1 gate loading
Оружейное производство: заряжание револьвера через откидывающуюся дверцу в щитке барабана револьвера -
2 gate loading
<12> заряжание револьвера через откидывающуюся дверцу в щитке барабана револьвера -
3 two-gate loading chute
Горное дело: погрузочный пункт с двумя выпускамиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > two-gate loading chute
4 gate
1) задвижка; заслонка; затвор; шибер2) литник, литниковая система; каналы литниковой системы3) вчт. логический элемент; вентиль, вентильная схема4) стробирующий импульс, строб-импульс || стробировать5) затвор ( в полевом транзисторе)7) пропускать, управлять пропуском; управлять отпиранием•- air gate- balance gate
- bottom gate
- butterfly gate
- changeover gate
- drop gate
- drum gate
- entrance gate
- exit gate
- horn gate
- hydraulic gate
- insulated gate
- joint gate
- loading gate
- parting gate
- pencil gate
- rising gate
- shower gate
- skim gate
- sliding gate
- slit gate
- slot gate
- step gate
- stroke gate
- top gate
- wicket gateEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > gate
5 gate
— air gate -
6 gate
gate nвыход на посадкуair gateвоздушные воротаflap exhaust gateстворка закрылка для реактивной струиflux gateиндукционный датчикflux gate detectorиндукционный датчикgate checkстойка регистрации у выхода на перронloading gateвыход на посадку -
7 loading
aircraft loading chartсхема загрузки воздушного суднаaircraft loading diagramсхема загрузки воздушного суднаaircraft loading instructionинструкция по загрузке воздушного суднаaircraft's loading positionместо загрузки воздушного суднаflight loading conditionsусловия нагружения в полетеjettisoned load in flightгруз, сброшенный в полетеload and trim sheetграфик загрузки и центровкиload feel actuatorавтомат загрузкиloading areaместо загрузкиloading bridgeзагрузочный трапloading chartсхема загрузкиloading conditionsусловия нагруженияloading dataзагрузочные данныеloading deviceзагрузочное устройствоloading equipmentоборудование для загрузкиloading finderгалерея для подачи грузовloading gateвыход на посадкуloading locationместоположение при загрузкеloading procedureпорядок погрузкиloading rampгрузовой трапloading restrictionsограничения по загрузкеload reliefразгрузкаload the gearзагружать редукторload the generatorнагружать генераторload the structureнагружать конструкциюpoint of loadingпункт погрузки -
8 gate feed hopper
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > gate feed hopper
9 loading bin
10 loading gate
11 loading gate
1) Авиация: выход на посадку2) Военный термин: дверца револьвера3) Горное дело: погрузочный штрек4) Автоматика: загрузочное окно5) Оружейное производство: дверца для заряжания барабана револьвера -
12 loading gate
выход на посадку, «посадочные ворота» ( для пассажиров) -
13 loading gate
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > loading gate
14 loading gate
15 loading gate
16 loading gate
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > loading gate
17 loading gate
погрузочный, откаточный штрек -
18 loading gate
откаточный штрек, погрузочный штрек -
19 runner gate
20 airport gate
См. также в других словарях:
gate position — A designated space or position on an apron for an aircraft to remain parked while loading or unloading passengers and cargo. It is the gate number allotted to a particular flight … Aviation dictionary
Common gate — Figure 1: Basic N channel common gate circuit (neglecting biasing details); current source ID represents an active load; signal is applied at node Vin and output is taken from node Vout; output can be current or voltage In electronics, a common… … Wikipedia
Stage–gate model — A stage–gate model, also referred to as a phase–gate process, is a project management technique in which an initiative or project (e.g., new product development, process improvement, business change) is divided into stages (or phases) separated… … Wikipedia
cradle-to-gate — n. The portion of a product s life cycle from inception to the point where it leaves the manufacturer. Example Citations: Salt Spring Coffee s French Roast Nicaragua is carbon neutral from cradle to gate. This means that the company has bought… … New words
Moon gate — A Moon Gate (Chinese: 月亮门; pinyin: yuèliàng mén) is a circular opening in a garden wall that acts as a pedestrian passageway, and a traditional architectural element in Chinese gardens. Moon Gates have many different spiritual meanings for every… … Wikipedia
Castle Gate, Utah — Castle Gate is a ghost town located in Carbon County in eastern Utah, USA. Castle Gate was a mining town approximately 90 miles (145 km) southeast of Salt Lake City, Utah. The name of the town was derived from a rock formation near the mouth of… … Wikipedia
Starting Gate Productions — is a small professional theater company based in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Starting Gate performs mainly contemporary classic plays, mostly by American authors, though they make occasional forays into classical texts. The company emphasizes its… … Wikipedia
Front End Loading — (FEL) is the process for conceptual development of processing industry projects. Example of processing industry are petrochemical, refining, pharmaceutical. Front End Loading is also referred to as Pre Project Planning (PPP) or Front End… … Wikipedia
tail|gate — «TAYL GAYT», noun, verb, gat|ed, gat|ing, adjective. –n. 1. a board at the back of a wagon, truck, or station wagon that can be let down or removed when loading or unloading: »They have a leisurely barbecue, using the tailgate of a station wagon… … Useful english dictionary
lift gate — noun : an upper rear panel (as on a station wagon) that opens upward as a tailgate opens downward * * * lift gate noun A device at the rear of a lorry, etc for lifting items of cargo to the required height for loading • • • Main Entry: ↑lift … Useful english dictionary
harbours and sea works — Introduction harbour also spelled harbor any part of a body of water and the manmade structures surrounding it that sufficiently shelters a vessel from wind, waves, and currents, enabling safe anchorage or the discharge and loading of… … Universalium