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со словенского на все языки


  • 1 verb

    (the word or phrase that gives the action, or asserts something, in a sentence, clause etc: I saw him; He ran away from me; I have a feeling; What is this?) glagol
    - verbally
    - verbatim
    - verbose
    * * *
    linguistics glagol; obsolete beseda
    copulative, substantive verb — kopula, glagol biti

    English-Slovenian dictionary > verb

  • 2 phrasal verb

    (a phrase consisting of a verb and adverb or preposition, which together function as a verb: `Leave out', `go without', `go away', are phrasal verbs.) glagol s predlogom

    English-Slovenian dictionary > phrasal verb

  • 3 link-verb

    grammar kopula; pomožni glagol

    English-Slovenian dictionary > link-verb

  • 4 allow

    1) (not to forbid or prevent: He allowed me to enter; Playing football in the street is not allowed.) dovoliti
    2) ((with for) to take into consideration when judging or deciding: These figures allow for price rises.) upoštevati
    3) (to give, especially for a particular purpose or regularly: His father allows him too much money.) dajati
    - make allowance for
    * * *
    transitive verb
    dovoliti, dopustiti, omogočiti, odobriti; popustiti; upoštevati; American ( that da) trditi, izjaviti
    allow me!dovolite!
    to allow for transitive verb upoštevati
    allowing for — upoštevajoč, če upoštevamo
    allow of transitive verb American colloquially dopuščati

    English-Slovenian dictionary > allow

  • 5 chuck

    (to throw: Chuck this rubbish in the dustbin.) vreči
    * * *
    I [čуk]
    kokoška, pišče; kokanje, kokodakanje; cmokanje, tlesk(anje)
    II [čуk]
    intransitive verb
    kokati, kokodakati; cmokati, tleskati; klicati kokoši;
    pi pi pi!
    III [čуk]
    familiarly srček, ljubček, ljubica
    IV [čуk]
    metanje; lahek udarec, trepljanje; slang zapuščanje; odpust
    to give s.o. the chuck — odpustiti, spoditi koga; pretrgati stike s kom
    V [čуk]
    transitive verb
    po vratu božati, (po)trepljati; familiarly ven vreči, na cedilu pustiti
    slang chuck it! — nehaj, dovolj je tega!
    VI [čуk]
    slang hrana
    VII [čуk]
    poleno, klada; technical natezalna podloga, pritezalnik;
    transitive verb
    pritrditi z natezalno podlogo

    English-Slovenian dictionary > chuck

  • 6 conjure

    (to perform tricks (conjuring tricks) that seem magical, as an entertainment.) čarati
    - conjurer
    * * *
    I [kəndžúə]
    transitive verb
    zaklinjati, moledovati
    II [kʌndžə]
    transitive verb & intransitive verb
    čarati, klicati; žonglirati; zaklinjati, zagovarjati; v duhu si predstavljati

    English-Slovenian dictionary > conjure

  • 7 lower

    1) (to make or become less high: She lowered her voice.) znižati
    2) (to let down: He lowered the blinds.) spustiti
    * * *
    I [láuə]
    & intransitive verb see lour
    II [lóuə]
    transitive verb
    spustiti, spuščati, znižati, zmanjtati; nautical spustiti čoln v vodo, spustiti jadra; figuratively ponižati;
    intransitive verb
    spustiti se, spuščati se; slabeti, pojemati
    to lower o.s. — ponižati se; oslabeti, popustiti

    English-Slovenian dictionary > lower

  • 8 rouse

    1) (to awaken: I'll rouse you at 6 o'clock.) zbuditi
    2) (to stir or excite: Her interest was roused by what he said.) vzbuditi
    * * *
    I [ráuz]
    transitive verb
    zbuditi (from, out of iz); vzpodbuditi (to k); vznemiriti, razdražiti; zbuditi zanimanje; dvigniti (preplašiti, prepoditi) (divjačino); premešati, pretresti (tekočino); podpihovati (ogenj); razplamteti, vzburkati (strast itd.); intransitive verb zbuditi se, predramiti se; zdrzniti se, trzniti, planiti kvišku; priti iz otopelosti, oživeti
    to rouse s.o.'s bile figuratively razjeziti koga
    to rouse the sleeping lion figuratively nakopati si nevšečnosti zaradi neprevidne pobude
    to rouse s.o. out of (up from) bed — dvigniti, vreči koga iz postelje
    to rouse up — zbuditi (se) iz mrtvila, postati aktiven;
    zbujenje; zdramljenje; prestrašitev; military znak (s trobento, bobnom) za zbujanje (vstajanje); budnica
    II [ráuz]
    archaic požirek; polna čaša; zdravica; popivanje, pijančevanje, potratna gostija
    to give (to have) a rouse to s.o. — napiti komu zdravico, nazdraviti komu
    III [ráuz]
    transitive verb
    posoliti, nasoliti (slanike itd.)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > rouse

  • 9 ruffle

    (to make wrinkled or uneven, especially hair, feathers etc: The wind ruffled her hair; The bird ruffled its feathers in anger.) razmršiti, nasršiti
    * * *
    I [rʌfl]
    nabornica, nabrana ovratnica, nabrana čipka (okoli ovratnika, rokava itd.); kravata iz čipk; volán (na ženski obleki); (o pticah) kolut, prstan iz perja (okoli vratu); (o vodni površini) kodranje, grbančenje, gubanje; namrščenost; (redko) nemir, hrup, rabuka, vznemirjenje, razburjenje, prerekanje, pribuka, vznemirjenje, razburjenje, prerekanje, pričkanje
    II [rʌfl]
    transitive verb & intransitive verb
    nabrati; nakodrati; valoviti (vodno površino); (na)mršiti; razkuštrati (lase); (na)ježiti, (na)sršiti (perje); figuratively razdražiti, vznemiriti, razburiti, razburkati, zmesti (koga); spraviti v nered, skaliti, pokvariti (komu) dobro razpoloženje; intransitive verb nagubati se, nabrati se, namršiti se, nakodrati se; pomečkati se; figuratively vznemiriti se, razburiti se, razburkati se, razdražiti se; šopiriti se, postavljati se, hvaliti se, bahati se, širokoustiti se, košatiti se, predrzno se vesti
    to ruffle one's feathers — nasršiti se, naježiti se
    don't ruffle your feathers! figuratively ne razburjaj se! pomiri se!
    to ruffle s.o.'s temperpokvariti komu dobro razpoloženje (voljo)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > ruffle

  • 10 snuffle

    (to make sniffing noises, or breathe noisily: He's snuffling because he has a cold.) sopsti
    * * *
    obvohavanje; smrkanje, sopenje, hlipanje, glasno dihanje; govorjenje skozi nos, nosljanje, figuratively nenaravno (afektirano, licemersko) govorjenje, plural medicine kroničen nahod;
    intransitive verb & transitive verb
    vohljati; smrkati, sopsti, glasno dihati; govoriti skozi nos, nosljati, govoriti kot prehlajen človek; licemersko govoriti; transitive verb izgovarjati skozi nos (out, forth)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > snuffle

  • 11 straighten

    verb (to make or become straight: He straightened his tie; The road curved and then straightened.) poravnati, izravnati
    * * *
    transitive verb
    izravnati, napraviti ravno; razplesti, izgladiti; urediti; pojasniti; v red spraviti, urediti;
    intransitive verb
    postati raven, izravnati se
    to straighten out — urediti; pojasniti
    to straighten up intransitive verb American zravnati se, postati zopet spodoben, začeti spodobno življenje

    English-Slovenian dictionary > straighten

  • 12 abide

    (to put up with; to tolerate: I can't abide noisy people.) prenašati
    * * *
    intransitive verb
    ostati, vztrajati; zadrževati se, prebivati, stanovati; zadovoljiti se; nuditi pomoč;
    transitive verb (po)čakati; prenašati; vzdržati kaj

    English-Slovenian dictionary > abide

  • 13 acclimatize

    (to make or become accustomed to a new climate, new surroundings etc: It took him several months to become acclimatized to the heat.) navaditi se
    - acclimatisation
    * * *
    transitive verb & intransitive verb
    (to) prilagoditi (se), udomačiti (se), navaditi (se)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > acclimatize

  • 14 advertise

    (to make (something) known to the public by any of various methods: I've advertised (my house) in the newspaper; They advertised on TV for volunteers.) oglašati
    - advertiser
    * * *
    transitive verb
    naznaniti, opozoriti; archaic sporočiti; objaviti;
    intransitive verb
    delati reklamo, oglašati

    English-Slovenian dictionary > advertise

  • 15 advise

    1) (to give advice to; to recommend: My lawyer advises me to buy the house.) svetovati
    2) ((with of) to inform: This letter is to advise you of our interest in your proposal.) seznaniti (z), informirati
    * * *
    transitive verb & intransitive verb
    ( with) posvetovati se, svetovati; sporočiti, obvestiti

    English-Slovenian dictionary > advise

  • 16 align

    1) (to put in a straight line or in parallel lines.) poravnati
    2) (to attach (oneself) to one side in an argument, politics etc: He aligned himself with the rebels.) prestopiti na stran
    * * *
    transitive verb & intransitive verb
    v vrsto (se) postaviti; uvrstiti; ( with) pridružiti (se)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > align

  • 17 amplify

    1) (to make larger, especially by adding details to.) razširiti
    2) (to make (the sound from a radio, record-player etc) louder by using an amplifier.) ojačiti
    - amplifier
    * * *
    transitive verb & intransitive verb
    (po)večati, (raz)širiti; (o)jačiti; na široko razlagati

    English-Slovenian dictionary > amplify

  • 18 apply

    1) ((with to) to put (something) on or against something else: to apply ointment to a cut.) nanesti
    2) ((with to) to use (something) for some purpose: He applied his wits to planning their escape.) uporabiti
    3) ((with for) to ask for (something) formally: You could apply (to the manager) for a job.) zaprositi za
    4) ((with to) to concern: This rule does not apply to him.) zadevati
    5) (to be in force: The rule doesn't apply at weekends.) veljati
    - applicable
    - applicability
    - applicant
    - application
    - apply oneself/one's mind
    * * *
    transitive verb
    (to) položiti, priložiti; prilepiti; uporabiti; usmeriti;
    intransitive verb
    posvetiti se, sklicevati se (to) obrniti se (na koga); ( for) pogajati se, zaprositi za kaj; (to) prilagoditi se; tikati se; veljati
    to apply o.s. to — prizadevati si; lotiti se
    apply to Mr. X — javite se pri g. ɔ

    English-Slovenian dictionary > apply

  • 19 arbitrate

    (to act as an arbitrator in a dispute etc: He has been asked to arbitrate in the dispute between the workers and management.) razsoditi
    - arbitrator
    * * *
    transitive verb & intransitive verb
    (raz)soditi, poravnati, posredovati

    English-Slovenian dictionary > arbitrate

  • 20 argue

    1) ((with with someone, about something) to quarrel with (a person) or discuss (something) with a person in a not very friendly way: I'm not going to argue; Will you children stop arguing with each other about whose toy that is!) pričkati se
    2) ((with for, against) to suggest reasons for or for not doing something: I argued for/against accepting the plan.) zavzemati se
    3) ((with into, out of) to persuade (a person) (not) to do something: I'll try to argue him into going; He argued her out of buying the dress.) prepričati
    4) (to discuss, giving one's reasoning: She argued the point very cleverly.) zagovarjati
    - argument
    - argumentative
    * * *
    transitive verb
    (for, against) dokazovati, pobijati; pretresati; kazati;
    intransitive verb
    pričkati se; ( from) sklepati; ( about) diskutirati, razpravljati
    to argue against s.th.nastopiti proti čemu
    it argues him to be an honest man — to dokazuje, da je poštenjak
    to argue s.o. intopregovoriti koga (da kaj stori)
    to argue s.o. out ofodvrniti koga od česa

    English-Slovenian dictionary > argue

См. также в других словарях:

  • Verb — (von lat. verbum (temporale) „Zeitwort“) ist ein fachsprachlicher Ausdruck der traditionellen Grammatik für eine Wortart, die eine Tätigkeit, ein Geschehen oder einen Zustand ausdrückt, und erfasst Wörter wie gehen, denken, segeln und wandern.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Verb Subject Object — (VSO) is a term in linguistic typology. It represents one type of languages when classifying languages according to the sequence of these constituents in neutral expressions: Ate Sam oranges .Examples of languages with VSO word order include… …   Wikipedia

  • verb — VERB, verbe, s.n. 1. Parte de vorbire care exprimă o acţiune sau o stare şi care se caracterizează prin flexiune proprie. 2. (livr.; la sg.) Mijloc, fel de exprimare; limbaj; cuvânt. – Din fr. verbe, lat. verbum. Trimis de RACAI, 04.02.2009.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Verb — Verb, n. [F. verbe, L. verbum a word, verb. See {Word}.] 1. A word; a vocable. [Obs.] South. [1913 Webster] 2. (Gram.) A word which affirms or predicates something of some person or thing; a part of speech expressing being, action, or the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Verb T — is a UK hip hop artist based in London.He has released three albums and two EPs as well as numerous singles.His first release was the 16 track EP Backhand Slap Talk / Technical Illness which was a shared release featuring songs from fellow London …   Wikipedia

  • verb — [və:b US və:rb] n [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: verbe, from Latin verbum word, verb ] a word or group of words that describes an action, experience, or state, such as come , see , and put on →↑auxiliary verb, ↑linking verb, ↑modal verb …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Verb — Sn Zeitwort erw. fach. (15. Jh., Form 18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Zunächst in lateinischer Form entlehnt aus l. verbum, auch: Wort, Ausdruck, Rede . Adjektiv: verbal.    Ebenso nndl. verbum, ne. verb, nfrz. verbe, nschw. verb, nnorw. verb. Zur… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • verb group — verb groups N COUNT A verb group or verbal group consists of a verb, or of a main verb following a modal or one or more auxiliaries. Examples are walked , can see , and had been waiting …   English dictionary

  • VERB (program) — VERB is a physical activity program of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States Government. It includes print, online, and television advertising. External links* [http://www.cdc.gov/YouthCampaign/ VERB Campaign] …   Wikipedia

  • verb — late 14c., from O.Fr. verbe part of speech that expresses action or being, from L. verbum verb, originally a word, from PIE root *were (Cf. Avestan urvata command; Skt. vrata command, vow; Gk. rhetor public speaker, rhetra agreement, covenant …   Etymology dictionary

  • verb — ► NOUN Grammar ▪ a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, such as hear, become, or happen. ORIGIN Latin verbum word, verb …   English terms dictionary

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