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со всех языков на русский


  • 1 преобразователь кода

    1. transcoder
    2. code converter


    преобразователь кода
    [IEV number 314-02-12]


    code converter

    device for changing the representation of information according to a given code into the representation of the same information according to another code
    [IEV number 314-02-12]


    convertisseur de code

    dispositif destiné à transformer une représentation d'informations selon un certain code en une représentation des mêmes informations selon un autre code
    [IEV number 314-02-12]


    • измерение электр. величин в целом




    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > преобразователь кода

  • 2 преобразователь кода

    1. transcodeur
    2. convertisseur de code


    преобразователь кода
    [IEV number 314-02-12]


    code converter

    device for changing the representation of information according to a given code into the representation of the same information according to another code
    [IEV number 314-02-12]


    convertisseur de code

    dispositif destiné à transformer une représentation d'informations selon un certain code en une représentation des mêmes informations selon un autre code
    [IEV number 314-02-12]


    • измерение электр. величин в целом




    Русско-французский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > преобразователь кода

  • 3 преобразователь кода

    1. Codeumsetzer


    преобразователь кода
    [IEV number 314-02-12]


    code converter

    device for changing the representation of information according to a given code into the representation of the same information according to another code
    [IEV number 314-02-12]


    convertisseur de code

    dispositif destiné à transformer une représentation d'informations selon un certain code en une représentation des mêmes informations selon un autre code
    [IEV number 314-02-12]


    • измерение электр. величин в целом




    Русско-немецкий словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > преобразователь кода

  • 4 данный

    Русско-английский технический словарь > данный

  • 5 татуировка тюремная

    "Баклан" (жаргонное слово, означающее "хулиган").—"Biff-guy" (the jargon for hoodlum, rowdy, street-tough).
    "Верю в воровскую романтику".—"I believe in the romance of the underworld".
    "Верю в свою фортуну". —"I believe in my fortune".
    "Воровской крест", символ авторитета в среде заключенных.—The "thieves' cross", a symbol of authority with prison inmates. The inscription means "amen".
    "Вот что нас губит".—"This is what we are ruined by".
    "Завязал".—"Gone straight" (the jargon for "renounced a life of crime).
    "Искушен с юных лет". —"Corrupted from my youth up".
    "Мой бог — злой демон". —"My God is a malignant demon".
    "Проигрался — плати!"—"If you lose at cards, pay your debt!"
    "Смерть прокурору!" —"Death to prosecutor!"
    "Смерть той, которая толкнула меня на преступление и предала". Число поленьев означает полученный срок.—"Death to the one who drove me to crime and than betrayed". The number of logs stands for a prison term in years.
    18 лет исполнилось в ВТК.—Came of age in a penitentiary for youths.
    Вера в удачу. —Faith in good luck.
    Все в жизни преходяще. —Everything in life is transient.
    Всю жизнь за решеткой—All life long behind bars.
    Долгое время занимался кражами и грабежами, неоднократно судим; "авторитет".—Engaged for a long time in larcenies and robberies, had several convictions; a "big" (the jargon for one who is a big shot in crime)
    Жизнь тает как свеча. Туз треф — тюрьма, туз пик — надежда. Надпись на латыни — "жизнь коротка".—The life is melting away like a candle. The ace of clubs stands for prison, the ace of spades — for hope. The inscription in Latin means "the life is short".
    Жить — значит бороться.—The inscription in Latin means "to live is to fight".
    Знак дружбы до заключения.—A sign of friendship before imprisonment.
    Карикатура на сотрудников правоохранительных органов. Иногда волк изображается в форме.—A cartoon of law-enforcement officers. The wolf sometimes appears uniformed.
    Клятва мести.—A vow of vengeance.
    Кровная месть. —Vendetta.
    Купола означают число "ходок" (судимостей).—The domes stand for the number of "trips" (the jargon for convictions).
    На преступление толкнула женщина.—Driven to crime by a woman. "УК" is the acronym for Penal Code.
    Наполеон — авторитет в уголовном мире?—Napoleon — a man of authority with the underworld?
    Начал воровать и грабить. —Began to steal and rob.
    Обе татуировки имеют одинаковое значение: "было счастье, да черт унес". Подкова — символ удачи, заплата на мешке — тюремная решетка.—Both tattoos have the same meaning: "I had good fortune, but it was carried away by the devil". The horseshoe is a symbol of good luck, the patch on the bag stands for prison bars.
    Осужден за убийство жены или родственника.—Convicted for the murder of the wife or a relative.
    Отбывал срок на Севере.—Served time in the northern regions (the inscription means "North").
    Оторван от жизни. —Cut off from life.
    Символ борьбы за лидерство среди уголовников. Наносится на лопатках.—A symbol of fighting for leadership in the underworld. Drawn on the shoulder-blades.
    Символ отрицательного отношения к работникам правоохранительных органов.—A symbol of negative attitude to law-enforcement officers.
    Символ товарищества в местах лишения свободы—A symbol of comradeship in places of confinement. The inscription means "freedom".
    Склонен к жестокости и насилию. Лица с такой татуировкой в ИТУ называются "бойцами".—Given to brutality and violence. The persons so tattooed are called "strong-arm men" in places of confinement.
    Склонен к побегу из мест заключения.—Given to escape from places of confinement.
    Склонен к разбоям и грабежам.—Given to hold-ups and robberies.
    Судим за грабеж. —Convicted for robbery.
    Татуировка пассивного гомосексуалиста. Наносится насильно (только на спине).—A tattoo of a passive homosexual. Made by force (only on the back).
    Татуировки, характерные для наркоманов.—Distinctive tattoos of drug-addicts.
    Тоска по дому, по воле. —Longing for home, for freedom.
    Злая неволя отняла солнце, любовь, надежду.—The sun, love and hope were taken away by the evil captivity.
    "Вафлер" (минетчик). Татуировка наносится насильно.—"Bone queen" (the jargon for a male homosexual fellator). The tattoo is made by force.
    "По стопам любимого отца" (память о судимых родителях).—"Following in my dear father's footsteps" (in memory of convicted parents).
    "Села на якорь" (осуждена к лишению свободы).—"Got the key" (the jargon for "sentenced to a term in prison").
    "Сердцеедка". —A "man-killer".
    "Тянул срок" (был в заключении).—"Laid in lavenders (the jargon for "served a term of imprisonment").
    "Чухан" (грязный, опустившийся заключенный, презираемый сокамерниками).—"Crum" (the jargon for a dirty, degraded prisoner held in contempt by cellmates).
    "Шестерка" (осужденный, прислуживающий сокамерникам).—"Gummy" (the jargon for a prisoner used by cellmates to run errands).
    Ангелы — символ надежды.—The angels are a symbol of hope.
    Была невинной, была свободной.—I was innocent, I was free.
    В объятиях злой судьбы. —In the embrace of ill fate.
    Верю в свою любовь. —I believe in my love.
    За причиненное мне зло — отомщу!—I'll revenge the evil done to me!
    Муза всегда в моей душе. —The Muse is always in my heart.
    Наркоман. —A drug-addict.
    Невинно осужденная. —Convicted without guilt.
    Ожидание свободы, счастливой жизни.—In expectation of freedom and happy life.
    Отбывала срок на чужбине (за пределами России).—Served time in a strange land (beyond the boundaries of Russia).
    Отрицательно настроен к работникам правоохранительных органов.—A symbol of negative attitude to law-enforcement officers.
    Отсидела срок "звонком" (отбыла наказание полностью).—"Maxed-out" (the jargon for "completed a maximum sentence without previously earning parole").
    Память об умерших родителях.—In memory of the deceased parents.
    Память об умерших родителях.—In memory of the deceased parents.
    Пережила зло, предательство, любовь.—Gone through evil, betrayal, love.
    Перстень несовершеннолетних преступников. "Свети вору, а не прокурору".—A finger-ring of juvenile delinquents. "Shine for thief, but not for prosecutor".
    Погубила свекровь.—My life was ruined by Mother-in-law.
    Рождена свободной. —Born free.
    Семнадцать лет исполнилось в ВТК.—Turned seventeen at a penitentiary for youths.
    Символ амнистии, снижения срока.—A symbol of amnesty or reduction in a prison term.
    Символ любви. —A symbol of love.
    Символ материнской любви и веры в будущее.—A symbol of motherly love and faith in the future.
    Судим за грабеж. —Convicted for robbery.
    [m1 ] Судим за изнасилование. —Convicted for rape.
    Судим за кражу государственного или общественного имущества.—Convicted for theft of state or public property.
    Судим за кражу, склонен к созданию группировок.—Convicted for larceny. Given to formation of gangs.
    Судим за разбой. —Convicted for armed robbery.
    Судим за убийство, нанесение тяжких телесных повреждений.—Convicted for murder or grievous bodily harm.
    Судим за хулиганство. He поддается перевоспитанию.—Convicted for hooliganism. Unamenable to reforming.
    Счастье было почти в руках. —Fortune was next my hand.
    Татуировка наркоманок.—A tattoo of female drug-addicts.
    Умею хранить тайну. —Able to keep a secret.
    Я бандитка.—I am a gun-woman.

    English-Russian dictionary of the underworld > татуировка тюремная

  • 6 принимать в расчёт

    Принимать в расчёт / во внимание - to take into account, to take into consideration, to take credit for, to give credit for, to pay heed to (учитывать); to bear in mind (иметь в виду)
     To prevent this, mechanisms should exist whereby external costs are taken fully into account in the decision-making process.
     Under these conditions the stalled flow model would have to be modified to take this pressure drop into account, as shown schematically in Fig.
     The ASME Code permits taking credit for the stiffening effect of the tubes, but cautions as to the many variables involved.
     To be conservative, it is recommended that no credit be given for compressive stress states with TF < 1. In such cases let TF = 1.
     Currently, PVRC is sponsoring studies to conform the observation by L. that credit should be given for yield strength.
     Pay heed to the pressure Pmax according to Section 3.1.
     It should be borne in mind that individual impact sites may be small enough to fall within an individual phase at the bearing surface.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > принимать в расчёт

  • 7 принимать во внимание

    Принимать в расчёт / во внимание - to take into account, to take into consideration, to take credit for, to give credit for, to pay heed to (учитывать); to bear in mind (иметь в виду)
     To prevent this, mechanisms should exist whereby external costs are taken fully into account in the decision-making process.
     Under these conditions the stalled flow model would have to be modified to take this pressure drop into account, as shown schematically in Fig.
     The ASME Code permits taking credit for the stiffening effect of the tubes, but cautions as to the many variables involved.
     To be conservative, it is recommended that no credit be given for compressive stress states with TF < 1. In such cases let TF = 1.
     Currently, PVRC is sponsoring studies to conform the observation by L. that credit should be given for yield strength.
     Pay heed to the pressure Pmax according to Section 3.1.
     It should be borne in mind that individual impact sites may be small enough to fall within an individual phase at the bearing surface.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > принимать во внимание

  • 8 F51

    рус Расстройства сна неорганической этиологии
    eng Nonorganic sleep disorders. In many cases, a disturbance of sleep is one of the symptoms of another disorder, either mental or physical. Whether a sleep disorder in a given patient is an independent condition or simply one of the features of another disorder classified elsewhere, either in this chapter or in others, should be determined on the basis of its clinical presentation and course as well as on the therapeutic considerations and priorities at the time of the consultation. Generally, if the sleep disorder is one of the major complaints and is perceived as a condition in itself, the present code should be used along with other pertinent diagnoses describing the psychopathology and pathophysiology involved in a given case. This category includes only those sleep disorders in which emotional causes are considered to be a primary factor, and which are not due to identifiable physical disorders classified elsewhere. (Excludes: ) sleep disorders (organic) ( G47.-)

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F51

  • 9 an order for a military officer to kill another officer

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > an order for a military officer to kill another officer

  • 10 задаток

    1) General subject: advance money, bargain money, deposit, earnest, earnest money (The civil law term “earnest money” derives from Roman law (Justinian Institutes III, 23) and the 1804 French Civil Code (article 1590). It resembles the common law concept of down payment. But, unlike down payment, earnest mone), earnest penny, (денежный) earnest-penny, fine, handsel, hansel, pledge, rudiments, downpayment
    2) American: binder
    5) Economy: bargain money (при заключении сделки), earnest payment (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earnest_payment)
    6) Cinema: retainer
    7) Scottish language: arles
    9) EBRD: caution deposit, down payment, good faith (при сделках с недвижимостью), paydown
    10) leg.N.P. deposit (given to a trader), earnest (sales)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > задаток

  • 11 требуемое действие

    1) Law: given thing
    3) Programming: action needed

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > требуемое действие

  • 12 Р-310

    РАЗВЙЗЫВАТЬ/РАЗВЯЗАТЬ РУКИ кому VP subj: human, collect, or abstr more often pfv) to give s.o. complete freedom of action by releasing him from his previous commitments, obligations, ties etc: X развязал Y-y руки — X untied (freed) Y's hands.
    Теперь ЧКГБ имеет против меня полный судебный букет (по их кодексу, разумеется) - и это только развязало мне руки, я стал идеологически экстерриториален! (Солженицын 2). Now the KGB had a whole bouquet of criminal charges to pin on me (according to their legal code, of course), yet this had only untied my hands, given me ideological extraterritoriality! (2a).
    (Лидия:) Застрелитесь, пожалуйста, поскорей!.. Вы мне развяжете руки, и уж в другой раз я не ошибусь в выборе или мужа, или... ну, сами понимаете кого (Островский 4). (L..| Shoot yourself, do, and be quick about it!...You'll free my hands, and the next time I won't make a mistake when I choose a husband, or a... Well, you know yourself what I mean (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Р-310

  • 13 развязать руки

    [VP; subj: human, collect, or abstr; more often pfv]
    to give s.o. complete freedom of action by releasing him from his previous commitments, obligations, ties etc:
    - X развязал Y-y руки X untied (freed) Y's hands.
         ♦ Теперь ЧКГБ имеет против меня полный судебный букет (по их кодексу, разумеется) - и это только развязало мне руки, я стал идеологически экстерриториален! (Солженицын 2). Now the KGB had a whole bouquet of criminal charges to pin on me (according to their legal code, of course), yet this had only untied my hands, given me ideological extraterritoriality! (2a).
         ♦ [Лидия:] Застрелитесь, пожалуйста, поскорей!.. Вы мне развяжете руки, и уж в другой раз я не ошибусь в выборе или мужа, или... ну, сами понимаете кого (Островский 4). [L.:] Shoot yourself, do, and be quick about it!...You'll free my hands, and the next time I won't make a mistake when I choose a husband, or a... Well, you know yourself what I mean (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > развязать руки

  • 14 развязывать руки

    [VP; subj: human, collect, or abstr; more often pfv]
    to give s.o. complete freedom of action by releasing him from his previous commitments, obligations, ties etc:
    - X развязал Y-y руки X untied (freed) Y's hands.
         ♦ Теперь ЧКГБ имеет против меня полный судебный букет (по их кодексу, разумеется) - и это только развязало мне руки, я стал идеологически экстерриториален! (Солженицын 2). Now the KGB had a whole bouquet of criminal charges to pin on me (according to their legal code, of course), yet this had only untied my hands, given me ideological extraterritoriality! (2a).
         ♦ [Лидия:] Застрелитесь, пожалуйста, поскорей!.. Вы мне развяжете руки, и уж в другой раз я не ошибусь в выборе или мужа, или... ну, сами понимаете кого (Островский 4). [L.:] Shoot yourself, do, and be quick about it!...You'll free my hands, and the next time I won't make a mistake when I choose a husband, or a... Well, you know yourself what I mean (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > развязывать руки

  • 15 обращаться

    Обращаться в-- Quoting the code, potential buyers approach the waste exchange. (... обращаются в организацию, занимающуюся обменом отходов) Обращаться к - to address, to invoke; to refer to, to turn to; to focus attention on, to call on
     Once the first-stage furnace size and second-stage adiabatic temperatures were determined, the remainder of the boiler design was addressed.
     Once the optimum level of solidity of heat exchanger in the bed is determined for a given bed configuration, one can address the question of solidity variation with height.
     For demonstration purposes assume 0.91 availability and refer to Table.
     First a search program is invoked which, based on these assumptions, locates the liquid-liquid interfaces. (Вначале обратимся к программе...)
     To facilitate the discussion attention will be focused on Fig. (... обратимся к рис.)
    —основное внимание обращается на
    —причём особое внимание обращается на

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > обращаться

  • 16 объём измерений

    Объём измерений-- Reducing the scope of measurements does not eliminate the requirements for proper cycle isolation, nor does it abolish any of the other guiding principles given in the PTC6 code.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > объём измерений

  • 17 руководящий принцип

    Руководящий принцип-- Reducing the scope of measurements does not eliminate the requirements for proper cycle isolation; nor does it abolish any of the other guiding principles given in the PTCG code.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > руководящий принцип

  • 18 упразднять

    Упразднять-- Nor does it abolish any of the other guiding principles given in the PTC6 Code.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > упразднять

  • 19 P58.4

    рус Неонатальная желтуха, обусловленная лекарственными средствами или токсинами, перешедшими из организма матери или введенными новорожденному
    eng Neonatal jaundice due to drugs or toxins transmitted from mother or given to newborn. Use additional external cause code (Chapter XX), if desired, to identify drug, if drug-induced.

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > P58.4

  • 20 виды оплаты

    forms [or types] of payment

    Классификация начислений и вычетов из заработной платы. Код вида оплаты определяет правила формирования, обработки, расчета и проверки сумм по данному виду оплаты, правила использования этого вида оплаты для последующих операций и расчетов, включения в налогооблагаемые базы и вывода в отчетные формы - алгоритм расчета. — Classification of wage charges and deductions. Payment form code determines the rules for generation, processing, calculation and examination of the amounts in respect of a given form of payment, the rules of use of this form of payment for further operations and calculations, inclusion in taxable bases and output to report forms - calculation algorithm.

    виды оплаты, вторичные или технические — secondary or technical forms of payment

    Технические виды оплаты, генерируемые системой вовремя и для расчета. Вторичные виды оплаты используются для суммирования нескольких видов оплаты или сохранения внутренних результатов расчета. Технические виды оплат в каталоге видов оплат системы SAP R/ (Независимость учащихся в принятии решений (СК).) начинаются с символа "/". — Technical forms of payment, which are generated by the system in due time and for calculation. Secondary forms of payment are used for summation of several forms of payment or for preservation of internal calculation results. Technical forms of payment in the catalogue of SAP R/ (Независимость учащихся в принятии решений (СК).) system forms of payment begin with "/" symbol.

    Russian-English Dictionary "Microeconomics" > виды оплаты

См. также в других словарях:

  • Code: Breaker — Code:Breaker Cover of the first volume コード: ブレイカー (Kōdo:Bureikā) Genre Action, School Life, Supernatural, Comedy …   Wikipedia

  • Code name — A code name or cryptonym is a word or name used clandestinely to refer to another name or word. Code names are often used for military purposes, or in espionage. They may also be used in industry to protect secret projects and the like from… …   Wikipedia

  • Code of Personal Status (Tunisia) — The Code of Personal Status (CPS) (Arabic: مجلة الأحوال الشخصية‎) is a series of progressive Tunisian laws aiming at the institution of equality between women and men in a number of areas. It was promulgated by beylical decree on August 13, 1956… …   Wikipedia

  • code — [kəʊd ǁ koʊd] noun 1. [countable] LAW a complete set of written rules or laws: • Each state in the US has a different criminal and civil code. ˈbuilding code [countable] LAW a set of rules that states what features a new building, bridge etc… …   Financial and business terms

  • Code signing — is the process of digitally signing executables and scripts to confirm the software author and guarantee that the code has not been altered or corrupted since it was signed by use of a cryptographic hash. Code signing can provide several valuable …   Wikipedia

  • code name — code names, code naming, code named also codename, code name 1) N COUNT: usu N n A code name is a name used for someone or something in order to keep their identity secret. One of their informers was working under the code name Czerny... The… …   English dictionary

  • Code page — is another term for character encoding. It consists of a table of values that describes the character set for a particular language. The term code page originated from IBM s EBCDIC based mainframe systems,[1] but many vendors use this term… …   Wikipedia

  • Code Geass — Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion First Code Geass DVD volume released in Japan. コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ (Kōdo Giasu: Hangyaku no Rurūshu) …   Wikipedia

  • Code coverage — is a measure used in software testing. It describes the degree to which the source code of a program has been tested. It is a form of testing that inspects the code directly and is therefore a form of white box testing.[1] Code coverage was among …   Wikipedia

  • Code 46 — film poster Directed by Michael Winterbottom Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • Code folding — is a feature of some text editors, source code editors and IDEs that allows the user to selectively hide and display sections of a currently edited file as a part of routine edit operations. This allows the user to manage large amounts of text… …   Wikipedia

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