Перевод: с английского на польский

с польского на английский


  • 1 gather round

    (to come together around a person, thing etc: Will everyone please gather round?) zebrać się wokół

    English-Polish dictionary > gather round

  • 2 gather

    ['gæðə(r)] 1. vt
    zbierać (zebrać perf), gromadzić (zgromadzić perf); (SEWING) marszczyć (zmarszczyć perf)
    2. vi
    people, clouds zbierać się (zebrać się perf), gromadzić się (zgromadzić się perf); dust zbierać się

    to gather (from/that) — wnioskować (wywnioskować perf) (z +gen /, że)

    * * *
    ['ɡæðə] 1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) come together in one place: A crowd of people gathered near the accident.) zbierać się
    2) (to learn (from what has been seen, heard etc): I gather you are leaving tomorrow.) domyślać się
    3) (to collect or get: He gathered strawberries from the garden; to gather information.) zbierać
    4) (to pull (material) into small folds and stitch together: She gathered the skirt at the waist.) zmarszczyć
    2. noun
    (a fold in material, a piece of clothing etc.) fałd(k)a
    - gather round
    - gather together

    English-Polish dictionary > gather

  • 3 crowd

    [kraud] 1. n 2. vt

    to crowd sb/sth in/into — wpychać (wepchnąć perf) kogoś/coś do środka/do +gen

    3. vi

    to crowd round sb/sth — tłoczyć się (stłoczyć się perf) dookoła kogoś/czegoś

    to crowd in/into — wpychać się (wepchnąć się perf) do środka/do +gen

    the/our crowd — (nasza) paczka (inf)

    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a number of persons or things gathered together: A crowd of people gathered in the street.) tłum
    2) (a group of friends, usually known to one another: John's friends are a nice crowd.) paczka
    2. verb
    1) (to gather in a large group: They crowded round the injured motorcyclist.) gromadzić się, tłoczyć się
    2) (to fill too full by coming together in: Sightseers crowded the building.) wypełniać

    English-Polish dictionary > crowd

  • 4 band

    [bænd] 1. n
    ( group) banda f (pej), grupa f; ( rock) grupa f, zespół m; (jazz, military etc) orkiestra f; (strip, stripe) pasek m, wstążka f; ( range) przedział m; ( of frequency) pasmo nt, zakres m
    2. vi, see band together
    * * *
    [bænd] I noun
    1) (a strip of material to put round something: a rubber band.) opaska, gumka
    2) (a stripe of a colour etc: a skirt with a band of red in it.) pas
    3) (in radio etc, a group of frequencies or wavelengths: the medium waveband.) pasmo
    II 1. noun
    1) (a number of persons forming a group: a band of robbers.) banda
    2) (a body of musicians: a brass band; a dance band.) orkiestra
    2. verb
    (to unite or gather together for a purpose: They banded together to oppose the building of the garage.) zorganizować się

    English-Polish dictionary > band

  • 5 tuck in

    1. vt
    shirt etc wkładać (włożyć perf) w spodnie/spódnicę; child otulać (otulić perf) ( do snu)
    2. vi
    zajadać, wcinać (inf)
    * * *
    1) (to gather bedclothes etc closely round: I said goodnight and tucked him in.) otulić
    2) (to eat greedily or with enjoyment: They sat down to breakfast and started to tuck in straight away.) napychać się

    English-Polish dictionary > tuck in

См. также в других словарях:

  • Gather 'Round (TV series) — Gather Round was an educational series that was syndicated on numerous PBS stations for the brief time period of September 1 1978 until January 1 1979.The series was a show where stories were narrated alongside charcoal drawings drawn as the… …   Wikipedia

  • gather — gath|er1 W2S2 [ˈgæðə US ər] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(come together)¦ 2¦(know/think)¦ 3¦(collect)¦ 4 gather speed/force/momentum etc 5 gather dust 6¦(cloth)¦ 7 gather yourself/your strength/your thoughts 8¦(clouds/darkness)¦ 9 gather somebody to you/gather… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • gather — 1 verb 1 COME TOGETHER (I) to come together and form a group: On Fridays the men gather together at the mosque. | Tens of thousands of people had gathered outside the US embassy. | gather around/round: I d like everyone to gather round so I can… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • round — round1 W2S2 [raund] adv, prep especially BrE also around 1.) surrounding or on all sides of something or someone ▪ We sat round the table playing cards. ▪ Gather round! I have an important announcement to make. ▪ He put his arm gently round her… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • round — 1 /raUnd/ adjective 1 shaped like a circle: a round table | Jamie s eyes grew round with delight. 2 shaped like a ball: a plant with small round berries 3 fat and curved: Charlie had a chubby face and round cheeks. 4 a round number is a whole… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • gather — gatherable, adj. gatherer, n. /gadh euhr/, v.t. 1. to bring together into one group, collection, or place: to gather firewood; to gather the troops. 2. to bring together or assemble from various places, sources, or people; collect gradually: The… …   Universalium

  • gather — /ˈgæðə / (say gadhuh) verb (t) 1. to bring (persons, animals, or things) together into one company or aggregate. 2. to get together from various places or sources; collect gradually. 3. to learn or infer from observation: I gather that he ll be… …  

  • round — round1 [round] adj. [ME < OFr roont < L rotundus: see ROTUND] 1. shaped like a ball; spherical; globular 2. a) shaped like a circle, ring, or disk; circular b) shaped like a cylinder (in having a circular cross section); cylindrical 3 …   English World dictionary

  • Round scad — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chor …   Wikipedia

  • gather — [v1] come or bring together accumulate, aggregate, amass, assemble, associate, bunch up, capture, choose, close with, cluster, collect, concentrate, congregate, convene, converge, corral, crowd, cull, draw, draw in, flock, forgather, gang up,… …   New thesaurus

  • round table — round tables also round table, roundtable N COUNT: usu N n A round table discussion is a meeting where experts gather together in order to discuss a particular topic. ...a round table conference of the leading heart specialists of America …   English dictionary

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