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fuoco reale

См. также в других словарях:

  • Giovanni Pastrone — Données clés Naissance 13 septembre 1883 Montechiaro d Asti  Italie Nationalité …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Pina Menichelli — in Il Fuoco (1916) Pina Menichelli (* 10. Januar 1890 in Castroreale; † 29. August 1984 in Mailand) war eine italienische Theater und Stummfilmschauspielerin. Sie ist neben Lyda Borelli und Francesca Bertini eine der bekanntesten …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Menichelli, Pina — (1890 1984)    Actress and diva. Born of a Sicilian couple who were both actors, Pina (short for Giuseppina) Menichelli made her screen debut in 1913 playing small parts in comic sketches produced by the Cines. She was soon taking on more… …   Guide to cinema

  • Menichelli, Pina — (1890 1984)    Actress and diva. Born of a Sicilian couple who were both actors, Pina (short for Giuseppina) Menichelli made her screen debut in 1913 playing small parts in comic sketches produced by the Cines. She was soon taking on more… …   Historical dictionary of Italian cinema

  • dare — [lat. dare ] (pres. do /dɔ/ o dò [radd. sint.], dai, dà, diamo, date, danno ; imperf. davo, davi, ecc.; pass. rem. dièdi o dètti, désti, diède [poet. diè ] o dètte, démmo, déste, dièdero [poet. dièro ] o dèttero ; fut. darò, darai, ecc.; condiz.… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • Corpo Forestale dello Stato — CFS Station Mongiana (Kalabrien) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ван Хук, Миша — Миша ван Хук Micha van Hoecke Дата рождения: 1944 год(1944) Место рождения: Брюссель, Бельгия …   Википедия

  • Giovanni Pastrone — Giovanni Pastrone, also known by his artistic name Piero Fosco (13 September 1883 27 June 1959), was an Italian film pioneer, director, screenwriter, actor and technician. Pastrone was born in Montechiaro d Asti. He worked during the era of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Michele Canzio — Bust of Michele Canzio in the Villa Durazzo Pallavicini garden Michele Canzio (1788–1868) was an Italian architect and painter, best known as stage designer for the Teatro Carlo Felice in Genoa. He also designed a remarkable garden at the Villa… …   Wikipedia

  • Roberto Carifi — Roberto Carifi, was born in 1948 to Pistoia.He is one of the most important italian poets and was a philosopher. Books of poems *Infanzia (Società di Poesia, Milano 1984); *L’obbedienza (Crocetti, Milano 1986); *Occidente (Crocetti, Milano 1990); …   Wikipedia

  • Caterina Vertova — (* 19. Juli 1960 in Mailand) ist eine italienische Theater , Film und Fernsehschauspielerin. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Karriere 2 Auszeichnungen 3 Filmographie (Auswahl) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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