1 full time
full time -
2 ♦ full-time
♦ full-time /fʊlˈtaɪm/A a.1 a tempo pieno: full-time job (o employment) lavoro a tempo pieno; full-time education, istruzione a tempo pieno ( usato per indicare scuola e università)B avv.a tempo pieno; to work full-time, lavorare a tempo pieno. -
3 full time
full time1 adj de jornada completafull time2 adv a jornada completa / a tiempo completofinal nombre masculino de partido* * * -
4 full time
1 Sport [score, whistle] final ;2 ( permanent) [job, worker, student, secretary] à plein temps ; to be in full-time education [schoolchild] être élève à plein temps ; [student] être étudiant à plein temps. -
5 full-time
(job) à plein temps; (work, contract, employee) à temps complet, à plein temps;∎ she's a full-time translator elle est traductrice à plein temps;∎ it's a full-time job taking care of a baby! s'occuper d'un bébé ne laisse pas une minute de libre!2 adverbà plein temps, à temps plein►► Sport full-time score score m final -
6 full-time
full-time: work full-time работать полный рабочий день full-time: work full-time работать полный рабочий день -
7 full-time
1) ( not part-time) Ganztags-, Vollzeit-;\full-time job Vollzeitbeschäftigung f2) sports End-;\full-time score Endstand m adv ganztags -
8 full-time
full-time adj. занимающий все (рабочее) время, занимающий полный рабочийдень -
9 full-time
full-time -
10 full time
Spielende nt -
11 full-time
12 full time
full time worker — рабо́чий, за́нятый по́лную рабо́чую неде́лю; шта́тный рабо́тник
13 full-time
adjectiveganztägig; Ganztags[arbeit, -beschäftigung]* * *adjective, adverb (occupying one's working time completely: a full-time job; She works full-time now.) hauptberuflich* * *I. adj1. (not part-time) Ganztags-, Vollzeit-\full-time employee Vollzeitbeschäftigte(r) f(m)\full-time job Vollzeitbeschäftigung f2. SPORT End-\full-time score Endstand mII. adv ganztags* * *A adj ganztägig, Ganztags…:full-time coach SPORT hauptamtlicher Trainer;full-time job Ganztagsbeschäftigung f;have a full-time job auch ganztägig beschäftigt sein;it’s a full-time job looking after three young children umg wenn man drei kleine Kinder zu versorgen hat, hat man für nichts anderes mehr Zeit;full-time mother Hausfrau und Mutter f;B adv ganztags:* * *adjectiveganztägig; Ganztags[arbeit, -beschäftigung]* * *(work) n.hauptberuflich adv. adj.hauptamtlich adj. n.hauptberuflich adj. -
14 full-time
adjective, adverb (occupying one's working time completely: a full-time job; She works full-time now.) a tiempo completo, jornada completatr[fʊl'taɪm]1 a tiempo completo, de jornada completa1 a tiempo completo\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto work full-time trabajar a tiempo completo, hacer una jornada completaadj.• de jornada completa adj.• en plena dedicación adj.• jornada completa expr.n.• dedicación plena s.m.• tiempo completo s.m.
I 'fʊl'taɪmadjective <student/soldier> de tiempo completo; <employment/post> de jornada completa, de tiempo completo
adverb a tiempo completo[ˌfʊl'taɪm]1.ADJ [employment] a tiempo completo; [employee] que trabaja una jornada completa, que trabaja a tiempo completohe's a full-time musician — (=professional) es músico profesional
2.ADV* * *
I ['fʊl'taɪm]adjective <student/soldier> de tiempo completo; <employment/post> de jornada completa, de tiempo completo
adverb a tiempo completo -
15 full-time
1. прил.1) эк. тр. работающий полный рабочий день [полную рабочую неделю\]See:2) обр. обучающийся в режиме полного дня* (о студенте, который обучается по стандартному графику и обязан за определенный период посетить стандартное количество занятий)Ant:2. нареч.эк. тр. (в) полный рабочий день [неделю\]; в режиме полного рабочего дня [недели\]to work full-time — работать в режиме полного рабочего дня [недели\]
* * * -
16 full time
1) эк. тр. полный (рабочий) день [полная (рабочая) неделя\], полная занятость (о режиме работы, при котором работник отрабатывает некоторое стандартное количество часов в день или неделю)Ant:full-time employment, full-time work, Work Hours Act, full-timer, full-time official, non-exempt employee, standard hoursSee:full-time employment, full-time work, Work Hours Act, full-timer, full-time official, non-exempt employee, standard hours2) спорт. полное время игры -
17 full time
adverbganztags [arbeiten]* * ** * *at full time bei Spielende;whistle for full time abpfeifen;20 minutes from full time 20 Minuten vor Schluss* * *adverbganztags [arbeiten] -
18 full-time
a занимающий всё время, занимающий полный рабочий день -
19 full-time
adjective, adverb (occupying one's working time completely: a full-time job; She works full-time now.) fuldtid; fuldtids-* * *adjective, adverb (occupying one's working time completely: a full-time job; She works full-time now.) fuldtid; fuldtids- -
20 full-time
adjective, adverb (occupying one's working time completely: a full-time job; She works full-time now.) heltids-, heldags-Iadj. \/ˈfʊltaɪm\/heltids-, heldags-, fastIIadv. \/ˈfʊltaɪm\/(på) heltid
См. также в других словарях:
full-time — ˈfull time adjective JOBS 1. working or studying for the complete number of hours that this is usually done: • He was unable physically to handle the demands of a full time sales position. • Mr Kasal slashed his full time staff to six from 13 as… … Financial and business terms
full-time — S3 adj, adv 1.) for all the hours of a week during which it is usual for people to work, study etc →↑part time work/study etc full time ▪ She works full time and has two kids. ▪ The success of the series enabled her to concentrate full time on… … Dictionary of contemporary English
full-time — S3 adj, adv 1.) for all the hours of a week during which it is usual for people to work, study etc →↑part time work/study etc full time ▪ She works full time and has two kids. ▪ The success of the series enabled her to concentrate full time on… … Dictionary of contemporary English
full-time — full ,time1 adjective usually before noun ** done for the number of hours that people normally work in a complete week. Part time work or study is done during just some of these hours: It is hard to combine study with a full time job. a. doing… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
full time — /ful taim/, it. /ful taim/ locuz. ingl. [comp. di full pieno e time tempo ], in ital. invar. ■ agg. [detto di attività svolta per l intero orario di lavoro e anche della persona che svolge tale attività: lavoro full time ; segretaria full time ]… … Enciclopedia Italiana
full time — full ti·me loc.agg.inv., loc.s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} 1. loc.agg.inv., a tempo pieno: lavoro, occupazione, contratto full time | che è impiegato a tempo pieno; professore full time, che si dedica esclusivamente alla didattica e ricerca… … Dizionario italiano
full-time — adj. spending or requiring all of the time normally given to an activity; as, full time students; a full time job. Opposite of {part time}. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
full time — also fulltime, full time, 1898; full timer is attested from 1868; see FULL (Cf. full) (adj.) + TIME (Cf. time) … Etymology dictionary
full-time — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ occupying the whole of the time available. ► ADVERB ▪ on a full time basis. ► NOUN (full time) ▪ the end of a sports match. DERIVATIVES full timer noun … English terms dictionary
full time — (ingl.; pronunc. [fúl táim]) adj. y adv. Referido a una actividad laboral, a tiempo completo: ‘Trabaja full time en una empresa de servicios’. * * * full time. (Expr. ingl.). loc. adj. Con dedicación exclusiva. U. t. c. loc. adv. * * * (voz… … Enciclopedia Universal
full time — (izg. fȗl tȃjm) m DEFINICIJA term. 1. puno radno vrijeme 2. sport istek ukupnog vremena utakmice SINTAGMA full time job (izg. full time džȍb) term. stalni posao s punim radnim vremenom; posao na neodređeno vrijeme, usp. fultajmer ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal