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  • 1 encourage

    1) (to give support, confidence or hope to: The general tried to encourage the troops: You should not encourage him in his extravagance; I felt encouraged by his praise.) povzbudiť
    2) (to urge (a person) to do something: You must encourage him to try again.) povzbudenie
    - encouragingly
    - encouragement
    * * *
    • vyzývat
    • doporucovat
    • podporovat
    • posmelovat
    • povzbudit
    • povzbudzovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > encourage

  • 2 entertain

    1) (to receive, and give food etc to (guests): They entertained us to dinner.) prijať
    2) (to amuse: His stories entertained us for hours.) zabávať
    3) (to hold in the mind: He entertained the hope that he would one day be Prime Minister.) udržiavať, lipnúť na
    - entertaining
    - entertainment
    * * *
    • uvážit si
    • zaoberat sa
    • udržovat
    • prijímat hostí
    • hostit
    • bavit
    • mat (napr. nádej)

    English-Slovak dictionary > entertain

  • 3 nurse

    [nə:s] 1. noun
    1) (a person who looks after sick or injured people in hospital: She wants to be a nurse.) zdravotná sestra
    2) (a person, usually a woman, who looks after small children: The children have gone out with their nurse.) pestúnka
    2. verb
    1) (to look after sick or injured people, especially in a hospital: He was nursed back to health.) ošetrovať
    2) (to give (a baby) milk from the breast.) dojčiť
    3) (to hold with care: She was nursing a kitten.) varovať
    4) (to have or encourage (feelings eg of anger or hope) in oneself.) chovať
    - nursing
    - nursemaid
    - nurseryman
    - nursery rhyme
    - nursery school
    - nursing-home
    * * *
    • varovat
    • vychovat
    • zdravotná sestra
    • živit
    • sat
    • priložit
    • pridržat
    • dojka
    • dávat pit
    • dojcit
    • chovat (nádej)
    • pestúnka
    • pestovat
    • ošetrovatelka
    • ošetrovat
    • pit
    • pozorne pestovat
    • posilnovat
    • pracovnica (vcela)
    • podporovat
    • kojit
    • liecit
    • krmit
    • nadájat
    • opatrovat
    • opatrovatelka
    • ochranca

    English-Slovak dictionary > nurse

  • 4 trust

    1. verb
    1) (to have confidence or faith; to believe: She trusted (in) him.) dôverovať, veriť
    2) (to give (something to someone), believing that it will be used well and responsibly: I can't trust him with my car; I can't trust my car to him.) zveriť
    3) (to hope or be confident (that): I trust (that) you had / will have a good journey.) dúfať
    2. noun
    1) (belief or confidence in the power, reality, truth, goodness etc of a person or thing: The firm has a great deal of trust in your ability; trust in God.) dôvera, viera
    2) (charge or care; responsibility: The child was placed in my trust.) opatera
    3) (a task etc given to a person by someone who believes that they will do it, look after it etc well: He holds a position of trust in the firm.) zodpovednosť
    4) (arrangement(s) by which something (eg money) is given to a person to use in a particular way, or to keep until a particular time: The money was to be held in trust for his children; ( also adjective) a trust fund) poručníctvo
    5) (a group of business firms working together: The companies formed a trust.) trust
    - trustworthy
    - trustworthiness
    - trusty
    - trustily
    - trustiness
    * * *
    • verit
    • úver
    • zodpovednost
    • zverovat
    • zverit
    • spoliehanie
    • trust
    • dôverovat
    • dôvera
    • dovolit
    • dúfat
    • dovolovat
    • byt presvedcený
    • opatrovníctvo
    • porucníctvo
    • povinnost
    • nádej

    English-Slovak dictionary > trust

См. также в других словарях:

  • give hope — index assure (give confidence to), promise (raise expectations), reassure Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Hope and Homes for Children — (HHC) is a registered charity working in 13 countries in Eastern Europe and Africa. Their head office is based in the English County of Wiltshire, in the United Kingdom.At [Hope and Homes for Children] , they believe that above all else, every… …   Wikipedia

  • hope — hope1 [ houp ] verb *** intransitive or transitive to want and expect something to happen or be true: hope (that): I just hope she s pleasant to him on his birthday. hope for: It wouldn t be sensible to hope for immediate success. The best they… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • hope */*/*/ — I UK [həʊp] / US [hoʊp] verb Word forms hope : present tense I/you/we/they hope he/she/it hopes present participle hoping past tense hoped past participle hoped [intransitive/transitive] to want and expect something to happen or be true hope… …   English dictionary

  • Hope — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Hope >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 hope hope hopes Sgm: N 1 desire desire &c. 865 Sgm: N 1 fervent hope fervent hope sanguine expectation trust confidence reliance Sgm: N 1 faith …   English dictionary for students

  • Hope Now Alliance — Not to be confused with the Give Hope Now campaign of the American Red Cross Disaster Services. The Hope Now Alliance is a cooperative effort between the US government, counselors, investors, and lenders to help homeowners who may not be able to… …   Wikipedia

  • hope — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Confidence Nouns 1. hope[s], desire; trust, confidence, optimism, reliance, faith, belief; assurance, secureness, security; reassurance. See safety. 2. (omen of hope) good omen or auspices, promise; good …   English dictionary for students

  • Hope & Co. — Hope Co. is the name of a famous Dutch bank that spanned two and a half centuries. Though the founders were Scotsmen, the bank was located in Amsterdam, and at the close of the 18th century it had offices in London as well.Early daysSix of eight… …   Wikipedia

  • Give — (g[i^]v), v. t. [imp. {Gave} (g[=a]v); p. p. {Given} (g[i^]v n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Giving}.] [OE. given, yiven, yeven, AS. gifan, giefan; akin to D. geven, OS. ge[eth]an, OHG. geban, G. geben, Icel. gefa, Sw. gifva, Dan. give, Goth. giban. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • give — [giv] vt. gave, given, giving [ME given (with g < ON gefa, to give), yeven < OE giefan, akin to Ger geben < IE base * ghabh , to grasp, take > L habere, to have: the special Gmc sense of this base results from its use as a substitute… …   English World dictionary

  • Hope Emerson — (* 29. Oktober 1897 in Hawarden, Iowa; † 25. April 1960 in Hollywood, Kalifornien) war eine US amerikanische Schauspielerin. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Filmografie (Auswahl) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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