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  • 1 go without

    - nhịn, chịu thiếu, chịu không có =to go without food+ nhịn ăn, chịu đói !to be gone on somebody - mê ai, phải lòng ai !to go begging - không ai cần đến, không ai cầu đến !to go all lengths - dùng đủ mọi cách !to go all out - rán hết sức, đem hết sức mình !to go a long way - đi xa - có tác dụng lớn, có ảnh hưởng lớn - để được lâu (đồ ăn); bền (quần áo...) - tiêu được lâu (tiền...) !to go astray - (xem) astray !to go bail for someone - (xem) bail !to go beyond the veil !to go hence !to go to a better word !to go out of this word !to go heaven !to go to one's account !to go to one's long rest !to go to one's own place !to go the way of all the earth !to go the way of all flesh !to go the way of nature !to go to one's last (long) home !to go over to the great majority !to go off the books - chết !to go west - (từ lóng) chết !to go up the flume - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) (từ lóng) chết !to go down hill - xuống dốc (đen & bóng) - suy yếu rất nhanh (sức khoẻ) !to go far - sẽ làm nên, có tiền đồ !to go flop - (xem) flop !to go hard with somebody - làm lôi thôi cho ai, gây chuyện bực mình khó chịu cho ai, làm khó khăn cho ai !to go hot and cold - lên cơn sốt lúc nóng lúc lạnh - thẹn lúc đỏ bừng lúc tái đi !to go it (lóng) - làm mạnh, làm hăng - sống bừa bâi, sống phóng đãng !to go it alone - làm một mình không nhờ cậy vào ai; một mình chịu hết trách nhiệm !to go off one's head (nut) - mất trí, hoá điên !to go over big - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) thành công lớn, đạt kết quả lớn, tiến bộ nhiều !to go one better - trội hơn, vượt hơn (ai) !to go phut - (xem) phut !to go share and share alike - chia đều (với ai) !to go sick - (quân sự) báo cáo ốm !to go to the country - (xem) country !to go to great trouble (expense) - lo lắng nhiều, bỏ nhiều công sức =go to hell (jericho, bath, blazes...)!+ đồ chết tiệt! quỷ tha ma bắt mày đi! !to go to seed - (xem) seed !to go to war - dùng biện pháp chiến tranh, đi đến chỗ đánh nhau !to go to whole length of if !to go to the whole way - làm đến nơi đến chốn, không bỏ nửa chừng

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > go without

См. также в других словарях:

  • Great Lengths — INTERNATIONAL, Srl[1] Rechtsform GmbH (Italien) Gründung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • go to great lengths — ● length * * * go to great/extreme/any/etc lengths phrase to try in a very determined or unreasonable way to achieve something They have gone to great lengths to make us feel welcome. The lengt …   Useful english dictionary

  • go to great lengths to do something — go to great lengths to (do something) to try very hard to achieve a result. This champion marathon runner is going to great lengths to help needy children. Both sides have gone to great lengths to emphasize areas of similarity in their proposals …   New idioms dictionary

  • go to great lengths to — (do something) to try very hard to achieve a result. This champion marathon runner is going to great lengths to help needy children. Both sides have gone to great lengths to emphasize areas of similarity in their proposals. Related vocabulary:… …   New idioms dictionary

  • go to great lengths to do something — go to great lengths (to do something) to try very hard to achieve something. I went to great lengths to explain the situation to him but he still didn t seem to understand …   New idioms dictionary

  • go to great lengths — (to do something) to try very hard to achieve something. I went to great lengths to explain the situation to him but he still didn t seem to understand …   New idioms dictionary

  • far and wide, to great lengths; over great distances. Also, far and near, near and far. — idi far and wide, to great lengths; over great distances. Also, far and near, near and far …   From formal English to slang

  • go to great lengths — verb To make a big effort to do something, or be very careful when doing something, especially excessively or extremely. Leftish anthropologists go to great lengths to avoid saying anything about primitive peoples that could conceivably be… …   Wiktionary

  • go to great lengths (to do something) — go to any, some, great, etc. ˈlengths (to do sth) idiom to put a lot of effort into doing sth, especially when this seems extreme • She goes to extraordinary lengths to keep her private life private. Main entry: ↑lengthidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • go to great lengths/ go to any lengths — do whatever is necessary, never give up    Cynthia will go to any lengths to find a dress designed by Voz …   English idioms

  • go to great lengths — Synonyms and related words: be careful, be cautious, bend over backwards, exercise care, go all lengths, handle with gloves, have a care, make every effort, not relax, not rest, spare no effort, spare no pains, take care, take good care, take… …   Moby Thesaurus

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