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  • 1 to give vent to anger

    to give vent to anger
    dar vazão à raiva.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to give vent to anger

  • 2 give vent to

    (to express (an emotion etc) freely: He gave vent to his anger in a furious letter to the newspaper.) dar vazão

    English-Portuguese dictionary > give vent to

  • 3 give vent to

    (to express (an emotion etc) freely: He gave vent to his anger in a furious letter to the newspaper.) dar vazão a

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > give vent to

  • 4 vent

    [vent] 1. noun
    (a hole to allow air, smoke etc to pass out or in: an air-vent.) respiradouro
    2. verb
    (to give expression or an outlet to (an emotion etc): He was angry with himself and vented his rage on his son by beating him violently.) dar vazão
    * * *
    [vent] n 1 abertura, orifício, passagem, saída, vazão, escape. 2 ouvido (artilharia). 3 respiradouro. 4 suspiro (de barril). 5 Zool ônus. 6 fig desafogo, desabafo, expansão de sentimentos. 7 orifício de flauta. • vt 1 dar saída a, prover de saídas ou aberturas. 2 soltar. 3 ventilar. 4 desabafar, desafogar. he vented his wrath on his servant / ele desabafou sua ira em seu criado. 5 tornar público ou conhecido. to give vent to anger dar vazão à raiva.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > vent

См. также в других словарях:

  • give vent to — 1. To allow to escape or break out 2. To give (usu violent) expression to (an emotion) • • • Main Entry: ↑vent * * * give vent to phrase to express very strong anger or sadness The meetings allow people to give vent to their frustrations.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • To give vent to — Vent Vent, n. [OE. fent, fente, a slit, F. fente a slit, cleft, fissure, from fendre to split, L. findere; but probably confused with F. vent wind, L. ventus. See {Fissure}, and cf. Vent to snuff.] 1. A small aperture; a hole or passage for air… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • give vent to — to express very strong anger or sadness The meetings allow people to give vent to their frustrations …   English dictionary

  • give vent — verb give expression or utterance to (Freq. 6) She vented her anger The graduates gave vent to cheers • Syn: ↑vent, ↑ventilate • Derivationally related forms: ↑ventilation ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • Vent — Vent, n. [OE. fent, fente, a slit, F. fente a slit, cleft, fissure, from fendre to split, L. findere; but probably confused with F. vent wind, L. ventus. See {Fissure}, and cf. Vent to snuff.] 1. A small aperture; a hole or passage for air or any …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vent feather — Vent Vent, n. [OE. fent, fente, a slit, F. fente a slit, cleft, fissure, from fendre to split, L. findere; but probably confused with F. vent wind, L. ventus. See {Fissure}, and cf. Vent to snuff.] 1. A small aperture; a hole or passage for air… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vent field — Vent Vent, n. [OE. fent, fente, a slit, F. fente a slit, cleft, fissure, from fendre to split, L. findere; but probably confused with F. vent wind, L. ventus. See {Fissure}, and cf. Vent to snuff.] 1. A small aperture; a hole or passage for air… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vent piece — Vent Vent, n. [OE. fent, fente, a slit, F. fente a slit, cleft, fissure, from fendre to split, L. findere; but probably confused with F. vent wind, L. ventus. See {Fissure}, and cf. Vent to snuff.] 1. A small aperture; a hole or passage for air… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • give (full) vent to something — give (full) vent to sth idiom (formal) to express a feeling, especially anger, strongly • Children give vent to their anger in various ways. • She gave full vent to her feelings in a violent outburst …   Useful english dictionary

  • vent — vent1 [vent] n [Sense: 1 2, 4; Date: 1500 1600; Origin: VENT2] [Sense: 3; Date: 1400 1500; : Old French; Origin: fente long narrow hole , from fendre to split , from Latin findere; FISSION] 1.) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • vent — [[t]ve̱nt[/t]] vents, venting, vented 1) N COUNT A vent is a hole in something through which air can come in and smoke, gas, or smells can go out. Quite a lot of steam escaped from the vent at the front of the machine... There was a small air… …   English dictionary

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