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  • 1 somebody

    pronoun (someone.) kažkas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > somebody

  • 2 keep (somebody) posted

    (to give regular information to (a person).) nuolatos (ką) informuoti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > keep (somebody) posted

  • 3 keep (somebody) posted

    (to give regular information to (a person).) nuolatos (ką) informuoti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > keep (somebody) posted

  • 4 accessory

    plural - accessories; noun
    1) (something additional (eg a handbag, scarf, shoes etc to the main part of a woman's clothing, or a radio, seat-covers etc to a car): She wore matching accessories.) aksesuaras, priedas
    2) ((legal) a person who helps somebody, especially a criminal.) bendrininkas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > accessory

  • 5 egg on

    (to urge (somebody) on (to do something): He egged his friend on to steal the radio.) skatinti, akinti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > egg on

  • 6 entrust

    (to give into the care of another; to trust (somebody with something): I entrusted this secret to her; I entrusted her with the duty of locking up.) patikėti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > entrust

  • 7 post

    I [pəust] noun
    (a long piece of wood, metal etc, usually fixed upright in the ground: The notice was nailed to a post; a gate-post; the winning-post.) stulpas
    - keep somebody posted
    - keep posted
    II 1. [pəust] noun
    ((the system of collecting, transporting and delivering) letters, parcels etc: I sent the book by post; Has the post arrived yet?; Is there any post for me?) paštas
    2. verb
    (to send (a letter etc) by post: He posted the parcel yesterday.) (pa)siųsti paštu
    - postal
    - postage stamp
    - postal order
    - postbox
    - postcard
    - postcode
    - post-free
    - post-haste
    - posthaste
    - postman
    - postmark
    - postmaster
    - post office
    III 1. [pəust] noun
    1) (a job: He has a post in the government; a teaching post.) postas, darbas, tarnyba
    2) (a place of duty: The soldier remained at his post.) postas
    3) (a settlement, camp etc especially in a distant or unpopulated area: a trading-post.) punktas
    2. verb
    (to send somewhere on duty: He was posted abroad.) (pa)siųsti dirbti
    IV [pəust]

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > post

  • 8 presidency

    1) (the rank or office of a president: His ambition is the presidency.) prezidentystė, pirmininko pareigos
    2) (the period of time for which somebody is president: during the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower.) prezidentavimas, pirmininkavimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > presidency

  • 9 shove

    1. verb
    (to thrust; to push: I shoved the papers into a drawer; I'm sorry I bumped into you - somebody shoved me; Stop shoving!; He shoved (his way) through the crowd.) stumti(s)
    2. noun
    (a push: He gave the table a shove.) stumtelėjimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > shove

  • 10 some

    1. pronoun, adjective
    1) (an indefinite amount or number (of): I can see some people walking across the field; You'll need some money if you're going shopping; Some of the ink was spilt on the desk.) šiek tiek, truputis
    2) ((said with emphasis) a certain, or small, amount or number (of): `Has she any experience of the work?' `Yes, she has some.'; Some people like the idea and some don't.) šiek tiek; kai kurie
    3) ((said with emphasis) at least one / a few / a bit (of): Surely there are some people who agree with me?; I don't need much rest from work, but I must have some.) nors vienas, nors kas
    4) (certain: He's quite kind in some ways.) kai kuris
    2. adjective
    1) (a large, considerable or impressive (amount or number of): I spent some time trying to convince her; I'll have some problem sorting out these papers!) nemažai, ganėtinai
    2) (an unidentified or unnamed (thing, person etc): She was hunting for some book that she's lost.) kažkoks
    3) ((used with numbers) about; at a rough estimate: There were some thirty people at the reception.) maždaug, apie
    3. adverb
    ((American) somewhat; to a certain extent: I think we've progressed some.) kažkiek, šiek tiek
    - someday
    - somehow
    - someone
    - something
    - sometime
    - sometimes
    - somewhat
    - somewhere
    - mean something
    - or something
    - something like
    - something tells me

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > some

  • 11 spruce up

    (to make oneself or somebody else smarter: I'll go and spruce up before going out.) pa(si)gražinti, pa(si)puošti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > spruce up

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Somebody Told Me — «Somebody Told Me» Сингл The Killers из альбома Hot Fuss …   Википедия

  • Somebody Told Me — «Somebody Told Me» Sencillo de The Killers del álbum Hot Fuss Lado B The Ballad of Michael Valentine, Under The Gun Formato CD single, digital, disco 7 Grabación 2004 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Somebody to Love (canción de Justin Bieber) — «Somebody to Love» Sencillo de Justin Bieber del álbum My World 2.0 y Versus Publicación 20 de abril de 2010 Formato sencilllo, descarga digital Grabación 2009 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Somebody to Love Me (canción de Mark Ronson) — «Somebody to Love Me» Sencillo de Mark Ronson The Business Intl. con Boy George y Andrew Wyatt del álbum Record Collection Publicación 23 de octubre de 2010 Formato CD Single, 12 Género(s) …   Wikipedia Español

  • Somebody — es una canción de rock por escrito por Bryan Adams y Jim Vallance para el cuarto álbum de estudio de Adams Reckless (1984). Fue el segundo single del álbum publicado Reckless. Podría decirse que una de las más populares y reconocidas canciones de …   Wikipedia Español

  • Somebody to Love (30 Rock) — Somebody to Love 30 Rock episode C.C. is interviewed by MSNBC …   Wikipedia

  • Somebody To Love (сингл) — «Somebody To Love» Сингл группы Tohoshinki Выпущен …   Википедия

  • Somebody's Me — «Somebody s Me» Сингл Энрике Иглесиаса c альбома «Insomniac» Выпущен 8 августа …   Википедия

  • Somebody Loves You (disambiguation) — Somebody Loves You may refer to: *Somebody Loves You, a 1975 album by Crystal Gayle * Somebody Loves You , a 1932 song by Peter deRose and Charles Tobias * Somebody Loves You , a song by Allen Reynolds, sung by Crystal Gayle on the album… …   Wikipedia

  • Somebody’s Me — «Somebody s Me» Сингл Энрике Иглесиаса из альбома …   Википедия

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