1 galley slave
ngaleotto, (fam: drudge) schiavo (-a) -
2 galley
['gælɪ]1) (ship) galea f., galera f.2) (ship's, aircraft's kitchen) cucina f. di bordo3) tip. (anche galley proof) bozza f. in colonna* * *['ɡæli]1) (in former times, a long low ship with one deck, moved by oars (and often sails).) galea, galera2) (a ship's kitchen.) cambusa* * *galley /ˈgælɪ/n.1 (stor., naut.) galea; galera2 (naut., aeron.) cucina di bordo3 (naut.) lancia4 (tipogr.) vantaggio5 (tipogr.) bozza in colonna● galley proofs, bozze in colonna □ galley slave, rematore di galea, galeotto; (fig.) chi fa un lavoro pesante □ (pop. spec. USA) galley-west, più di là che di qua; stordito; intontito: to knock sb. galley-west, stordire (o intontire) q.* * *['gælɪ]1) (ship) galea f., galera f.2) (ship's, aircraft's kitchen) cucina f. di bordo3) tip. (anche galley proof) bozza f. in colonna
См. также в других словарях:
Galley slave — Galley Gal ley, n.; pl. {Galleys}. [OE. gale, galeie (cf. OF. galie, gal[ e]e, LL. galea, LGr. ?; of unknown origin.] 1. (Naut.) A vessel propelled by oars, whether having masts and sails or not; as: (a) A large vessel for war and national… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Galley Slave — is a term used to refer to prisoners condemned (in an obsolete form of punishment) to man the oars of a galley. Infobox Short story | name = Galley Slave author = Isaac Asimov country = United States language = English series = Robot Series genre … Wikipedia
galley slave — slave forced to operate an oar on a galley, slave who rows on a galley (ancient sailing vessel propelled by oars and sails) … English contemporary dictionary
Galley slave — A galley slave was a slave rowing in a galley. The expression has two distinct meanings: it can refer either to a convicted criminal sentenced to work at the oar ( French : forçat), or to a kind of human chattel, often a prisoner of war, assigned … Wikipedia
galley slave — noun 1. a slave condemned to row in a galley • Hypernyms: ↑slave 2. a laborer who is obliged to do menial work • Syn: ↑drudge, ↑peon, ↑navvy • Derivationally related forms: ↑drudge … Useful english dictionary
galley slave — noun A slave who rows in a galley … Wiktionary
galley slave — Synonyms and related words: bargee, bargeman, barger, beast of burden, boat handler, boater, boatman, boatsman, bondmaid, bondman, bondslave, bondsman, bondswoman, captive, chattel, chattel slave, churl, concubine, debt slave, dray horse, drudge … Moby Thesaurus
galley slave — 1. a person condemned to work at an oar on a galley. 2. a drudge. [1560 70] * * * … Universalium
galley slave — /ˈgæli sleɪv/ (say galee slayv) noun 1. a person condemned to row in a galley. 2. an overworked person; drudge …
galley-slave — … Useful english dictionary
The Galley Slave — Infobox Film name = The Galley Slave image size = caption = director = J. Gordon Edwards producer = William Fox writer = Clara Beranger (novel) Bartley Campbell Rex Ingram narrator = starring = Theda Bara Stuart Holmes music = cinematography =… … Wikipedia