1 manetta del gas
2 manetta
"hand lever;Knebelgriff;manopla curta"* * *manetta s.f.1 pl. handcuffs, manacles: gli misero le manette, they handcuffed him; entrò in aula con le manette ai polsi, he entered the court handcuffed2 (manopola) handle; throttle: la manetta del gas, gas throttle // a tutta manetta, at full throttle (o at full speed).* * *[ma'netta] 1.sostantivo femminile tecn. lever2.sostantivo femminile plurale manette handcuffs, cuffs colloq.mettere le -e a qcn. — to put the handcuffs on sb., to handcuff sb., to cuff sb. colloq.
* * *manetta/ma'netta/I sostantivo f.tecn. lever; manetta del gas gas throttleII manette f.pl.handcuffs, cuffs colloq.; mettere le -e a qcn. to put the handcuffs on sb., to handcuff sb., to cuff sb. colloq. -
3 leva
"lever;Hebel;levier;palanca;alavanca"* * *f levermilitary call-up, AE draftmotoring leva del cambio gear levercommerce nuove leve pl junior employees* * *leva1 s.f.1 (mecc.) lever: leva a mano, hand lever; leva a pedale, foot (control) lever; leva del cambio, gear lever (o amer. gear shift), (al volante) column shift-bar, (di macchina utensile) speed lever; leva del freno, brake lever; leva del gas, throttle (lever); (ferr.) leva dello scambio, switch lever; leva di arresto, cut-off lever; leva di avviamento, starting lever; leva di disinnesto, release lever, (a scatto) trip lever; leva di bloccaggio, clamping lever; leva di manovra, operating lever; (aer.) leva di comando, di controllo, control lever (o cloche); leva liberacarrello, (di macchina da scrivere) carriage release // (inform.) leva di estrazione della carta, board puller // far leva, to lever (o to prize): per aprire il barattolo fai leva con un coltello, to open the jar, put a knife under the edge and prize it (open) // far leva sui sentimenti di qlcu., to play on s.o.'s feelings2 (fig.) incentive, stimulus*: il denaro è una potente leva per ottenere il successo, money is a powerful incentive to reach success3 (fig.) (strumento di comando) lever: le leve del potere, the levers of power.leva2 s.f.1 (mil.) call up; (coscrizione) conscription; (spec. amer.) draft: leva di terra, National Service; leva di mare, National Service in the Navy; la leva del 1957, those called up in 1957; leva di massa, general conscription; consiglio, commissione di leva, army selection board; essere di leva, to be due for call up (o to be liable for National Service); renitente alla leva, draft dodger (o draft evader); gli scartati alla leva, draft rejects2 (estens.) generation: le nuove leve del cinema, the new generation in the cinema.* * *I ['lɛva] sfII ['lɛva] sffar leva su qc — to lever sth up, fig to take advantage of sth
Mil conscription, call-up Brit, draft Amessere di leva — to be due for call-up o draft, (in servizio) to be a conscript
* * *['lɛva] Isostantivo femminile lever (anche fig.)fare leva con — to lever with [palo, sbarra]
fare leva su qcs. — fig. to play on sth.
avere in mano le -e del comando — fig. to be in the driving seat
leva del cambio — aut. gear lever BE, (gear) stick BE, gearshift AE
leva di comando — aer. stick
II 1.leva del freno a mano — aut. brake lever
sostantivo femminilechiamare alla leva — to call up for military service, to draft AE
soldato di leva — conscript (soldier), draftee AE
2) (giovani richiamati) conscript soldiers, conscripts2.* * *leva1/'lεva/sostantivo f.lever (anche fig.); fare leva con to lever with [palo, sbarra]; fare leva su qcs. fig. to play on sth.; avere in mano le -e del comando fig. to be in the driving seat\leva del cambio aut. gear lever BE, (gear) stick BE, gearshift AE; leva di comando aer. stick; leva del freno a mano aut. brake lever.————————leva2/'lεva/I sostantivo f.1 mil. (coscrizione) conscription, call-up, draft AE; (servizio militare) military service; chiamare alla leva to call up for military service, to draft AE; obblighi di leva compulsory military service; essere di leva to be liable for military service; soldato di leva conscript (soldier), draftee AE; visita di leva army medical2 (giovani richiamati) conscript soldiers, conscriptsII leve f.pl.(generazioni) le nuove -e the new generations.
См. также в других словарях:
gas pedal — noun a pedal that controls the throttle valve he stepped on the gas • Syn: ↑accelerator, ↑accelerator pedal, ↑gas, ↑throttle, ↑gun • Derivationally related forms: ↑throttle ( … Useful english dictionary
Throttle response — or vehicle responsiveness is the responsiveness of the vehicle to throttle (accelerator pedal) modulation. When accelerator pedal pressed suddenly, how fast power output of engine increases implies the throttle response of that vehicle. Throttle… … Wikipedia
Gas Gas — is a Spanish motorcycle manufacturer, specialising in off road motorbikes. Gas Gas are best known for their extremely popular trials bikes, although they also make successful enduro and quad bikes.Gas Gas emerged from the financial demise of… … Wikipedia
Throttle body — In a fuel injection engine, the throttle body is the part of the air intake system that controls the amount of air flowing into the engine, in response to driver input. While the accelerator is often called a gas pedal , it would be more accurate … Wikipedia
throttle — The device that controls the vacuum created in the venturi of the carburetor. The greater the vacuum, the richer the fuel air mixture. The throttle enables the engine to run on a richer mixture and produce more power for high speed driving. It… … Dictionary of automotive terms
throttle pedal — The gas pedal which operates the throttle butterfly through a series of linkages. See depress the throttle pedal ease up on the throttle pedal pumping the throttle pedal pump the throttle pedal step on the throttle pedal take foot off the… … Dictionary of automotive terms
throttle valve — noun a valve that regulates the supply of fuel to the engine • Syn: ↑accelerator, ↑throttle • Derivationally related forms: ↑throttle (for: ↑throttle), ↑accelerate (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Gas turbine — Microturbine redirects here. For turbines in electricity, see Small wind turbine. For turbines driven by the flow of gas, see Turbine. A typical axial flow gas turbine turbojet, the J85, sectioned for display. Flow is left to right, multistage… … Wikipedia
gas — [1] A non solid material. It can be compressed. When heated, it will expand; and when cooled, it will contract (such as air.) [2] A common term for gasoline. The British term is petrol. [3] A term for LPG or propane. Also see bottled gas [4] A… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Gas throttling — is reduction of pressure in a gas flow forced through a throttle – local hydrodynamic resistance point (orifice choke, valve, tap, check), accompanied by temperature change. Gas throttling is used for liquefying and deep refrigeration of gases.… … Glossary of Oil and Gas
gas pedal — The device actuated by the operator s foot for increasing or decreasing the amount of fuel entering the combustion chamber. Also called throttle pedal. Also see accelerator depress the gas pedal ease up on the gas pedal pumping the gas pedal pump … Dictionary of automotive terms