1 give birth to
2 give birth
3 give birth to
4 give birth to
5 give birth to
bring to birth — порождать; породить
to give birth to triplets, to have triplets — родить тройню
Синонимический ряд:produce (verb) bear; beget; bring forth; have a litter; litter; produce; spawn; turn out; yield -
6 give birth to
родить, народить, рожать, произвести на свет, породить, давать начало* * *родить, произвести на свет (ср. тж. birth 3)) -
7 give birth
8 give birth
1) Общая лексика: рожать, дать начало, породить2) Сельское хозяйство: родить3) Юридический термин: зародить -
9 give birth to
1) Общая лексика: давать начало (чему-либо), дать начало (чему-либо), произвести на свет, родить, рождать, давать начало (чему-л.), дать начало (чему-л)2) Математика: приводить к возникновению3) Рыбоводство: рожать -
10 give birth to
родить, произвести на светАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > give birth to
11 give birth
12 give birth to
родитьEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > give birth to
13 give birth
v. roditi · родити vi., uroditi · уродити vp. -
14 give birth to a child
bear a child, give birth to a childEnglish-Russian dictionary of medicine > give birth to a child
15 give birth to smth.
породить что-л., привести к чему-л., положить начало чему-л., вызвать что-л. [букв. родить, произвести на свет]Yet capitalism is itself incapable of... giving birth to this new art. (R. Fox, ‘The Novel and the People’, ch. IV) — Но капитализм сам не в состоянии... дать жизнь этому новому искусству.
16 give birth before the proper time
Сельское хозяйство: абортироватьУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > give birth before the proper time
17 give birth to a son
Медицина: родить сына (англ. оборот взят из сообщения San Jose Mercury News) -
18 give birth to fourlings
Общая лексика: родить четвернюУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > give birth to fourlings
19 give birth to hopes that
Математика: рождать надежду, чтоУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > give birth to hopes that
20 give birth to suspicion
Юридический термин: зародить подозрениеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > give birth to suspicion
См. также в других словарях:
give birth to — (something) to cause or be the origin of something. The popularity of the car eventually gave birth to the interstate highways. Related vocabulary: give rise to something Etymology: based on the literal meaning of give birth (= to have a baby) … New idioms dictionary
give birth — ► give birth bear a child or young. Main Entry: ↑birth … English terms dictionary
give birth — index propagate (increase) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
give birth to — index conceive (invent), create, make, originate, produce (manufacture), reproduce Burton s Leg … Law dictionary
give birth — verb 1. cause to be born (Freq. 2) My wife had twins yesterday! • Syn: ↑deliver, ↑bear, ↑birth, ↑have • Derivationally related forms: ↑birth ( … Useful english dictionary
give birth to — HAVE, bear, produce, be delivered of, bring into the world; N. Amer. birth; informal drop; dated mother; archaic bring forth. → birth * * * phrasal … Useful english dictionary
give birth — verb a) To release live offspring from the body into the environment It was clear that she was about to give birth. b) To become the female parent of. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. See Also: bear, birth, born … Wiktionary
give birth to something — give birth to (something) to cause or be the origin of something. The popularity of the car eventually gave birth to the interstate highways. Related vocabulary: give rise to something Etymology: based on the literal meaning of give birth (= to… … New idioms dictionary
give birth (to someone) — phrase if a woman gives birth to a baby, she produces it from inside her body She gave birth to a baby boy. Thesaurus: pregnancy and having a babyhyponym Main entry: birth … Useful english dictionary
give birth (to somebody) — give ˈbirth (to sb/sth) idiom to produce a baby or young animal • She died shortly after giving birth. • Mary gave birth to a healthy baby girl. • (figurative) It was the study of history that gave birth to the social sciences … Useful english dictionary
give birth (to something) — give ˈbirth (to sb/sth) idiom to produce a baby or young animal • She died shortly after giving birth. • Mary gave birth to a healthy baby girl. • (figurative) It was the study of history that gave birth to the social sciences … Useful english dictionary