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  • gas|tight — «GAS TYT», adjective. 1. so tight that no gas can enter or escape. 2. so made that a particular gas cannot enter under given pressure conditions. –gas´tight´ness, noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • gas-tight — adjective not allowing air or gas to pass in or out • Syn: ↑airtight, ↑air tight • Similar to: ↑tight * * * gasˈ tight adjective Impervious to gas • • • Main Entry: ↑gas * * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • gas´tight´ness — gas|tight «GAS TYT», adjective. 1. so tight that no gas can enter or escape. 2. so made that a particular gas cannot enter under given pressure conditions. –gas´tight´ness, noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • gas-tight — sealed to prevent the passage of gas …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Tight gas — is unconventional natural gas which is difficult to access because of the nature of the rock and sand surrounding the deposit. Because this gas is so much more difficult to extract than natural gas from other sources, hydraulic fracturing and… …   Wikipedia

  • tight — tight; tight·en; tight·en·er; tight·ish; tight·ly; tight·ness; un·tight; air·tight·ness; gas·tight·ness; oil·tight·ness; up·tight·ness; wa·ter·tight·ness; weath·er·tight·ness; …   English syllables

  • Gas chamber (disambiguation) — Gas chamber may refer to: * Gas chamber, a means of execution where a poisonous gas is introduced into a hermetically sealed chamber, to kill people. * A chamber filled with tear gas, used to train military and law enforcement personnel in use of …   Wikipedia

  • Gas holder — A gasometer, or gas holder, is a large container where natural gas or town gas is stored near atmospheric pressure at ambient temperatures. The volume of the container follows the quantity of stored gas, with pressure coming from the weight of a… …   Wikipedia

  • gas — am·phi·gas·tri·um; am·phi·gas·tru·la; ar·chi·gas·ter; ar·gas; ar·gas·i·dae; as·pi·do·gas·trea; av·gas; chae·to·gas·ter; cha·las·to·gas·tra; clis·to·gas·tra; de·gas; di·strin·gas; dod·gas·ted; en·gas·tri·myth·ic; en·ter·o·gas·trone; ep·i·gas·ter;… …   English syllables

  • Gas pycnometer — A gas pycnometer, a type of pycnometer, is a laboratory device used for measuring the density or more accurately the volume of solids, be they regularly shaped, porous or non porous, monolithic, powdered, granular or in some way comminuted,… …   Wikipedia

  • gas — n. & v. n. (pl. gases) 1 any airlike substance which moves freely to fill any space available, irrespective of its quantity. 2 a such a substance (esp. found naturally or extracted from coal) used as a domestic or industrial fuel (also attrib. :… …   Useful english dictionary

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