chortled. ‘You were white around the gills, and no mistake, Morrey. But that didn't stop y'r goin' down every mornin' we were workin' in the shaft.’ (K. S. Prichard, ‘Golden Miles’, ch. 15) — - я лично не виню его. я сам в свое время струхнул, когда первый раз спускался в шахту, которую мы заложили в Кулгарди. Помнишь, Динни? - Еще бы не помнить! - усмехнулся Динни. - На тебе, Моррис, просто лица не было, побелел как полотно - уж можете не сомневаться. И все-таки потом каждое утро спускался в шахту как миленький.
12 9171
1. LAT Emberiza flaviventris ( Stephens)2. RUS желтобрюхая овсянка f3. ENG golden-breasted [yellow-bellied] bunting4. DEU Gelbbauchammer f5. FRA bruant m à poitrine dorée -
13 9182
1. LAT Emberiza poliopleura ( Salvadori)2. RUS сомалийская овсянка f4. DEU Somali-Ammer f5. FRA —
См. также в других словарях:
Golden-breasted — may refer to:* Golden breasted Bunting, a species of bird in the Emberizidae family * Golden breasted Fruiteater, a species of bird in the Cotingidae family * Golden breasted Fulvetta, a species of songbird * Golden breasted Puffleg, a species of … Wikipedia
Golden-Backed Tree Rat — Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)[1] … Wikipedia
Golden-breasted Bunting — Taxobox name = Golden breasted Bunting status = LC | status system = IUCN3.1 image width = image caption = regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves ordo = Passeriformes familia = Emberizidae genus = Emberiza species = E. flaviventris… … Wikipedia
Bunting (bird) — For other uses, see bunting. Buntings Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella Scientific classification … Wikipedia
golden wren — Willow Wil low, n. [OE. wilowe, wilwe, AS. wilig, welig; akin to OD. wilge, D. wilg, LG. wilge. Cf. {Willy}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) Any tree or shrub of the genus {Salix}, including many species, most of which are characterized often used as… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Golden Kite Award — The Golden Kite Awards are given annually by the Society of Children s Book Writers and Illustrators to recognize excellence in children’s literature. Instituted in 1972, the Golden Kite Awards are the only children’s literary award judged by a… … Wikipedia
golden warbler — Yellow Yel low (y[e^]l l[ o]), a. [Compar. {Yellower} (y[e^]l l[ o]*[ e]r); superl. {Yellowest}.] [OE. yelow, yelwe, [yogh]elow, [yogh]eoluw, from AS. geolu; akin to D. geel, OS. & OHG. gelo, G. gelb, Icel. gulr, Sw. gul, Dan. guul, L. helvus… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
golden wolf — White White (hw[imac]t), a. [Compar. {Whiter} (hw[imac]t [ e]r); superl. {Whitest}.] [OE. whit, AS. hw[imac]t; akin to OFries. and OS. hw[=i]t, D. wit, G. weiss, OHG. w[=i]z, hw[=i]z, Icel. hv[=i]tr, Sw. hvit, Dan. hvid, Goth. hweits, Lith.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Eve Bunting — is an author with more than 250 books. Her books are diverse in age groups, from picture books to chapter books, and topic, ranging from Thanksgiving to riots in Los Angeles. Eve Bunting has won several awards for her works and continues to write … Wikipedia
Somali Golden-breasted Bunting — Taxobox name = Somali Golden breasted Bunting status = LC | status system = IUCN3.1 regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves ordo = Passeriformes familia = Emberizidae genus = Emberiza species = E. poliopleura binomial = Emberiza… … Wikipedia
Yellow bunting — Yellow Yel low (y[e^]l l[ o]), a. [Compar. {Yellower} (y[e^]l l[ o]*[ e]r); superl. {Yellowest}.] [OE. yelow, yelwe, [yogh]elow, [yogh]eoluw, from AS. geolu; akin to D. geel, OS. & OHG. gelo, G. gelb, Icel. gulr, Sw. gul, Dan. guul, L. helvus… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English