1 gas indicator
s.indicador de nivel de gasolina. -
2 exhaust-gas indicator
nAUTO, TRANSP, VEH indicador de gas del escape mEnglish-Spanish technical dictionary > exhaust-gas indicator
3 pit-gas indicator
nCHEM, CHEM TECH, GAS, INSTR, MINE gasoscopio m, grisuscopio m, grisuómetro m -
4 combustible gas indicator
detector de gasesEnglish-Spanish dictionary of labour protection > combustible gas indicator
5 exhaust
6 pit
7 liquid
8 fuel
12 nCOAL combustible líquido mSPACE agente oxidante mTHERMO, VEH combustible mWATER TRANSP for engine combustible m, combustible líquido m3 vtTHERMO aprovisionar -
9 leakage
nELEC, ELEC ENG dispersión f, escape m, fuga f, pérdida fFUELLESS escapes m pl (AmL), fuga f, goteo mGAS escape m, fuga f, pérdida fMAR POLL fuga fPHYS dispersión f, fuga fSAFE, TELECOM fuga f -
10 pressure
12 nGAS, HYDRAUL presión fMECH fixed equipment carga f, impulso m, presión f, tensión fPHYS, POLL, REFRIG, SPACE presión f -
11 trip
12 nMECH ENG desconexión f, desenganche m, disparo m, dispositivo de disparo m, dispositivo interruptor m, disyuntor m, fiador m, gatillo m, relé mPETR TECH maniobra f, viaje mPROD, SAFE dispositivo de disparo m, dispositivo interruptor m3 vtMECH ENG interrumpirPHYS viajar4 viMECH ENG desconectar, desenganchar, disparar -
12 water
13 methane
14 deviation
nCOMP&DP, GAS, MATH standard, desviación fMECH ENG falta f, desviación f, error mPHYS, PROD, SPACE, TELECOM, TV desviación fWATER TRANSP desvío m -
15 failure
nCOMP&DP avería f, fallo mCONST fallo m, of a bridge rotura fCRYSTALL by breaking fractura fELEC of equipment interrupción f, malfuncionamiento m, falla f, avería fELECTRON avería fGAS avería f, rotura f, falla fMECH malfuncionamiento m, fallo m, avería fMECH ENG malfuncionamiento m, avería f, fallo mMETALL malfuncionamiento m, fallo m, rotura fNUCL, PHYS avería fPROD of injector descebo m, avería fQUALITY falla f, fallo m, avería fSAFE avería fSPACE of equipment insuficiencia f, fallo m, avería fTELECOM avería f, fallo mWATER TRANSP avería f -
16 input
17 nozzle
nAIR TRANSP tobera fAUTO, C&G boquilla fCHEM TECH tobera fCOAL boquilla f, buza f, inyector m, tobera fCONST, FUELLESS boquilla fGAS boquilla f, inyector mHYDRAUL tobera fLAB type of fixing of rail to rail boquilla fMECH tobera f, boquilla fMECH ENG pitón m, boca f, boquilla f, inyector m, lanza f, nariz f, boquerel m, tobera fP&R pico mPHYS tobera fPROD of branch pipe lanza f, of impulse turbine, diesel tobera f, boca f, of bellow, injector, oxyacetylene blowpipe boquilla f, lanza de agua f, inyector mSPACE boquilla f, orificio m, tobera f, inyector m, embocadura f -
18 power
nNUCL conjunto de fusión-fisión rápida a potencia térmica cero mAIR TRANSP velocidad máxima en vuelo nivelado con potencia nominal f1 nAUTO fuerza f, potencia fELEC, ELEC ENG energía f, potencia fMATH exponente m, potencia fMECH, MECH ENG energía f, energía eléctrica f, fuerza f poder m, potencia f, energy supply suministro de energía m, electricity supply suministro eléctrico m, fOPT potencia fTELECOM energía eléctrica f2 vtMECH ENG impulsar -
19 release
1 nCOMP&DP emisión f, lanzamiento m, liberación f, versión fELEC, ELEC ENG desconexión f, interrupción f, liberación fHYDRAUL distribución f, emisión f, escape m, salida fMECH ENG tripping device disparador m, mecanismo de disparo m, liberación f, relevador mPAPER antiadhesivo mTELECOM liberación f2 vtAUTO, CHEM soltarCINEMAT dispararELEC ENG interrumpirGAS aflojar, desacoplar, emitir, liberar, soltarMECH, MECH ENG desconectar, desembragar, desengranar, soltarPHYS desprenderPROD desconectar, desembragar, desenganchar, dispararVEH soltar
См. также в других словарях:
Gas-pak — This is a method used in production of an anaerobic environment. This method of anaerorbiosis as others is used to culture bacteria which die or fail to grow in presence of oxygen ( anaerobes ). It is a much simpler technique than the McIntosh… … Wikipedia
Indicator species — An indicator species is any biological species that defines a trait or characteristic of the environment. For example, a species may delineate an ecoregion or indicate an environmental condition such as a disease outbreak, pollution, species… … Wikipedia
Gas cylinder — For the mechanical devices used to impart a force from a pressurized liquid or gas, see pneumatic cylinder. For the large structures used to store town gas, see gas holder. Industrial compressed gas cylinders used for oxy fuel welding and cutting … Wikipedia
gas discharge indicator panel — dujinio išlydžio švieslentė statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. gas discharge indicator panel vok. Gasentladungsbildschirm, m rus. газоразрядная индикаторная панель, f pranc. afficheur à décharge dans le gaz, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Nankai Trough gas hydrate site — Nankai Methane Hydrate Site (or Japanese Methane Hydrate R D Program at Nankai, Nankai Trough Methane Hydrate Site) is located in the Nankai Trough, Japan. Contents 1 Site highlights 2 Introduction to the area 3 General physical and geological… … Wikipedia
Malfunction indicator lamp — A Malfunction Indicator Lamp, this one labeled Service Engine Soon . A MIL … Wikipedia
Malfunction Indicator Lamp — A Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) is an indicator of the internal status of a car engine. It is found on the instrument console of most automobiles. When illuminated, it is typically either a red or amber color. On vehicles equipped with OBD II … Wikipedia
Orsat gas analyser — An Orsat gas analyser is a piece of laboratory equipment used to analyse a gas sample (typically fossil fuel flue gas) for its oxygen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide content. Although largely replaced by instrumental techniques, the Orsat… … Wikipedia
Natural Gas Storage Indicator - EIA Report — The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) weekly estimate of working natural gas volumes held in underground storage facilities at the national and regional levels. Changes in these gas inventories on a weekly basis primarily reflect net… … Investment dictionary
Odom's indicator — is a device used for locating the epidural space in regional anaesthsia.[1] The device works on Dogliotti s principle[2] by finding an area of decreased resistance to injection. It was originally designed on the assumption that the pressure in… … Wikipedia
Environmental indicator — Environmental indicators are simple measures that tell us what is happening in the environment. Since the environment is very complex, indicators provide a more practical and economical way to track the state of the environment than if we… … Wikipedia