1 funds
2 funds
кошти; суми; фонди -
3 funds of bank
банківські фонди; капітал банку -
4 funds on hand
5 funds advanced against a line of credit
кошти, авансовані зі спільної обумовленої суми кредитуThe English-Ukrainian Dictionary > funds advanced against a line of credit
6 funds committed
виділені кошти; зобов'язання щодо фінансування; зобов'язання щодо виділення коштів -
7 funds statement
8 funds-in-trust
9 embezzlement of public funds
= embezzlement of state funds привласнення державних коштівEnglish-Ukrainian law dictionary > embezzlement of public funds
10 embezzlement of state funds
English-Ukrainian law dictionary > embezzlement of state funds
11 laundering funds
= laundering of funds, laundering of money, laundering money відмивання грошей -
12 laundering of funds
13 electronic funds transfer at point of sale
(EFTPOS)банк., торг., роз. електронний переказ грошей за фактом продажуелектронна система, яка дозволяє покупцеві (buyer¹) оплатити закупівлю кредитною (credit card) або дебетовою карткою (debit card), завдяки чому фонди (funds²) з його банківського рахунка (account²) автоматично перераховуються на рахунок продавця; ♦ електронний переказ грошей за фактом продажу здійснюється з допомогою платіжної магнітної картки і особистого ідентифікаційного номера (personal identification number)The English-Ukrainian Dictionary > electronic funds transfer at point of sale
14 appropriated funds
15 appropriation bill of funds
English-Ukrainian law dictionary > appropriation bill of funds
16 budget funds
17 budgetary funds
18 defaulter of unaccounted funds
English-Ukrainian law dictionary > defaulter of unaccounted funds
19 deposit funds
20 disposable funds
См. также в других словарях:
funds — [plural] ► the financial resources that a business, organization, or project has available: raise/provide/generate funds »A new shares issue was launched to raise funds for the acquisition. sufficient/insufficient funds »Experts have criticized… … Financial and business terms
funds — I noun assets, bank account, capital, cash, currency, economic success, finance, income, liquid assets, lucre, means, money, pecuniary resources, pelf, personalty, possessions, principal, proceeds, property, revenue, specie, stocks and bonds,… … Law dictionary
funds — [n] cash reserve accounts receivable, affluence, assets, backing, bankroll, belongings, bread*, budget, capital, collateral, currency, dough*, earnings, finance, fluid assets, hard cash*, kitty*, lucre, means, money, money in the bank*, money on… … New thesaurus
funds — n. 1) to raise funds 2) to disburse, pay out funds 3) matching; private; public funds 4) (stamped on a check) insufficient funds (AE; BE has refer to drawer) 5) funds dry up, run out 6) the funds to + inf. (we have enough funds to complete the… … Combinatory dictionary
funds — /fʌndz/ plural noun 1. money which is available for spending ● The company has no funds to pay for the research programme. ⇒ insufficient funds ♦ the company called for extra funds the company asked for more money ♦ to convert funds to another… … Dictionary of banking and finance
funds — noun assets in the form of money (Freq. 19) • Syn: ↑finances, ↑monetary resource, ↑cash in hand, ↑pecuniary resource • Hypernyms: ↑assets • Hyponyms … Useful english dictionary
funds — noun Financial resources I dont know if I have the funds for this … Wiktionary
funds — Kālā. Out of funds, a ohe kālā; puki, poloke (slang) … English-Hawaiian dictionary
funds — lėšos statusas Aprobuotas sritis finansų rinka apibrėžtis Grynieji pinigai (banknotai ir monetos), pinigai sąskaitoje ir elektroniniai pinigai. atitikmenys: angl. funds vok. Geldbetrag šaltinis Lietuvos Respublikos mokėjimų įstatymo pakeitimo… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
funds — Money, in funds Having money … A concise dictionary of English slang
funds of funds — Funds that are specifically created to invest in a range of other private equity funds. Like feeder funds, they often offer access to investment opportunities not otherwise available to an investor. In addition, they allow investors to diversify… … Law dictionary