1 fuzzy neuron control system
метод регулирования с неполными исходными данными
(напр. системы пылеприготовления на ТЭС с использованием программируемого логического контроллера)
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > fuzzy neuron control system
2 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
3 system
1) система || системный2) система; установка; устройство; комплекс3) программа•- adaptive control system
- address selection system
- addressing system
- advice-giving system
- AI planning system
- AI system
- analog computing system
- analog-digital computing system
- analysis information system
- application system
- arabic number system
- arithmetic system
- assembly system
- asymmetrical system
- atomic system
- attached processor system
- audio system
- authoring system
- automated office system
- automatic block system
- automatic checkout system
- automatic control system
- automatic search system
- automatic test system
- automatically programmed system
- automatically taught system
- autoprogrammable system
- axiomatic system
- backup system
- bad system
- bang-bang system
- base-2 system
- basic system
- batch-processing system
- binary system
- binary-coded decimal system
- binary-number system
- biquinary system
- bit-mapped system
- bit-slice system
- black-board expert system
- block parity system
- buddy system
- business system
- bus-oriented system
- bussed system
- CAD system
- call-reply system
- carrier system
- cause-controlled system
- character recognition system
- character-reading system
- chargeback system
- check sum error-detecting system
- chip-layout system
- clock system
- closed loop system
- closed system
- co-authoring system
- code recognition system
- code system
- coded-decimal system
- code-dependent system
- code-insensitive system
- code-sensitive system
- code-transparent system
- coding system
- coincident selection system
- cold system
- color-coded system
- command system
- common-bus system
- communication data system
- communications-oriented system
- complete articulated system
- computer system
- computer-aided design system
- computer-aided system
- computer-based system
- computer-based weapon system
- computerized system
- computing system
- concatenated coding system
- concealment system
- conservative system
- contention system
- continuous presence system
- control system
- controlled system
- controlling system
- coordinate system
- cordonnier system
- costrained vision system
- cross system
- crossbar switch system
- data acquisition system
- data collection system
- data exchange system
- data flow system
- data gethering system
- data handling system
- data management system
- data preparation system
- data processing system
- data reduction system
- data retrieval system
- data storage system
- data system
- data transmission system
- database management system
- database support system
- data-managed system
- decimal number system
- decimal system
- decimal numeration system
- decision support system
- decision-aided system
- decision-making system
- decision-support system
- decision-taking system
- decoding selection system
- decomposable system
- dedicated system
- degenerate system
- design library support system
- design-automation system
- design-verification system
- development support system
- development system
- digital communication system
- digital computing system
- direct-current system
- directly coupled system
- discrete system
- discrete-continuous system
- disk operating system
- display system
- distributed database management system
- distributed function system
- distributed intelligence system
- distributed parameter system
- distributed system
- distribution system
- double intermediate tape system
- down system
- drafting system
- dual system
- dual-computer system
- dual-processor system
- duodecimal number system
- duodecimal system
- duotricenary number system
- duotricenary system
- duplexed computer system
- duplex computer system
- dyadic number system
- dyadic system
- dynamic mapping system
- dynamic scene system
- dynamic support system
- electronic data processing system
- electronic sorting system
- encoding system
- equipment adapted data system
- erasing system
- error-controlled system
- error-correcting system
- error-detecting system
- executive file-control system
- executive system
- expert control system
- expert support system
- expert system
- expert-planning system
- externally pulsed system
- fail-safe system
- fail-soft system
- fan-out system
- fault-tolerant system
- feasible system
- federated system
- feed system
- feedback system
- feedforward control system
- fiche retrieval system
- file control system
- file system
- fixed-lenght record system
- fixed-point system
- fixed-radix numeration system
- floating-point system
- fluid transport system
- follow-up system
- forgiving system
- front-end system
- fuzzy expert system
- generic expert system
- geographically distributed system
- goal-seeking system
- good system
- graceful degradation system
- graphic data system
- graphics display system
- graphics system
- help system
- heterogeneous system
- hexadecimal number system
- hexadecimal system - host system
- hostless system
- host-satellite system
- human visual system
- hunting system
- hypermedia system
- imaging system
- incremental system
- independent system
- indirectly coupled system
- information storage and retrieval system
- information retrieval system
- information handling system
- information management system
- information processing system
- information system
- information-feedback system
- in-plant system
- input/output control system
- instruction system
- instrumentation management system
- integrated system
- intelligence system
- interactive control system
- interactive system
- intercommunicating system
- interlock system
- internal number system
- internal system
- Internet-enabled system
- interrupt system
- isolated system
- kernel system
- key-to-disk/tape system
- knowledge base management system
- knowledge system
- knowledge-based system
- large-scale computing system
- laser communication system
- layered control system - lexicon-driven system
- library reference system
- local-network system
- long-haul system
- lumped-parameter system
- machine tool control system
- machine-limited system
- machine-oriented programming system
- macroinstruction system
- macro system
- magnetic memory system
- magnetic recording system
- magnetic tape plotting system
- mail message system
- mail system
- mailbox system
- management information system
- man-machine system
- mapping system
- map-reading system
- mass memory system
- mass storage system
- master/slave system
- matrix memory system
- memory driver system
- memory system
- message handling system
- message system
- microcomputer system
- microfilm printing system
- midsplit system
- MIMO system
- mixed-base numbering system
- mixed-base number system
- mixed-radix numeration system
- model-based expert system
- modular system
- monitoring system
- monitor system
- mosaic system - multicomputer system
- multidimensional system
- multifrequency system
- multilevel storage system
- multiloop system
- multimaster communication system
- multimicroprocessor system
- multiple computation system
- multiple-bus system
- multiple-coincident magnetic storage system
- multiple-output control system
- multiplex system
- multiport system
- multiprocessing system
- multiprocessor system
- multiprogramming computer system
- multiprogramming system
- multisite system
- multispeaker system
- multistable system
- multitasking operating system
- multiterminal system
- multiuser computer system
- multiuser system
- multiuser operating system
- multivariable system
- multivariate system
- negative-base number representation system
- negative-base number system
- network operating system
- node-replicated system
- noncomputerized system
- nonconsistently based number system
- nondegenerate system
- number representation system
- numbering system
- number system
- numeral system
- numeration system
- numerical system
- octal number system
- octal system
- office automation system
- off-line system
- on-demand system
- one-level storage system
- one-loop system
- one-over-one address system
- on-line system
- open-ended system
- open system
- open-loop system
- operating system
- operational system
- optical memory system
- overdetermined system
- overload-hold system
- page-on-demand system
- panelboard system
- paper-tape system
- parameter-driven expert system
- pattern recognition system
- peek-a-boo system
- peripheral system
- pipeline system
- polled system
- polymorphic system
- polyphase system
- portable system
- positional representation system
- Post-production system
- priority scheduling system
- priority system
- procedural expert system
- process control system
- processor-sharing system
- production control system
- production system
- program system
- programming system
- protection system
- pulse system
- pulse-or-no-pulse system
- pulse-signal system
- punch card computer system
- pure-binary numeration system
- purposeful system
- quadruplex system
- question-answering system
- queueing system
- queue system
- radix numbering system
- radix number system
- reactive system
- reading system
- real-time expert system
- real-time operating system
- real-time system
- reasoning system
- recognition system
- recording system
- recovery system
- reduntant number system
- reduntant system
- reflected binary number system
- reflected binary system
- refreshment system
- remote-access system
- replicating system
- representation system
- request-repeat system
- rerecording system
- residue number system
- residue system
- resource-sharing system
- restorable system
- retrieval system
- retrieval-only system - robotic system
- robot system
- rule-based expert system
- rule-based system
- scalable system
- selection system
- self-adapting system
- self-adjusting system
- self-aligning system
- self-balancing system
- self-check system
- self-contained system
- self-correcting system
- self-descriptive system
- self-learning system
- self-organizing system
- self-sustained oscillation system
- self-test system
- sensor-based system
- sequential scheduling system
- sexadecimal number system
- sexadecimal system
- shared-files system
- shell expert system
- silicon-development system
- simplex system
- single-drive system
- single-inheritance system
- single-phase clock system
- single-site system
- single-user computer system
- SISO system
- skeletal expert system
- slave system
- soft-sectored disk system
- software system
- sound system
- source code control system
- source-destination system
- space-division system
- stabilizing system
- stable system
- stand-alone system
- start-stop system
- state-determined system
- stepped start-stop system
- stereo system
- stochastically disturbed system
- storage system
- stripped-down expert system
- subsplit system
- supervisor control system
- switching system
- symbolic assembly system
- syntactical system
- system explanation system
- system of logic
- system of notation
- system with delay
- system with time lag
- tabulating system
- tape data processing system
- tape drive system
- tape handling system
- tape operating system
- tape plotting system
- tape resident system
- tape-oriented system
- target system
- taught system
- telecommunictions system
- telecontrol system
- terminal system
- ternary number system
- ternary system
- test system
- testbed system
- text-to-speech system
- time-division system
- time-pattern control system
- time-shared system
- time-shared-bus system
- time-sharing system
- timing system
- total system
- translating system
- translation system
- translator writing system
- transmitting system
- tree-structured system
- trusted computer system
- two-failure mode system
- two-level return system
- two-level system
- two-phase clock system
- ultrastable system
- Unified system
- uninterruptible power system
- uniprocessor system
- unrestorable system
- unstable system
- up system
- variable-lenght record system
- virtual system
- virtual-memory operating system
- vision system
- visual system
- voice/audio processing system
- voice-response system
- volunteer system
- weighted number system
- weighted system
- writing system
- xerox copy system
- zero-one systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > system
4 system
1) система; комплекс2) совокупность•- absolutely consistent system - absolutely direct indecomposable system - absolutely free system - absolutely irreducible system - absolutely isolated system - allowable coordinate system - almost linear system - ample linear system - artificial feel system - automatic block system - automatic deicing system - binary relational system - binary-coded decimal system - block tooling system - Cartesian coordinate system - completely controllable system - completely ergodic system - completely hyperbolic system - completely identifiable system - completely integrable system - completely irreducible system - completely regular system - completely stable system - completely stratified system - complex number system - conical coordinate system - derivational formal system - differential equation system - differential selsyn system - digital counting system - digital transmission system - elliptic coordinate system - elliptic cylindrical coordinate system - externally inconsistent system - finite state system - finitely axiomatizable system - finitely presented system - fully characteristic quotient system - fundamental system of solutions - hydraulic lift system - integrated switching system - isomorphically embedded system - kernel normal system - linearly dependent system - linearly independent system - live hydraulic system - locking protection system - meteor-burst communication system - modular programming system - parabolic cylindrical coordinate system - permanent four-wheel drive system - pure independent system - radio telephone system - reactor protection system - real number system - receiver-amplifier crioelectric system - remote-cylinder hydraulic system - semantically consistent system - simply consistent system - simply incomplete system - simply ordered system - spherical coordinate system - strongly multiplicative system - structurally stable system - sufficiently general coordinate system - system of frequency curves - system of rational numbers - time multiplex system - time-division multiplex system - uniformly complete system - univalent system of notation - universal system of notation - weakly closed system - weighted number system -
5 control
1) управление; регулирование, регулировка || управлять; регулировать2) орган управления; регулятор; орган настройки3) система управления; система регулирования4) pl средства управления; средства регулирования5) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять6) система контроля; система проверки7) pl средства контроля; средства проверки8) pl методы контроля; рычаги управления9) вчт контроллер10) pl вчт методы управления данными и контроля данных в процессе обработки11) pl вчт позиции управления экранного меню12) управляющий провод ( криотрона)•- access controlcontrol during material — регулирование ( уровня громкости) во время передачи сигнала
- ActiveX control - airport radar control
- air-traffic control
- amplitude balance control
- ANSI screen control
- antenna position control
- anticipatory control
- anticlutter gain control
- approach control
- armature voltage control
- artistic effect control
- astatic control
- attitude control
- audible control
- audio-fidelity control
- audio volume control
- automatic control
- automatic background control
- automatic bandwidth control
- automatic bias control
- automatic brightness control
- automatic chroma control
- automatic chrominance control
- automatic color control
- automatic contrast control
- automatic fine-tuning control
- automatic flight control
- automatic frequency control - automatic light control
- automatic load control
- automatic modulation control - automatic phase control
- automatic picture control
- automatic range control
- automatic recording level control
- automatic remote control
- automatic selectivity control
- automatic sensitivity control
- automatic tint control
- automatic voltage control
- automatic volume -control
- automatic volume expansion control - balance control
- bandspread tuning control
- bang-bang control
- bass control
- beam-rider control
- bilateral control
- black level control
- blue-gain control
- breath control
- brightness control
- brilliance control
- bumped phase control
- camera control
- carrier-current control
- Cartesian control
- cascade control
- centering control
- charge control
- chroma control
- chromaticity control
- chrominance-gain control
- closed-loop control
- coarse control
- color-saturation control
- command control
- compensated volume control
- computer control - computerized numerical control
- concurrency control
- concurrency control and recovery
- continuity control
- continuous control
- continuous feedback control
- contouring control
- contrast control
- convergence control
- convergence phase control
- counter control
- crystal control
- cue control
- cursor control
- cybernetic control
- data acquisition control
- data-link control
- data recording control
- dc motor control
- delayed automatic volume control
- depth control
- derivative control
- differential gain control
- digital control
- digital remote control
- direct digital control
- directional control
- direct manual control - distribution control
- domain-wall state control
- dramatic effect control
- drive control
- dual control
- dynamic astigmatism control
- dynamic contrast control
- echo duration control
- echo return control
- echo tone control
- electrical control
- electronic control
- electronic motor control
- embedded control
- end-point control
- end-to-end control
- environmental control
- error control
- external control
- fail-safe control - feedback tone control
- feedforward control
- field-effect conductivity control
- field linearity control
- fine-tuning control
- finite control - focus control
- focusing control
- follow-up control
- foot control
- forms control - framing control
- frequency control - front-panel control
- full-wave control
- fuzzy control
- gain control
- gain-sensitivity control
- gain-time control
- ganged volume control - global control
- green-gain control
- grid control
- ground control
- guidance control
- half-wave control
- hardware error control
- height control
- hierarchical control
- hierarchically intelligent control - high-level data-link control
- hold control
- holding control
- homing control
- horizontal-amplitude control
- horizontal centering control
- horizontal convergence control
- horizontal drive control
- horizontal hold control
- horizontal-linearity control
- horizontal parabola control
- hue control
- illumination control
- independent control
- inertial control
- infinitely fast control
- infinity control
- in-process control - intelligent control
- intensity control
- interface-shape control
- interference control
- intermediate control
- intermittent control
- internal control
- interrupt control
- inventory control - keyboard reset control
- learning control
- linear control
- linearity control
- local control
- logical control - loop control
- loudness control
- lower-level intelligent control
- manual control - master brightness control
- master gain control
- material gap control
- mechanical fader control
- medium access control - microprocessor control
- microprogrammed control
- middle control
- MIDI control
- mission control
- mobile communications control
- mode control
- motor control
- motor-concatenation control
- motor-field control
- motor-voltage control
- multicoordinate control
- multivariable control
- musical instrument digital interface control
- narrow control
- neighboring optimal control
- neuromuscular control
- noise gain control
- nuclear level control
- numerical control
- off-line control
- on-line control
- on-off control
- open-loop control
- optimal control
- organizational control
- overtemperature control
- parametric control
- parity control
- partitioned adaptive control
- passively adaptive control
- pattern control
- peaking control
- peripheral control
- phase control
- phase-shift control
- photoelectric control
- photoelectric loop control
- photoelectric register control
- pin control
- plugged control
- point-to-point control
- portamento control
- positioning control
- power up/down control
- precision control
- presence control
- priority control
- process control
- program control
- programmable gain control
- project control
- proportional control
- proportional plus derivative control
- proportional plus integral plus derivative control
- PTP control
- purity control
- push-button control
- quality control - radar traffic control - random decision-directed adaptive control
- range control
- rate control
- ratio control
- ray-control
- real-time control
- recording control
- red-gain control
- reflexive control
- regeneration control
- regional playback control
- reject control
- relay control
- relay directional control
- reliability control
- remote control
- retarded control
- rewind control
- RFI control
- ringing control
- robot control
- roll-and-pitch control
- rounding control
- saturation control
- screen control
- security controls
- selectivity control
- self-acting control
- self-organizing control
- semiremote control
- sensitivity control
- sensitivity-time control
- sequence control - servo-loop control
- set-point control
- sidetone control
- single-dial control
- size control
- slide control
- software error control
- sound control
- sound volume control
- speech control
- speed control
- spin control
- squelch control
- static control - surge control
- swept gain control - tapped control
- temperature control
- temporal gain control
- time polarity control
- time-schedule control
- time-varied gain control
- titration control
- tone control
- tone-compensated audio volume control - touch-sensitive control
- traffic control
- treble control
- trigger control
- tuning control
- undertemperature control
- unilateral control
- usage parameter control
- variable speech control
- vertical-amplitude control
- vertical-centering control
- vertical convergence control
- vertical-hold control
- vertical-linearity control
- video gain control - volume control
- white-level control
- wide control
- width control
- μP control -
6 control
1) управление; регулирование, регулировка || управлять; регулировать2) орган управления; регулятор; орган настройки3) система управления; система регулирования4) pl. средства управления; средства регулирования5) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять6) система контроля; система проверки7) pl. средства контроля; средства проверки8) pl. методы контроля; рычаги управления9) вчт. контроллер10) pl.; вчт. методы управления данными и контроля данных в процессе обработки11) pl.; вчт. позиции управления экранного меню12) управляющий провод ( криотрона)•- acceptance controlcontrol during material — регулирование ( уровня громкости) во время передачи сигнала
- access control
- ActiveX control
- adaptive control
- aids-to-navigation radio control
- airport ground traffic control
- airport radar control
- air-traffic control
- amplitude balance control
- ANSI screen control
- antenna position control
- anticipatory control
- anticlutter gain control
- approach control
- armature voltage control
- artistic effect control
- astatic control
- attitude control
- audible control
- audio volume control
- audio-fidelity control
- automatic background control
- automatic bandwidth control
- automatic bias control
- automatic brightness control
- automatic chroma control
- automatic chrominance control
- automatic color control
- automatic contrast control
- automatic control
- automatic fine-tuning control
- automatic flight control
- automatic frequency control
- automatic gain control
- automatic knee control
- automatic level control
- automatic light control
- automatic load control
- automatic modulation control
- automatic overload control
- automatic peak search control
- automatic pedestal control
- automatic phase control
- automatic picture control
- automatic range control
- automatic recording level control
- automatic remote control
- automatic selectivity control
- automatic sensitivity control
- automatic tint control
- automatic voltage control
- automatic volume expansion control
- automatic volume level control
- automatic volume-control
- background control
- balance control
- bandspread tuning control
- bang-bang control
- bass control
- beam-rider control
- bilateral control
- black level control
- blue-gain control
- breath control
- brightness control
- brilliance control
- bumped phase control
- camera control
- carrier-current control
- Cartesian control
- cascade control
- centering control
- charge control
- chroma control
- chromaticity control
- chrominance-gain control
- closed-loop control
- coarse control
- color-saturation control
- command control
- compensated volume control
- computer control
- computer numerical control
- computer-aided quality control
- computerized numerical control
- concurrency control and recovery
- concurrency control
- continuity control
- continuous control
- continuous feedback control
- contouring control
- contrast control
- convergence control
- convergence phase control
- counter control
- crystal control
- cue control
- cursor control
- cybernetic control
- data acquisition control
- data recording control
- data-link control
- dc motor control
- delayed automatic volume control
- depth control
- derivative control
- differential gain control
- digital control
- digital remote control
- direct digital control
- direct manual control
- direct numerical control
- directional control
- distributed control
- distribution control
- domain-wall state control
- dramatic effect control
- drive control
- dual control
- dynamic astigmatism control
- dynamic contrast control
- echo duration control
- echo return control
- echo tone control
- electrical control
- electronic control
- electronic motor control
- embedded control
- end-point control
- end-to-end control
- environmental control
- error control
- external control
- fail-safe control
- fast automatic gain control
- feedback control
- feedback tone control
- feedforward control
- field linearity control
- field-effect conductivity control
- fine-tuning control
- finite control
- flight control
- flow control
- focus control
- focusing control
- follow-up control
- foot control
- forms control
- forward error control
- frame control
- framing control
- frequency control
- frequency monitoring and interference control
- frequency-response control
- front-panel control
- full-wave control
- fuzzy control
- gain control
- gain-sensitivity control
- gain-time control
- ganged volume control
- gate mobile communications control
- generator field control
- global control
- green-gain control
- grid control
- ground control
- guidance control
- half-wave control
- hardware error control
- height control
- hierarchical control
- hierarchically intelligent control
- higher-level intelligent control
- high-level data link control
- high-level data-link control
- hold control
- holding control
- homing control
- horizontal centering control
- horizontal convergence control
- horizontal drive control
- horizontal hold control
- horizontal parabola control
- horizontal-amplitude control
- horizontal-linearity control
- hue control
- illumination control
- independent control
- inertial control
- infinitely fast control
- infinity control
- in-process control
- instantaneous automatic gain control
- integral control
- intelligent control
- intensity control
- interface-shape control
- interference control
- intermediate control
- intermittent control
- internal control
- interrupt control
- inventory control
- ISDN data link control
- ISDN media access control
- keyboard control
- keyboard reset control
- learning control
- linear control
- linearity control
- local control
- logical control
- logical link control
- long-range control
- loop control
- loudness control
- lower-level intelligent control
- manual control
- manual gain control
- mass storage volume control
- master brightness control
- master control
- master gain control
- material gap control
- mechanical fader control
- medium access control
- message data link control
- microcomputer control
- microprocessor control
- microprogrammed control
- middle control
- MIDI control
- mission control
- mobile communications control
- mode control
- motor control
- motor-concatenation control
- motor-field control
- motor-voltage control
- multicoordinate control
- multivariable control
- musical instrument digital interface control
- narrow control
- neighboring optimal control
- neuromuscular control
- noise gain control
- nuclear level control
- numerical control
- off-line control
- on-line control
- on-off control
- open-loop control
- optimal control
- organizational control
- overtemperature control
- parametric control
- parity control
- partitioned adaptive control
- passively adaptive control
- pattern control
- peaking control
- peripheral control
- phase control
- phase-shift control
- photoelectric control
- photoelectric loop control
- photoelectric register control
- pin control
- plugged control
- point-to-point control
- portamento control
- positioning control
- power up/down control
- precision control
- presence control
- priority control
- process control
- program control
- programmable gain control
- project control
- proportional control
- proportional plus derivative control
- proportional plus integral plus derivative control
- PTP control
- purity control
- push-button control
- quality control
- quiet automatic volume control
- radar control
- radar traffic control
- radio control
- radio-frequency interference control
- random decision-directed adaptive control
- range control
- rate control
- ratio control
- ray-control
- real-time control
- recording control
- red-gain control
- reflexive control
- regeneration control
- regional playback control
- reject control
- relay control
- relay directional control
- reliability control
- remote control
- retarded control
- rewind control
- RFI control
- ringing control
- robot control
- roll-and-pitch control
- rounding control
- saturation control
- screen control
- security controls
- selectivity control
- self-acting control
- self-organizing control
- semiremote control
- sensitivity control
- sensitivity-time control
- sequence control
- sequential control
- servo control
- servo-loop control
- set-point control
- sidetone control
- single-dial control
- size control
- slide control
- software error control
- sound control
- sound volume control
- speech control
- speed control
- spin control
- squelch control
- static control
- statistical process control
- statistical quality control
- stored-program control
- supervisory control
- surge control
- swept gain control
- synchronous data link control
- system-wide control
- tapped control
- temperature control
- temporal gain control
- time polarity control
- time-schedule control
- time-varied gain control
- titration control
- tone control
- tone-compensated audio volume control
- total distributed control
- total quality control
- touch-sensitive control
- traffic control
- treble control
- trigger control
- tuning control
- undertemperature control
- unilateral control
- usage parameter control
- variable speech control
- vertical convergence control
- vertical-amplitude control
- vertical-centering control
- vertical-hold control
- vertical-linearity control
- video gain control
- visit mobile communications control
- voice control
- volume control
- white-level control
- wide control
- width controlThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > control
7 analysis
- a posteriori analysis
- a priori analysis
- activation analysis
- analysis of covariance
- analysis of means
- analysis of observations
- analysis of optical spectrum
- analysis of variance
- approximate analysis
- automatic number analysis
- batch circuit analysis
- behavioral analysis
- binding-time analysis
- bottom-up analysis
- cepstral analysis
- cipher analysis
- circuit analysis
- cluster analysis
- combinatorial analysis
- comparative analysis
- compatibility analysis
- complex analysis
- content analysis
- contingency analysis
- conversational analysis
- cost analysis
- cost/benefit analysis
- covariance analysis
- critical path analysis
- crystal analysis
- cyclic analysis
- dataflow analysis
- decision-tree analysis
- dimensional analysis
- discourse analysis
- discriminant analysis
- display data analysis
- domain analysis
- EDX analysis
- electron diffraction analysis
- electron probe analysis
- empirical analysis
- energy-dispersive X-ray analysis
- error analysis
- factor analysis
- failure analysis
- failure mode and effects analysis
- fault-tree analysis
- feature analysis
- finite element analysis
- flow analysis
- fluorescence analysis
- Fourier analysis
- fractal image analysis
- frequency analysis
- frequency-domain analysis
- frequency-response analysis
- functional analysis
- fuzzy analysis
- fuzzy logic analysis
- harmonic analysis
- incremental circuit analysis
- interactive signal analysis
- interferometric analysis
- interval analysis
- joint analysis
- Kaplan-Meier analysis
- kernel discriminant analysis
- k-means cluster analysis
- large-signal analysis
- laser microprobe analysis
- linear two-group discriminant analysis
- linguistic analysis
- logic analysis
- logistic analysis
- logit analysis
- log-linear analysis
- luminescent analysis
- magnetic neutron diffraction analysis
- malfunction analysis
- mathematical analysis
- matrix analysis
- maximum-likelihood analysis
- means/ends analysis
- memory operating characteristic analysis
- mesh analysis
- meta-analysis
- microprobe analysis
- mixed-level analysis
- mixed-mode analysis
- modified nodal analysis
- Monte-Carlo analysis
- morphological analysis
- multifactor analysis of variance
- multilevel analysis
- multimode analysis
- multiple discriminant analysis
- multivariate analysis
- network analysis
- nodal analysis
- numerical analysis
- object-oriented analysis
- off-line circuit analysis
- operation analysis
- path analysis
- phase-plane analysis
- photon analysis
- photothermoelectric analysis
- policy analysis
- predictable failure analysis
- principal components analysis
- probabilistic analysis
- problem analysis
- protocol analysis
- qualitative analysis
- quantitative analysis
- radar signal analysis
- radiographic analysis
- radiometric analysis
- randomized block analysis of variance
- receiver operating characteristic analysis
- regression analysis
- regression correlation analysis
- repeated measures analysis of variance
- requirements analysis
- risk analysis
- sampling analysis
- set analysis
- signature analysis
- single-mode analysis
- small-signal analysis
- sound analysis
- sparse table analysis
- spectral analysis
- spectrophotometric analysis
- spectrum signature analysis
- speech analysis
- static analysis
- statistical analysis
- sticky analysis
- structural analysis
- structured analysis
- structured systems analysis
- survival analysis
- syntactic analysis
- syntactical analysis
- system analysis in control
- system analysis
- tensor analysis
- time-domain analysis
- time-to-event analysis
- top-down analysis
- topological analysis
- traffic analysis
- trend analysis
- two-factor factorial analysis of variance
- wave-length dispersive X-ray analysis
- weighted analysis
- what if analysis
- worst-case analysis
- X-ray analysis
- X-ray spectral analysis
- X-ray structure analysisThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > analysis
8 theory
1) теория•-
Abbe's theory
Abbe theory
absolute reaction rate theory
acid-basic catalysis theory
adhesive theory of friction
affinity theory
age theory
Airy-Stokes theory
approximation theory
Arrhenius theory
association theory
automata theory
automatic control theory
behavior theory of canals
boundary-layer interaction theory
boundary-layer theory
Bronsted theory
bunching theory
catastrophe theory
chemical graph theory
chemical kinetics theory
circuit theory
coding theory
combinatorial theory
communications theory
communication theory
constant angle theory of arch dam design
contact clastohydrodynamic theory
control theory
control-system theory
coordination theory
Coulomb's wedge theory
cylinder theory of arch dam design
delamination theory of wear
diffraction theory
diffusion theory
dispersion theory
dissociation theory
donor-acceptor interaction theory
double shear theory
drag theory
effective arch theory
elastic theory
elastic wave theory
elasticity theory
electromagnetic field theory
electromagnetic theory
energetical wear theory
erosion theory
estimation theory
evaporation theory
fatigue theory of wear
fatigue theory
field theory
filter theory
flash temperature theory
Flory theory
free space theory
free volume theory
free-electron theory of metals
fuzzy-set theory
game theory
general theory
generalized electric machine theory
graph theory
gravitational theory
gravitation theory
group theory
handling theory
hydroxo-complex theory
imperfection theory
information theory
ionic theory
kinetic theory of gases
kinetic theory of liquids
local theory
logic theory
long-range stress theory
magnetic field theory
magnetotelluric theory
mapping theory
mathematical economic theory
maximum shear theory
maximum strain energy theory
Maxwell's electromagnetic theory
mechanical interlocking friction theory
membrane theory
mixing length theory
model theory
molecular attraction friction theory
molecular theory
molecular-kinetic theory
molecular-mechanical theory of friction
mosaic-block theory
multienergy-group diffusion theory
multigroup theory
multiple catalysis theory
multiple seismometer theory
network flow theory
network theory
nuclear drop theory
nuclear theory
number theory
nutrient theory
one-speed diffusion theory
oxidational theory of wear
oxide-film barrier theory
oxyacid theory
oxygen attack theory
peracid theory of gum formation
perturbation theory
plastic collapse theory
plastic theory
plasticity theory
plate theory
potential field theory
potential theory
prediction theory
probability theory
quantum field theory
quantum theory of light
queueing theory
queuing theory
radiometry theory
Rankine's theory
ray-path theory
ray theory
reflection theory
refraction theory
regime theory of rivers
renewal theory
scaled-particle theory
seismic theory
set theory
solid-state theory
solvation theory
stability theory
statistical-decision theory
steady-state creep theory
superlattice theory
system theory
theory of algorithms
theory of chances
theory of elasticity
theory of errors
theory of failure
theory of functions
theory of lateral earth pressure
theory of limits
theory of magnetism
theory of oscillations
theory of plasticity
theory of reliability
theory of scheduling
theory of screws
theory of similarity
theory of specific heats
theory of stream lines
theory of strength
theory of testing
theory of thermoelastic instability of contact
theory of vibrations
thermodiffusion theory
thermofluctuational strength theory
tidal-wave theory
tractive-force theory
transition state theory
transport theory
unified electrical machine theory
utility theory
valence bond theory
valency theory
variable-radius theory
wave theory of light
welding-shearing friction theory
zone theory of solids -
9 analysis
- analysis of observations
- analysis of optical spectrum - activation analysis
- a-posteriori analysis
- approximate analysis
- a-priori analysis
- automatic number analysis
- batch circuit analysis
- behavioral analysis
- binding-time analysis
- bottom-up analysis
- cepstral analysis
- cipher analysis
- circuit analysis
- cluster analysis
- combinatorial analysis
- comparative analysis
- compatibility analysis
- complex analysis
- content analysis
- contingency analysis
- conversational analysis
- cost analysis
- cost/benefit analysis
- covariance analysis
- critical path analysis
- crystal analysis
- cyclic analysis
- dataflow analysis
- decision-tree analysis
- dimensional analysis
- discourse analysis
- discriminant analysis
- display data analysis
- domain analysis
- EDX analysis
- electron diffraction analysis
- electron probe analysis
- empirical analysis
- energy-dispersive X-ray analysis
- error analysis
- factor analysis
- failure analysis - fluorescence analysis
- Fourier analysis
- fractal image analysis
- frequency analysis
- frequency-domain analysis
- frequency-response analysis
- functional analysis
- fuzzy analysis
- fuzzy logic analysis
- harmonic analysis
- incremental circuit analysis
- interactive signal analysis
- interferometric analysis
- interval analysis
- joint analysis
- Kaplan-Meier analysis
- kernel discriminant analysis
- k-means cluster analysis
- large-signal analysis
- laser microprobe analysis
- linear two-group discriminant analysis
- linguistic analysis
- logic analysis
- logistic analysis
- logit analysis
- log-linear analysis
- luminescent analysis
- magnetic neutron diffraction analysis
- malfunction analysis
- mathematical analysis
- matrix analysis
- maximum-likelihood analysis
- means/ends analysis
- memory operating characteristic analysis
- mesh analysis
- meta-analysis
- microprobe analysis
- mixed-level analysis
- mixed-mode analysis
- modified nodal analysis
- Monte-Carlo analysis
- morphological analysis
- multifactor analysis of variance
- multilevel analysis
- multimode analysis
- multiple discriminant analysis
- multivariate analysis
- network analysis
- nodal analysis
- numerical analysis - operation analysis
- path analysis
- phase-plane analysis
- photon analysis
- photothermoelectric analysis
- policy analysis - probabilistic analysis
- problem analysis
- protocol analysis
- qualitative analysis
- quantitative analysis
- radar signal analysis
- radiographic analysis
- radiometric analysis
- randomized block analysis of variance
- receiver operating characteristic analysis
- regression analysis
- regression correlation analysis
- repeated measures analysis of variance
- requirements analysis
- risk analysis
- sampling analysis
- set analysis
- signature analysis
- single-mode analysis
- small-signal analysis
- sound analysis
- sparse table analysis
- spectral analysis
- spectrophotometric analysis
- spectrum signature analysis
- speech analysis
- static analysis
- statistical analysis
- sticky analysis
- structural analysis
- structured analysis
- structured systems analysis
- survival analysis
- syntactic analysis
- syntactical analysis
- system analysis
- system analysis in control
- tensor analysis
- time-domain analysis
- time-to-event analysis
- top-down analysis
- topological analysis
- traffic analysis
- trend analysis
- two-factor factorial analysis of variance
- wave-length dispersive X-ray analysis
- weighted analysis
- what if analysis
- worst-case analysis
- X-ray analysis
- X-ray spectral analysis
- X-ray structure analysis -
10 theory
- theory of algorithms
- theory of central manifolds
- theory of diffraction
- theory of errors
- theory of evidence
- theory of magnetism
- theory of oscillations
- theory of relativity
- theory of reliability
- theory of vibrations
- theory of waveguides
- Abbe resolution theory
- Abrikosov-Gor'kov-Khalatnikov theory
- adaptive resonance theory
- AGK-theory
- analog adaptive resonance theory
- automata theory
- automatic control theory
- Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory
- BCS theory
- big bang theory
- binary adaptive resonance theory
- bubble stability theory
- catastrophe theory
- category theory
- Cayley theory
- circuit theory
- classical field theory
- coding theory
- cognitive theory
- cohort theory
- communication theory
- complexity theory
- consensus theory
- decision theory
- descriptive theory
- diffraction theory
- domain theory
- domain-wall motion theory
- domino theory
- elasticity theory
- electromagnetic theory
- energy-band theory
- evolutionary theory
- field theory
- fluid theory
- fuzzy adaptive resonance theory
- fuzzy-set theory
- game theory
- general theory of relativity - graph theory
- group theory
- hydrodynamical theory
- information theory
- Kramers' theory
- large-signal theory
- learning theory
- logic theory
- mapping theory
- Mattis-Bardeen theory
- Maxwell's theory
- MB theory
- meta-theory
- microscopic theory
- microwave theory - neural net theory
- normative theory
- number theory
- one-fluid plasma theory
- organization theory
- Paley-Wiener theory
- perturbation theory
- phenomenological theory - Pippard nonlocal theory
- possibility theory
- potential theory
- prescriptive theory
- probability theory
- quantum theory
- quantum theory of radiation
- quantum field theory
- quantum light theory
- queuing theory
- radio-wave propagation theory
- rational choice theory
- reliability theory
- Ridley-Watkins-Hilsum theory
- RWH theory
- sampling theory
- scheduling theory
- self-consistent field theory
- semiconductor theory
- set theory - situational theory
- small-signal theory
- solid-state theory
- special theory of relativity
- spectral theory
- spectral theory of diffraction
- spin-fluctuation theory
- stability theory
- statistical communication theory
- steady state theory
- stochastic approximation theory
- string theory
- superconductivity theory
- superstring theory
- supersymmetric theory
- switching theory
- system theory
- transmission-line theory
- two-fluid plasma theory
- unified field theory
- uniform theory
- uniform theory of diffraction
- utility theory
- Whitham theory
- Zermelo set theory -
11 model
1) модель (1. упрощённое представление объекта, процесса или явления; структурная аналогия 2. макет 3. образец; эталон; шаблон 4. пример; тип 5. стиль; дизайн) || моделировать (1. создавать упрощённое представление объекта, процесса или явления; пользоваться структурной аналогией 2. макетировать 3. создавать образец, эталон или шаблон 4. пользоваться примером; относить к определённому типу) || модельный (1. относящийся к упрощённому представлению объекта, процесса или явления; использующий структурную аналогию 2. макетный 3. образцовый; эталонный; шаблонный 4. примерный; типовой)2) служить моделью; выполнять функции модели3) создавать по образцу, эталону или шаблону4) придерживаться определённого стиля; следовать выбранному дизайну•- 2-D model
- adaptive expectations model
- additive model of neural network
- analog model
- antenna scale model
- application domain model
- AR model
- ARCH model
- ARDL model
- ARIMA model
- ARMA model
- atmospheric density model
- autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model
- autoregressive distributed lags model
- autoregressive integrated moving average model
- autoregressive moving average model
- band model
- behavioral model
- Benetton model
- Berkeley short-channel IGFET model
- binary model
- binary choice model
- Bohr-Sommerfeld model
- Bohr-Sommerfeld model of atom
- Box-Jenkins model
- Bradley-Terry-Luce model
- brain-state-in-a-box model
- breadboard model
- Brookings models
- BSB model
- business model
- CAD model
- capability maturity model
- carrier-storage model
- causal model
- censored model
- centralized model
- charge-control model
- Chen model
- classical normal linear regression model
- classical regression model
- client-server model
- CMY model
- CMYK model
- cobweb model
- collective-electron model
- color model
- compact model
- component object model
- computer model
- computer-aided-design model
- conceptual model of hypercompetition
- conceptual data model
- conductor impedance model
- congruent model
- connectionist model
- continuum model
- Cox proportional hazards regression model
- data model
- Davidson-Hendry-Srba-Yeo model
- descriptive model
- design model
- deterministic model
- DHSY model
- discrete choice model
- distributed component object model
- distributed computing model
- distributed lags model
- distributed system object model
- distribution-free model
- document object model
- domain model
- domain architecture model
- duration model
- dynamic model
- EER-model
- energy-gap model
- entity-relationship model
- ER-model
- error correction model
- errors-in-variables model
- experimental model
- extended entity-relationship model
- extended relational model
- extended relational data model
- extensional model
- ferromagnetic Fermi-liquid model
- file level model
- financial model
- finite-population model
- fixed-effects model
- flat Earth model
- flat free model of advertising
- formalized model
- fractal model
- frame model
- fuzzy model
- GARCH model
- generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model
- generalized linear model
- geometric model
- geometrical lags model
- gross-level model
- ground-environment model
- Haken-Kelso-Bunz model
- Heisenberg model
- heuristic model
- hierarchical data model
- HLS model
- holographic model
- HSB model
- HSV model
- Hubbard model
- huge model
- hybrid-pi model
- hypothesis model
- ideal model
- imaging model
- indexed colors model
- information model
- information-logical model
- intensional model
- intercept-only model
- ionospheric model
- irreversible growth model
- Ising model
- ISO/OSI reference model
- Klein model
- Kronig-Penney model
- L*a*b* model
- large model
- large-signal device model
- LCH model
- learning, induction and schema abstraction model
- life cycle model
- limited dependent variable model
- linear model
- linear probability model
- LISA model
- logical model
- logical-linguistic model
- logistic model
- logit model
- loglinear model
- Londons' model of superconductivity
- lookup-table model
- Lorentz model
- low-signal device model
- machine model
- macrolevel model
- magnetic hysteresis model
- magnetohydrodynamic plasma model
- mathematical model
- matrix-memory model
- medium model
- memory model
- MHD plasma model
- microlevel model
- Minsky model
- Minsky frame model
- mixed model
- molecular-field model
- moving average model
- multiple regression model
- multiplicative model
- nested model
- network model
- network data model
- non-nested model
- non-parametric model
- N-state Potts model
- N-tier model
- null model
- object model
- object data model
- one-dimensional model
- one-fluid plasma model
- operations model
- optimizing model
- parabolic-ionosphere model
- parametric model
- parsimonious model
- partial adjustment model
- phenomenological model
- physical model
- pilot model
- Pippard nonlocal model
- plant model
- Poisson model
- polar model
- polynomial lags model
- postrelational model
- postrelational data model
- Potts model
- predictive model
- Preisach model
- preproduction model
- price model of advertising
- probabilistic model
- probit model
- proportional hazard model
- proportional-odds model
- prototype model
- quadratic model
- qualitative dependent variable model
- quantum mechanical model of superconductivity
- quasi-equilibrium model
- quasi-linear model
- random coefficients model
- random-effects model
- register model
- relational model
- relational data model
- relative model
- representative model
- response-surface model
- RGB model
- Ridley-Watkins-Hilsum model
- rival models
- Rössler model
- RWH model
- saturated model
- scalar model
- SCSI architecture model
- semantic model
- semiotic model
- sharply bounded ionosphere model
- simulation model
- single-ion model
- Skyrme model
- small model
- small-signal device model
- solid model
- spherical Earth model
- state-space model
- statistical model
- stochastic model
- Stoner-Wohlfart model
- structural model
- stuck-at-fault model
- surface model
- symbolic model
- symbolic-form model
- synergetic model
- system model
- system object model
- test model
- thermodynamical model
- three-tier model
- tobit model
- transistor model
- translog model
- tropospheric model
- true model
- truncated model
- two-dimensional model
- two-dimensional regression model
- two-fluid model of superconductivity
- two-fluid plasma model
- two-tier model
- Van der Ziel's noise model
- variable parameter model
- vector model
- wire-frame model
- working model -
12 model
1) модель (1. упрощённое представление объекта, процесса или явления; структурная аналогия 2. макет 3. образец; эталон; шаблон 4. пример; тип 5. стиль; дизайн) || моделировать (1. создавать упрощённое представление объекта, процесса или явления; пользоваться структурной аналогией 2. макетировать 3. создавать образец, эталон или шаблон 4. пользоваться примером; относить к определённому типу) || модельный (1. относящийся к упрощённому представлению объекта, процесса или явления; использующий структурную аналогию 2. макетный 3. образцовый; эталонный; шаблонный 4. примерный; типовой)2) служить моделью; выполнять функции модели3) создавать по образцу, эталону или шаблону4) придерживаться определённого стиля; следовать выбранному дизайну•- 2-D model
- adaptive expectations model
- additive model of neural network
- analog model
- antenna scale model
- application domain model
- AR model
- ARCH model
- ARDL model
- ARIMA model
- ARMA model
- atmospheric density model
- autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model
- autoregressive distributed lags model
- autoregressive integrated moving average model
- autoregressive model
- autoregressive moving average model
- band model
- behavioral model
- Benetton model
- Berkeley short-channel IGFET model
- binary choice model
- binary model
- Bohr-Sommerfeld model of atom
- Bohr-Sommerfeld model
- Box-Jenkins model
- Bradley-Terry-Luce model
- brain-state-in-a-box model
- breadboard model
- Brookings models
- BSB model
- business model
- CAD model
- capability maturity model
- carrier-storage model
- causal model
- censored model
- centralized model
- charge-control model
- Chen model
- classical normal linear regression model
- classical regression model
- client-server model
- CMY model
- CMYK model
- cobweb model
- collective-electron model
- color model
- compact model
- component object model
- computer model
- computer-aided-design model
- conceptual data model
- conceptual model of hypercompetition
- conductor impedance model
- congruent model
- connectionist model
- continuum model
- Cox proportional hazards regression model
- data model
- Davidson-Hendry-Srba-Yeo model
- descriptive model
- design model
- deterministic model
- DHSY model
- discrete choice model
- distributed component object model
- distributed computing model
- distributed lags model
- distributed system object model
- distribution-free model
- document object model
- domain architecture model
- domain model
- duration model
- dynamic model
- EER-model
- energy-gap model
- entity-relationship model
- ER-model
- error correction model
- errors-in-variables model
- experimental model
- extended entity-relationship model
- extended relational data model
- extended relational model
- extensional model
- ferromagnetic Fermi-liquid model
- file level model
- financial model
- finite-population model
- fixed-effects model
- flat Earth model
- flat free model of advertising
- formalized model
- fractal model
- frame model
- fuzzy model
- GARCH model
- generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model
- generalized linear model
- geometric model
- geometrical lags model
- gross-level model
- ground-environment model
- Haken-Kelso-Bunz model
- Heisenberg model
- heuristic model
- hierarchical data model
- HLS model
- holographic model
- HSB model
- HSV model
- Hubbard model
- huge model
- hybrid-pi model
- hypothesis model
- ideal model
- imaging model
- indexed colors model
- information model
- information-logical model
- intensional model
- intercept-only model
- ionospheric model
- irreversible growth model
- Ising model
- ISO/OSI reference model
- Klein model
- Kronig-Penney model
- L*a*b* model
- large model
- large-signal device model
- LCH model
- learning, induction and schema abstraction model
- life cycle model
- limited dependent variable model
- linear model
- linear probability model
- LISA model
- logical model
- logical-linguistic model
- logistic model
- logit model
- loglinear model
- Londons' model of superconductivity
- lookup-table model
- Lorentz model
- low-signal device model
- machine model
- macrolevel model
- magnetic hysteresis model
- magnetohydrodynamic plasma model
- mathematical model
- matrix-memory model
- medium model
- memory model
- MHD plasma model
- microlevel model
- Minsky frame model
- Minsky model
- mixed model
- molecular-field model
- moving average model
- multiple regression model
- multiplicative model
- nested model
- network data model
- network model
- non-nested model
- non-parametric model
- N-state Potts model
- N-tier model
- null model
- object data model
- object model
- one-dimensional model
- one-fluid plasma model
- operations model
- optimizing model
- parabolic-ionosphere model
- parametric model
- parsimonious model
- partial adjustment model
- phenomenological model
- physical model
- pilot model
- Pippard nonlocal model
- plant model
- Poisson model
- polar model
- polynomial lags model
- postrelational data model
- postrelational model
- Potts model
- predictive model
- Preisach model
- preproduction model
- price model of advertising
- probabilistic model
- probit model
- proportional hazard model
- proportional-odds model
- prototype model
- quadratic model
- qualitative dependent variable model
- quantum mechanical model of superconductivity
- quasi-equilibrium model
- quasi-linear model
- random coefficients model
- random-effects model
- register model
- relational data model
- relational model
- relative model
- representative model
- response-surface model
- RGB model
- Ridley-Watkins-Hilsum model
- rival models
- Rössler model
- RWH model
- saturated model
- scalar model
- SCSI architecture model
- semantic model
- semiotic model
- sharply bounded ionosphere model
- simulation model
- single-ion model
- Skyrme model
- small model
- small-signal device model
- solid model
- spherical Earth model
- state-space model
- statistical model
- stochastic model
- Stoner-Wohlfart model
- structural model
- stuck-at-fault model
- surface model
- symbolic model
- symbolic-form model
- synergetic model
- system model
- system object model
- test model
- thermodynamical model
- three-tier model
- tobit model
- transistor model
- translog model
- tropospheric model
- true model
- truncated model
- two-dimensional model
- two-dimensional regression model
- two-fluid model of superconductivity
- two-fluid plasma model
- two-tier model
- Van der Ziel's noise model
- variable parameter model
- vector model
- wire-frame model
- working modelThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > model
13 variable
1) переменная2) изменяемый; переменный; регулируемый•- additional variable
- allocated variable
- alphanumeric string variable
- alphameric string variable
- anonimous variable
- apparent variable
- artificial variable
- attached variable
- automatic variable
- auxiliary variable
- based variable
- basic variable
- Boolean variable
- bound variable
- chance variable
- character variable
- compile time variable
- complemented variable
- conditional variable
- control variable
- controlled variable
- decision variable
- dependent variable
- design variable
- digital variable
- dummy variable
- element variable
- endogenous variable - exogenous variable
- file-name variable
- file variable
- fixed variable
- free variable
- fuzzy variable
- global variable
- independent variable
- induction variable
- input variable - key variable
- label variable
- local variable
- logical variable
- logic variable
- loop-control variable
- loop variable
- main variable
- manipulated variable
- master variable
- metalinguistic variable
- missing variable
- morphic variable
- multicharacter variable
- mutually independent variables
- noncontrollable variable
- normalized variable
- notation variable
- operator variable
- output variable
- pointer variable
- predicate variable
- private variable
- process variable
- quantified variable
- random variable
- real variable
- regulated variable
- scalar variable
- selected variable
- shared variable
- simple variable
- slack variable
- slave variable
- state variable
- statement label variable
- status variable
- stochastic variable
- structure variable
- subscripted variable
- switching variable
- switch variable
- syntactic variable
- system variable
- task variable
- temporary variable
- ternary-valued variable
- top variable
- two-state variable
- two-valued variable
- unassigned variable
- unbound variable
- uncomplemented variable
- uncontrollable variable
- undeclared variable
- undefined variable
- uninitialized variable
- unregulated variable
- unrestricted variableEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > variable
14 memory
1) памятьа) вчт запоминающее устройство, ЗУб) вчт совокупность физических и ( или) эмулируемых элементов, используемых в качестве запоминающего устройства2) запоминание3) фтт память формы•- annex memory
- antishock memory
- arm-position memory
- associative memory
- aural memory
- auxiliary memory
- available memory
- available user memory
- back-up memory
- base memory - bit-mapped memory
- bit-oriented memory
- boot flash memory
- bootstrap memory
- bubble memory
- bubble-lattice memory
- buffer memory
- bulk memory - cache memory
- cached memory - cassette memory
- charge-coupled device memory
- charge-transfer device memory
- CMOS memory
- command-chained memory - concurrent Rambus dynamic random access-memory
- content-addressable memory
- continuously charge-coupled random-access-memory - core memory
- counter memory
- cross-tie memory - cylindrical-domain memory
- data flash memory
- declarative memory
- demand-paged virtual memory
- destructive-readout memory - domain memory
- domain-tip memory
- domain-type propagation memory - dual-ported video memory
- dynamic memory - emotional memory - episodic memory
- erasable memory - error detection and correction memory
- expanded memory
- explicit memory - eye memory
- factory-programmable read-only memory
- fast memory - ferrite-sheet memory - file memory
- fixed memory
- flash memory
- flashbulb memory
- fluorescent disk read-only memory
- free memory
- fusible-link programmable read-only memory
- fuzzy associative memory
- genetic memory
- giant-magnetoresistance random-access memory - immediate memory
- immediate access memory
- implicit memory
- installed memory
- internal memory
- intrinsic memory
- involuntary memory
- Josephson memory - logical memory
- long-term memory
- low-temperature memory - main memory
- mask-programmable read-only memory
- matrix-readout memory
- mechanical memory
- mercury memory - motor memory - nonvolatile memory - on-chip memory
- one-level memory - paged memory
- paging memory - permanently allocated memory - photochromic memory
- physical memory
- piggyback-twistor semipermanent memory
- planar bubble memory
- plated-wire memory
- Pockels readout optical memory
- primary memory
- procedural memory - programmable memory
- programmable read-only memory
- prolonged memory
- protein memory
- push-down memory - refresh memory
- repertory memory - reserved memory
- rotating memory - search memory
- segmented bubble memory
- sensory memory
- sequential memory
- sequential access memory
- shadow memory
- shadow random access memory
- shadow read-only memory
- shallow memory
- shared memory
- short-term memory
- single-ported video memory
- slow memory - synchronous active memory - total memory
- total memory under 1 MB
- tse flip-flop memory
- twin-bank memory
- ultra-violet erasable programmable read-only-memory - verbal memory
- vertical Bloch-line memory
- video memory
- video disk memory - volatile memory
- wagon memory - working memory -
15 memory
1) памятьа) вчт. запоминающее устройство, ЗУб) вчт. совокупность физических и или эмулируемых элементов, используемых в качестве запоминающего устройства2) запоминание3) фтт. память формы•- adaptive bidirectional associative memory
- alterable memory
- annex memory
- antishock memory
- arm-position memory
- associative memory
- aural memory
- auxiliary memory
- available memory
- available user memory
- back-up memory
- base memory
- bidirectional associative memory
- biopolymer memory
- bipolar read-only memory
- bipolar-transistor memory
- bit-mapped memory
- bit-oriented memory
- boot flash memory
- bootstrap memory
- bubble memory
- bubble-lattice memory
- buffer memory
- bulk memory
- burst extended data output dynamic random-access memory
- byte addressable memory
- cache memory
- cached dynamic random access memory
- cached memory
- cached video random access memory
- card memory
- cassette memory
- charge-coupled device memory
- charge-transfer device memory
- CMOS memory
- command-chained memory
- compact disk read-only memory extended architecture mode 1
- compact disk read-only memory extended architecture mode 2
- compact disk read-only memory extended architecture
- compact disk read-only memory
- conception memory
- concurrent Rambus dynamic random access memory
- content-addressable memory
- continuously charge-coupled random-access memory
- control read-only memory
- conventional memory
- core memory
- counter memory
- cross-tie memory
- cryogenic continuous film memory
- current-access magnetic bubble memory
- cylindrical-domain memory
- data flash memory
- declarative memory
- demand-paged virtual memory
- destructive-readout memory
- digital versatile disk random access memory
- digital versatile disk read-only memory
- direct memory
- direct Rambus dynamic random access memory
- discrete bidirectional associative memory
- disk memory
- domain memory
- domain-tip memory
- domain-type propagation memory
- double data rate synchronous dynamic random access memory
- DRO memory
- dual-ported video memory
- dynamic memory
- dynamic random access memory
- EDAC memory
- electrically alterable read-only memory
- electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
- electrically erasable read-only memory
- electron-beam memory
- electron-beam-accessed memory
- electronically addressable memory
- emotional memory
- enhanced dynamic random access memory
- enhanced synchronous dynamic random access memory memory
- episodic memory
- erasable memory
- erasable programmable read-only memory
- error correcting memory
- error detection and correction memory
- expanded memory
- explicit memory
- extended architecture ready compact disk read-only memory
- extended conventional memory
- extended data output dynamic random access memory
- extended data output video random access memory
- extended memory
- external memory
- eye memory
- factory-programmable read-only memory
- fast memory
- fast page mode dynamic random-access memory
- ferric random-access memory
- ferrite-core memory
- ferrite-sheet memory
- ferroelectric random access memory
- field-programmable read-only memory
- file memory
- fixed memory
- flash memory
- flashbulb memory
- fluorescent disk read-only memory
- free memory
- fusible-link programmable read-only memory
- fuzzy associative memory
- genetic memory
- giant-magnetoresistance random-access memory
- high memory
- image memory
- immediate access memory
- immediate memory
- implicit memory
- installed memory
- internal memory
- intrinsic memory
- involuntary memory
- Josephson memory
- keyed-access erasable programmable read-only memory
- line-addressable random-access memory
- linear associative memory
- local memory
- logical memory
- long-term memory
- low-temperature memory
- magnetic random access memory
- magnetic thin-film memory
- magnetic tunnel junction random-access memory
- magnetoelectronic memory
- main memory
- mask-programmable read-only memory
- matrix-readout memory
- mechanical memory
- mercury memory
- metal-oxide-semiconductor electrically-alterable read-only memory
- microprogram memory
- motor memory
- multibank dynamic random access memory
- N-level memory
- nonvolatile memory
- nonvolatile random-access memory
- off-chip memory
- on-chip memory
- one-level memory
- optimal linear associative memory
- ovonic memory
- paged memory
- paging memory
- parameter random-access memory
- permanent memory
- permanently allocated memory
- personality electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
- personality erasable programmable read-only memory
- photochromic memory
- physical memory
- piggyback-twistor semipermanent memory
- planar bubble memory
- plated-wire memory
- Pockels readout optical memory
- primary memory
- procedural memory
- processor information read-only memory
- program flash memory
- programmable memory
- programmable read-only memory
- prolonged memory
- protein memory
- push-down memory
- Rambus dynamic random access memory
- random access memory
- read/write memory
- read-only memory
- refresh memory
- repertory memory
- reprogrammable read-only memory
- reserve memory
- reserved memory
- rotating memory
- scratch-pad memory
- screen memory
- search memory
- segmented bubble memory
- sensory memory
- sequential access memory
- sequential memory
- shadow memory
- shadow random access memory
- shadow read-only memory
- shallow memory
- shared memory
- short-term memory
- single-ported video memory
- slow memory
- sparse distributed associative memory
- stack memory
- standard dynamic random-access memory
- static memory
- static random access memory
- superhigh-speed memory
- synchronous active memory
- synchronous dynamic random access memory
- synchronous graphics random access memory
- synchronous video random access memory
- system management random access memory
- system memory
- temporal associative memory
- total memory under 1 MB
- total memory
- tse flip-flop memory
- twin-bank memory
- ultra-violet erasable programmable read-only memory
- upper memory
- used memory
- verbal memory
- vertical Bloch-line memory
- video disk memory
- video memory
- video random access memory
- virtual channel memory synchronous dynamic random access memory
- virtual memory
- visual memory
- volatile memory
- wagon memory
- window random access memory
- word-organized memory
- working memory
- write-only memoryThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > memory
16 logic
ˈlɔdʒɪk сущ. логика to apply, use logic ≈ применять логику There is no logic in their policy. ≈ Их политика нелогична. clear logic ≈ четкая логика cold logic ≈ беспристрастная логика irrefutable logic ≈ неопровержимая логика deductive logic ≈ дедуктивная логика formal logic ≈ формальная логика inductive logic ≈ индуктивная логика simple logic ≈ простая логика symbolic logic ≈ символическая логика логика (наука) логика, логичность( аргументации и т. п.) ;
закономерность - to argue with * рассуждать логично логика, неизбежный вывод;
неизбежность какого-л. поведения - the * of events логика событий (компьютерное) логическая схема алгоритм( разговорное) здравый смысл - there is no * in spending money on useless things нет никакого смысла /глупо/ тратить деньги на ерунду > to chop * спорить, препираться;
приводить противоречивые доводы belief ~ логика веры binary ~ вчт. двузначная логика byte-alignment ~ вчт. логика перегруппировки байтов command ~ вчт. логика команд common-sense ~ логика здравого смысла constructive ~ конструктивная логика control ~ вчт. управляющая логика default ~ вчт. логика рассуждений по умолчанию distributed ~ вчт. распределенное управление dynamic ~ вчт. динамическая логика first order ~ логика первого порядка formal ~ формальная логика fuzzy ~ нечеткая логика inductive ~ индуктивная логика intuitionistic ~ интуиционистская логика ladder ~ вчт. многозвенная логическая схема logic логика ~ логическая схема ~ логичность monotonic ~ монотонная логика multivalued ~ многозначная логика non-monotonic ~ немонотонная логика operational ~ логика действий presumed ~ предопределенная логика probabilitic ~ вероятностная логика probablistic ~ вероятностная логика propositional ~ пропозициональная логика pseudophysical ~ псевдофизическая логика relevance ~ логика определения релевантности second order ~ логика второго порядка spatial ~ пространственная логика stored ~ вчт. зашитый алгоритм system ~ вчт. системная логика temporal ~ вчт. временная логика ternary ~ вчт. трехзначная логика threshold ~ пороговая логика two-line ~ вчт. двухпроводная логическая схема wasted ~ вчт. лишняя логическая схема -
17 variable
1) переменная2) (изменяемый) параметр; (изменяемая) величина4) переменный; изменяющийся; непостоянный•- apparent variableto drop a variable — опускать переменную, не включать переменную в рассмотрение
- array variable
- artificial variable
- automatic variable
- auxiliary variable
- binary variable
- Boolean variable
- bound variable
- broadcasted variables
- categorical variable
- centered random variable
- class variable
- cointegrated variables
- compile-time variable
- complex variable
- concomitant variable
- constructed variable
- continuous variable
- control variable
- controllable variable
- controlled variable
- CRC variable
- cyclic redundancy check variable
- decision variable
- dependent variable
- deterministic variable
- dichotomic variable
- discrete variable
- discrete random variable
- dummy variable
- endogenous variable
- environment variable
- environmental variables
- excluded variable
- exogenous variable
- explained variable
- explanatory variable
- fast variable
- file variable
- free variable
- functor variable
- fuzzy variable
- generated variable
- generic variable
- generic type variable
- global variable
- grouping variable
- imaginary variable
- independent variable
- indicator variable
- input variable
- instance variables
- instant variables
- instrumental variable
- integer variable
- interval variable
- intervening variable
- key variable
- label variable
- lagged variable
- latent variable
- leading variable
- limited variable
- linguistic variable
- local variable
- logic variable
- logical variable
- loop variable
- metalinguistic variable
- metasyntactic variable
- moving-frame variable
- nominal variable
- omitted variable
- one-fluid variables
- ordinal variable
- output variable
- P-variable
- predetermined variable
- proxy variable
- qualitative variable
- random variable
- rank variable
- real variable
- redundant variable
- response variable
- rest-frame variable
- scalar variable
- schematic variable
- schematic type variable
- seasonal variable
- slow variable
- standardized variable
- state variable
- static variable
- stationary variable
- stochastic variable
- string variable
- subscripted variable
- summation variable
- system variable
- target variable
- tensor variable
- unbound variable
- uninitialized variable
- unobservable variable
- unrestricted variable
- vector variable
- vector random variable -
18 variable
1) переменная (величина) || переменный2) изменчивый3) изменяемый; варьируемый4) регулируемый•variable unrestricted in sign — переменная, не ограниченная в знаке
- absolutely integrable variable - anonymous free variable - complex free variable - complex random variable - discontinuous variable - discrete random variable - discrete variable variable - discrete variable - essentially free variable - excessive random variable - exchangeable random variables - generalized random variable - geometric random variable - infinitesimal random variable - jointly normal random variables - linguistic random variable - multinomial random variable - multinormal random variable - multiplicative random variable - mutually independent random variables - nonanticipative random variable - normed random variable - number variable - optimal stopping variable - orthonormal random variables - pairwise independent random variables - spatial variable - symmetrized random variable - two-state variable - two-valued variable - uniformly limited variableto separate variables — мат. разделять переменные
19 logic
[ˈlɔdʒɪk]belief logic логика веры binary logic вчт. двузначная логика byte-alignment logic вчт. логика перегруппировки байтов command logic вчт. логика команд common-sense logic логика здравого смысла constructive logic конструктивная логика control logic вчт. управляющая логика default logic вчт. логика рассуждений по умолчанию distributed logic вчт. распределенное управление dynamic logic вчт. динамическая логика first order logic логика первого порядка formal logic формальная логика fuzzy logic нечеткая логика inductive logic индуктивная логика intuitionistic logic интуиционистская логика ladder logic вчт. многозвенная логическая схема logic логика logic логическая схема logic логичность monotonic logic монотонная логика multivalued logic многозначная логика non-monotonic logic немонотонная логика operational logic логика действий presumed logic предопределенная логика probabilitic logic вероятностная логика probablistic logic вероятностная логика propositional logic пропозициональная логика pseudophysical logic псевдофизическая логика relevance logic логика определения релевантности second order logic логика второго порядка spatial logic пространственная логика stored logic вчт. зашитый алгоритм system logic вчт. системная логика temporal logic вчт. временная логика ternary logic вчт. трехзначная логика threshold logic пороговая логика two-line logic вчт. двухпроводная логическая схема wasted logic вчт. лишняя логическая схема
См. также в других словарях:
Fuzzy control system — Fuzzy control and Fuzzy Control redirect here. For the rock band, see Fuzzy Control (band). A fuzzy control system is a control system based on fuzzy logic a mathematical system that analyzes analog input values in terms of logical variables that … Wikipedia
Control system (disambiguation) — A control system is a device or set of devices to manage, command, direct or regulate the behavior of other devices or systems. A control mechanism is a process used by a control system. Control system may refer to: Contents 1 General control… … Wikipedia
Fuzzy Control Language — Fuzzy Control Language, or FCL, is a language for implementing fuzzy logic, especially fuzzy control. It was standardized by IEC 61131 7. It is a domain specific programming language: it has no features unrelated to fuzzy logic, so it is… … Wikipedia
Fuzzy locating system — Fuzzy locating is a rough but reliable method based on appropriate measuring technology for estimating a location of an object. The concept of precise or ‘’crisp locating’’ is replaced with respect to the operational requirements and the economic … Wikipedia
Control system — For other uses, see Control system (disambiguation). A control system is a device, or set of devices to manage, command, direct or regulate the behavior of other devices or system. There are two common classes of control systems, with many… … Wikipedia
Distributed control system — Part of a series of articles on Industry Manufacturing methods Batch production • Job production Continuous production Improvement method … Wikipedia
Networked control system — A Networked Control System (NCS) is a control system wherein the control loops are closed through a real time network. The defining feature of an NCS is that control and feedback signals are exchanged among the system s components in the form of… … Wikipedia
Fuzzy logic — is a form of multi valued logic derived from fuzzy set theory to deal with reasoning that is approximate rather than precise. Just as in fuzzy set theory the set membership values can range (inclusively) between 0 and 1, in fuzzy logic the degree … Wikipedia
fuzzy logic — ☆ fuzzy logic n. 〚< fuzzy (set), coined (1965) by L. A. Zadeh, U.S. computer scientist〛 a type of logic used in computers and other electronic devices for processing imprecise or variable data: in place of the traditional binary values, fuzzy… … Universalium
Fuzzy electronics — is an electronic technology that uses fuzzy logic, instead of the two value logic more commonly used in digital electronics. It has a wide range applications, including control systems and artificial intelligence. See also * Defuzzification *… … Wikipedia
Control theory — For control theory in psychology and sociology, see control theory (sociology) and Perceptual Control Theory. The concept of the feedback loop to control the dynamic behavior of the system: this is negative feedback, because the sensed value is… … Wikipedia