1 слава аллаху!
разг., шутл.glory to Allah! joc.Гыра подскочил вдруг на своём топчане и, корча рожи, пропел елейным голоском: - Слава аллаху! Вернулся наш великий путешественник. Аминь! (Г. Семёнов, К зиме, минуя осень) — Gira suddenly jumped up on his bed and, making faces, sang in unctuous tones: 'Glory to Allah! Our great traveller has returned. Amen!'
2 тасбих
Religion: tasbih ("Glory to Allah", continuous praise of God by the karubiyun) (произнесение формулы "хвала Аллаху"; перебирание чёток и молитва с повторением такой формулы)
См. также в других словарях:
glory — 01. Donovan Bailey s greatest moment of [glory] came when he won two gold medals in the Olympics. 02. Patrick Roy lead his team to another Stanley Cup [glory] this past season. 03. These old churches are designed to fill the faithful with… … Grammatical examples in English
`Abd Allah ibn `Umar — Born 614CE Died 74 AH (693) Region Muslim scholar Main interests hadith and Fiqh … Wikipedia
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah — Tāriqu l Ḥākim, called bi Amr al Lāh (Arabic: الحاكم بأمر الله; literally Ruler by God s Command ), was the sixth Fatimid Caliph in Egypt, ruling from 996 to 1021.His reign was notable for several things: the tender age eleven at which he… … Wikipedia
Nahnu Jund Allah Jund Al-watan — السلام الجمهوري English: officially: The Republican Anthem As salam Al jamhuri National anthem of Sudan … Wikipedia
Eid al-Adha — عيد الأضحى Id ul Adha (‘Īd al ’Aḍḥá) (Festivity after the Hajj) Official name Arabic: عيد الأضحى ‘Īd al ’Aḍḥá Also called Festival of Sacrifice, Sacrifice Fe … Wikipedia
Sufi Muhammed Aslam — Naqshbandi Aslammiya (Naqshbandiyya) is one of the major Tasawwuf orders (tariqa) of Islam. Hazoor Khwaja eh Khwajghaan Hazrat Khwajah Sufi Muhammed Aslam Rehmatullah alai was born on 4th April in 1934 AC 19th Dhu l Hijja 1352 AH in Shadphur,… … Wikipedia
Fatimah — For other people of the same name, see Fatima (name). A series of articles on Fatimah Life Family tree · Fatimah marital life · Descendants · Succession to Muhammad … Wikipedia
Isra and Mi'raj — For the Turkish film, see Night Journey (film). The Isra and Mi raj (Arabic: الإسراء والمعراج, al ’Isrā’ wal Mi‘rāğ), are the two parts of a Night Journey that, according to Islamic tradition, the Islamic prophet Muhammad took during a single… … Wikipedia
Teen Talwar — The Teen Talwar (Three Swords) monument is located in Clifton, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. The three swords represent: Unity , Faith , and Discipline .Karachi has many landmarks, but none stands out more in the popular imagination as Clifton s Teen … Wikipedia
Jerusalem — al Quds redirects here. For other uses, see al Quds (disambiguation). For other uses, see Jerusalem (disambiguation). Jerusalem … Wikipedia
cherub — cherubic /cheuh rooh bik/, cherubical, adj. cherubically, adv. cherublike, adj. /cher euhb/, n., pl. cherubs for 3, 4; cherubim /cher euh bim, yoo bim/ for 1, 2. 1. a celestial being. Gen. 3:24; Ezek. 1, 10. 2. Theol. a member of the second order … Universalium