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  • 1 get the better of

    1) (smb.) оказаться в выигрышном положении, взять верх, превзойти кого-л

    It was universally felt in the bar that Mrs. Hall had the better of him. His next words showed as much. (H. G. Wells, ‘The Invisible Man’, ch. 7) — Все посетители трактира чувствовали, что перевес на стороне миссис Холл; последующие слова незнакомца подтвердили это.

    And I've no doubt that you can get the better of me in a debating match. (J. Wain, ‘Strike the Father Dead’, part IV, ‘Alfred’) — Я не сомневаюсь, что вы всегда сумеете переспорить меня.

    2) (smb.) перехитрить, обмануть, надуть кого-л.; ≈ обвести кого-л. вокруг пальца

    The trouble with Walt was he was always letting somebody get the better of him when it came to business deals. (E. Caldwell, ‘Jackpot’, ‘Ten Thousand Blueberry Crates’) — Беда Уолта была в том, что стоило ему пуститься в коммерцию, и он непременно оставался в дураках.

    3) (smb.) овладеть, завладеть кем-л., одолеть кого-л

    Mrs Hamlyn knew that her thoughts had got the better of her now and that she would not easily sleep again. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Complete Short Stories’, ‘P. and O.’) — Миссис Хемлин поняла, что не скоро снова уснет: мысли опять завладели ею.

    Her exasperation got the better of her. She stood up. ‘What do you take me for? A complete fool?’ (A. J. Cronin, ‘Shannon's Way’, book II, ch. 7) — Не в силах сдержать досаду, она поднялась. "Да за кого вы меня принимаете? Что я, круглая дура, что ли?"

    ...I can only say that my sense of humour got the better of me and I had a good laugh at having been so thoroughly taken in. (H. Pollitt, ‘Serving My Time’, ch. XIII) —...остается сказать, что чувство юмора взяло верх и я от души расхохотался над тем, как ловко меня надули.

    4) (smth.) преодолеть, победить, побороть, перебороть что-л., справиться, совладать с чем-л., взять верх над чем-л

    Sally was glad she had got the better of that tempestuous impulse, although it was as much as she could do to overcome her frenzy at the time. (K. S. Prichard, ‘Golden Miles’, ch. 18) — Салли была счастлива, что поборола в себе безумный порыв, хотя ей стоило большого труда взять себя в руки.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > get the better of

  • 2 get the better of s.o.

    get the better of s.o.
    ganarle la batalla a alguien expr.

    English-spanish dictionary > get the better of s.o.

  • 3 get the better of

    Персональный Сократ > get the better of

  • 4 get the better of

       1) (smb.) oкaзaтьcя в выигpышнoм пoлoжeнии, взять вepx, пpeвзoйти кoгo-л.
        And I've no doubt that you can get the better of me in a debating match (J. Wain). It was universally felt in the bar that Mrs. Hall had the better of him. His next words showed as much (H. G. Wells)
       2) (smb.) пepexитpить, oбмaнуть, нaдуть кoгo-л.; oбвecти кoгo-л. вoкpуг пaльцa
        The trouble with Walt was he was always letting somebody get the better of him when it came to business deals (E. CaldwelD
       3) (smb.) oвлaдeть, зaвлaдeть кeм-л., oдoлeть кoгo-л. (o мыcляx, чувcтвax и т.п.)
        Mrs. Hamlyn knew that her thoughts had got the better of her now and that she would not easily sleep again (W. S. Maugham). Her exasperation got the better of her. She stood up. 'What do you take me for? A complete fool?' (A. J. Cronin)
       4) (smth.) пpeoдoлeть, пoбeдить, пoбopoть, пepeбopoть чтo-л., cпpaвитьcя, coвлaдaть c чём-л., взять вepx нaд чём-л.
        Sally was glad she had got the better of that tempestuous impulse, although it was as much as she could do to overcome her frenzy at the time (K. S. Prichard)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > get the better of

  • 5 get the better of

    (to overcome; to win (against): He got the better of his opponent / the argument.) superar; vencer
    derrotar v.

    English-spanish dictionary > get the better of

  • 6 get the better of

    взять верх над кем-либо; одолеть

    She should not allow her temper to get the better of her.

    John's common sense got the better of his pride.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > get the better of

  • 7 get the better of

    1) Общая лексика: получить преимущество над (to get the better of somebody - получить преимущество над кем-л.; победить; взять верх), за пояс заткнуть (кого-л.), получить преимущество перед (кем-л.) взять верх над (кем-л.) перехитрить (кого-л.), получить преимущество перед (кем-л.) взять верх над (кем-л.) превзойти (кого-л.), взять верх над (кем-л.), использовать (что-л.) наилучшим образом, победить, взять верх над (кем-л.), получить преимущество перед (кем-л.), превзойти (перехитрить, кого-л.)
    3) Макаров: (smb.) взять верх над (кем-л.), (smb.) получить преимущество перед (кем-л.), (smb.) за пояс заткнуть (кого-л.), (smb.) перехитрить (кого-л.)
    4) Фразеологизм: одолеть (кого-либо, что-либо)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get the better of

  • 8 get the better of

    get v the better of GEN übervorteilen

    Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > get the better of

  • 9 get the better of

    to overcome; to win (against):

    He got the better of his opponent / the argument.

    يَنْتَصِرُ على، يَتَغَلَّبُ عَلى
    Remark: He is better today (not He is more better). He is much better is correct. You had better come / You'd better come (not You better come).

    Arabic-English dictionary > get the better of

  • 10 get the better of

    (to overcome; to win (against): He got the better of his opponent / the argument.) slå; besejre
    * * *
    (to overcome; to win (against): He got the better of his opponent / the argument.) slå; besejre

    English-Danish dictionary > get the better of

  • 11 get the better of

    (to overcome; to win (against): He got the better of his opponent / the argument.) snúa á; sigra

    English-Icelandic dictionary > get the better of

  • 12 get the better of

    (to overcome; to win (against): He got the better of his opponent / the argument.) föléje kerekedik

    English-Hungarian dictionary > get the better of

  • 13 get the better of

    (to overcome; to win (against): He got the better of his opponent / the argument.) levar a melhor

    English-Portuguese dictionary > get the better of

  • 14 get the better of

    v. üstesinden gelmek, yenmek, alt etmek, hakkından gelmek, üstün olmak
    * * *
    (to overcome; to win (against): He got the better of his opponent / the argument.) yenmek, yenilgiye uğratmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > get the better of

  • 15 get the better of

    (to overcome; to win (against): He got the better of his opponent / the argument.) premagati

    English-Slovenian dictionary > get the better of

  • 16 get the better of

    • voittaa
    • voittaa joku
    • jättää
    * * *
    (to overcome; to win (against): He got the better of his opponent / the argument.) päästä voitolle

    English-Finnish dictionary > get the better of

  • 17 get the better of

    (to overcome; to win (against): He got the better of his opponent / the argument.) overvinne, seire over

    English-Norwegian dictionary > get the better of

  • 18 get the better of

    (to overcome; to win (against): He got the better of his opponent / the argument.) avere la meglio su

    English-Italian dictionary > get the better of

  • 19 get the better of

    (to overcome; to win (against): He got the better of his opponent / the argument.) die Oberhand gewinnen

    English-german dictionary > get the better of

  • 20 get the better of

    (to overcome; to win (against): He got the better of his opponent / the argument.) pokonać

    English-Polish dictionary > get the better of

См. также в других словарях:

  • get\ the\ better\ of — • get the better of • get the best of v. phr. 1. To win over, beat; defeat. Our team got the best of the visitors in the last quarter. George got the better of Robert in a game of checkers. When the opposing player fouled John, John let his anger …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get the better of — (someone) if a feeling gets the better of you, it becomes too strong to control. Finally curiosity got the better of her and she opened the letter. Try to remain calm don t let your anger get the better of you …   New idioms dictionary

  • get the better of — (you) to control your behavior. I didn t like what I had heard about this man, but my curiosity got the better of me and I had to meet him …   New idioms dictionary

  • get the better of — ► get the better of defeat or overcome. Main Entry: ↑better …   English terms dictionary

  • get the better of — index beat (defeat), overcome (surmount), overreach, subdue, subject, surmount Burton s Legal …   Law dictionary

  • get the better of — verb win a victory over You must overcome all difficulties defeat your enemies He overcame his shyness He overcame his infirmity Her anger got the better of her and she blew up • Syn: ↑overcome, ↑defeat …   Useful english dictionary

  • get the better of — or[get the best of] {v. phr.} 1. To win over, beat; defeat. * /Our team got the best of the visitors in the last quarter./ * /George got the better of Robert in a game of checkers./ * /When the opposing player fouled John, John let his anger get… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get the better of — or[get the best of] {v. phr.} 1. To win over, beat; defeat. * /Our team got the best of the visitors in the last quarter./ * /George got the better of Robert in a game of checkers./ * /When the opposing player fouled John, John let his anger get… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get the better of — verb a) To overwhelm or overcome Adam said, My temper got the better of me, and I said things as wasnt true. b) to influence heavily; to tend to control or persuade. Many people returned to work a bit anxious, they acknowledged, but grimly… …   Wiktionary

  • get the better of someone — get the better of (someone) if a feeling gets the better of you, it becomes too strong to control. Finally curiosity got the better of her and she opened the letter. Try to remain calm don t let your anger get the better of you …   New idioms dictionary

  • get the better of somebody — get the better of sb/sth idiom to defeat sb/sth or gain an advantage • No one can get the better of her in an argument. • She always gets the better of an argument. • His curiosity got the better of him (= he didn t intend to ask questions, but… …   Useful english dictionary

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