1 geometric tolerance
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > geometric tolerance
2 geometric tolerance
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > geometric tolerance
3 geometric tolerance
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > geometric tolerance
4 geometric tolerance
1) Техника: геометрический допуск, допуск на размер, допуск на форму, размерный допуск2) Метрология: допуск на геометрическую форму -
5 geometric tolerance
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > geometric tolerance
6 geometric tolerance
геометрический допуск; допуск на размер(ы)English-Russian electronics dictionary > geometric tolerance
7 geometric tolerance
геометрический допуск; допуск на размер, размерный допускEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > geometric tolerance
8 tolerance
2) допустимая доза (напр. облучения)3) выносливость; стойкость, устойчивость (к какому-л. воздействию); толерантность•tolerance in dam — допуск размеров плотины;tolerance on height — допуск высоты;tolerance on length — допуск длины;tolerance on thickness — допуск толщины;-
acceptance tolerance
accumulated tolerance
adjustment tolerance
aircraft dimension tolerance
aircraft production tolerance
aircraft rigging tolerance
aircraft weight tolerance
alignment tolerance
alpha tolerance
basic tolerance
beta tolerance
breathing tolerance
chemical tolerance
close size tolerance
close tolerance
concentricity tolerance
cut angle tolerance
design tolerance
dimensional tolerance
discharge tolerance
distortion tolerance
dredging tolerance
drinking tolerance
environmental tolerance
fine tolerance
fit tolerance
form tolerance
frequency tolerance
gamma tolerance
gear-spacing tolerance
geometric tolerance
gum tolerance
harmonic tolerance
humidity tolerance
immunological tolerance
in-line tolerance
in-service tolerance
lead tolerance
lower tolerance
machining tolerance
maintenance tolerance
man-impact tolerance
manufacturing tolerance
navigation tolerance
negative tolerance
overall tolerance
parameter tolerance
pitch tolerance
positioning tolerance
position tolerance
positive tolerance
process tolerance
radiation tolerance
rated tolerance
registration tolerance
repair tolerance
rolling tolerance
rough tolerance
shrinkage tolerance
size tolerance
specific tolerance
targeted tolerance
target tolerance
temperature tolerance
tube ID tolerance
tube OD tolerance
tube wall tolerance
upper tolerance
voltage tolerance
wave tolerance
wear tolerance
weight tolerance
Z-axis tolerance -
9 tolerance
- angularity tolerance
- axial runout tolerance
- balance tolerance
- basic tolerance
- bilateral tolerance
- blade angle tolerance
- blueprint tolerance
- bottom tolerance
- camming action tolerance
- capacitance tolerance
- circular runout tolerance
- circularity tolerance
- close tolerance
- coaxiality tolerance
- composite tolerance
- concentricity tolerance
- cone angle tolerance
- cone diameter tolerance
- cone section diameter tolerance
- contamination tolerance
- cumulative tolerance
- cylindricity tolerance
- design tolerances
- diameter tolerance
- diametric tolerance
- dimensional tolerance
- established tolerance
- exacting tolerance
- fault tolerances
- fine tolerance
- fit tolerance
- flatness tolerance
- form tolerance
- functional tolerances
- gear-mounting tolerance
- gear-spacing tolerance
- geometric tolerance
- high tolerance
- holding tolerances
- inclusive tolerance
- index tolerance
- in-line tolerance
- international tolerance
- intersection tolerance
- lead tolerance
- limit tolerance
- line profile tolerance
- location tolerance
- lower tolerance
- machining tolerance
- manufacturing tolerance
- maximum-material-condition tolerance
- micron tolerance
- MMC tolerance
- nonqualified tolerance
- parallelity tolerance
- part-to-part tolerances
- perpendicularity tolerance
- pitch tolerance
- positional tolerance
- positioning tolerance
- precision tolerance
- press-fit tolerance
- print tolerance
- process tolerance
- production tolerance
- profile tolerance of any line
- profile tolerance of any surface
- profile tolerances
- qualified tolerance
- radial runout tolerance
- regardless-of-feature-size tolerance
- repeatability tolerance
- repetitive tolerance
- rough tolerance
- roundness tolerance
- run tolerance
- runout tolerance
- setup tolerances
- size tolerance
- specified tolerance
- straightness tolerance
- surface profile tolerance
- symmetry tolerance
- target tolerance
- targeted tolerance
- thread tolerance
- tight tolerance
- tolerance of position
- tolerance of positioning
- tolerance of runout
- top tolerance
- total composite tolerance
- total radial runout tolerance
- total runout tolerance
- true-position tolerance
- two-line tolerance
- unbalance tolerance
- unilateral tolerance
- upper tolerance
- wide tolerance
- Z-axis tolerance
- zero toleranceEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > tolerance
10 tolerance
1) допуск2) допустимая доза ( облучения)3) предельно допустимые или предельно достижимые параметры ( устройства)4) устойчивость; стойкость ( по отношению к каким-либо воздействиям или явлениям)5) вчт толерантность•- adjustment tolerance
- alignment tolerance
- closed tolerance
- component tolerance
- design tolerance
- display tolerance
- distortion tolerance
- environmental tolerance
- fabrication tolerance
- fault tolerance
- fine tolerance
- frequency tolerance
- G-tolerance
- geometric tolerance
- harmonic tolerance
- human tolerance
- lower tolerance
- manufacturing tolerance
- masking tolerance
- parameter tolerance
- positioning tolerance
- production tolerance
- quantization tolerance
- radiation tolerance
- registration tolerance
- RF tolerance
- sample tolerance
- sampling tolerance
- software-implemented fault tolerance
- statistical tolerance
- transmitter frequency tolerance
- upper tolerance
- voltage tolerance -
11 geometric dimensioning and tolerancing
сокр. GD&T упр. (метод минимизации производственных затрат путем указания точных размеров и допусков на чертеже с учетом функции и взаимодействия деталей продукта)See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > geometric dimensioning and tolerancing
12 condition
1) условие || обусловливать2) состояние || поддерживать (приводить в) определённое состояние3) положение; ситуация4) мн. ч. режим5) мн. ч. параметры7) выдерживать (напр. древесину)8) горн. подвергать обработке реагентами перед флотацией9) текст. испытывать степень влажности•conditions beyond the experience — условия ( полёта), выходящие за рамки опыта ( пилота);-
abnormal operating conditions
accident condition
actual operating conditions
added-value condition
adjoint boundary condition
adverse conditions
airworthy condition
alert condition
ambient conditions
anticipated operating conditions
application conditions
as-cast condition
as-deposited condition
as-drawn condition
as-extruded condition
as-forged condition
as-received condition
as-rolled condition
as-welded condition
asymmetrical conditions
asynchronous condition
atmospheric conditions
average operating conditions
balanced conditions
beet cutting conditions
boundary condition
breaking conditions
burning conditions
busy condition
characteristic condition
chemistry conditions
close conditions
cold furnace condition
compatibility condition
condition of indeterminacy
condition of static equilibrium
conjugating boundary condition
consistency condition
contact conditions
continuity condition
continuous conditions
controlled atmosphere conditions
controlled conditions
cost optimum condition
crack arrest conditions
crack extension conditions
crew physical condition
criticality conditions
current yield condition
cutting conditions
deadlock condition
debugging conditions
Derichlet's boundary condition
design conditions
dirt load condition
disabled condition
docking initial contact conditions
don't care condition
downstream stagnation conditions
dry-bulb conditions
dust condition
dyebath conditions
dynamic conditions
elliptic boundary condition
emergency condition
end fixity condition
energized condition
environmental conditions
equilibrium condition
equilibrium fuel burnup conditions
equilibrium xenon conditions
equipment-damaging condition
error condition
exception condition
existence condition
extreme conditions
fault conditions
faulty condition
field condition
firing conditions
flight conditions
flow conditions
fracture arrest conditions
fracture conditions
free surface conditions
freezing conditions
friction boundary conditions
frost buildup conditions
full power equilibrium xenon conditions
full-load conditions
fusing condition
gap condition
general yielding conditions
geological conditions
geometric boundary condition
geotechnical conditions
governing conditions
grinding conditions
grip conditions
hazardous weather conditions
high-resistance fault conditions
highresistance fault conditions
homogeneous boundary conditions
hostile conditions
humid condition
humidity conditions
hunting conditions
hygiene and sanitary conditions
hypobaric conditions
ice conditions
ice-bound conditions
icing conditions
impact conditions
induction condition
initial condition
in-lock condition
in-pile conditions
in-place conditions
in-plane boundary conditions
in-situ conditions
instrument meteorological conditions
jump conditions
karstic conditions
landing conditions
limiting condition
living conditions
load conditions
loading condition
local condition
local flow conditions
logical condition
lowest weather conditions
low-light-level conditions
machine conditions
machining conditions
making conditions
managed conditions
meteorological conditions
mill conditions
mining and geological conditions
mixed-boundary conditions
moding conditions
moisture conditions
motor load condition
mutual-testing conditions
natural boundary condition
natural conditions
near singing conditions
necessary condition
Newmann's boundary condition
Newton's boundary condition
no-load conditions
nominal conditions
normal conditions
off condition
off-design conditions
off-peak conditions
on condition
on-peak conditions
on-speed conditions
open-conductor operating conditions
operated condition
operating condition
operational conditions
operation conditions
out-of-balance condition
out-of-round condition
out-of-step conditions
out-of-tolerance conditions
overaged condition
overheating conditions
overload conditions
overpoled condition
overtempered condition
oxidizing conditions
peak load conditions
periodicity condition
permit conditions
petrophysical conditions
plane-strain condition
plant conditions
poor ground condition
postfault conditions
precipitation conditions
prefault conditions
process conditions
program stop condition
pulling condition
pulse conditions
pump-starving filter condition
quenched condition
quiescent condition
rated conditions
reaction conditions
ready condition
reductive conditions
reference friction conditions
refrigerating conditions
rigidity condition
roof conditions
room conditions
running conditions
runoff conditions
safety conditions
self-testing conditions
semistalled condition
service conditions
short-circuit conditions
side condition
simulated conditions
slipping condition
stability conditions
stabilized condition
stagnant conditions
standard condition
standby condition
starting conditions
start-oscillation condition
static conditions
static equilibrium conditions
steady-state condition
steady condition
storage conditions
stream conditions
strength condition
stress boundary conditions
stress condition
sufficient condition
surface condition
symmetrical conditions
takeoff conditions
technical conditions
temperature conditions
temper-brittle condition
terminal conditions
terrain undercarriage working condition
test conditions
test-bed conditions
thermal boundary conditions
thermal conditions
thermodynamic condition
traction-free boundary conditions
tractor underfoot condition
transient condition
trial conditions
turbulent conditions
turn-down conditions
unbalanced conditions
unballasted condition
under no-load conditions
unenergized condition
unmanned conditions
unpredictable conditions
unsteady-state condition
unsteady condition
upstream stagnation conditions
usage conditions
valve flow condition
viewing conditions
visibility reduced condition
visual meteorological conditions
wait condition
weather conditions
well production conditions
wet-bulb conditions
wind conditions
wing icing conditions
winter conditions
working condition
worst conditions
zero-wind condition -
13 distribution
распределение; размещение; распространение- altitudinal distribution
- amphi-American distribution
- amphi-Pacific distribution
- asymmetrical distribution
- bathymetrical distribution
- bell-shaped distribution
- beta-binomial distribution
- bicentric distribution
- bimodal distribution
- binormal distribution
- bipolar distribution
- bivariate distribution
- bivariate-compounded Poisson distribution
- burst distribution
- chi distribution
- chi-squared distribution
- clumped distribution
- conditional distribution
- continuous distribution
- countercurrent distribution
- discontinuous distribution
- discrete distribution
- dispersal distribution
- exponential distribution
- F-distribution
- flat distribution
- frequency distribution
- Gauss distribution
- geographic distribution
- geometric distribution
- Gibrat distribution
- hypergeometric distribution
- joint distribution
- leptokurtic distribution
- limiting distribution
- logarithmic normal distribution
- lognormal distribution
- mesokurtic distribution
- mixed distribution
- multidimensional distribution
- multimodal distribution
- multivariate distribution
- multivariate normal distribution
- negative binomial distribution
- normal distribution
- one-dimensional distribution
- peaked distribution
- Poisson distribution
- random distribution
- rectangular distribution
- regularly spaced distribution
- restricted distribution
- seasonal distribution
- semiquantitative distribution
- size distribution
- skew distribution
- spatial distribution
- spotted distribution
- standardized distribution
- stationary distribution
- temporal distribution
- theoretical distribution
- tolerance distribution
- triangular distribution
- truncated distribution
- uniform distribution
- unimodal distribution
- univariate distribution
- vertical distribution
- world-wide distribution -
14 feature
1) характеристика, техническая характеристика; параметр2) особенность; признак, отличительный признак; свойство; возможность || определять или отмечать особенности, определять или отмечать свойства3) геометрический элемент; поверхность ( детали)4) деталь, деталь конструкции•- approach feature
- associativity feature
- attachment features
- axis-hold feature
- background-edit feature
- broached feature
- coded features
- communicative feature
- counterweight feature
- critical dimensional features
- cross-drilled feature
- datum feature
- deflection-free feature
- design-with features
- dimensional features
- drilled feature
- dual-speed feature
- edge feature
- floating blank feature
- form features
- geometric feature
- heat-resistant feature
- incoming signal features
- incremental jog feature
- locating feature
- look-ahead feature
- machining features
- manipulative features
- milled feature
- milturn features
- multiedit feature
- multiple datum point feature
- no-calculation feature
- operational features
- optimum features of laser coatings
- out-of-tolerance feature
- PC machine-control features
- pocketing features
- previously machined feature
- primitive features
- productivity-boosting feature
- random selection feature
- safety features
- safety system support features
- scaling feature
- second operation feature
- software features
- state-of-the-art features
- turned feature
- value-added featuresEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > feature
15 interval
1) интервал, промежуток2) расстояние, дистанция3) пауза, перерыв4) геол. сечение рельефа•- bounded open interval - central confidence interval - logarithmic interval - unbiased confidence interval - unbounded closed interval - unbounded open interval -
16 probability
1) вероятность || вероятностный2) правдоподобие; обеспеченность•independent in a probability sense — мат. независимый в вероятностном смысле
- nonzero probability - probability of accepting a false hypothesisto hold in a probability — мат. удовлетворяться в вероятностном смысле
17 range
1) диапазон; интервал; пределы2) дальность || измерять дальность3) досягаемость4) зона; область6) разброс7) размах; амплитуда8) ареал, область распространения9) физ. длина пробега частицы10) простираться•in the range — в интервале; в области; в пределах; в диапазоне
- homographically related ranges - limiting range of visibility - range of function - range of sampleto spread the range — радио растягивать диапазон
18 distribution
distribution распределение; размещение; распространениеage distribution распределение по возрастуaltitudinal distribution распространение по долготеamphi-American distribution амфиамериканское распространениеamphi-Pacific distribution амфитихоокеанское распространение, амфипацифическое распространениеasymmetrical distribution асимметричное распределениеbathymetrical distribution распределение по глубинамbell-shaped distribution биом. колоколообразное распределениеbicentric distribution бицентрическое распространениеbimodal distribution бимодальное распределение, двухвершинное распределениеbinomial distribution биномиальное распределение, т.е. соответствующее распределению коэффициентов бинома Ньютона (стат.)binormal distribution двумерное нормальное распределениеbipolar distribution биполярное распространениеbivariate distribution двумерное распределениеbivariate-compounded Poisson distribution двумерное пуассоново распределениеburst distribution распределение по величине выходов фага из отдельных бактериальных клетокchi distribution хи-распределениеchi-squared distribution распределение хи-квадратclumped distribution групповое распределение растенийconditional distribution условное распределениеcontinuous distribution непрерывное распределениеcountercurrent distribution противоточное распределениеdiscontinuous distribution прерывистое распределениеdiscrete distribution дискретное распределениеdispersal distribution динамическое распространениеexponential distribution экспоненциальное распределениеF-distribution биом. AF-распределениеflat distribution плосковершинное распределениеfrequency distribution распределение частотGauss distribution нормальное распределение, распределение Гауссаgauss distribution распределение Гаусса; нормальное распределение, характерное при непрерывной изменчивости (стат.)genative binomial distribution отрицательное биномиальное распределениеgeographic distribution географическое распространениеgeometric distribution геометрическое распределениеGibran distribution распределение Гибрата, логарифмически-нормальное распределениеhypergeometric distribution гипергеометрическое распределениеhypergeometric distribution гипергеометрическое распределение (стат.)joint distribution совместное распределениеleptodurtic distribution островершинное распределениеlimiting distribution предельное распределениеlogarithmic normal distribution логарифмически нормальное распределениеlognormal distribution логарифмически нормальное распределениеmesokurtic distribution распределение, имеющее нормальный эксцессmixed distribution совместное распределениеmultidimensional distribution многомерное распределениеmultimodal distribution многовершинное распределениеmultivariate distribution многомерное распределениеmultivariate normal distribution многомерное нормальное распределениеnormal distribution нормальное распределение, распределение Гауссаnormal distribution распределение Гаусса; нормальное распределение, характерное при непрерывной изменчивости (стат.)one-dimensional distribution одномерное распределениеpaked distribution островершинное распределениеPoisson distribution пуассоново распределениеpoisson distribution распределение Пуассона (стат.)random distribution случайное распределениеrectangular distribution прямоугольное распределениеregularly spaced distribution равномерное распределениеrestricted distribution ограниченное распределениеseasonal distribution сезонное распределениеsemi-quantitative distribution полуколичественное распределение, распределение при приближённой оценкеsize distribution распределение по размерамskew distribution асимметричное распределениеspatial distribution пространственное распределениеstandardized distribution нормированное распределениеstationary distribution стационарное распределениеtemporal distribution распределение во времениtheoretical distribution теоретическое распределениеtolerance distribution допустимое распределениеtriangular distribution треугольное распределениеtruncated distribution усечённое распределениеuniform distribution равномерное распределениеunimadal distribution унимодальное распределениеunivariate distribution одномерное распределениеvertical distribution вертикальное распределение; вертикальное распространениеworld-wild distribution распространение по всему мируEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > distribution
См. также в других словарях:
Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing — (GD T) is a system for defining and communicating engineering tolerances. It uses a symbolic language on engineering drawings and computer generated three dimensional solid models for explicitly describing nominal geometry and its allowable… … Wikipedia
Engineering tolerance — is the permissible limit or limits of variation in a physical dimension, a measured value or physical property of a material, manufactured object, system, or service, other measured values (such as temperature, humidity, etc.). in engineering and … Wikipedia
Position tolerance — is a Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD T) location control used on engineering drawings to specify desired location as well as allowed non conformitied to the position of a feature on a part. Position tolerance must only be applied to… … Wikipedia
Projected tolerance zone — In geometric dimensioning and tolerancing a projected tolerance zone defined to predict the final dimensions and locations of features on a component or assembly subject to tolerance stack up.References* ASME Y14.5M 1994 Dimensioning and… … Wikipedia
ISO 10303 Application Modules — The STEP Application modules define common building blocks to create modular Application Protocols (AP) within ISO 10303. Higher level modules are built up from lower level modules. The modules on the lowest level are wrappers of concepts,… … Wikipedia
Engineering drawing — Technical drawings An engineering drawing, a type of technical drawing, is used to fully and clearly define requirements for engineered items. Engineering drawing (the activity) produces engineering drawings (the documents). More than just the… … Wikipedia
Design for manufacturability for CNC machining — Design for manufacturability (DFM) describes the process of designing or engineering a product in order to facilitate the manufacturing process in order to reduce its manufacturing costs. DFM will allow potential problems to be fixed in the… … Wikipedia
cylindricity — noun a) The quality of being cylindrical. b) A three dimensional geometric tolerance that controls how much a feature can deviate from a perfect cylinder … Wiktionary
Europe, history of — Introduction history of European peoples and cultures from prehistoric times to the present. Europe is a more ambiguous term than most geographic expressions. Its etymology is doubtful, as is the physical extent of the area it designates.… … Universalium
Lysergic acid diethylamide — LSD redirects here. For other uses, see LSD (disambiguation). LSD 25 redirects here. For the dock landing ship, see USS San Marcos (LSD 25). For the Fringe episode, see Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (Fringe). Lysergic acid diethylamide … Wikipedia
drafting — /draf ting, drahf /, n. See mechanical drawing. [1875 80; DRAFT + ING1] * * * Precise graphical representation of a structure, machine, or its component parts that communicates the intent of a technical design to the fabricator (or the… … Universalium