1 fusel alcohols
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2 fusel alcohols
Англо-русский словарь по пищевой промышленности > fusel alcohols
3 fusel
4 higher alcohols
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > higher alcohols
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Fusel alcohol — Fusel alcohols, also sometimes called fusel oils, or potato oil in Europe, are higher order (more than two carbons) alcohols formed by fermentation and present in cider, mead, beer, wine, and spirits to varying degrees. The term fusel is German… … Wikipedia
Fusel — Fu sel, n., Fusel oil Fu sel oil [G. fusel bad liquor.] (Chem.) A hot, acrid, oily liquid, accompanying many alcoholic liquors (as potato whisky, corn whisky, etc.), as an undesirable ingredient, and consisting of several of the higher alcohols… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fusel oil — Fusel Fu sel, n., Fusel oil Fu sel oil [G. fusel bad liquor.] (Chem.) A hot, acrid, oily liquid, accompanying many alcoholic liquors (as potato whisky, corn whisky, etc.), as an undesirable ingredient, and consisting of several of the higher… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fusel oil — [fyo͞o′zəl, fyo͞o′səl] n. [Ger fusel, inferior liquor < L fusilis, FUSIL1] an oily, acrid, poisonous liquid occurring in imperfectly distilled alcoholic products and consisting chiefly of amyl alcohols: small amounts contribute to the… … English World dictionary
fusel-oil — /fūˈzl oil/ noun A nauseous mixture of alcohols in spirits distilled from potatoes, grain, etc ORIGIN: Ger Fusel bad spirits … Useful english dictionary
fusel oil — /fyooh zeuhl, seuhl/ a mixture consisting chiefly of amyl alcohols obtained as a by product in the fermentation of grains. [1855 60; < G Fusel bad liquor] * * * ▪ chemistry a mixture of volatile, oily liquids produced in small amounts… … Universalium
fusel oil — noun A mixture of several higher order alcohols (alcohols with more than two carbon atoms) formed as byproduct in the normal fermentation process. An excessive concentration, as in low quality moonshine, causes unpleasant taste. many simply… … Wiktionary
fusel oil — noun Etymology: German Fusel bad liquor Date: 1850 an acrid oily liquid occurring in insufficiently distilled alcoholic liquors, consisting chiefly of amyl alcohol, and used especially as a source of alcohols and as a solvent … New Collegiate Dictionary
fusel oil — [ fju:z(ə)l] noun a mixture of several alcohols (chiefly amyl alcohol) produced as a by product of alcoholic fermentation. Origin C19: from Ger. Fusel bad liquor , prob. related to fuseln to bungle … English new terms dictionary
fusel oil — fu′sel oil [[t]ˈfyu zəl, səl[/t]] n. chem. a mixture consisting chiefly of amyl alcohols • Etymology: 1855–60; < G Fusel bad liquor … From formal English to slang
fusel oil — /ˈfjuzəl ɔɪl/ (say fyoohzuhl oyl) noun a mixture of higher alcohols and esters obtained as a by product in the fermentation of grains. {fusel, from German: inferior liquor or spirits} …