1 gamma wave
1) Биология: гамма-волна2) Психология: гамма-волна (на электроэнцефалограмме)3) Авиационная медицина: гамма-волна (на ЭЭГ) -
2 gamma wave
3 gamma wave
4 gamma wave
5 gamma wave
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > gamma wave
6 wave
wave 1. волна; колебание; 2. волнистость, неровностьalpha wave альфа-волнаbeta wave бета-волнаbrain wave мозговая волнаexcitation wave волна возбужденияgamma wave гамма-волнаlambda wave лямбда-волнаpopulation waves волны в популяции, колебания численности популяцииpulse wave пульсовая волнаrecruitment wave волна, вовлекаемая в ритм раздраженияreflected wave отражённая волнаTraube-Hering waves волны Траубе - Геринга (на кривой кровяного давления)travelling wave блуждающая волнаEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > wave
7 gamma absorption
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > gamma absorption
8 gamma intensity
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > gamma intensity
9 resistivity gamma ray and directional log
Нефть: (electromagnetic wave propagation) гамма-каротажа и инклинометрии скважины, (electromagnetic wave propagation) диаграмма каротажа сопротивления (распространение электромагнитной волны)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > resistivity gamma ray and directional log
10 alpha rhythm (wave)
alpha (beta, delta, theta, gamma) rhythm (wave)альфа (бета, дельта, тета, гамма) ритм (волна)English-Russian dictionary of medicine > alpha rhythm (wave)
11 shock-wave heating
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > shock-wave heating
12 range of gamma-ray energy
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > range of gamma-ray energy
13 resistivity (electromagnetic wave propagation) gamma ray and directional log
Нефть: гамма-каротажа и инклинометрии скважины, диаграмма каротажа сопротивления (распространение электромагнитной волны)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > resistivity (electromagnetic wave propagation) gamma ray and directional log
14 log
1. буровой журнал, буровой рапорт4. разг. вращение снаряда без углубки5. pl. сведения бурового журнала— well log
* * *
1. диаграмма геофизических исследований в скважине, каротажная диаграмма || регистрировать каротажную диаграмму; проводить каротаж2. кернограмма3. журнал ( учёта или регистрации)density formation compensated log — диаграмма плотностного гамма-гамма-каротажа с компенсацией влияния скважины
induced spectral gamma-ray log — диаграмма спектроскопического гамма-активационного каротажа; диаграмма спектроскопии наведенного гамма-излучения
side-wall epithermal neutron log — диаграмма нейтронного каротажа с прижимным зондом по надтепловым нейтронам
thermal neutron decay-time log — диаграмма импульсного нейтронного каротажа по времени жизни тепловых нейтронов
— film log— flow log— test log— well log
* * *
каротажная диаграмма ( кривая), запись измерений или наблюдёний; разрез; буровой рапорт, буровой журнал; каротаж
* * *
запись измерений или наблюдений, каротажная диаграмма
* * *
1) журнал ( учёта или регистрации)2) буровой журнал; pl сведения бурового журнала, записи в буровом журнале4) каротажная диаграмма, диаграмма результатов геофизических исследований в скважине, || регистрировать каротажную диаграмму; проводить каротаж5) кернограмма7) разг. вращение снаряда без углубки•to log a well — проводить каротаж в скважине;
to log in casing — проводить каротаж в обсадной колонне;
- log of holeto run a log — регистрировать каротажную диаграмму; производить каротаж;
- acid-evaluation log
- acoustic log
- acoustic amplitude log
- acoustic character log
- acoustic transit-time log
- acoustic velocity log
- activation log
- amplitude log
- analytical well log
- answer-format synergetic log
- borehole log
- borehole compensated sonic log
- borehole televiewer log
- boring log
- caliper log
- carbonate analysis log
- cased-hole log
- casing-collar log
- casing-inspection log
- cement log
- cement-bond log
- cemotron log
- character log
- chlorine log
- collar log
- combination log
- combined log
- compatibly scaled logs
- compensated log
- compensated formation density log
- compensated neutron log
- composite log
- computed log
- computed analysis log
- computed dipmeter log
- computer-processed log
- contact log
- contact caliper log
- continuous neutron-gamma log
- continuous velocity log
- continuous well log
- conventional resistivity log
- core analysis log
- core sample log
- correlation log
- current focusing log
- density log
- density formation compensated log
- density gamma-gamma log
- depth control log
- detail log
- differential log
- differential caliper log
- dipmeter log
- directional log
- dot log
- drill log
- driller log
- drilling log
- drilling-mud log
- drilling-porosity log
- drilling-time log
- drill-pipe log
- dual induction log
- dual spacing neutron log
- electrical log
- electrical resistivity log
- electrical resistivity survey log
- electromagnetic propagation log
- electromagnetic thickness log
- electronic log
- epithermal neutron log
- equipment failure log
- equipment performance log
- equipment status log
- field log
- film log
- flow log
- fluid density log
- focused log
- focused current electrical log
- focused microresistivity log
- focused resistivity log
- focusing log
- focusing-electrode log
- formation-analysis log
- formation-density log
- formation-factor log
- formation-tester log
- fracture log
- fracture evaluation log
- fracture identification log
- free fluid log
- G-log
- gamma-gamma log
- gamma-gamma density log
- gamma-neutron log
- gamma-ray log
- graphic log
- guard electrode log
- guarded log
- geochemical well log
- hand-plotted log
- induced gamma-ray log
- induced spectral gamma-ray log
- induction log
- induction electrical log
- inspection log
- lateral log
- lithological log
- long-spaced sonic log
- macroelectrical log
- maintenance log
- metric log
- microresistivity log
- microseismogram log
- microspherically focused log
- monitor log
- mud log
- mud-analysis log
- multiple log
- natural gamma-ray log
- neutron log
- neutron-gamma log
- neutron-lifetime log
- neutron-neutron log
- neutron-thermal neutron log
- noise log
- nuclear log
- nuclear cement log
- nuclear flow log
- nuclear-magnetic log
- nuclear-magnetism log
- nuclear-magnetic resonance log
- nuclear-radiation log
- offset well logs
- open-hole log
- operation time log
- operator log
- optical film log
- oxidation-reduction potential log
- permeability profile log
- photon log
- pipe-analysis log
- porosity log
- producibility-index log
- producing log
- production log
- profile log of water injection well
- proximity log
- pulsed neutron capture log
- quick-look log
- radiation log
- radioactive log
- radioactive-tracer log
- radioactivity log
- rate-of-penetration log
- redox potential log
- reference log
- repair log
- resistance log
- resistivity log
- running log
- sample log
- scattered gamma-ray log
- side-wall log
- side-wall neutron log
- signature log
- single-point resistance log
- section gage log
- seismic log
- shothole log
- side-wall acoustic log
- side-wall epithermal neutron log
- sieve residue log
- sniffer log
- sonic log
- sonic cement bond log
- spectral gamma-ray log
- spherically focused log
- spontaneous polarization log
- spontaneous potential log
- standard log
- strip log
- sulfur log
- synthetic acoustic-impedance log
- synthetic sonic log
- temperature log
- test data log
- thermal log
- thermal decay time log
- thermal neutron decay-time log
- three-D log
- tracer log
- trouble report log
- true vertical depth log
- trumpet log
- ultralong spaced electrical log
- usable log
- variable density log
- variable intensity log
- velocity log
- velocity acoustic log
- wave train log
- well log
- well test log
- wiggle trace log
- wireline log* * *• 1) буровой журнал; 2) каротажный прибор• 1) регистрировать; 2) зарегистрированный• ГК• журнал• каротаж -
15 logging
1. каротаж, скважинные исследования2. запись показаний приборов; регистрация результатов испытаний
* * *
1. геофизические исследования в скважинах, каротаж2. регистрация (напр. результатов испытаний)dual spacing thermal decay-time logging — двухзондовый импульсный нейтронный каротаж по времени жизни тепловых нейтронов
induced spectral gamma-ray logging — спектрометрический гамма-активационный каротаж; спектрометрия наведенного гамма-излучения
logging of resistivity with a shielded electrode — каротаж по методу сопротивления экранированного заземления
* * *
каротаж; геофизические исследования скважин ( ГИС), скважинные исследования
* * *
* * *
1) геофизические исследования в скважинах, каротаж2) регистрация (напр. результатов испытаний)•- logging of resistivity with shielded electrode
- acoustic logging
- acoustic amplitude logging
- acoustic cement bond logging
- acoustic transit-time logging
- acoustic velocity logging
- activation logging
- amplitude logging
- array sonic logging
- audio logging
- borehole logging
- borehole compensated acoustic logging
- borehole televiewer logging
- caliper logging
- carbon logging
- cased hole logging
- casing-collar logging
- cement-bond logging
- cement-bond sonic logging
- cement-bonding acoustic logging
- cemotop logging
- chlorine logging
- combination logging
- compensated density logging
- compensated formation density logging
- compensated sonic logging
- compressional-wave logging
- computer controlled logging
- conductivity logging
- constant current induced potential logging
- contact logging
- continuous logging
- continuous velocity logging
- correlation logging
- cuttings logging
- delayed neutron logging
- density logging
- density gamma-gamma logging
- density gamma-ray logging
- dielectrical logging
- direct digital logging
- double spacing gamma-gamma logging
- downhole logging
- downhole receiver seismic well logging
- drilling-fluid resistivity logging
- drilling mud logging
- drilling-mud resistivity logging
- dual induction logging
- dual-receiver acoustic logging
- dual-spacing thermal decay-time logging
- electrical logging
- electrical monoelectrode logging
- electrical resistivity logging
- electromagnetic well logging
- electronic logging
- electronic casing-caliper logging
- epithermal neutron logging
- failure logging
- final mud logging
- fluorescence logging
- focalized lateral logging
- focalized seven-electrode lateral logging
- focalized three-electrode lateral logging
- focused logging
- focused electrical logging
- focused induction logging
- formation density gamma-gamma logging
- full-waveform logging
- gamma logging
- gamma-cement logging
- gamma-gamma logging
- gamma-ray logging
- gamma-ray depth control logging
- geophysical logging
- gravity logging
- guard-electrode logging
- hole logging
- hostile environment logging
- impulse neutron-neutron logging
- induced potential logging
- induced spectral gamma-ray logging
- induction logging
- injection logging
- inverse lateral logging
- lateral logging
- long-spaced acoustic logging
- magnetic logging
- magnetic permeability logging
- magnetic susceptibility logging
- microcaliper logging
- microspherically focused logging
- monoelectrode logging
- monopole logging
- mud logging
- multipole logging
- multispaced neutron logging
- natural gamma-ray logging
- neutron logging
- neutron activation logging
- neutron gamma logging
- neutron gamma-ray logging
- neutron lifetime logging
- neutron-neutron logging
- noise logging
- normal logging
- nuclear logging
- nuclear cement bond logging
- nuclear magnetic resonance logging
- nuclear well logging
- open-hole logging
- operating time logging
- oxygen logging
- physical well logging
- pipe-analysis logging
- pipe-inspection logging
- porosity logging
- production logging
- proximity logging
- pulsed neutron logging
- pulsed neutron lifetime gamma-ray logging
- radiation logging
- radioactive tracer logging
- radioactive well logging
- radioactivity logging
- radiometric logging
- redox well logging
- regular sonic logging
- resistivity logging
- scattered gamma-ray logging
- section gage logging
- seismic well logging
- selective gamma-gamma logging
- selective gamma-ray logging
- sidewall neutron-neutron porosity logging
- selective spectrometric gamma-gamma logging
- shearwave logging
- shielded-electrode logging
- sidewall neutron logging
- sieve residue logging
- single-receiver acoustic logging
- sniffer logging
- sonic logging
- sonic waveform logging
- spectral gamma-ray logging
- spectral radioactive well logging
- spectrometric gamma-gamma logging
- spherically focused logging
- spontaneuos potential logging
- standard electrical logging
- superthermic neutron-neutron logging
- surface receiver seismic well logging
- temperature logging
- thermal decay-time logging
- thermal neutron-neutron logging
- through-drillstem logging
- treat evaluation logging
- trumpet logging
- ultrasonic logging
- unfocused electrical logging
- variable density logging
- velocity logging
- well logging
- well caliper logging
- well radioactivity logging* * *• ГИС• каротаж -
16 laser
сокр. от light amplification by stimulated emission of radiationлазер, оптический квантовый генератор-
acousto-optically tunable laser
acquisition laser
actively mode-locked laser
actively locked laser
actively stabilized laser
agile beam laser
alignment laser
all-chemical laser
alpha-particle laser
amorphous laser
amplified spontaneous emission laser
anisotropic laser
anorganic vapor laser
arc-driven laser
argon laser
astigmatic laser
asymmetric laser
atomic beam laser
avalanche discharge laser
avalanche injection laser
avalanche laser
axially excited laser
beam-expanded laser
bimorph laser
bistable laser
black-body pumped laser
black-body laser
bomb-pumped laser
Brewster-angled laser
broadband laser
broadband tunable laser
broad-spectral-width laser
buried heterostructure laser
buried laser
buried optical guide laser
burst laser
carbon dioxide laser
cascaded laser
catalac free electron laser
cataphoresis pumping laser
cavity laser
chain-reaction laser
channel-guide laser
chemical transfer laser
chemically etched groove-coupled lasers
chemically excited laser
chirped laser
chopped laser
circulating liquid laser
cleaved laser
cleaved mirror laser
cleaved-coupled-cavity laser
coherence brightened laser
cold laser
color center laser
combustion-heated gas-dynamic laser
communication laser
composite-rod laser
compression laser
condensed explosive laser
continuous laser
continuously excited laser
continuously operating laser
continuously pumped laser
continuously running laser
continuously tunable laser
continuous-wave laser
controlled frequency laser
controlled linewidth laser
convective laser
coolable slab laser
cooled laser
corner cube laser
corrugated laser
coupled-cavity laser
coupled-waveguide laser
coupling-modulated laser
crescent-shaped laser
crescent laser
cross-beam laser
cross-field laser
current modulated laser
current-tuned laser
current-wave laser
degenerate laser
detonation gas-dynamic laser
diffraction-coupled laser
diffraction-limited laser
diffraction-stabilized laser
diffused homojunction laser
diffused laser
digitalized scan laser
digitally modulated laser
dimer laser
diode laser
diode-pumped laser
directly modulated laser
discontinuously tuned laser
distributed laser
dithered ring laser
double mode-locked laser
double-beam laser
double-carrier-confined laser
double-doped laser
double-heterojunction laser
double-heterostructure laser
double-mode laser
double-pulse laser
double-quantum laser
dual-beam laser
dual-cavity laser
dual-line laser
dye laser
dynamic-single-mode laser
electrically excited laser
electric-discharge laser
electrogenerated chemiluminescence dye laser
electroionization laser
electron injection laser
electron transition laser
electron-beam-controlled discharge laser
electron-beam-driven laser
electronic laser
electrooptically modulated laser
electrooptically tuned laser
embedded heterostructure laser
end-pumped laser
energy-storage laser
epitaxial laser
etalon-controlled laser
evanescent-field pumped laser
excimer laser
exciplex laser
excited-state dimer laser
exciton laser
explosion laser
explosion-heated gas-dynamic laser
explosively driven laser
external-cavity controlled laser
externally modulated laser
face-pumped laser
face-pump laser
fagot laser
fast axial flow laser
fast Q-switched laser
F-center laser
fiber cavity laser
fiber laser
fiber-tailed laser
film laser
fixed frequency laser
flame-pumped laser
flame laser
flashlamp-excited laser
flowing-gas laser
fluid laser
forced mode-locked laser
free electron laser
free-running laser
frequency selective laser
frequency-chirped laser
frequency-controlled laser
frequency-locked laser
frequency-modulated laser
frequency-multiplied laser
frequency-narrowed laser
frequency-switchable laser
frequency-tuned laser
front-end discharge laser
fundamental mode laser
gain-guided laser
gain-switched laser
gallium arsenide laser
gamma-ray laser
gamma-ray-pumped laser
gas laser
gas-discharge laser
gas-dynamic laser
gaseous laser
gas-transport laser
giant-pulse laser
glass laser
graded-index laser
grating-controlled laser
heat-pumped laser
helium-diluted laser
helium-neon laser
heterojunction laser
high-coherence laser
high-energy laser
highly coherent laser
high-power laser
high-radiance laser
homogeneously broadened laser
homojunction laser
impact ionization laser
index-guided laser
infrared laser
inhomogeneously broadened laser
injection laser
injection-locked laser
intensity-modulated laser
internally doubled laser
internally scanned laser
intracavity-doubled laser
ion laser
ionization-assisted laser
ionized laser
isochronous storage ring laser
Javan's laser
jet-stream dye laser
junction laser
kink-free laser
Lamb-dip stabilized laser
laser-pumped laser
lattice-matched laser
length-modulated laser
length-optimized laser
lens-coupled laser
lens-like laser
light-emitting-diode-pumped laser
light-pumped laser
line selectable laser
line-center stabilized laser
line-narrowed laser
liquid laser
locked laser
locking laser
longitudinal excited laser
long-wavelength laser
low-coherence laser
low-divergence laser
lower energy state depletion laser
low-power pumped laser
low-threshold laser
magnetically confined ion laser
magnetic-field-tuned laser
Maiman laser
master laser
mesa-stripe laser
metallic-vapor laser
Michelson-type laser
microwave laser
microwave-excited laser
microwave-modulated laser
microwave-pumped laser
millimeter wave laser
millimeter laser
mirrorless laser
mode-controlled laser
mode-coupled laser
mode-dumped laser
mode-dump laser
mode-limited laser
mode-locked laser
mode-selected laser
mode-stabilized laser
modulated laser
modulating laser
molecularly stabilized laser
monomode laser
monopulse laser
multibeam laser
multichip laser
multifold laser
multiline laser
multiline selected laser
multimode laser
multiphoton laser
multiple quantum-well laser
multiple-host laser
multiple-pulse laser
multiple-stripe laser
mutually quenched injection lasers
narrow-band laser
narrow-linewidth laser
narrow-spectral-width laser
Nd-glass laser
Nd-YAG laser
needle laser
noble-gas ion laser
noncavity laser
non-mode-locked laser
non-Q-switched laser
nonstorage laser
nonzero linewidth laser
nuclear-activated laser
nuclear-charged self-sustaining laser
nuclear-pumped laser
off-resonant pumped laser
offset laser
one-way laser
operating laser
optically coupled lasers
optically excited laser
parallel-plate laser
partially mode-locked laser
passively mode-locked laser
passively stabilized laser
phase conjugate laser
phase-locked laser
phase-modulated mode-locked laser
phonon-terminated laser
phosphor laser
photochemical laser
photoinitiated laser
photon preionization laser
photon-terminated laser
photopreionized laser
photopumped laser
pigtailed laser
pin laser
pinch-discharge-pumped laser
planar stripe contact laser
plasmon laser
platelet laser
pointing laser
polarization laser
polarization-modulated laser
preionization laser
pressure-tuned laser
prism dye laser
prism-tunable laser
pulsed laser
pulse laser
pulse-pumped laser
pulsing laser
pumping laser
pump laser
pyrotechnically pumped laser
Q-spoiled laser
quantum-well laser
quenched laser
quencher laser
radioactive preionization laser
Raman laser
rare-earth-doped laser
recombination laser
reference laser
refractive index guided laser
resonantly pumped laser
RF-excited laser
ring laser
room-temperature laser
rotation laser
ruby crystal laser
ruby laser
self-contained laser
self-focused laser
self-locked laser
self-mode-locking laser
selfoc laser
self-sustained discharge laser
semiconductor laser
separate-confinement laser
shock-tube laser
shock-wave-driven laser
single-heterojunction laser
single-mode laser
single-mode pumped laser
single-pulse laser
single-quantum well laser
single-stage laser
single-transition laser
slave laser
slotted cathode laser
solar-powered laser
solar-simulator-pumped laser
solid-state laser
solid laser
soliton laser
spark-initiated laser
spectrally narrow laser
spectrally scanning laser
spiked laser
spikeless laser
spiking laser
stability enhanced laser
step-tunable laser
storage laser
storage-ring laser
streamer laser
stripe-contact laser
stripe laser
subsonic laser
sun-pumped laser
superficial laser
superlattice laser
supermode laser
superradiant laser
supersonic laser
surface laser
surface-wave-pumped laser
swept laser
symmetric laser
synchronously pumped dye laser
tandem laser
tapered stripe laser
telescope-expanded laser
temperature-controlled laser
temperature-stabilized laser
temperature-tunable laser
terraced-substrate laser
thermally controlled laser
thermally excited laser
thermally stabilized laser
thermally tuned laser
time-sharing two-frequency laser
torch laser
transfer chemical laser
transverse discharge laser
transverse flow laser
transverse-junction stripe laser
transversely excited laser
traveling-wave laser
triode laser
tunable laser
twin-cavity laser
two-excimer laser
two-mode laser
two-photon laser
two-photon-pumped laser
two-pulse laser
ultraviolet laser
unidirectional laser
vibrational transition laser
vibration-rotation laser
volume-excited laser
waveguide laser
waveguide-coupled laser
wavelength-tunable laser
white laser
wide-aperture laser
X-ray laser
X-ray preionized laser
zero linewidth laser
zigzag laser -
17 curve
1. кривая2. эпюра, характеристика, график3. дугаair-brine capillary pressure curve — кривая соотношения солёного раствора и воздуха в пористой среде в зависимости от капиллярного давления
drainage relative permeability curve — кривая относительной проницаемости в зависимости от изменения насыщенности в результате дренирования
imbibition relative permeability curve — кривая относительной проницаемости, характеризующая изменение насыщенности в результате вытеснения; кривая относительной проницаемости при всасывании
— SP curve
* * *
1. кривая || строить кривую2. характеристическая кривая, характеристика3. график
* * *
* * *
* * *
1) кривая || строить кривую2) характеристическая кривая, характеристика3) график•- curve of borehole
- curve of fold
- curve of maximum convexity
- acoustic curve
- actual time-distance curve
- air-brine capillary pressure curve
- aplanatic curve
- appraisal curve
- array response curve
- arrival-time curve
- availability curve
- averaged T-X curve
- bathtub curve
- borderline knock curve
- borehole correction curve
- brine-into-oil curve
- calibrated gamma-ray curve
- caliper curve
- caliper log curve
- catching-up time-distance curve
- cement-bond-log curve
- common-midpoint time-distance curve
- common-receiver time-distance curve
- common-shot time-distance curve
- composite decline curve
- composite time-distance curve
- continuous T-X curve
- cost-reliability curve
- cumulative production curve
- cumulative property curves
- damage curve
- decline curve
- deep laterolog curve
- departure curve
- depression curve
- diffraction travel time curve
- displaced-depth curve
- distillate yield curve
- drainage relative permeability curve
- drawdown curve
- drawdown bottom pressure curve
- drill time curve
- end-point yield curve
- failure curve
- failure rate curve
- family curve
- first-arrival curve
- flash point yield curve
- flowmeter curve
- fluid composition history curve
- formation resistivity factor curve
- gamma-ray curve
- gas curve
- gradual curve
- gravity drainage curve
- head-capacity curve
- head-flow curve
- head-wave arrival-time curve
- high-resolution microresistivity curve
- hodograph curve
- hyperbolic time-distance curve
- induction curve
- induction conductivity curve
- induction-derived resistivity curve
- infiltration curve
- inhibition relative permeability curve
- interval transit-time curve
- interval velocity curve
- isotime curve
- lateral curve
- lateral logging departure curve
- laterolog curve
- layer velocity curve
- life curve
- load curve
- log curve
- longitudinal travel time curve
- long-spaced curve
- magnetotelluric curve
- maximum departure curve
- microinverse curve
- microlog curve
- micronormal resistivity curve
- microresistivity curve
- mortality curve
- neutron curve
- neutron porosity curve
- normal curve
- normal device curve
- normal moveout curve
- normal time-distance curve
- normal travel time curve
- observed time-distance curve
- percentage decline curve
- percentage production decline curve
- performance curve
- permeability of gas curve
- permeability-ratio curve
- permeability-saturation curve
- phase permeability curve
- phase-velocity curve
- placed depth curve
- porosity curve
- potential decline curve
- pressure curve
- pressure-build-up curve
- production curve
- production-decline curve
- radioactivity curve
- reciprocated induction curve
- redox potential curve
- reduced time-distance curve
- reduced travel-time curve
- reflection time-distance curve
- refraction time-distance curve
- refraction travel time curve
- relative permeability curve
- reliability curve
- reliability-cost curve
- reliability-growth curve
- residual time curve
- reversed time-distance curves
- saturation curve
- seismic detector response curve
- shallow laterolog curve
- short normal curve
- single-receiver travel-time curve
- sonic curve
- sonic amplitude curve
- sonic interval transit-time curve
- standardized reliability curve
- stress-failure-rate curve
- stress-strain curve
- surface-wave dispersion curve
- survival curve
- temperature-pressure curve
- test curve
- theoretical travel-time curve
- three-arm caliper curve
- three-dimensional curve
- time curve
- time-anomaly curve
- time-depth curve
- time-distance curve
- transverse travel-time curve
- travel-time curve
- travel-time-distance curve
- true exponential decay curve
- vertical travel-time curve
- water-into-oil curve
- wavefront curve
- yield curve* * * -
18 device
1) устройство2) установка; агрегат3) аппарат4) механизм5) прибор; измерительное устройство7) компонент; элемент8) схема•devices identical in design — конструктивные аналоги;-
alphanumeric display device-
automatic exposure control device-
bubble memory device-
bucket brigade charge-coupled device-
decision-making device-
drilling bit feed device-
electrical device-
exposure control device-
Gunn-effect device-
Hall-effect device-
hard-copy output device-
household electrical device-
humidity detecting device-
hybrid-type device-
Josephson-effect device-
maneuvering propulsion device-
materials-handling device-
multiport device-
night observation device-
noise dampening device-
photoconducting device-
propulsion device-
protection device-
raster-display device-
registering pin device-
reversible film feeding device-
seed-feeding device-
supply reel braking device-
three-axis device -
19 log
I сокр. от
logarithm II сокр. от
logic1) матем. логика2) логика, логические схемыIII1) регистрация, запись || регистрировать, записывать2) вчт. журнал, файл регистрации; протокол || протоколировать3) диаграмма геофизических исследований в скважине, каротажная диаграмма || регистрировать каротажную диаграмму; проводить каротаж4) кернограмма5) мор. лаг6) логарифм7) радиограмма•to log out — выходить ( из системы);-
acoustic amplitude log
acoustic character log
acoustic log
acoustic transit time log
activation log
analytical well log
analytical log
barked logs
barrel log
berthing log
borehole compensated sonic log
borehole log
bottom log
bottom speed log
bumpy log
butt log
caliper log
cased-hole log
casing inspection log
casing-collar log
cement bond log
chlorine log
compensated neutron log
computed analysis log
computed dipmeter log
computed log
continuous velocity log
conventional resistivity log
correlation log
cull log
density formation compensated log
density gamma-gamma log
dipmeter log
directional log
Doppler log
driller's log
drill log
drilling porosity log
drilling time log
dual induction log
dual spacing neutron log
dynamic-pressure log
electrical log
electric log
electrical resistivity log
electric resistivity log
electromagnetic log
electromagnetic propagation log
electromagnetic thickness log
epithermal neutron log
error log
film log
flight log
flow log
focused resistivity log
focused log
focused microresistivity log
formation factor log
free fluid log
gamma-gamma log
gamma-ray log
geomagnetic log
green log
ground log
guarded electrode log
guard log
half log
hand log
impeller log
induced gamma-ray log
induced spectral gamma-ray log
induction log
job account log
job log
long log
long-spaced sonic log
magnetohydrodynamic log
match log
medium induction log
merchantable log
metric log
microresistivity log
microseismogram log
microspherically focused log
mud-analysis log
natural gamma-ray log
navigation log
neutron lifetime log
neutron log
nuclear cement log
nuclear flow log
nuclear log
nuclear magnetic resonance log
open-hole log
optical ice log
optical log
oxidation-reduction potential log
patent log
peeler logs
photon log
pipe-analysis log
pitometer log
plank log
porosity-type log
porosity log
pressure log
producibility index log
production log
propeller log
proximity log
pulsed neutron capture log
pulsed neutron log
quick-look log
radioactive-tracer log
radioactivity log
recording log
redox potential log
redox log
resistance log
resistivity log
result log
sample log
saw log
scattered gamma-ray log
short log
side-wall acoustic log
side-wall epithermal neutron log
signature log
sleeper log
sniffer log
sonic log
spectral gamma-ray log
spherically focused log
spontaneous potential log
square log
standard log
stop log
strip log
submerged log
sunken log
system log
taffrail log
telecommunication log
temperature log
test log
thermal neutron decay-time log
towed log
tracer log
transaction log
tree-length log
trumpet log
ultra-long spaced electric log
variable density log
variable intensity log
velocity log
veneer log
water speed log
wave train log
weather log
well log
wiggle trace log
wire-line log -
20 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system
См. также в других словарях:
Gamma wave — A gamma wave is a pattern of brain waves, associated with perception and consciousness. Gamma waves are produced when masses of neurons emit electrical signals at the rate of around 40 times a second (40 hertz or Hz), but can often be between 26… … Wikipedia
Gamma (disambiguation) — Gamma is the third letter of the Greek alphabet. Gamma may also refer to:cience and mathematicsGeneral* Gamma wave, a type of brain wave * Latin gamma, used as an IPA symbol for voiced velar fricative, and in the alphabets of African languages *… … Wikipedia
Gamma ray burst emission mechanisms — are theories that explain how the energy from a gamma ray burst progenitor (regardless of the actual nature of the progenitor) is turned into radiation. These mechanisms are a major topic of research as of 2007. Neither the light curves nor the… … Wikipedia
Gamma ray burst progenitors — are the types of celestial objects that can emit gamma ray bursts (GRBs). GRBs show an extraordinary degree of diversity. They can last anywhere from a fraction of a second to many minutes. Bursts could have a single profile or oscillate wildly… … Wikipedia
Wave vector — A wave vector is a vector representation of a wave. The wave vector has magnitude indicating wavenumber (reciprocal of wavelength), and the direction of the vector indicates the direction of wave propagation.The wave vector is most useful for… … Wikipedia
Gamma ray burst — [ GRB 990123 taken on January 23, 1999. The burst is seen as a bright dot denoted by a square on the left, with an enlarged cutout on the right. The object above it with the finger like filaments is the originating galaxy. This galaxy seems to be … Wikipedia
Gamma function — For the gamma function of ordinals, see Veblen function. The gamma function along part of the real axis In mathematics, the gamma function (represented by the capital Greek letter Γ) is an extension of the factorial function, with its… … Wikipedia
Wave–particle duality — Quantum mechanics Uncertainty principle … Wikipedia
Wave — A wave is a disturbance that propagates through space and time, usually with transference of energy. While a mechanical wave exists in a medium (which on deformation is capable of producing elastic restoring forces), waves of electromagnetic… … Wikipedia
Wave equation — Not to be confused with Wave function. The wave equation is an important second order linear partial differential equation for the description of waves – as they occur in physics – such as sound waves, light waves and water waves. It arises in… … Wikipedia
Wave plate — A half wave plate. Linearly polarized light entering a wave plate can be resolved into two waves, parallel (shown as green) and perpendicular (blue) to the optical axis of the wave plate. In the plate, the parallel wave propagates slightly slower … Wikipedia