Перевод: со всех языков на английский

с английского на все языки


  • 1 шина

    (колеса, пневматик) (рис. 35)
    - (межэлементное соединение аккумулятора)inter-сен connector
    - (электрическая) — bus, busbar
    проводник (медная полоса), соединенный с источником (сетью) питания, и служащий для распределения эл. питания по цепям и фидерам — а conductor connected to the supply mains from which electric power is taken to circuits and/or feeders.
    - аварийного питания (эл.) — emergency bus
    -, авиационная — aircraft tire
    -, автономная (с питанием от генератора no 1) — independent bus (fed by generator no. 1)
    -, аккумуляторная — battery bus (ватт bus)
    -, бескамерная — tubeless tire
    -, вспомогательная (эл.) — secondary bus
    -, выпрямительного устройствa (у штурмана, летчика) — rectifier bus (navigator's, pilot's) (rect bus, navg's, pilot's)
    - генератора nо 1 (надпись) — no. 1 gen bus, gen 1 bus
    -, генераторная — generator bus (gen bus)
    - заземленияgrounding link
    -, информационная (вычисл. техника) — data bus
    -, контрольная (эл.) — monitored bus
    - левого борта (эл.) — left bus
    -, лопнувшая (колеса) — burst tire
    -, магистральная (цру питательной сети) — main distribution bus а bus connected between а generating source and busses of circuits.
    - металлизацииbonding link
    - на резервном источнике питания (т.е. питается от резервного источника) — bus on alternate power (source)
    - низкого давления (колеса)low-pressure tire
    -, обесточенная — not powered /de-energized/ bus
    -, общая (вычисл. техн.) — data bus
    - объединенного питания переменным токомас tie bus
    шины 4-х генераторов соединены параллельно через реле объединения шин с шиной объединенного питания. — the four generator are connected in parallel via bus tie relays (btr's) to the ас tie bus.
    - объединенного питания постоянным токомdс tie bus
    данная шина соединяет параллельно выходы пост. тока четырех ву. — this bus forms а tie point to parallel dc outputs of the four tru's.
    -, объединительная (пост. тока) — (dc tie bus forms a tie point to parallel dc outputs (of generators or tru's)
    -, основная — main bus
    система распределения электрической нагрузки включает основные и вспомогательные шины перем. и пост. тока. — electrical load distribution system includes ас and dc main and secondary busses.
    - основных потребителейessential (-services) bus
    - основных потребителей перем. тока на резервном питании — essential ас bus on alternate power (source)
    табло "осн. петр. на рез." загораетея при отказе основных источников пер. тока и автоматическом переходе на питание от резервных источинков питания. — the ess ас on alt is illuminated if primary ас power source has failed and automatic transfer to alternate power source has oecured.
    - память — memory bus rom output data is transferred to the memory bus.
    - переменного токаас bus
    -, питающаяся от основного источника питания — bus on main power (source)
    -, питающаяся от резервного источника питания — bus on alternate power (source)
    - питания вспомогательных (второстепенных) потребителейnon-essential bus
    - питания основных потребителейessential bus
    -, питающаяся от аккумулятора (генератора) — battery (generator) bus, bus powered by battery (generator)
    - под током — powered /energized, alive, hot/ bus
    - постоянного токаdc bus
    - правого бортаright bus
    - распределения нагрузок (эл.) — load distribution bus
    -, резервная (перем. или пост. тока) — (ас or dc standby bus
    - с армированным протектором (колеса) — tread-reinforced tire coupled with relatively low inflation pressures, tire tread reinforcing is incorporated.
    - соединительнаяtie bus
    -, спущенная (колеса) — deflated tire
    при полностью спущенной шине должно обеспечиваться безопасное расстояние между возд. винтом и землей. — there must be positive clearance between propeller and ground, when critical tire is completely deflated.
    -, спущенная полностью — completely deflated/flat/ tire
    -, центральная распределительная — main distribution bus
    напряжение на ш. напряжение на ш. аккумулятора — voltage at /on/ bus battery bus voltage
    напряжение на ш. генератора — generator bus voltage
    (стояночное) обжатие ш. — tire deflection
    разрыв ш. (в результате перегрева) — tire explosion the tire explosion protection is in the form of fusible plugs.
    включать ш. (эл.) — energize /power/ bus
    восстанавливать (наваривать протектор) ш. — retread
    выключать ш. (эл.) — de-energize bus
    накачивать ш. — inflate tire
    обесточивать ш. — de-energize bus
    обнаруживать на ш. место протокола — locate tire leak
    спускать воздух из ш. — deflate tire

    Русско-английский сборник авиационно-технических терминов > шина

  • 2 сеть

    (плетеная или выполненная из гибких элементов)
    - (система, совокупность эл. цепей) — circuitry
    совокупность цепей, обеспечивающих связь внутри системы или между системами, — а complex of circuits describing interconnection within or between systems.
    - (совокупность агрегатов и соединительных цепей)system
    power, pwr
    - (электрическая цепь)circuit (crct)
    - аэродромного питания (внутрисамолетная)external power system
    - аэродромовairfield network
    - большого тока (магистральная)mains
    сеть от источника питания до цру (рис. 91).
    -, бортовая электрическая — aircraft electrical system
    -, грузовая — cargo net
    для закрепления грузов в грузовом отсеке, — the cargo net is used to fasten the cargo items in the cargo compartment.
    -, дренажная (слив) — drainage lines
    -, дренажная (сообщения с атмосферой) — vent lines
    - канала автопилота (эл. цепи) — autopilot circuitry
    - канала крена (рыскания, тангажа) — roll (yaw, pitch) circuitry
    -, магистральная (эл. питательная) — mains
    - маршрутовroute network
    - на авар. питание — emer pwr in use
    - на аккумулятор питание эпетрической системы ла от бортового аккумулятора. — battery power in use (ватт pwr in use), battery power available (ватт pwr avail)
    ватт position of ехт pwr/batt switch
    ватт in use
    ехт pwr in use /avail/
    при включении наземного эпектропитания загорается табло — with the external power supply connected the ext pwr in use light is on.
    ехт pwr not in use
    - наземных радиостанцийnetwork of radio stations

    the system employs signals from the network of omega navigation stations.
    - на основной источник питания (сеть питается от осн. источника) — circuit on primary power source (crct on prim pwr)
    - на резервный источник питания — circuit on standby /alternate/ power source (crct on alt pwr)
    - на трансформатор (сеть питается от трансформатора)circuit on transformer (crct on xfmr)
    xfmr in use /avail/
    - на шину (no i)circuit on bus (i)
    сеть питается от шины noi — the circuit is fed from bus i.
    ехт pwr in use
    - переменного (постоянного) тока, бортовая — aircraft ас (do electrical system
    - питания (эл.) — power (supply, feed) circuit
    -, питательная (эл.) — mains, supply mains
    сеть, служащая для подвода электроэнергии от источника к распределительным устройствам (шинам) (рис. 91). — conductors conveying power from а generating source to а distribution bus.
    -, питательная магистральная — series mains
    сеть, в которой все ру включаются в одну магистраль последовательно друг за другом. — conductors connecting the distribution busses in series.
    - питательная, радиальная (эл.) — radial mains
    сеть, в которой все распределительные устройства подключаются к шине генератора параллельно идущим проводам. — conductors connecting the distribution busses to а generator bus in parallel.
    - (1) при питании от генератоpa (no i). — circuit (1) on (no. i) generator power, circuit (i) powered by generator (no. i), (crct i on gen. i)
    - радиомаяков — radio beacon /station / network
    -, развязывающая — decoupling circuit
    -, распределительная электрическая — electrical load distribution system
    -, электрическая — electrical system
    27 vdc power
    115 vac power
    включать (ставить под напряжение) бортовую эпектрическую с. — turn on aircraft electrical power
    включать бортовую сеть и убедиться, что все аэс включены, — turn on aircraft electrical power and check that all circuit breakers are closed.
    защищать с. (с помощью аэс) — protect the circuit (by circuit breaker)
    работать от с. (напряжением)... вольт — operate at а supply... of volts

    Русско-английский сборник авиационно-технических терминов > сеть

  • 3 провод

    металлический проводник, состоящий из одной или нескольких проволок для передачи эл. сигналов, имеющий соответствующую изоляцию, — а solid or stranded group of solid cylindrical conductors having а low resistance to current flow, together with any associated insulation.
    - зажиганияignition wire
    - заземления (заземляющий)ground wire
    -, закрепленный ниточным бандажом — laced wire
    -, информационный (к регистрирующему устройству) — data wire. the data wires to the fdr.
    -, компенсационный (термопары — compensating lead
    -, магистральный (эл.) — (supply) mains
    провод от источника эл. питания до шины (распределительного ус-ва) (рис. 91). — conductors conveying power from а generating source to а distribution bus.
    -, монтажный — wire (used for electrical components connection)
    -, монтажный (внутреннего монтажа) — hook-up wire
    - нагрузкиload wire
    -, обратный (на землю, массу) — return wire
    -, общий (масса ла) — common ground

    the aircraft structure serves as common ground.
    -, общий (обозначение соединения на массу, ('землю') — ground (gnd)
    -, питательный (рис.91) — mains
    от источника питания до цру. — from а power source to distribution bus.
    -, эмалированный — enamelled wire
    ввод п. — lead in
    вывод п. — lead out
    заделка п. (на наконечник или клемму) — termination of the wire. maintenance practices for the termination of wires
    наконечник п. — wire terminal lug
    сечение п. в мм@ — wire size in mm@ /sq.mm/
    вводить п. в... — route the wire into...
    выводить п. через... — bring /route/ the wire out through...
    заделывать п. — terminate the wire
    зачищать изоляцию п. — strip off the wire insulation
    находить п. (в жгуте методом прозвонки) — identify the wire
    обозначать п. (маркировать) — mark the wires
    обозначать п. (присваивать обозначение) — identify the wire
    прозванивать п. — ring the wire out, test the wire for continuity
    прокладывать п. — lay /route/ the wire
    пропускать п. через экранирующую трубку — pass /route/ the wire through conduit
    пропускать п. через шланг (гибкую экранирующую оболочку) — pass the wire through flexible conduit
    протаскивать п. через трубку (шланг) — force /pull/ the wire through (flexible) conduit

    Русско-английский сборник авиационно-технических терминов > провод

  • 4 магистраль

    - (трубопровод напр. деталь в каталоге) — pipe
    - воздушного дренажа (баков)vent line
    -, гидравлическая — hydraulic line
    -, дренажная (слив утечек) — drainage line
    - кольцевания топливных 6аковfuel cross-feed line
    -, масляная — oil line
    - нагнетанияpressure line
    -, откачивающая (маслосистемы двигателя) — (oil) scavenge line
    -, питательная (эл.) — mains
    сеть от источника питания до распределительного устройства (рис. 91) — conductors conveying power from а generating source to а distribution bus.
    -, питающая (топливная) — (fuel) supply /feed/ line
    -, расходная (подачи топлива от бака к двигателю) — fuel /supply/ /feed/ line
    - слива (возврата рабочей жидкости в зону низкого давления)return line
    - слива (утечек)drain line
    -, сливная — drain line
    -, топливная — fuel line
    -, тормозная (колес) — (wheel) brake line
    - уборки шасси — landing gear retraction line, gear-up line

    Русско-английский сборник авиационно-технических терминов > магистраль

  • 5 устройство

    (агрегат, приспособление)
    - автоматического поиска записи программы (магнитофона)automatic program locate device (apld)
    - автоматическое навигационное — automatic navigation device the dr computer is a part of the automatic navigation device.
    - автоматическое навигационное(ану) — dead reckoning computer, dr computer (dr cmptr)
    входные параметры: путевая скорость, угол сноса и карты, ивс, скорость и направление ветра для определения места ла. — in its traditional form the dr computer uses the ground and airspeed data, drift angle, wind speed and direction.
    - автономное (автоматическое) навигационное (ану) — dead-reckoning computer, dr computer
    - автостабилизирующее (вертолета)automatic stabilization installation
    - алфавитно (-буквенно) цифровое печатающее (ацпу)alpha-numerical printer
    -, антенносогласующее (асу) — antenna coupler
    - арифметическое (ау)arithmetic unit
    -, арретирующее (арретир) — caging device
    -, блокирующее (блокировочное, для отключения и удержания в нерабочем положении оборудования при нарушении его нормальной работы) — lockout /locking-out/ device used to shut down ал@ hold an equipment out of service on occurrence of abnormal conditions.
    -, блокирующее — interlock
    устройство, включаемое срабатыванием другого устройства, находящимся с первым в прямой взаимосвязи, для управления данного или связанного с ним устройств, — а device actuated by operation of some other device with which it is directly associated, to govern succeeding operations of the same or allied devices.
    -, бортовое погрузочное (бпу) — (airborne) cargo handling device
    специальная каретка со стропами, перемещающаяся пo потолочным рельсам в грузовой кабине. — cargo handling device carriage moving along rails in cargo compartment.
    - ввода (в уст-ве ввода и индикации)insertion device
    - ввода/вывода (увв, для эвм) — input/output device (in-out device)

    transfer of data between the program and input/output devices.
    - ввода и индикации (уви инерциальной навигационной системы) — control display unit (c/du, cdu)
    - вентилятора (гтд), реверсивное — fan reverser
    -, весоизмерительное — balance (for weighing)
    -, взлетно-посадочное (шасси) — landing gear
    -, визуальное сигнальное (аварийной сигнализации) — visual warning device
    - внутрисамолетной связи для техобслуживания — ground service interphone system, ground crew interphone system
    -, входное (двиг.) — engine air inlet section

    it is directly attached to the front flange of the engine.
    - выдержки времени (реле)time delay relay
    -, выключающее (эл.) — tripping device
    механическое или электромагнитное ус-во для размыкания аэс. — а mechanical or electromagnetic device used for opening (turning off) a circuit breaker.
    -, выпрямительное (ву) — rectifier (rect)
    -, выпрямительное (трансформаторное) (ву) — transformer rectifier unit (tru)
    -, выхлопное (двиг.) — exhaust unit
    -, выходное (двиг. в реактивном сопле за турбиной) — exhaust unit
    -, вычислительное (ву) — computer (cmptr)
    -,вычислительное(системы ссос) — gpws computer
    -,вычислительное,директорное — steering computer command input signals are provided to the steering computer.
    -, вычислительное, канала крена (системы сау) — roll computer
    -, вычислительное, канала курса (сау) — yaw computer
    -, вычислительное, канала тангажа (сау) — pitch computer
    - горизонтирования (гироплатформы) — (platform) levelling unit /device/
    -, девиационное (магнит. компаса) (рис.80) — compass compensator
    -, декодирующее (дешифратор) — decoder
    устройство для декодирования кодовых сигналов. — a device for decoding а series of coded signals.
    -, демпфирующее — damper
    - для воспроизведения записи с магнитной лентыtape reproducer
    - для выдачи бумажных полотенецpaper towel dispenser
    - для выдачи бумажных салфеток для лица (напр., для удаления косметики) — facial tissue dispenser
    - для выдачи бумажных стаканчиковpaper cup dispenser
    - для выдачи гигиенических пакетовmotion sickness bag dispenser
    - для выдачи гигиенических салфетокsanitary napkin dispenser
    - для выдачи роликовой туалетной бумагиtoilet tissue roll paper dispenser
    - для записи речиvoice recorder
    устройство для записи переговоров членов экипажа. — that portion of the system used to record crew member conversation.
    - для контейнерной загрузки (ла)unit load device (uld)
    - для определения отношения давлений (тяги) двигателя, вычислительное — engine pressure ratio computer used to determine engine rating for all modes of operation.
    - для предотвращений возникновения земного резонанса (вертолета)ground resonance prevention device
    - для тарировки высотомера (см. устройство, тарировочное) — altimeter calibrator
    - для тарировки указателя воздушной скорости (см. устройство, тарировочное) — airspeed calibrator
    - для увеличения подъемной силыhigh-lift device
    - для форсирования тягиthrust augmentor
    - для хранения и выдачи полотенец (в туалете)towel dispenser
    - для хранения и выдачи салфетокnapkin dispenser
    -, дозирующее — metering device
    -, дозирующее (насоса-регулятора двигателя) — throttle valve
    -, долговременное запоминающее (дзу) (постоянной информации) — permanent data storage unit (pdsu)
    -, загрузочное (в системе управления ла) — load feel unit
    -, задерживающее посадочное — arrester gear
    -, запальное — igniter
    устройство, непосредственно служащее для зажигания топлива (горючей смеси) в камере сгорания. — a device used to ignite fuel/air mixture in combustion chamber.
    -, запоминающее — storage /unit/, memory
    -, запоминающее ("блок памяти") — data storage unit (dsu) used to store information.
    -, запоминающее (блок памяти параметров полета) — flight data storage unit (fdsu)
    -, запоминающее ("память" доплеровского измерителя путевой скорости и сноса) — doppler memory (unit)
    в случае отсутствия подачи сигналов, запоминающее устройство фиксирует последние замеры путевой скорости и сноса ла для выдачи их на индикацию. — under conditions of signal loss, the ground speed and drift indication last measured will continue to be displayed indefinitely.
    -, запорно-редуцирующее — shut-off/pressure reducing valve
    -, защитное (в агрегате, системе) — protection /protective/ device
    -, защитное (снаряжение) — protective device
    защитные очки, маски, резиновые перчатки. — use protective devices, such as goggles, face masks, and rubber gloves.
    - защитное, катапультного кресла — ejection seat guard
    - защиты (эл. сети) — circuit protection device
    - защиты (эл. цепи) от повыщенного (или пониженного) напряжения — overvoltage (or undervoltage) protection device
    - защиты (эл. цепи) от пониженной (или повышенной) частоты — underfrequency (or overfrequency) protection device
    - защиты (эл.) сети, повторного включения — resettable circuit protective /protection/ device
    устройство должно размыкать цепь независимо от положения органов управления (выключателей, переключателей) при перегрузке и неисправности данной цепи. — each resettable circuit protective device must be designed so that, when an overload or circuit fault exists, it will open the circuit regardless of the position of the operating control.
    -, звуковое сигнальное (аварийной сигнализации) — audio warning device
    -, имитирующие — simulator
    устройство, имитирующее систему или явление. — а device which represents а system ог phenomenon.
    - индикации выставки (навигационной системы) — align display unit (adu) panel set mode selector of the adu panel to trim lat, trim long, align nav.
    - индикации и сигнализации углов атаки и перегрузок — angle-of-attack and acceleration indicating/warding system
    -, инициирующее (вызывающее срабатывание пиромеханизмов) — initiator
    - и работа (раздел ртэ)construction and operation
    -, кодирующее (шифратор) — coder
    -, коммутационное — switching device, switch gear
    электрическое или механическое устройство, служащее дпя включения и/или выключения цепи (системы), — any device or mechanism, either electrical or mechanical, which can place another device or circuit in an operating or nonoperating state.
    -, коммутационное (соединительная или распределительная коробка) — junction box (jb)
    -, коммутирующее (ук, плата для размещения радиоэлементов напр., диодов, резисторов и т.п.) — circuit board
    - контроляmonitor
    -, контрольно-записывающее (типа кз для регистрации высоты, скорости, перегрузки) — altitude, airspeed and acceleration recorder, height-velocity-g recorder (hvg rcdr)
    -, коррекционное (гироскопического прибора) — erection mechanism
    -, ламельное (для приведения штока рулевого агрегата автопилота при выключенных режимах) — switching (contact) device
    -, лекальное (коррекционного механизма) — cam strip
    -, множительное (ум) — multiplier
    -, моделирующее — simulator
    -, монтажное (амортизированная рама, платформа) — shockmount
    -, наборное (частоты арм) — band selector switch
    -, навигационно-вычислительное (нву, навигационный координатор) состав: пу, задатчики зпу и угла карты, планшет, задатчик ветра. — dead-reckoning navigation system (drns) system incorporates: control panel, dtk and chart angle selectors, roller map and wind selector.
    -, навигационное вычислительнoe (доплеровского оборудования) (рис.82) — (doppler) navigation computer the doppler navigator provides outputs of velocity along and across heading to a navigation computer.
    -, навигационное вычислительное, цифроаналоговое — navigation analog-digital computer
    - навигационное, координаторное (типа ану, нву) — dead reckoning navigation system (drns)
    - натяга (ножного) привязного ремня (на катапультном кресле) — (lap) strap /belt/ retractor
    -, обеспечивающее плавучесть сухопутного самолета при аварийной посадке на воду. — flotation gear an emergency gear attached to а landplane to permit alighting on the water, and to provide buoyancy when resting on the surface of the water.
    - обменаexchange device
    -, оперативное запоминающее (озу) (переменной информации) — random-access memory (ram), working (data) storage unit (wdsu)
    - определения аэродинамических поправок (к показаниям указателя скорости, высотомеров) (уоап) — position error correction (determination) device
    -, осветительное (лампа) — light
    - пеленгаторноеdirection finder
    - первого каскада компрессоpa, входное — lp compressor air inlet section
    -, переходное (переходник) — adapter
    -, переходное (наружной подвески - для крепления к пилону) — store adapter shoe
    -, переходное (соединяющее двигатель с удлинительной трубой или трубу с соплом) — transition section
    -, погрузочно-разгрузочное — cargo handling device
    -, подпорное (в гидравлической системе) — intensifier
    - полупроводниковое.-, постоянное запоминяющее (пзу) — semiconductor device read-only memory (rom), permanent storage unit

    computer storage device which retains the stored data indefinitely.
    -, постоянное запоминающее (внешнее) — permanent storage (unit)
    - предотвращающее перекладку рычага управления шасси в убранное положение на земле — landing gear control lever antiretraction device
    -, предохранительное — safety device
    -, предохранительное (напр., колпачок на выключателе) — guard check switch guard down and safetied.
    - предупредительной тряски штурвала при приближении к критическому углу атаки — stick shaker turn off stall warn switch if alpha off light is illuminated to prevent stick shaker action resulting from a false stall warning due to alpha probe icing.
    -, преобразующее (в системе мсрп) — converter
    - приемопеленгаторноеdirection-finder receiver
    -, приемопеленгаторное (арк) — direction finder
    -, программное (временное) — timer
    -, противообледенительное — anti-icer, de-icer
    -, противообледенительное воздушно-тепловое — hot air anti-icer
    -, противоюзовое — anti-skid device
    -, пусковое (pc или cc) — missile launcher
    -, пылезащитное (пзу, на воздухозаборник двигателя вертолета) — dust protection device (dust prot)
    -, развязывающее (эл.) — decoupler
    -, раздаточное (см. устройство для выдачи) — dispenser
    -, распределительное — distributor
    -, распределительное (эл. сети) — distribution panel (р)
    -, распределительное (распределительная коробка зл. сети) — junction box (jb)
    -, распределительное (панель азс) (напр. ру25) — circuit breaker panel, св panel, (св pnl, р) (р25)
    - распределительное (эл. шина) — bus
    -, распределительное (положение переключателя ру (шин), напр. ру1,ру2 и т.д.) — bus (1, 2) the bus selector switch is set in bus 1 position.
    -, распределительное (ру, распределительная шина) (рис.91) — distribution bus
    шина, запитываемая от питательной магистрали для дальнейшего распределения электропитания по фидерам и цепям. — а conductor connected to the (supply) mains from which electric power is taken to circuits and/or feeders.
    -, распределительное переменного тока (панель азс) — ac power circuit breaker panel
    -, распределительное постоянного тока (панель азс) — dc power circuit breaker panel
    -, распределительное хвостового (хру) (панель азс) — tail circuit breaker panel
    -, распределительное центральное (цру, панель азс) — main circuit breaker panel, main св panel
    -, распределительное центральное (цру, коробка) — main junction box (mjb)
    -, распределительное, центральное (цру, шина) — main distribution bus
    -, реверсивное (двигателя) — thrust reverser
    устройство для изменения направления тяги двигателя на обратно (рис.53). — a device for redirecting the engine exhaust to an opposite direction.
    -, реверсивное, включено — thrust reverser deployed (reverser dplyd, rvsr dpld)
    при включенном ру продолжать полет на пониженной скорости. — if reverser is deployed, continue (flying) at reduced speed.
    -, реверсивное выключено — thrust reverser stowed (reverser stwd, rvsr stwd)
    при невозможности выключения ру необходимо как можно скорее совершить посадку. — if reverser cannot be stowed, land as soon as practical.
    -, реверсивно-тормозное (рту) комбинация створок реверса тяги и тормозных щитков. — thrust/air brakes
    - реверсирования тяги, основное — primary thrust reverser
    - регистрации, бортовое — (flight data) recorder
    - регистрации звуковой информации в кабине экипажаcockpit voice recorder (cvr)
    - регистрации высоты прибop для записи (изменений) высоты по времени полета. — altitude /height/ recorder an instrument by which variation in height is recorded against time.
    -, регулировочное — adjusting device, adjuster
    -, рулежно-демпфирующее (передней опоры шасси) — nosewheel steering/damping control valve (and follow-up assembly)
    - самоконтроля (встроенное) — (built-in, integral) self-test feature
    -, самолетное громкоговорящее (сгу) — passenger /public/ address system (pa)
    сгу предназначено для оповещения пассажиров через громкоговорители. — used to make voice announcements to the passengers over cabin loud speakers.
    -, самолетное переговорное (спу) — interphone system int, intph, intercommunication system (ics, intcom)
    оборудование, обеспечивающее связь между членами экипажа внутри самолета и с техническим персоналом на земле. — that portion of the system which is used by flight and ground personnel to communicate between areas on the aircraft.
    -, самолетное переговорное вспомогательное для связи с бортпроводниками и наземным обслуживающим персоналом. — service interphone system
    - самолетное переговорное громкоговорящее (спгу = сгу + спу) — interphone /intercom/ and passenger /public/ address system (int/pa)
    для связи между членами экипажа и обращения к пассажирам через громкоговорители. — used by the crew members to communicate, and to address the passengers over cabin loud speakers.
    - сброса (показаний прибора)(instrument reading) reset knob
    -, светотехническое (арматура) — light
    - связи (в ацбс) — coupler, coupling device
    -, сигнальное (для подачи сигнала бедствия в случае аварийной посадки) — long-range signaling device
    - смотровое, оптическое — optical viewer
    наблюдение за механическим указателем положения шасси осуществляется посредством смотрового оптического устройства. — the nose gear (mechanical) indicators can be seen through an optical viewer in aft bulkhead.
    -, согласующее (системы регистрации параметров полета) — signal conditioning unit
    -, сопрягающее/сопряжения / (блоков, систем) — interface
    -, сравнивающее (блок сравнения данных) — comparator
    ус-тва и цепь для сравнения информации, поступающей из двух источников. — a device (in computer operations) or circuit for comparing information from two sources.
    -, стопорное (арретирующее) — caging device
    -, стопорное (фиксатор) — lock, latch
    - счисления пути, вычислительное — dead-reckoning computer dr computer outputs are latitude and longitude.
    -, тарировочное (калибратор) — calibrator
    - тарировочное (высотомера)altimeter calibrator
    устройство для определения инструментальной погрешности высотомера. — an apparatus for measuring the instrument errors of an altimeter.
    -, тарировочное (указателя воздушной скорости) — airspeed calibrator an apparatus for measuring the instrument errors of an airspeed indicator.
    -, термокомпенсационное (напр., трубопровода) — thermal compensator
    -, тормозное (тормоз) — brake
    -, тормозное (специальное) к спец. тормозным устройствам относятся: устройства реверсирования тяги, возд. тормоза, спойлеры, реверсивные возд. винты. — deceleration device special deceleration (or retardation) devices include thrust reversers, air brakes, spoilers, ground fine and reverse pitch propellers.
    -, трансформаторно-выпрямительное (ву) — transformer-rectifier unit (tr, t/r, tru, xfmr-rect)
    - управляющее вычислительное (системы автоматического управления ла)steering computer
    - усилительно-выпрямительное (уву)transformer rectifier unit (tru)
    -, форсажное (форсажная камера) — afterburner
    -, форсажное (пд) — augmentor
    выхлопная система пд включает форсажное устройство. — exhaust system for reciproсating engines includes augmentors.
    -, фронтовое, двигателя (между двигателем и удлинительной трубой) — jet pipe transition section
    -, фронтовое, реактивного сопла (между удлинительной трубой и pc) — jet /propelling/ nozzle transition section
    -, центральное распределительное (панель) — main distribution panel
    -, центральное, распределительное (цру, коробка эл. сети) — main junction box (mjb)
    -, центральное распределительное (цру, шина) — main distribution bus
    шина между источником питания и распределительными шинами (рис.91). — a conductor connected between а generating source and distribution busses.
    -, центральное, распределительное (центральный распределительный энергоузел) — main distribution center wires extending from а generator bus to the main distribution center.
    -, цифровое вычислительное — digital computer
    вычислительное ус-во обрабатывающее и выдающее информацию в цифровой форме. — a computer which operates with information represented in а digital form.
    - часового типа (таймер) — timer, clockwork timing device
    -, электромагнитное стопорное (рулевого агрегата автопилота) — solenoid brake
    -, электромеханическое — electromechanical device
    гироскоп является точным электромеханическим устройством. — a gyroscope is а delicate electromechanical device.
    выполнять свою функцию (о защитном у.) — serve its purpose
    срабатывать (о защитном у.) — operate, become actuated, come into action

    Русско-английский сборник авиационно-технических терминов > устройство

  • 6 ingreso

    1 entry, entrance (entrada).
    examen de ingreso entrance exam
    2 deposit (de dinero). (peninsular Spanish)
    3 income, revenue.
    4 check-in.
    5 admission.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: ingresar.
    * * *
    1 (en club, ejército) joining; (en hospital) admission; (en prisión) entrance; (en universidad) entrance
    2 (entrada) entry
    3 FINANZAS deposit
    1 (sueldo, renta) income sing; (beneficios) revenue sing
    * * *
    noun m.
    entrance, entry
    * * *
    1) (=entrada)
    a) [en institución] admission (en into)

    tras su ingreso en la Academia — after he joined the Academy, after his admission to the Academy

    examen de ingreso — (Univ) entrance examination

    ingreso en prisiónimprisonment

    el juez ordenó su ingreso en prisión — the judge ordered him to be sent to prison, the judge ordered his imprisonment

    b) [en hospital] admission (en to)

    tras su ingreso en el hospital — after being admitted to hospital, after his admission to hospital

    ¿a qué hora se produjo el ingreso? — what time was he admitted?

    2) (Econ)
    a) Esp (=depósito) deposit

    ¿de cuánto es el ingreso? — how much are you paying in?, how much are you depositing?

    hacer un ingreso — to pay in some money, make a deposit

    b) pl ingresos [de persona, empresa] income sing ; [de país, multinacional] revenue sing

    las personas con ingresos inferiores a 1.000 euros — people with incomes below 1,000 euros

    ingresos y gastos[de persona, empresa] income and outgoings, income and expenditure; [de país, multinacional] income and expenditure

    ingresos por algo — revenue from sth

    los ingresos por publicidad — advertising revenue, revenue from advertising

    vivir con arreglo a los ingresos — to live within one's income

    ingresos anuales[de persona, empresa] annual income sing ; [de país, multinacional] annual revenue sing

    ingresos de taquilla — (Cine, Teat) box-office takings; (Dep) ticket sales

    3) (=lugar de acceso) entrance
    * * *

    el año de mi ingreso a or en la universidad/el ejército/la compañía — the year I started o entered university/joined the army/joined the company

    b) ( en hospital) admission
    c) (AmL period) ( entrada) entry

    fue difícil el ingreso al estadioit was difficult to get into o (frml) to gain access to the stadium

    2) (Fin)
    a) (Esp) ( depósito) deposit
    b) ingresos masculino plural ( ganancias) income
    * * *

    el año de mi ingreso a or en la universidad/el ejército/la compañía — the year I started o entered university/joined the army/joined the company

    b) ( en hospital) admission
    c) (AmL period) ( entrada) entry

    fue difícil el ingreso al estadioit was difficult to get into o (frml) to gain access to the stadium

    2) (Fin)
    a) (Esp) ( depósito) deposit
    b) ingresos masculino plural ( ganancias) income
    * * *

    Ex: Secondly, the admission of rules incompatible with the general ideology adopted inevitably entails subsequent remedial revision.

    * examen de ingreso = entrance exam(ination).
    * ingresos = intake.


    Ex: This particular bank does not accept any cash deposits nor are direct cash withdrawals permitted.

    * aumentar los ingresos = boost + Posesivo + income.
    * bajos ingresos = low income.
    * comprobación de los ingresos = means-testing, means test.
    * comprobar los ingresos = means test.
    * desigualdad de ingresos = income inequality.
    * escala de tarifas según los ingresos = sliding fee scale.
    * evaluación de los ingresos = means-testing, means test.
    * evaluar los ingresos = means test.
    * familia de bajos ingresos = low-income family.
    * fuente de ingresos = revenue stream, source of revenue, source of income, revenue base, revenue earner.
    * ganarse unos ingresos = earn + income.
    * generación de ingresos = revenue-raising, income generation.
    * generador de ingresos = income-generating, revenue-earning, revenue-making, revenue-generating, revenue earner, profit-generating, profit-making.
    * generar ingresos = generate + revenue.
    * ingreso de dinero = cash deposit.
    * ingreso de efectivo = cash deposit.
    * ingresos = income, proceeds, revenue, income statement, takings, earnings.
    * ingresos bajos = low income.
    * ingresos brutos = gross profit, gross benefits, gross revenues, gross receipts, gross income.
    * ingresos de ventas = sales revenue.
    * ingresos disponibles = disposable income.
    * ingresos económicos = income.
    * ingresos familiares = family wage.
    * ingresos fijos = fixed income.
    * ingresos inesperados = windfall.
    * ingresos medios = middle income.
    * ingresos netos = net revenues, net income.
    * ingresos procedentes de los impuestos = tax revenues, income tax revenue.
    * ingresos públicos provenientes del petróleo = oil revenues.
    * nivel de ingresos = income level, earning capacity, earning power.
    * propios ingresos = earned income.
    * reportar ingresos = generate + revenue.
    * según los ingresos = means-tested.
    * subsidio por bajos ingresos = supplementary benefit.

    * * *
    (en una organización): la fecha de nuestro ingreso en la organización the date of our entry into the organization, the date we joined the organization
    su solicitud de ingreso al or en el club his application to become a member of o to join the club
    su discurso de ingreso his inaugural address
    el año de mi ingreso a or en la universidad/en el ejército/en la compañía the year I started o entered university/joined the army/joined the company
    examen de ingreso entrance examination
    2 (en un hospital) admission
    después de su ingreso en la clínica after her admission to o after she was admitted to the clinic
    (en la cárcel): su ingreso en la cárcel tuvo lugar el 10 de Octubre he was taken to o placed in jail on the 10th of October
    fue decretado su ingreso en prisión he was remanded in custody
    4 ( AmL period) (entrada) entry
    fue difícil el ingreso al estadio it was difficult to get into o ( frml) to gain access o admission to the stadium
    5 ( Per Espec) (entrada) ticket ingresos mpl ticket office
    B ( Fin)
    1 ( Esp) (depósito) deposit
    efectuó un ingreso en el banco he made a deposit at the bank, he paid some money into the bank
    ingresos anuales annual income
    no tiene más ingresos que su trabajo en el astillero his only income is from his job at the shipyard
    una importante fuente de ingresos an important source of income
    mpl additional income
    mpl gross income
    mpl trading o operating income
    mpl accrued income
    mpl net income
    ingresos tributarios or por impuestos
    tax revenue
    mpl earned income
    * * *


    Del verbo ingresar: ( conjugate ingresar)

    ingreso es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    ingresó es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    ingresar ( conjugate ingresar) verbo intransitivo
    1 [ persona] (en organización, club) to join;
    ( en colegio) to enter;
    ( en el ejército) to join;

    ingresó cadáver (Esp) he was dead on arrival
    2 [ dinero] to come in
    verbo transitivo
    1 persona› ( en hospital):

    hubo que ingresolo de urgencia he had to be admitted as a matter of urgency;
    fueron ingresados en esta prisión they were taken to this prison
    2 (Esp) (Fin) ‹dinero/cheque to pay in;

    [ banco] to credit an account with a sum
    ingreso sustantivo masculino
    a) ( en organización): el año de mi ingreso a or en la universidad/el ejército/la compañía the year I started o entered university/joined the army/joined the company;

    2 (Fin)
    a) (Esp) ( depósito) deposit


    ingresos sustantivo masculino plural ( ganancias) income;

    ingresos brutos/netos gross/net income
    I verbo transitivo
    1 Fin (en un banco) to deposit, pay in
    (recibir ganancias) to take in
    2 Med to admit: me ingresaron con una crisis nerviosa, I was admitted with a nervous breakdown
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 to enter: este año ingresa en la Universidad, this year he goes to University
    ingresar en un club, to join a club
    2 Med ingresó a las cinco, he was admitted (to hospital) at five (o'clock)
    ingresó cadáver, to be dead on arrival
    ingreso sustantivo masculino
    1 Fin deposit: necesito hacer un ingreso de tres mil pesetas, I need to pay in three thousand pesetas
    2 (entrada) entry [en, into]
    (admisión) admission [en, to] 3 ingresos, (sueldo, renta) income sing, revenue sing
    ' ingreso' also found in these entries:
    - cadáver
    - formularia
    - formulario
    - ingresar
    - entrada
    - examen
    - menor
    - admit
    - DOA
    - enter
    - entrance
    - entrance examination
    - eventual
    - grammar school
    - pay in
    - paying-in-slip
    - pronounce
    - deposit
    - membership
    * * *
    1. [entrada] entry, entrance;
    [en universidad] admission;
    examen de ingreso entrance exam;
    solicitud de ingreso membership application;
    todavía recuerdo la fecha de mi ingreso en el club I still remember the day I joined the club;
    han solicitado su ingreso en la organización they have applied for membership of the organization, they have applied to join the organization
    2. [en hospital] admission;
    se produjeron diez ingresos hospitalarios por salmonelosis ten people were admitted to hospital with salmonella poisoning
    3. [en prisión]
    el juez decretó el ingreso en prisión del banquero the judge ordered that the banker be sent to prison
    4. Am [acceso a lugar] entry;
    el ingreso a la sala de conciertos fue muy lento it took a long time to get into the concert hall
    5. Esp [de dinero] deposit;
    realizó un ingreso she made a deposit
    ingresos [sueldo] income;
    [recaudación] revenue;
    ingresos por publicidad advertising revenue;
    tienen unos ingresos anuales de 200 millones they have an annual income of 200 million
    ingresos brutos gross income;
    ingresos familiares family income;
    ingresos netos net income
    * * *
    1 entry; en una asociación joining;
    examen de ingreso entrance exam
    2 en hospital admission
    3 COM deposit
    ingresos pl income sg
    * * *
    1) : entrance, entry
    2) : admission
    3) ingresos nmpl
    : income, earnings pl
    * * *
    1. (en el hospital) admission
    ¿cuántos ingresos hay en un día normal? how many admissions are there on an average day?
    3. (dinero) deposit

    Spanish-English dictionary > ingreso

  • 7 генератор

    1) General subject: dynamo, generant, generator, prime mover, producer
    2) Aviation: power source
    3) Colloquial: gennie
    4) Engineering: alternator component, alternator group, electrostatic generator, emitter (напр. синхронизирующих импульсов в перфораторах), gen, generating program (программа-), generator component, oscillating circuit, oscillation circuit, oscillator, oscillatory circuit
    5) Mathematics: autonomous automaton
    6) Automobile industry: electric generator
    7) Metallurgy: generator plant
    8) Telecommunications: booster, generating set
    9) Physics: alternator
    11) Information technology: allocator (в языке Ада), generating routine, generative routine, generator program, program generator, spawner (процессов, напр. в системах с параллельной обработкой)
    12) Oil: energizer
    13) Geophysics: source, transmitter
    15) American English: originator [as of an idea]
    16) Makarov: driver (колебаний), exciter, generator (в математике, электротехнике), generator (источник сигналов; источник электрических или электромагнитных колебаний), generator (электромашинный), laser (оптический), maser (СВЧ), oscillator (в электронике, оптике и теории колебаний), oscillator (первичный источник колебаний; источник электрических или электромагнитных колебаний)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > генератор

  • 8 ingreso2

    Ex. This particular bank does not accept any cash deposits nor are direct cash withdrawals permitted.
    * aumentar los ingresos = boost + Posesivo + income.
    * bajos ingresos = low income.
    * comprobación de los ingresos = means-testing, means test.
    * comprobar los ingresos = means test.
    * desigualdad de ingresos = income inequality.
    * escala de tarifas según los ingresos = sliding fee scale.
    * evaluación de los ingresos = means-testing, means test.
    * evaluar los ingresos = means test.
    * familia de bajos ingresos = low-income family.
    * fuente de ingresos = revenue stream, source of revenue, source of income, revenue base, revenue earner.
    * ganarse unos ingresos = earn + income.
    * generación de ingresos = revenue-raising, income generation.
    * generador de ingresos = income-generating, revenue-earning, revenue-making, revenue-generating, revenue earner, profit-generating, profit-making.
    * generar ingresos = generate + revenue.
    * ingreso de dinero = cash deposit.
    * ingreso de efectivo = cash deposit.
    * ingresos = income, proceeds, revenue, income statement, takings, earnings.
    * ingresos bajos = low income.
    * ingresos brutos = gross profit, gross benefits, gross revenues, gross receipts, gross income.
    * ingresos de ventas = sales revenue.
    * ingresos disponibles = disposable income.
    * ingresos económicos = income.
    * ingresos familiares = family wage.
    * ingresos fijos = fixed income.
    * ingresos inesperados = windfall.
    * ingresos medios = middle income.
    * ingresos netos = net revenues, net income.
    * ingresos procedentes de los impuestos = tax revenues, income tax revenue.
    * ingresos públicos provenientes del petróleo = oil revenues.
    * nivel de ingresos = income level, earning capacity, earning power.
    * propios ingresos = earned income.
    * reportar ingresos = generate + revenue.
    * según los ingresos = means-tested.
    * subsidio por bajos ingresos = supplementary benefit.

    Spanish-English dictionary > ingreso2

  • 9 a diferencia de

    * * *
    in contrast to, unlike
    * * *
    = apart from, as opposed to, in contradistinction to, as contrasted with, in contrast (to/with), quite apart from, in sharp contrast (with)
    Ex. Apart from the names of subjects, the names of corporate bodies, persons, chemicals, trade products, and trade names are some other possibilities.
    Ex. This command types the information immediately at the user's terminal, as opposed to the PRINT command generating offline prints which are subsequently mailed to the user.
    Ex. The intent is to create a mechanism which recognizes the needs of the reader, in contradistinction to simplifying clerical procedures within the cataloging department.
    Ex. An art original is the original two- or three-dimensional work of art (other than an art print or a photograph) created by the artist, eg., a painting, drawing, or sculpture, as contrasted with a reproduction of it.
    Ex. The overall plan of the library is to provide an atmosphere of spaciousness and calm, in contrast to the urban bustle outside = El proyecto general de la biblioteca es ofrecer un ambiente de amplitud y calma, en contraste con el bullicio urbano exterior.
    Ex. Quite apart from a completely new vocabulary, the whole mystique of computers is still a source of bewilderment.
    Ex. The archives of mediaeval universities are sparse and fragmented, in sharp contrast with the fact that these institutions were among the most regulated, structured and stable of their time.
    * * *
    = apart from, as opposed to, in contradistinction to, as contrasted with, in contrast (to/with), quite apart from, in sharp contrast (with)

    Ex: Apart from the names of subjects, the names of corporate bodies, persons, chemicals, trade products, and trade names are some other possibilities.

    Ex: This command types the information immediately at the user's terminal, as opposed to the PRINT command generating offline prints which are subsequently mailed to the user.
    Ex: The intent is to create a mechanism which recognizes the needs of the reader, in contradistinction to simplifying clerical procedures within the cataloging department.
    Ex: An art original is the original two- or three-dimensional work of art (other than an art print or a photograph) created by the artist, eg., a painting, drawing, or sculpture, as contrasted with a reproduction of it.
    Ex: The overall plan of the library is to provide an atmosphere of spaciousness and calm, in contrast to the urban bustle outside = El proyecto general de la biblioteca es ofrecer un ambiente de amplitud y calma, en contraste con el bullicio urbano exterior.
    Ex: Quite apart from a completely new vocabulary, the whole mystique of computers is still a source of bewilderment.
    Ex: The archives of mediaeval universities are sparse and fragmented, in sharp contrast with the fact that these institutions were among the most regulated, structured and stable of their time.

    Spanish-English dictionary > a diferencia de

  • 10 actividad investigadora

    Ex. Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.
    * * *

    Ex: Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.

    Spanish-English dictionary > actividad investigadora

  • 11 análisis bibliométrico

    Ex. Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.
    * * *

    Ex: Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.

    Spanish-English dictionary > análisis bibliométrico

  • 12 artículo de revisión

    (n.) = review article, review essay
    Ex. Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.
    Ex. The article 'The Wild Goose Chase' is a review essay on Umberto Eco's book, The Search for the Perfect Language, tracing the evolution of the search for a perfect universal language from biblical times through the present.
    * * *
    (n.) = review article, review essay

    Ex: Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.

    Ex: The article 'The Wild Goose Chase' is a review essay on Umberto Eco's book, The Search for the Perfect Language, tracing the evolution of the search for a perfect universal language from biblical times through the present.

    Spanish-English dictionary > artículo de revisión

  • 13 cosecha

    1 harvest (agriculture).
    ser de la (propia) cosecha de alguien (informal figurative) to be made up o invented by somebody
    2 vintage.
    3 harvest time.
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: cosechar.
    2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: cosechar.
    * * *
    1 harvest, crop
    2 (tiempo) harvest time
    3 (año del vino) vintage
    de cosecha propia (hortalizas, fruta) home-grown 2 (ideas etc) of one's own invention
    * * *
    noun f.
    crop, harvest
    * * *
    1) (=recogida) harvest; (=temporada) harvest, harvest time

    la cosecha de 1972(=vino) the 1972 vintage

    2) (=producto) crop

    de cosecha propia — home-grown, home-produced

    3) (=producción) yield
    * * *
    a) (acción, época) harvest
    b) ( producto) crop

    de mi/tu/su (propia) cosecha: estas zanahorias son de mi propia cosecha I grew these carrots myself; unos poemas de su propia cosecha — some of his own poems

    2) (de premios, éxitos)
    * * *
    = crop, harvesting, vintage, harvest.
    Ex. There will be occasions when it is difficult to see any helpful principle; for example, in what order should we arrange grain crops, root crops, legumes, etc. in the crops facet in Agriculture?.
    Ex. This collocation surely meets a general need more effectively than if everything were brought together under process, scattering materials on crops: harvesting of wheat, oats, barlye, etc., all colocated at harvesting.
    Ex. Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'Bountiful harvest: aquaculture and agriculture information services for the Pacific'.
    * cosecha de fruta = fruit crop.
    * cosecha extraordinariamente buena = bumper crop.
    * de cosecha propia = home-grown [home grown/homegrown], home-produced.
    * de propia cosecha = home-grown [home grown/homegrown].
    * vino de cosecha = young wine.
    * * *
    a) (acción, época) harvest
    b) ( producto) crop

    de mi/tu/su (propia) cosecha: estas zanahorias son de mi propia cosecha I grew these carrots myself; unos poemas de su propia cosecha — some of his own poems

    2) (de premios, éxitos)
    * * *
    = crop, harvesting, vintage, harvest.

    Ex: There will be occasions when it is difficult to see any helpful principle; for example, in what order should we arrange grain crops, root crops, legumes, etc. in the crops facet in Agriculture?.

    Ex: This collocation surely meets a general need more effectively than if everything were brought together under process, scattering materials on crops: harvesting of wheat, oats, barlye, etc., all colocated at harvesting.
    Ex: Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'Bountiful harvest: aquaculture and agriculture information services for the Pacific'.
    * cosecha de fruta = fruit crop.
    * cosecha extraordinariamente buena = bumper crop.
    * de cosecha propia = home-grown [home grown/homegrown], home-produced.
    * de propia cosecha = home-grown [home grown/homegrown].
    * vino de cosecha = young wine.

    * * *
    1 (acción, época) harvest
    un vino de la cosecha del 70 a 1970 vintage wine
    2 (producto) crop
    el mal tiempo echó a perder la cosecha the bad weather caused the crop to fail
    de mi/tu/su (propia) cosecha: estas zanahorias son de mi propia cosecha I grew these carrots myself, these carrots are from my garden
    unos poemas de su propia cosecha some of his own poems
    (de premios, éxitos): nuestra cosecha en las olimpíadas fue pobre our medal tally at the Olympics was poor, we did not win many medals at the Olympics
    después de su cosecha de éxitos en Europa following his many successes in Europe, following the successes he reaped in Europe ( journ)
    * * *


    Del verbo cosechar: ( conjugate cosechar)

    cosecha es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

    2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    cosecha sustantivo femenino
    a) (acción, época) harvest;

    cosechar ( conjugate cosechar) verbo transitivo

    legumbres to pick
    b) (Esp) ( cultivar) ‹cereales/patatas to grow

    c)aplausos/premios/honores to win;

    éxitos to achieve
    verbo intransitivo
    to harvest
    cosecha sustantivo femenino
    1 Agr harvest
    2 (año de vendimia) vintage
    I verbo transitivo
    1 Agr to harvest, gather (in)
    2 (éxitos) to reap, achieve
    (críticas, aplausos) to win
    II verbo intransitivo to harvest
    ' cosecha' also found in these entries:
    - diezmar
    - falta
    - granizada
    - malograrse
    - precoz
    - recoger
    - recolectar
    - vendimiar
    - abundante
    - adelantar
    - copioso
    - echar
    - helar
    - malograr
    - pizca
    - crop
    - gather in
    - harvest
    - homegrown
    - pick
    - vintage
    - yield
    * * *
    1. [recogida, época] harvest;
    es de la cosecha del 79 it's the 1979 vintage;
    hacer la cosecha to harvest;
    ser de la (propia) cosecha de alguien to be made up o invented by sb
    2. [producto] crop;
    la cosecha de vid de este año ha sido muy buena the grape harvest has been very good this year;
    se ha perdido toda la cosecha the entire crop o harvest has been lost
    3. [de títulos, premios] tally;
    este último galardón se añade a su cosecha personal this latest award adds one more to his personal tally
    * * *
    1 harvest; fig
    tally, score
    de cosecha propia one’s own;
    no ser de su cosecha fig fam not be one’s own work
    * * *
    : harvest, crop
    * * *
    1. (acción) harvest
    2. (producto) crop

    Spanish-English dictionary > cosecha

  • 14 estudio bibliométrico

    Ex. Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.
    * * *

    Ex: Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.

    Spanish-English dictionary > estudio bibliométrico

  • 15 investigación

    1 investigation, research.
    2 investigation, search, inquiry, probe.
    * * *
    1 (indagación) investigation, enquiry
    2 (estudio) research
    * * *
    noun f.
    1) investigation, inquiry
    * * *
    1) [de accidente, delito] [por la policía] investigation; [por un comité] inquiry
    2) [científica, académica] research

    un trabajo de investigación sobre el barroco — a research project on the baroque, a piece of research on the baroque

    investigación operativa — operational research, operations research

    * * *
    a) (de caso, delito) investigation; ( por comisión especial) inquiry

    llevar a cabo una investigación — to carry out an investigation, to hold an inquiry

    b) (Educ, Med, Tec) research
    2) Investigaciones femenino plural ( en Chi) criminal investigation department
    * * *
    = enquiry [inquiry, -USA], exploration, inquiry [enquiry, -UK], investigation, probe, research, scholarship, line of enquiry, a piece of + research, research activity, research effort, academic study.
    Ex. A threshold weight appropriate to the specificity of the searcher's enquiry must be established.
    Ex. This section goes no further than the exploration of ideas which are important for the appropriate support of software packages.
    Ex. Several possible rules governing the reference interview are examined; one calls for inquiry into client's underlying wants, 'the face value rule', another for inquiry into underlying needs, 'the purpose rule'.
    Ex. An improved awareness of existing work should strengthen the foundations of new investigations, and reduce the degree of duplication.
    Ex. From 1985-89, a probe into library services took place into about 7,300 public and school libraries with some 53 million items in stock.
    Ex. Abstracts may be submitted for editing and inclusion in bibliographies and bulletins by staff engaged in research.
    Ex. The most important of the functions of librarians is the collection, preservation and affording access to the materials of scholarship.
    Ex. The reviewer's place in citation chains is an important one because conceivably a carefully done critical review could make or break a line of enquiry or alter the direction of a chain of citations.
    Ex. Part of library legend is now a steel manufacturer's after-dinner statement that if a piece of research cost less than $100,000, it was cheaper to repeat it than to try to find out if it had already been done.
    Ex. Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.
    Ex. With renewed geologic interest in the Arctic and Antarctic, polar libraries are becoming increasingly important to support the research efforts in these areas.
    Ex. Cyberculture is emerging as an interdisciplinary subject of academic study.
    * ARL (Asociación de Bibliotecas de Investigación) = ARL (Association of Research Libraries).
    * artículo de investigación = research paper, research article, research contribution.
    * ayudante de investigación = research assistant.
    * base de datos de investigación = research database.
    * beca de investigación = research grant.
    * becario de investigación = research grantee, research student.
    * biblioteca de investigación = research library.
    * biblioteconomía especializada en las bibliotecas de investigación = research librianship.
    * centro de investigación = research centre, research unit.
    * colaboración en la investigación = cooperative research.
    * colaborador de investigación = research fellow.
    * colección de investigación = research collection.
    * comisión de investigación = commission of enquiry, investigating committee, investigation committee.
    * contribución a la investigación = research contribution.
    * dedicado a la investigación = research-oriented.
    * de investigación = exploratory.
    * departamento de investigación = research unit.
    * documentos producto de investigación = research materials.
    * empresa de investigación = research firm.
    * equipo de investigación = research team.
    * estrategia de investigación = research strategy.
    * frente de investigación = research front.
    * grupo de investigación = research group.
    * Grupo de Investigación sobre la Clasificación (CRG) = Classification Research Group (CRG).
    * herramienta de investigación = research tool.
    * informe del resultado de una investigación = research report.
    * iniciar una investigación = launch + investigation.
    * institución de investigación = research institution.
    * instituto de investigación = research institute.
    * instituto para la investigación y el desarrollo = research and development institute.
    * investigación-acción = action research.
    * investigación aplicada = action research.
    * investigación biomédica = biomedical research.
    * investigación científica = academic research, scientific research, scientific enquiry, scholarly research.
    * investigación clínica = clinical research.
    * investigación cooperativa = cooperative research.
    * investigación criminal = criminal investigation.
    * investigación cualitativa = qualitative research.
    * investigación cuantitativa = quantitative research.
    * investigación de campo = intervention research, field research.
    * investigación de despacho = desk research.
    * investigación de mercado = market research, consumer research.
    * investigación educativa = educational research.
    * investigación empírica = empirical research.
    * investigación en biblioteconomía y documentación = library and information science research.
    * investigación en biblioteconomía = library research.
    * investigación en biomedicina = biomedical research.
    * investigación en ciencias de la documentación = information science research.
    * investigación en colaboración = collaborative research.
    * investigación en documentación = information science research.
    * investigación en educación = educational research.
    * investigación en equipo = team research.
    * investigación en medicina = medical research.
    * investigaciones = research evidence.
    * investigaciones, las = research literature, literature of research.
    * investigaciones operativas = operations research.
    * investigación genética = genetic research.
    * investigación histórica = historical research.
    * investigación industrial = industrial research.
    * investigación mediante sondeos = survey research.
    * investigación médica = medical research.
    * investigación operativa = operational research.
    * investigación para la creación de innovaciones = innovation research.
    * investigación pedagógica = educational research.
    * investigación y desarrollo (I+D) = research and development (R&D).
    * línea de investigación = line of enquiry, line of research, line of enquiry, research front, avenue (for/of) research, research avenue, avenue of investigation, research line.
    * línea de investigación futura = avenue (for/of) future research.
    * línea de investigación posible = avenue for further research.
    * metodología de investigación = research methodology.
    * no dedicado a la investigación = non-research.
    * periodismo de investigación = investigative reporting, investigative journalism.
    * permiso sabático para dedicarse a la investigación = research leave.
    * producción científica de investigación = research literature.
    * programa de investigación = research agenda.
    * propuesta de proyecto de investigación = research proposal.
    * protocolo de investigación = research protocol.
    * proyecto de investigación = research project, research initiative.
    * realizar una investigación = carry out + research, conduct + investigation, conduct + research, do + research, undertake + investigation, undertake + research.
    * Red Informativa de las Bibliotecas de Investigación en USA = RLIN.
    * rendimiento en la investigación = research performance.
    * revista de investigación = research periodical.
    * RLG (Grupo de Bibliotecas de Investigación) = RLG (Research Libraries Group).
    * técnica de investigación = research technique.
    * tema de investigación = area of enquiry [area of inquiry], research question, research topic.
    * trabajo de investigación = investigative work, research paper, research work.
    * visita por motivos de investigación = research trip, research visit.
    * visita por razones de investigación = research trip, research visit.
    * * *
    a) (de caso, delito) investigation; ( por comisión especial) inquiry

    llevar a cabo una investigación — to carry out an investigation, to hold an inquiry

    b) (Educ, Med, Tec) research
    2) Investigaciones femenino plural ( en Chi) criminal investigation department
    * * *
    = enquiry [inquiry, -USA], exploration, inquiry [enquiry, -UK], investigation, probe, research, scholarship, line of enquiry, a piece of + research, research activity, research effort, academic study.

    Ex: A threshold weight appropriate to the specificity of the searcher's enquiry must be established.

    Ex: This section goes no further than the exploration of ideas which are important for the appropriate support of software packages.
    Ex: Several possible rules governing the reference interview are examined; one calls for inquiry into client's underlying wants, 'the face value rule', another for inquiry into underlying needs, 'the purpose rule'.
    Ex: An improved awareness of existing work should strengthen the foundations of new investigations, and reduce the degree of duplication.
    Ex: From 1985-89, a probe into library services took place into about 7,300 public and school libraries with some 53 million items in stock.
    Ex: Abstracts may be submitted for editing and inclusion in bibliographies and bulletins by staff engaged in research.
    Ex: The most important of the functions of librarians is the collection, preservation and affording access to the materials of scholarship.
    Ex: The reviewer's place in citation chains is an important one because conceivably a carefully done critical review could make or break a line of enquiry or alter the direction of a chain of citations.
    Ex: Part of library legend is now a steel manufacturer's after-dinner statement that if a piece of research cost less than $100,000, it was cheaper to repeat it than to try to find out if it had already been done.
    Ex: Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.
    Ex: With renewed geologic interest in the Arctic and Antarctic, polar libraries are becoming increasingly important to support the research efforts in these areas.
    Ex: Cyberculture is emerging as an interdisciplinary subject of academic study.
    * ARL (Asociación de Bibliotecas de Investigación) = ARL (Association of Research Libraries).
    * artículo de investigación = research paper, research article, research contribution.
    * ayudante de investigación = research assistant.
    * base de datos de investigación = research database.
    * beca de investigación = research grant.
    * becario de investigación = research grantee, research student.
    * biblioteca de investigación = research library.
    * biblioteconomía especializada en las bibliotecas de investigación = research librianship.
    * centro de investigación = research centre, research unit.
    * colaboración en la investigación = cooperative research.
    * colaborador de investigación = research fellow.
    * colección de investigación = research collection.
    * comisión de investigación = commission of enquiry, investigating committee, investigation committee.
    * contribución a la investigación = research contribution.
    * dedicado a la investigación = research-oriented.
    * de investigación = exploratory.
    * departamento de investigación = research unit.
    * documentos producto de investigación = research materials.
    * empresa de investigación = research firm.
    * equipo de investigación = research team.
    * estrategia de investigación = research strategy.
    * frente de investigación = research front.
    * grupo de investigación = research group.
    * Grupo de Investigación sobre la Clasificación (CRG) = Classification Research Group (CRG).
    * herramienta de investigación = research tool.
    * informe del resultado de una investigación = research report.
    * iniciar una investigación = launch + investigation.
    * institución de investigación = research institution.
    * instituto de investigación = research institute.
    * instituto para la investigación y el desarrollo = research and development institute.
    * investigación-acción = action research.
    * investigación aplicada = action research.
    * investigación biomédica = biomedical research.
    * investigación científica = academic research, scientific research, scientific enquiry, scholarly research.
    * investigación clínica = clinical research.
    * investigación cooperativa = cooperative research.
    * investigación criminal = criminal investigation.
    * investigación cualitativa = qualitative research.
    * investigación cuantitativa = quantitative research.
    * investigación de campo = intervention research, field research.
    * investigación de despacho = desk research.
    * investigación de mercado = market research, consumer research.
    * investigación educativa = educational research.
    * investigación empírica = empirical research.
    * investigación en biblioteconomía y documentación = library and information science research.
    * investigación en biblioteconomía = library research.
    * investigación en biomedicina = biomedical research.
    * investigación en ciencias de la documentación = information science research.
    * investigación en colaboración = collaborative research.
    * investigación en documentación = information science research.
    * investigación en educación = educational research.
    * investigación en equipo = team research.
    * investigación en medicina = medical research.
    * investigaciones = research evidence.
    * investigaciones, las = research literature, literature of research.
    * investigaciones operativas = operations research.
    * investigación genética = genetic research.
    * investigación histórica = historical research.
    * investigación industrial = industrial research.
    * investigación mediante sondeos = survey research.
    * investigación médica = medical research.
    * investigación operativa = operational research.
    * investigación para la creación de innovaciones = innovation research.
    * investigación pedagógica = educational research.
    * investigación y desarrollo (I+D) = research and development (R&D).
    * línea de investigación = line of enquiry, line of research, line of enquiry, research front, avenue (for/of) research, research avenue, avenue of investigation, research line.
    * línea de investigación futura = avenue (for/of) future research.
    * línea de investigación posible = avenue for further research.
    * metodología de investigación = research methodology.
    * no dedicado a la investigación = non-research.
    * periodismo de investigación = investigative reporting, investigative journalism.
    * permiso sabático para dedicarse a la investigación = research leave.
    * producción científica de investigación = research literature.
    * programa de investigación = research agenda.
    * propuesta de proyecto de investigación = research proposal.
    * protocolo de investigación = research protocol.
    * proyecto de investigación = research project, research initiative.
    * realizar una investigación = carry out + research, conduct + investigation, conduct + research, do + research, undertake + investigation, undertake + research.
    * Red Informativa de las Bibliotecas de Investigación en USA = RLIN.
    * rendimiento en la investigación = research performance.
    * revista de investigación = research periodical.
    * RLG (Grupo de Bibliotecas de Investigación) = RLG (Research Libraries Group).
    * técnica de investigación = research technique.
    * tema de investigación = area of enquiry [area of inquiry], research question, research topic.
    * trabajo de investigación = investigative work, research paper, research work.
    * visita por motivos de investigación = research trip, research visit.
    * visita por razones de investigación = research trip, research visit.

    * * *
    1 (de un caso, un delito) investigation
    30 agentes trabajan en la investigación del caso Torosa 30 officers are investigating the Torosa case
    la policía ha abierto una investigación sobre el caso the police have started o opened o launched an investigation into the case
    el senador exige que se lleve a cabo una investigación the senator is demanding an inquiry o an investigation
    2 ( Educ, Med, Tec) research
    investigación científica scientific research
    realizó una investigación sobre esta terapia he carried out research into o a study of this therapy
    tests to establish paternity (pl)
    market research
    operations research
    research and development
    B Investigaciones fpl (en Chi) criminal investigation department
    * * *


    investigación sustantivo femenino
    a) (de caso, delito) investigation;

    ( por comisión especial) inquiry
    b) (Educ, Med, Tec) research;

    investigación de mercados market research
    investigación sustantivo femenino
    1 (pesquisa, indagación) investigation
    2 (estudio riguroso) research
    ' investigación' also found in these entries:
    - beca
    - Cesid
    - consejo
    - escrupulosa
    - escrupuloso
    - estancar
    - estancada
    - estancado
    - estudio
    - exhaustiva
    - exhaustivo
    - F.B.I
    - puntera
    - puntero
    - relevante
    - rigurosa
    - riguroso
    - someterse
    - terrena
    - terreno
    - abrir
    - archivar
    - centrar
    - cuidadoso
    - dedicar
    - destinar
    - detenido
    - dirigir
    - encuesta
    - examen
    - expediente
    - fondo
    - fruto
    - hacer
    - meticuloso
    - minucioso
    - objeto
    - potenciar
    - realizar
    - appropriate
    - behind
    - bureau
    - CID
    - compass
    - consumer research
    - diligent
    - enquiry
    - fellowship
    - full-scale
    - grant
    - hush-hush
    - in-house
    - inquest
    - inquiry
    - institute
    - investigation
    - province
    - research
    - scope
    - screening
    - survey
    - thorough
    - vet
    - allocate
    - fact
    - investigate
    - line
    - market
    - means
    - narrow
    - probe
    - screen
    - station
    - way
    * * *
    1. [estudio] research;
    estoy haciendo una investigación sobre los incas I'm doing a research project o I'm doing some research on the Incas
    investigación científica scientific research;
    investigación y desarrollo research and development;
    investigación de mercado market research
    2. [indagación] investigation, inquiry;
    la investigación de un atentado the investigation into an attack;
    se ha abierto una investigación sobre el incidente an inquiry o an investigation into the incident has been opened;
    comisión de investigación committee of inquiry
    investigación judicial judicial inquiry
    * * *
    1 policial investigation
    2 EDU, TÉC research;
    investigación genética genetic research
    * * *
    1) encuesta, indagación: investigation, inquiry
    2) : research
    * * *
    1. (policial) investigation
    2. (gubernamental, pública) inquiry [pl. inquiries]
    3. (científica, académica) research

    Spanish-English dictionary > investigación

  • 16 producción

    1 production, output, net quantity of produce yielded, produce.
    Ricardo le metió un gol a Tito Richard scored a goal against Tito.
    2 production.
    3 production, cultivation.
    * * *
    1 production
    producción en cadena mass production
    * * *
    noun f.
    production, output
    * * *
    1) (Com) (=acción) production; (=cantidad) output
    2) (Literat, Mús) output
    3) (Cine, Teat) production

    producción propia — (TV) in-house production

    * * *
    a) (Com, Econ) (proceso, acción) production; ( cantidad) output, production
    b) ( conjunto de obras) output
    2) (Cin, Teatr, TV) production
    * * *
    = making, production, yield, throughput, vintage, release, output, writing, crafting.
    Ex. A producer is the person with final responsibility for the making of a motion picture, including business aspects, management of the production, and the commercial success of the film.
    Ex. Early work led to the production of over twenty special schemes in various areas of knowledge.
    Ex. Priority is awarded to projects with the following aims: oil and gas recovery, drilling, optimum use of natural gas, and maximising the yield by the use of enhanced recovery techniques.
    Ex. This revision to the Decimal Classification was adopted immediately by BNB, which would otherwise have found great difficulty in classifying much of its throughput.
    Ex. Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.
    Ex. But first we must create the conditions for single-mindedness and hence the release of our energies (one senses much pent-up energy mixed up with our professional frustrations).
    Ex. A slight decline -- about 1% -- in the book title output of US publishers took place in 1988, compared with 1987, largely attributable to a falling-off of mass market paperback output, especially in fiction.
    Ex. His library, a rare survival of the Graeco-Roman period, comprised his own writings and philosophical readings.
    Ex. This volume tellingly reveals the many negotiations, improvisations, sleights-of-hand, and slipknots that were a part of the crafting of Hitchcock's films.
    * aumento de la producción = increased production.
    * cadena de producción = production chain, production line.
    * cadena de producción y distribución, la = supply chain, the.
    * campo petrolífero de producción regular = marginal field.
    * capacidad de producción = throughput.
    * coproducción = coproduction [co-production].
    * costes de producción = production costs.
    * costos de producción = production costs.
    * cuota de producción = production quota.
    * equipo de producción = production team, production equipment.
    * incremento de la producción = increased production.
    * indicador de producción = output indicator.
    * índice de producción = output indicator.
    * industria dedicada a la producción de carne de vaca, la = beef industry, the.
    * medios de producción = means of production.
    * producción agrícola = agricultural production.
    * producción alimenticia = food production.
    * producción asistida por ordenador (CAM) = CAM (computer-aided manufacturing).
    * producción bibliográfica = literature, bibliographic output.
    * producción bibliográfica sobre biblioteconomía = library literature.
    * producción cárnica = meat production.
    * producción científica = publication output, scientific output, research writings, scholarly literature, scholarly output.
    * producción científica de investigación = research literature.
    * producción cinematográfica = film making [filmmaking].
    * producción conjunta = joint production.
    * producción de alimentos = food production.
    * producción de artículos = article productivity.
    * producción de carne de vaca = beef production.
    * producción de documentos = document production.
    * producción de huevos = egg production.
    * producción de libros = book production, book publishing.
    * producción de vino = winemaking.
    * producción editorial = book production, book publishing, publishing output.
    * producción lechera = milk yield, milk production.
    * producción literaria = literature.
    * producción multimedia = media production.
    * producción teatral = theatre production.
    * relacionado con la producción = production-related.
    * tasa de producción = production rate.
    * vaca dedicada a la producción de leche = milk-producing cow.
    * zona de producción de trigo = wheatbelt.
    * * *
    a) (Com, Econ) (proceso, acción) production; ( cantidad) output, production
    b) ( conjunto de obras) output
    2) (Cin, Teatr, TV) production
    * * *
    = making, production, yield, throughput, vintage, release, output, writing, crafting.

    Ex: A producer is the person with final responsibility for the making of a motion picture, including business aspects, management of the production, and the commercial success of the film.

    Ex: Early work led to the production of over twenty special schemes in various areas of knowledge.
    Ex: Priority is awarded to projects with the following aims: oil and gas recovery, drilling, optimum use of natural gas, and maximising the yield by the use of enhanced recovery techniques.
    Ex: This revision to the Decimal Classification was adopted immediately by BNB, which would otherwise have found great difficulty in classifying much of its throughput.
    Ex: Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.
    Ex: But first we must create the conditions for single-mindedness and hence the release of our energies (one senses much pent-up energy mixed up with our professional frustrations).
    Ex: A slight decline -- about 1% -- in the book title output of US publishers took place in 1988, compared with 1987, largely attributable to a falling-off of mass market paperback output, especially in fiction.
    Ex: His library, a rare survival of the Graeco-Roman period, comprised his own writings and philosophical readings.
    Ex: This volume tellingly reveals the many negotiations, improvisations, sleights-of-hand, and slipknots that were a part of the crafting of Hitchcock's films.
    * aumento de la producción = increased production.
    * cadena de producción = production chain, production line.
    * cadena de producción y distribución, la = supply chain, the.
    * campo petrolífero de producción regular = marginal field.
    * capacidad de producción = throughput.
    * coproducción = coproduction [co-production].
    * costes de producción = production costs.
    * costos de producción = production costs.
    * cuota de producción = production quota.
    * equipo de producción = production team, production equipment.
    * incremento de la producción = increased production.
    * indicador de producción = output indicator.
    * índice de producción = output indicator.
    * industria dedicada a la producción de carne de vaca, la = beef industry, the.
    * medios de producción = means of production.
    * producción agrícola = agricultural production.
    * producción alimenticia = food production.
    * producción asistida por ordenador (CAM) = CAM (computer-aided manufacturing).
    * producción bibliográfica = literature, bibliographic output.
    * producción bibliográfica sobre biblioteconomía = library literature.
    * producción cárnica = meat production.
    * producción científica = publication output, scientific output, research writings, scholarly literature, scholarly output.
    * producción científica de investigación = research literature.
    * producción cinematográfica = film making [filmmaking].
    * producción conjunta = joint production.
    * producción de alimentos = food production.
    * producción de artículos = article productivity.
    * producción de carne de vaca = beef production.
    * producción de documentos = document production.
    * producción de huevos = egg production.
    * producción de libros = book production, book publishing.
    * producción de vino = winemaking.
    * producción editorial = book production, book publishing, publishing output.
    * producción lechera = milk yield, milk production.
    * producción literaria = literature.
    * producción multimedia = media production.
    * producción teatral = theatre production.
    * relacionado con la producción = production-related.
    * tasa de producción = production rate.
    * vaca dedicada a la producción de leche = milk-producing cow.
    * zona de producción de trigo = wheatbelt.

    * * *
    1 ( Com, Econ) (proceso, acción) production; (cantidad) output, production
    [ S ] uvas Lacalle; producción argentina Lacalle grapes; produce of Argentina
    su producción dramática es escasa his dramatic output is small, he has not written many plays
    la producción pictórica de Picasso the works of Picasso, Picasso's paintings
    producción en cadena or serie
    mass production
    sustained yield
    B ( Cin, Teatr, TV) (proceso, acción) production; (obra, película) production
    varios países participaron en la producción del programa various countries took part in producing the program o in the production of the program
    la etapa de producción the production stage
    una producción de la BBC a BBC production
    * * *


    producción sustantivo femenino
    1 (Com, Econ) (proceso, acción) production;
    ( cantidad) output, production;
    producción en cadena or serie mass production
    2 (Cin, Teatr, TV) production
    producción sustantivo femenino
    1 (proceso) production
    producción en serie, mass production
    2 (resultado) output, products
    la producción aumentó un diez por ciento, production increased by ten percent
    producción lechera, dairy produce
    3 (de una película, disco, etc) production
    ' producción' also found in these entries:
    - error
    - excedente
    - pantalla
    - remanente
    - saquería
    - sedería
    - activar
    - arrocero
    - aumentar
    - cadena
    - cuota
    - déficit
    - disminuir
    - diversificar
    - impulsar
    - lechero
    - montar
    - paralizar
    - reducir
    - retrasar
    - variar
    - vinícola
    cut back
    - domestic
    - foreman
    - making
    - manufacturing capacity
    - mass production
    - output
    - production
    - scale down
    - step up
    - wind down
    - work
    - out
    * * *
    1. [acción] production;
    [producto] product;
    se ha incrementado la producción de acero steel production has increased;
    un autor con una extensa producción poética an author with an extensive poetic output
    Ind producción en cadena mass production; Ind producción en serie mass production
    2. Cine & TV production;
    una producción de TVE a TVE production
    * * *
    f production
    * * *
    1) : production
    producción en serie : mass production
    * * *
    1. (elaboración) production
    ¿quién se encarga de la producción? who's in charge of production?

    Spanish-English dictionary > producción

  • 17 источник света знакогенератора

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > источник света знакогенератора

  • 18 ONCE

    1 eleven.
    2 eleventh.
    f. & m.
    * * *
    1 ( Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles) ≈ Royal National Institute for the Blind; (abreviatura) RNIB
    * * *
    noun m. adj.
    * * *
    SF ABR Esp
    = Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles ONCE The Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles began life as a charity for the blind and is now one of the wealthiest and most successful organizations in Spain, with a wide-ranging sphere of activities, including assisting other disabled groups as well as the blind. The popular lottery which it set up to provide employment for its members is its main source of income, generating plentiful capital for investment.
    * * *
    femenino = Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles
    •• Cultural note:
    ONCE was founded in 1938 to create employment for the blind. The organization started fund-raising lotteries, for which blind people sold tickets throughout Spain. In 1981 ONCE launched a national lottery which is drawn every day except Saturday. Money raised is invested in training and social centers for blind people. The biggest of its prizes is the cuponazo
    * * *
    femenino = Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles
    •• Cultural note:
    ONCE was founded in 1938 to create employment for the blind. The organization started fund-raising lotteries, for which blind people sold tickets throughout Spain. In 1981 ONCE launched a national lottery which is drawn every day except Saturday. Money raised is invested in training and social centers for blind people. The biggest of its prizes is the cuponazo
    * * *
    = eleven (11),.

    Ex: That night I was correcting a proof at about eleven o'clock when Balthasar began needling me.

    * de las once = mid-morning.
    * fútbol once = 11-a-side football.
    * tentempié de las once = elevenses.

    * * *
    = Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    ONCE /'onθe/ sustantivo femenino = Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles
    once adj inv/pron/m
    para ejemplos ver

    I adj inv eleven
    II m inv
    1 eleven
    2 Ftb eleven, team
    el once titular, the regular first-team players

    ' once' also found in these entries:
    - acto
    - almorzar
    - año
    - anualmente
    - buena
    - bueno
    - compilación
    - contigo
    - definitivamente
    - día
    - en seguida
    - enseguida
    - escaldada
    - escaldado
    - haber
    - higo
    - inmediata
    - inmediatamente
    - inmediato
    - instar
    - momento
    - ni
    - ocasión
    - pascua
    - poltrona
    - sola
    - solo
    - solventar
    - ubicuidad
    - vez
    - algo
    - después
    - empezar
    - finalizar
    - golpe
    - irrepetible
    - más
    - mes
    - mismo
    - ONCE
    - preselección
    - seguida
    - ser
    - soler
    - add in
    - again
    - amazing
    - at
    - bitten
    - blue
    - burglar alarm
    - century
    - day
    - downhill
    - eleven
    - flower
    - forward
    - herself
    - himself
    - lifetime
    - magazine
    - moon
    - never
    - once
    - once-over
    - realize
    - upon
    - while
    - bite
    - directly
    - down
    - go
    - going
    - hit
    - immediately
    - now
    - once-
    - past
    - stand
    - week
    * * *
    = Spanish association for the blind
    Spain's “Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles” (National Organization for the Blind) or ONCE is a non-profit-making organization which helps those with impaired vision in the fields of education and employment. ONCE has been remarkably successful in raising awareness (and funds), making it probably the most famous institution of its kind in Spain. This is mainly due to its two best-known activities: firstly, the lottery it runs, for which its members sell tickets in the streets, and secondly, its sponsorship of the cycling team which bears its name.
    * * *
    f abr (= Organización Nacional de Ciegos de España) Spanish National Association for the Blind
    * * *
    once adj & nm
    : eleven
    * * *
    once num
    1. (en general) eleven
    2. (fechas) eleventh

    Spanish-English dictionary > ONCE

  • 19 once

    1 eleven.
    2 eleventh.
    f. & m.
    * * *
    1 ( Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles) ≈ Royal National Institute for the Blind; (abreviatura) RNIB
    * * *
    noun m. adj.
    * * *
    SF ABR Esp
    = Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles ONCE The Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles began life as a charity for the blind and is now one of the wealthiest and most successful organizations in Spain, with a wide-ranging sphere of activities, including assisting other disabled groups as well as the blind. The popular lottery which it set up to provide employment for its members is its main source of income, generating plentiful capital for investment.
    * * *
    adjetivo invariable/pronombre eleven; para ejemplos ver cinco
    masculino (number) eleven
    * * *
    femenino = Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles
    •• Cultural note:
    ONCE was founded in 1938 to create employment for the blind. The organization started fund-raising lotteries, for which blind people sold tickets throughout Spain. In 1981 ONCE launched a national lottery which is drawn every day except Saturday. Money raised is invested in training and social centers for blind people. The biggest of its prizes is the cuponazo
    * * *
    = eleven (11),.

    Ex: That night I was correcting a proof at about eleven o'clock when Balthasar began needling me.

    * de las once = mid-morning.
    * fútbol once = 11-a-side football.
    * tentempié de las once = elevenses.

    * * *
    = Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    ONCE /'onθe/ sustantivo femenino = Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles
    once adj inv/pron/m
    para ejemplos ver

    I adj inv eleven
    II m inv
    1 eleven
    2 Ftb eleven, team
    el once titular, the regular first-team players

    ' once' also found in these entries:
    - acto
    - almorzar
    - año
    - anualmente
    - buena
    - bueno
    - compilación
    - contigo
    - definitivamente
    - día
    - en seguida
    - enseguida
    - escaldada
    - escaldado
    - haber
    - higo
    - inmediata
    - inmediatamente
    - inmediato
    - instar
    - momento
    - ni
    - ocasión
    - pascua
    - poltrona
    - sola
    - solo
    - solventar
    - ubicuidad
    - vez
    - algo
    - después
    - empezar
    - finalizar
    - golpe
    - irrepetible
    - más
    - mes
    - mismo
    - ONCE
    - preselección
    - seguida
    - ser
    - soler
    - add in
    - again
    - amazing
    - at
    - bitten
    - blue
    - burglar alarm
    - century
    - day
    - downhill
    - eleven
    - flower
    - forward
    - herself
    - himself
    - lifetime
    - magazine
    - moon
    - never
    - once
    - once-over
    - realize
    - upon
    - while
    - bite
    - directly
    - down
    - go
    - going
    - hit
    - immediately
    - now
    - once-
    - past
    - stand
    - week
    * * *
    = Spanish association for the blind
    Spain's “Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles” (National Organization for the Blind) or ONCE is a non-profit-making organization which helps those with impaired vision in the fields of education and employment. ONCE has been remarkably successful in raising awareness (and funds), making it probably the most famous institution of its kind in Spain. This is mainly due to its two best-known activities: firstly, the lottery it runs, for which its members sell tickets in the streets, and secondly, its sponsorship of the cycling team which bears its name.
    * * *
    f abr (= Organización Nacional de Ciegos de España) Spanish National Association for the Blind
    * * *
    once adj & nm
    : eleven
    * * *
    once num
    1. (en general) eleven
    2. (fechas) eleventh

    Spanish-English dictionary > once

  • 20 योनिः _yōniḥ

    योनिः m. f. [यु-नि Uṇ.4.51]
    1 Womb, uterus, vulva, the female organ of generation.
    -2 Any place of birth or origin, generating cause, spring, fountain; स्वासु योनिषु शाम्यति Ms.9.321; सा योनिः सर्ववैराणां सा हि लोकस्य निर्ऋतिः U.5.3; जगद्योनिरयोनिस्त्वम् Ku.2.9;4.43; oft. at the end of comp. in the sense of 'sprung or produced from'; ये हि संस्पर्शजा भोगा दुःखयोनय एव ते Bg. 5.22.
    -3 A mine.
    -4 An abode, a place, repository, seat, receptacle.
    -5 Home, lair.
    -6 A family, stock, race, birth, form of existence; as मनुष्ययोनि, पक्षि˚, पशु˚ &c.
    -7 The asterism पूर्वफल्गुनी.
    -8 Water.
    -9 The base (of a सामन्) i. e. the ऋक् which is set to music and sung as सामन्; योनिश्चासौ शस्या च योनिशस्या ŚB. on MS. 7.2.17.
    -1 Copper; L. D. B.
    -11 The primary cause; कला पञ्चदशी योनिस्तद्धाम प्रतिबुध्यते Mb.12.34.4.
    -12 The source of understanding; एषा धर्मस्य वो योनिः समासेन प्रकीर्तिता Ms.2.25 (com. योनिर्ज्ञप्तिकारणं 'वेदो$खिलो धर्ममूलम्' इत्या- दिनोक्तमित्यर्थः).
    -13 Longing for, desire (वासना); संसार- सागरगमां योनिपातालदुस्तराम् Mb.12.25.15.
    -14 Seed, grain. ˚पोषणम् the growing of seed.
    -Comp. -गुणः the quality of the womb or place of origin.
    - a. born of the womb, viviparous.
    -देवता the asterism पूर्वफल्गुनी.
    -दोषः 1 Sexual defilement.
    -2 A defect of the female organ.
    -नासा the upper part of the female organ.
    -भ्रंशः fall of the womb, prolapsus uteri.
    -मुक्त a. released from birth or being born again.
    -मुखम् the orifice of the womb.
    -मुद्रा a particular position of fingers.
    -रञ्जनम् the menstrual discharge.
    -लिङ्गम् the clitoris.
    -शस्या a Ṛigvedic verse which is both a योनि as well as a शस्या (q. v.); योनिशस्याश्च तुल्यवदितराभिर्वि- धीयन्ते MS.7.2.17.
    -संवरणम्, -संवृत्तिः Contraction of the vagina.
    -संकटम् rebirth.
    -संकरः mixture of caste by unlawful intermarriage; कुले मुख्ये$पि जातस्य यस्य स्याद् योनिसंकरः Ms.1.6.
    -सम्बन्धः relation by mar- riage, connection.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > योनिः _yōniḥ

См. также в других словарях:

  • Source — may refer to:Film and television* The Source (documentary) , a 1999 documentary movie about the Beat generation * The Source (film) , a 2002 science fiction movie, also known as The Secret Craft in the UK and The Surge for its American DVD… …   Wikipedia

  • Source lines of code — (SLOC) is a software metric used to measure the size of a software program by counting the number of lines in the text of the program s source code. SLOC is typically used to predict the amount of effort that will be required to develop a program …   Wikipedia

  • Intermittent power source — [ Erie Shores Wind Farm monthly output over a two year period] An intermittent power source is a source of electric power generation that may be uncontrollably variable or more intermittent than conventional power sources, and therefore non… …   Wikipedia

  • Intermittent energy source — An intermittent energy source is any source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control. The intermittent source may be quite predictable, for example, tidal power, but cannot be dispatched to meet the… …   Wikipedia

  • Cost of electricity by source — The cost of electricity generated by different sources measures the cost of generating electricity including initial capital, return on investment, as well as the costs of continuous operation, fuel, and maintenance. The price is normally… …   Wikipedia

  • Navajo Generating Station — Navajo Generating Station …   Wikipedia

  • Coleson Cove Generating Station — Coleson Cove Generating Station …   Wikipedia

  • Nanticoke Generating Station — Nanticoke Generating Station …   Wikipedia

  • Stirling numbers and exponential generating functions — The use of exponential generating functions or EGFs to study the properties of Stirling numbers is a classical exercise in combinatorics and possibly the canonical example of how symbolic combinatorics, the method that encapsulates the… …   Wikipedia

  • Homer City Generating Station — Infobox Power Station station name=Homer City Generating Station caption= location=Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania owner=Edison International status=Active fuel type=Bituminous coal mine type=Local Pennsylvania, or Western… …   Wikipedia

  • Lakeview Generating Station — The Lakeview Generating Station was an Ontario Power Generation coal burning station located in Lakeview, a community just east of Port Credit, in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. The former station was located just east of Lakeshore Road and… …   Wikipedia

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