1 garden path
To lead someone up the garden path — «вести кого-либо по садовой тропинке», вводить кого-либо в заблуждение, «лапшу на уши вешать». Это выражение уходит в прошлое, к временам домашних приёмов XIX в., когда почтенные матроны тщательно соблюдали приличия. Мужчина, пытаясь соблазнить молодую девушку, прогуливался с ней по саду на виду у сопровождающих, но потом уводил её по дорожке, скрытой кустами.Be honest with me. Tell me whether or not you can help. I don't want you to lead me up the garden path. — Будь со мной откровенен. Скажи честно, сможешь ли ты помочь или нет. Я не хочу обмануться.
2 garden path
Архитектура: садовая дорожка -
3 garden path
4 lead smb. up the garden (path)
paзг.1) увлeкaть, зaвлeкaть кoгo-л.'What has'e [-has he] done then?' went on Leffie, inexorably, 'led you up the garden path and then... left you?' W Coward)2) ввoдить кoгo-л. в зaблуждeниe; вoдить кoгo-л. зa нoc, мopoчить кoму-л. гoлoву 'Now look here,' said Mr. Crawley... 'you've been trying to lead me up the garden. You told me you weren't a doctor' (M. Dickens). Crane wouldn't marry a girl like Grace... He was leading her up the garden path (У. H. Chase)Concise English-Russian phrasebook > lead smb. up the garden (path)
5 lead someone down etc the garden path
expr infmlEverything went fine at first, then she started to lead me down the garden path again — Сначала все было нормально, а потом она снова стала гулять налево
Someone posing as a television reporter has been leading us up the garden path — Один тип, выдававший себя за репортера с телевидения, откровенно водил нас за нос
The new dictionary of modern spoken language > lead someone down etc the garden path
6 lead somebody up the garden path
водить за нос; обвести вокруг пальца; провестиHe realized that she had been leading him up the garden path and had no intention of marrying him.
Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > lead somebody up the garden path
7 lead up the garden path
вводить в заблуждение, сбивать с толку, мистифицироватьyou're leading me up the garden path – ты вводишь меня в заблуждение
8 lead up the garden path
вводить в заблуждение, сбивать с толку, мистифицироватьyou're leading me up the garden path – ты вводишь меня в заблуждение
English-Russian australian expression > lead up the garden path
9 (a) garden path
a garden (gravel, cinder, bicycle) path садовая (усыпанная гравием, гаревая, велосипедная) дорожка -
10 a garden path
Общая лексика: садовая дорожка -
11 lead (smb.) up the garden path
Макаров: водить (кого-л.) за нос, обманывать (кого-л.)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > lead (smb.) up the garden path
12 lead one down the garden path
Общая лексика: водить за носУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > lead one down the garden path
13 lead up the garden path
1) Общая лексика: водить (кого-л.) за нос, обманывать (кого-л.)2) Австралийский сленг: вводить в заблуждение, мистифицировать, сбивать с толкуУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > lead up the garden path
14 she came tripping down the garden path
Общая лексика: она прибежала вприпрыжку по садовой дорожкеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > she came tripping down the garden path
15 you're leading me up the garden path
Австралийский сленг: ты вводишь меня в заблуждениеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > you're leading me up the garden path
16 lead someone up the garden path
вводить в заблуждение, завлекатьНовый англо-русский словарь > lead someone up the garden path
17 a garden path
18 (a) garden path of flagstones
садовая дорожка, вымощенная плитамиEnglish-Russian combinatory dictionary > (a) garden path of flagstones
19 lead up/down the garden path
води́ть кого-л. за́ носThe Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > lead up/down the garden path
20 path
[paːθ]n1) тропинка, тропа, дорожкаNo progress was possible except along the path cut for that purpose. — Продвигаться можно было только по тропе, специально прорубленной для этой цели.
A multiplicity of interesting paths crossed the monotous. — Множество интересных тропинок пересекало эту однообразную местность.
- narrow path- shady path
- long grassy paths
- garden path
- bridle path
- raised board paths
- converging paths
- path ridding
- path along smth
- path through a wood
- path through a pine forest
- path through a garden
- path beside the canal
- path along the lake
- path in the snow
- path across the field
- path for passengers on foot
- path to the town
- path to his front door
- garden path of flagstones
- end of the path
- clear a path for smb
- bar the path
- beat a path
- make a path
- cover the path with sand
- cross smb's path
- drive dry leaves along the paths
- follow the path to the river
- follow up a zigzag path
- go in smb's path
- go by another path
- grow along the path
- hit the right path
- keep the middle of the path
- keep to the path
- stray from the narrow path
- stretch a cord across the path
- sweep the path of snow
- turn on to the path
- strike upon an unknown path
- turn off the path
- path going to the lighthouse
- path running alongside the lake
- path stopped
- path twists and turns
- path that goes down the mountain
- path goes somewhere
- path runs alongside the lake
- path leads to the river2) путь (вообще), маршрутThe perils beset his path. — Его путь был полон опасностей. /Опасности подстерегали его в пути.
- easier path- touring path
- caravan's path
- path of storms
- broad path of success
- path of civilization
- path of glory
- path to success
- certain path to riches and honour
- enter on the path
- put obstacles in smb's path
- throw obstructions in smb's path
- stand in smb's path
- strike out a path of one's own
- sweep all obstacles from one's path3) траектория- path of a cometThe path of an arrow is a curve. — Стрела в полете описывает дугу.
- path of a bird in the air
- flight path of a spacecraft
- Moon's path round the Earth
- far beyond the path of the Moon4) стезя, жизненный путьA difficult path he must follow. — Трудный путь, который ему предстоит пройти.
- beaten path- path of life
- rough and rugged paths of lifeI criticized the path the government was taking. — Я подверг критике курс правительства
- path of righteousness- follow the path of duty
- err from the path of duty
- guide people along the paths of progress
- make the path easy for smb
- take the path of least resistance
- prices are on the downward path
См. также в других словарях:
garden path — noun • • • Main Entry: ↑garden … Useful english dictionary
garden path — noun A sentence that is easily incorrectly parsed on a first read, due to ambiguity of a word or words. See Also: lead down a garden path, lead up the garden path … Wiktionary
Garden path sentence — Garden path sentences are used in psycholinguistics to illustrate that human beings process language one word at a time. The name refers to the saying to be led down the garden path , meaning to be misled . An example is:: The horse raced past… … Wikipedia
garden path, the — np Misleading direction, deception. I m afraid Grady has led you down the garden path, baby. You ll never get your money back. 1920s … Historical dictionary of American slang
garden-path — gar·den path (gärʹdn păth , päth ) adj. Of or relating to a sentence that is easily misparsed, as The horse raced past the barn fell, in which people people usually misinterpret raced as a simple past tense verb, leading to a nonsensical… … Universalium
lead someone down/up the garden path — see ↑lead, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑garden lead someone down/up the garden path informal : to deceive someone : to cause someone to go, think, or proceed wrongly He believes the average consumer is being led down the garden path by the promises in… … Useful english dictionary
Up the Garden Path — was a 1984 novel by Sue Limb which was then adapted into a radio series by BBC Radio 4 and later into a television sitcom by Granada TV for ITV. Both the radio and television series comprising three seasons each, with the radio seasons broadcast… … Wikipedia
lead someone down the garden path — lead (someone) down the garden path to deceive someone. Our country has been led down the garden path by the politicians in office. Etymology: based on the idea that a path in a garden is very pleasant, so someone who is brought along it can be… … New idioms dictionary
lead down the garden path — lead (someone) down the garden path to deceive someone. Our country has been led down the garden path by the politicians in office. Etymology: based on the idea that a path in a garden is very pleasant, so someone who is brought along it can be… … New idioms dictionary
lead someone up the garden path — If someone leads you up the garden path, they deceive you, or give you false information that causes you to waste your time. Lead someone down the garden path is also used … The small dictionary of idiomes
lead someone up the garden path — (informal) DECEIVE, mislead, delude, hoodwink, dupe, trick, entrap, beguile, take in, fool, pull the wool over someone s eyes, gull; informal con, pull a fast one on, string along, take for a ride, put one over on. → garden * * * lead someone up… … Useful english dictionary