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  • 1 nest

    [nest] 1. noun
    (a structure or place in which birds (and some animals and insects) hatch or give birth to and look after their young: The swallows are building a nest under the roof of our house; a wasp's nest.) hniezdo
    2. verb
    (to build a nest and live in it: A pair of robins are nesting in that bush.) hniezdiť
    - nest-egg
    - feather one's own nest
    - feather one's nest
    * * *
    • útocište
    • vkladat
    • vložit
    • vit hniezdo
    • útulný kútik
    • vyberat hniezda
    • zahniezdit sa
    • zasunút
    • zasúvat
    • skrýša
    • súprava
    • usadit sa
    • garnitúra
    • hniezdocko
    • hniezdo
    • hniezdit
    • brloh
    • roj
    • robit hniezdo
    • pelech
    • mládatá
    • mat hniezdo

    English-Slovak dictionary > nest

  • 2 raise

    [reiz] 1. verb
    1) (to move or lift to a high(er) position: Raise your right hand; Raise the flag.) zdvihnúť, vztýčiť
    2) (to make higher: If you paint your flat, that will raise the value of it considerably; We'll raise that wall about 20 centimetres.) zvýšiť
    3) (to grow (crops) or breed (animals) for food: We don't raise pigs on this farm.) pestovať, chovať
    4) (to rear, bring up (a child): She has raised a large family.) vychovať
    5) (to state (a question, objection etc which one wishes to have discussed): Has anyone in the audience any points they would like to raise?) položiť, vysloviť
    6) (to collect; to gather: We'll try to raise money; The revolutionaries managed to raise a small army.) zozbierať; zhromaždiť sa
    7) (to cause: His remarks raised a laugh.) vyvolať
    8) (to cause to rise or appear: The car raised a cloud of dust.) rozvíriť
    9) (to build (a monument etc): They've raised a statue of Robert Burns / in memory of Robert Burns.) postaviť
    10) (to give (a shout etc).) vydať
    11) (to make contact with by radio: I can't raise the mainland.) dostať spojenie
    2. noun
    (an increase in wages or salary: I'm going to ask the boss for a raise.) zvýšenie platu
    - raise hell/Cain / the roof
    - raise someone's spirits
    * * *
    • ustanovit
    • uvidiet
    • vhnat
    • vyplašit
    • vztýcit
    • vzbúrit
    • vzkriesit
    • vybudovat
    • vyzdvihnút
    • vychovávat
    • vytahovat
    • vytiahnut
    • vybrat
    • vyplnit dotazník
    • vyvolat
    • vyburcovat
    • zdvihnút
    • získat
    • zlepšit
    • zburcovat
    • zaobstarat
    • zjasnit
    • založit
    • zohnat
    • zohriat
    • zosvetlit
    • zvýšit
    • zvyšovat
    • zvýšit stávku (poker)
    • zvýšit teplotu
    • zrušit
    • zvírit
    • skyprit
    • skoncit
    • spôsobit
    • spozorovat
    • urobit
    • umocnit (mat.)
    • tažit
    • prihodit (poker)
    • kašlat
    • kašlat krv
    • brat
    • dat podnet
    • chovat
    • cesat
    • citovat
    • rozvírit
    • rozpálit
    • rozšírit
    • pestovat
    • pozdvihnút
    • podvihnút to
    • povýšit
    • požicat si
    • postavit
    • nastrojit
    • narovnat
    • odstránit
    • odkašlat si

    English-Slovak dictionary > raise

  • 3 throw up

    1) (a slang expression for to vomit: She had too much to eat, and threw up on the way home.) zvracať
    2) (to give up or abandon: He threw up his job.) opustiť
    3) (to build hurriedly: They threw up a temporary building.) rýchlo postaviť
    * * *
    • vracat
    • vyhodit hore
    • vydávit
    • pozdvihnút

    English-Slovak dictionary > throw up

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Build a Nation — Album par Bad Brains Sortie 26 Juin 2007 Durée 37:34 Genre Punk hardcore Reggae Producteur Adam Yauch Label …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • give something the cold shoulder — give (someone/something) the cold shoulder to show no interest in someone or something. Our town council has given the cold shoulder to a proposal to build a public swimming pool. I d love to know why Bill gave the cold shoulder to Janice …   New idioms dictionary

  • give the cold shoulder — give (someone/something) the cold shoulder to show no interest in someone or something. Our town council has given the cold shoulder to a proposal to build a public swimming pool. I d love to know why Bill gave the cold shoulder to Janice …   New idioms dictionary

  • Build a Nation — Infobox Album | Name = Build a Nation Type = Album Artist = Bad Brains Released = June 26, 2007 Recorded = 2004 2007 Genre = Hardcore punk, reggae Length = 37:34 Label = Megaforce Records Producer = Adam Yauch Reviews = * Allmusic Rating|4|5… …   Wikipedia

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