1 full (charge) round
Военный термин: выстрел с полным зарядом -
2 full-charge round
1) Военный термин: выстрел с полным зарядом2) Оружейное производство: патрон (выстрел) с полным зарядом -
3 full-charge round
4 full (charge) round
5 full (charge) round
6 round
выстрел; комплект выстрела; боеприпас; патрон; снаряд; ракета; круг; окружность; см. тж. projectile, shellartillery round (of fire) — артиллерийский выстрел, комплект артиллерийского выстрела
smart (cannon artillery) round — разг. самонаводящийся артиллерийский боеприпас
— AT round— full charge round— MG round— nuclear artillery round -
7 round
1. n окружность, кольцо2. n шар3. n небесный свод4. n круг; предмет, имеющий форму кругаpass round — передавать друг другу, пустить по кругу
5. n ломтик6. n круговое движение; кругооборот; круговорот7. n ряд; цикл; серия8. n тур, этап9. n раунд, тур10. n круг, группаcome round — объехать, обойти кругом
11. n очередная порция спиртного12. n спорт. игра, партия; тур игры13. n пулька14. n схватка, раунд15. n воен. выстрел; патронround of ammunition — патрон, комплект выстрела
16. n взрывa round of cheers — несмолкаемые аплодисменты, овация
17. n круглая ступенькаround dots — круглые растровые элементы; растровые точки
round form — круглая печатная форма, круглый стереотип
18. n реакт. снаряд19. n горн. комплект шпуровto go the round of — циркулировать ; переходить из уст в уста
20. a круглый; шарообразный, сферический21. a полный, пухлый, с округлыми формами22. a круговойround game — игра в карты, в которой каждый играет за себя
23. a грубый, приблизительный24. a целый, без дробей25. a эмоц. -усил. целый; не меньше чемa round ton — целая тонна, не меньше тонны
26. a большой, крупный, значительный27. a быстрый, энергичный28. a мягкий, густой, звучный, глубокий29. a приятный, нетерпкий30. a свободный, лёгкий, гладкий, плавный31. a закруглённый; законченный32. a законченный, отделанный33. a изображённый всесторонне, со всем правдоподобием; полнокровныйпрямой, откровенный; искренний; резкий
round unvarnished tale — неприкрашенная история;
34. a фон. лабиализованный35. a наполненный36. a потрошёный37. adv движение по кругу, спирали или на вращение кругомto go round and round — вертеться, кружиться
to hand smth. round — передавать по кругу
38. adv движение кружным путём, в обход, кругом; часто передаётся глагольными приставкамиgetting round — обходящий; двигающийся; обход
39. adv указывает на нахождение рядом, по соседству40. adv в окружности, в обхватеthe town walls are 3,000 yards round — стены города имеют 3000 ярдов в окружности
41. adv измерение площади по радиусу в радиусе42. v округлять, делать круглым43. v округляться; полнетьthe little green apples grew and rounded and yellowed — небольшие зелёные яблоки созрели, налились и пожелтели
round out — закруглять, округлять, делать круглым
44. v фон. лабиализовать45. v надуваться, раздуваться, наполняться46. v завершать, заканчивать; закругляться47. v развиваться, превращаться в48. v заканчиваться, завершаться49. v огибать, обходить кругомto round mark — обходить знак «буй»
50. v разг. доносить51. v разг. разг. обойти, обвести, обманутьgot round — обошел; двигался; приходить в себя
52. v разг. подрезать уши53. v разг. редк. повёртывать54. v разг. редк. повёртыватьсяhe rounded to look at me — он повернулся, чтобы посмотреть на меня
55. v разг. мор. приводить к ветру56. prep движение по кривой поthey did not sail across the bay, but went round it — они поплыли не прямо через залив, а вдоль берега
57. prep вокруг, кругом58. prep разг. по соседству, рядом, в окрестности около59. prep протекание действия по всему району, по всей территории вокруг; по60. prep около61. prep по поводу62. v арх. говорить таинственным шёпотомСинонимический ряд:1. circular (adj.) annular; circular; cylindrical; globular; hooplike; orbed; ring-shaped; spherical2. complete (adj.) accomplished; complete; entire; finished; full; good; perfect; sonorous; unbroken; whole3. curved (adj.) arced; arched; arciform; arrondi; bent; bowed; curved; curvilinear; looped; rounded4. open (adj.) candid; fair; frank; honest; open; plain; straight-forward; upright5. outspoken (adj.) free; free-spoken; outspoken; vocal6. resonant (adj.) consonant; fat; mellow; orotund; plangent; resonant; resounding; ringing; sonorant; vibrant7. rotund (adj.) chubby; plump; plumpish; plumpy; podgy; puddy; pudgy; roly-poly; rotund; roundabout; spuddy; tubby; zaftig8. beat (noun) beat; circuit; province; route9. cartridge (noun) cartridge; charge; load10. circle (noun) ball; circle; globe; orb; ring; rondure; sphere11. course (noun) bout; course; game; period; wheel12. curve (noun) arc; arch; bend; bow; crook; curvation; curvature; curve13. revolution (noun) circulation; circumvolution; gyration; gyre; revolution; revolve; rotation; turn; whirl14. run (noun) chain; run; series; string; succession; train15. rung (noun) crosspiece; cross-piece; rundle; rung; tread16. schedule (noun) routine; schedule17. tour (noun) cycle; orbit; round trip; roundabout; tour18. ball (verb) ball; conglobate; conglobe; ensphere; sphere19. bow (verb) bend; bow; crook; curve20. polish (verb) perfect; polish; refine; sleek; slick; smooth21. surround (verb) begird; beset; circle; compass; encircle; encompass; environ; gird; girdle; hem; loop; ring; surround22. about (other) about; again; back; backward; in reverse; round about23. nearly (other) all but; almost; approximately; as good as; just about; more or less; most; much; nearly; nigh; practically; roughly; roundly; rudely; say; some; somewhere; well-nigh24. throughout (other) all over; around; everyplace; everywhere; over; through; throughoutАнтонимический ряд:lean; rectangular; square; thin -
8 full round
1) Военный термин: (charge) выстрел с полным зарядом2) Пищевая промышленность: цельное бедро3) Оружейное производство: выстрел с полным зарядом -
9 projectile
additional propulsion (cannon) projectile — активно-реактивный снаряд, АРС
laser terminal homing (artillery) projectile — самонаводящийся снаряд с лазерной системой наведения на конечном участке траектории
multilayer (body) wall fragmentation projectile — осколочный снаряд с многослойными стенками корпуса
ready-element scattering (fragmentation) projectile — снаряд, разбрасывающий готовые поражающие элементы
reconnaissance device(s) carrying projectile — снаряд для доставки разведывательных приборов (к цели)
— bomblet-dispensing artillery projectile— contact fuzed projectile— fragmentation projectile— guided cannon projectile— gyroscope stabilized projectile— mass-filled projectile— neutron warhead projectile— noncontact fuzed projectile— nuclear-armed projectile— special purpose projectile -
10 hole
1. скважина, ствол скважины || бурить скважину2. отверстие; дыра || просверливать, делать отверстие3. шурф, выработка малого сечения || закладывать шпуры4. проушина— big hole— bug hole— dib hole— dry hole— end hole— hole in— key hole— pin hole— rat hole— top hole— up hole— wet hole
* * *
1. скважина2. отверстие— dry hole— wet hole
* * *
* * *
1. отверстие; перфорация
* * *
1) скважина; буровая скважина; ствол скважины2) шпур || закладывать шпур3) отверстие ()•hole full of oil — скважина заполнена нефтью;
hole full of salt water — ствол, заполненный солёной водой;
hole full of sulfur water — ствол, заполненный водой, содержащей сероводород;
hole full of water — скважина заполнена водой;
hole gone to water — нефтяная скважина, из которой стала поступать только вода;
to cut a hole — бурить скважину;
to drill a hole — бурить скважину;
to flush a hole — промывать ствол скважины;
to hole in — забуривать скважину;
to keep the hole of gage — поддерживать диаметр ствола скважины близким к номинальному;
to line the hole — крепить скважину обсадной колонны;
to make a hole — бурить скважину; давать проходку, вести проходку;
to open a hole — разбуривать башмак обсадной колонны;
to ream hole — расширять ствол скважины;
to seal a hole — закрывать скважину;
to wash a hole — промывать ствол скважины;
- air holewent back in a hole — вновь спущенный в скважину;
- angled hole
- angled snubbing hole
- angular hole
- auger hole
- bare hole
- barren hole
- bell hole
- bench hole
- big hole
- blank hole
- blast hole
- bleed hole
- blind hole
- bore hole
- bottom hole
- branch hole
- bridged hole
- bug hole
- bung hole
- cable-tool hole
- cased hole
- caved hole
- cave-obstructed hole
- casing hole
- caving hole
- center hole
- charge hole
- churn-drill hole
- circulating hole
- clean hole
- collared hole
- conductor hole
- consolidation hole
- core hole
- cover hole
- crooked hole
- curtain hole
- curved hole
- curving hole
- cushion hole
- dead-end hole
- deadman hole
- deep hole
- definition hole
- deviating hole
- deviated hole
- dia hole
- diamond drilling hole
- dib hole
- dip hole
- directional hole
- discharge hole
- discovery hole
- dog-leg hole
- down hole
- downward sloping hole
- drain hole
- drain branch hole
- drill hole
- drilled hole
- dry hole
- dry hole drilled deeper
- dry hole reentered
- easier hole
- electron beam hole
- elliptical cross-section hole
- elongated cross-section hole
- empty hole
- end hole
- escape hole
- exit hole
- exploration drill hole
- exploratory hole
- favorable-size hole
- filled hole
- filler hole
- filling hole
- flat hole
- fluid-filled hole
- flushing hole
- follow-up hole
- freeze hole
- full-gage hole
- full-gage branch hole
- gage hole
- gas-escape hole
- gas-filled hole
- geophone hole
- gone-off hole
- grout hole
- guide hole
- hammer-drill hole
- high-angle hole
- high-pressure hole
- horizontal hole
- horizontally branched hole
- inclined hole
- in-gage hole
- injected hole
- inspection hole
- intentionally deviated hole
- intermediate hole
- investigation hole
- jet hole
- junked hole
- kelly hole
- kelly rat hole
- key hole
- key seated hole
- large-size hole
- limber hole
- line hole
- lined hole
- liquid-filled hole
- long hole
- lost hole
- lubrication hole
- main hole
- meteorite hole
- mining hole
- misdirected hole
- monitoring hole
- mouse hole
- multiple shot holes
- naked hole
- near gage hole
- observation hole
- offshore hole
- old hole
- open hole
- open-end hole
- original hole
- outlet hole
- out-of-gage hole
- oval-shaped hole
- oversized hole
- parent hole
- pattern holes
- percussion hole
- percussion test hole
- perforated hole
- pilot hole
- pin hole
- plug hole
- pointed-out hole
- post hole
- powder hole
- probe hole
- production hole
- prospecting hole
- protection hole
- province hole
- proving hole
- rat hole
- record hole
- relief hole
- rifled hole
- ring holes
- roof hole
- rough hole
- round hole
- rugose hole
- rust hole
- scout hole
- screen hole
- security hole
- short hole
- shot hole
- shot-drill hole
- shot-open hole
- shrinkage hole
- side hole
- side water hole
- sight hole
- slab hole
- slant hole
- slim hole
- small hole
- small diameter hole
- snake hole
- spiral hole
- spudded-in hole
- sticky hole
- straight hole
- stratigraphic hole
- sump hole
- surface hole
- tapped hole
- tapping hole
- test hole
- thief hole
- threaded hole
- through hole
- tight hole
- top hole
- uncased hole
- undergage hole
- undersized hole
- unfair hole
- up hole
- upward hole
- upward pointing hole
- velocity-test hole
- vertical hole
- vug hole
- washout hole
- water hole
- water-filled hole
- weep hole
- well drill hole
- wet hole
- woodpecker hole* * *• проушина -
11 ammunition
боеприпас(ы); инж. подрывные средства, ВВ и средства взрывания; боекомплект; мор. боезапас; разг. снаряды; см. тж. munition— air craft ammunition— area-target ammunition— binary chemical ammunition— chemical agent ammunition— fixed type ammunition— scatterable ammunition -
12 method
1) метод; приём; способ2) методика3) технология4) система•- accelerated strength testing method-
benching method-
bullhead well control method-
electrical-surveying method-
electromagnetic surveying method-
long-wire transmitter method-
operational method-
rule of thumb method-
straight flange method of rolling beams-
symbolical method-
tee-test method-
testing method-
triangulation method-
value-iteration method -
13 be
I [biː] гл., прош. вр. 1 л., 3 л. ед. was, 2 л. ед., мн. were, прич. прош. вр. been1) быть; быть живым, жить; существоватьI think, therefore I am. — Я мыслю, следовательно, существую.
Tyrants and sycophants have been and are. — Тираны и подхалимы были и есть.
So much that was not is beginning to be. — Так много из того, чего раньше не было, появляется.
Content to be and to be well. — Он доволен, что жив, и что у него всё неплохо.
Syn:2) происходить, случаться, иметь местоBe it as it may. — Будь как будет.
The flower-show was last week. — На прошлой неделе была выставка цветов.
Syn:I'm sorry, Mr Baker is not at home; can I take a message? — Мистера Бейкера нет дома, что-нибудь передать ему?
Your book is here, under the table. — Да вот твоя книжка, под столом.
You shall be beside me in the church. — Ты будешь стоять рядом со мной в церкви.
The bank is between the shoe shop and the post office. — Банк расположен между почтой и обувным магазином.
The valley where we live is beyond the mountains. — Долина, в которой мы живём, расположена за этими горами.
Is Mary down yet? Her eggs are getting cold. — Разве Мэри ещё не спустилась (к завтраку)? Её яичница остывает.
We must try to be away by 8 o'clock. — Нужно попытаться к 8 часам уже уйти.
There's nobody about, you'd better come back later. — Сейчас никого нет, может быть, вам лучше зайти попозже?
Jim is about somewhere, if you'd like to wait. — Джим где-то поблизости, вы можете подождать.
There's a branch above you - can you reach it? — Над тобой ветка, достанешь до неё?
The captain of a ship is above a seaman. — Звание капитана корабля выше звания матроса.
Jim was abreast of the leading runner for a few minutes but then fell behind. — Сначала Джим бежал наравне с лидером, но потом отстал.
When all your toys are away, I will read you a story. — Я почитаю тебе сказку, если ты уберёшь на место все игрушки.
The hotel is on the upper floors, and the shops are below. — Гостиница расположена на верхних этажах, а магазин - ниже.
The home of a rabbit is usually beneath the ground. — Кролики обычно роют свои норки в земле.
Long skirts will be back next year. — В следующем году в моде снова будут длинные юбки.
So many children are away this week with colds. — На этой неделе многие дети отсутствуют по болезни.
When I returned from the police station, the jewels were back in their box; the thieves must have got frightened and replaced them. — Когда я вернулась домой из полиции, драгоценности снова были в шкатулке. Должно быть, воры испугались и положили их обратно.
Your letters are behind the clock, where I always put them. — Твои письма за часами; там, куда я всегда кладу их.
4) находиться в (каком-л.) состоянии; обладать (каким-л.) качествомto be afraid — страшиться, бояться, трусить; опасаться
to be amazed / astonished — изумляться, удивляться
to be frightened / startled — пугаться
to be indignant — негодовать, возмущаться; обижаться, сердиться
to be slow / tardy — медлить, мешкать; опаздывать, запаздывать; отставать
to be stuffed — объедаться, переедать
to be remorseful — раскаиваться; сокрушаться; каяться, сожалеть
to be in a hurry — спешить, торопиться
to be lenient — попустительствовать, потакать, потворствовать
to be mistaken — заблуждаться, ошибаться
to be at an end — заканчиваться, подходить к концу
My patience is at an end, I can listen to her complaints no longer. — Моё терпение лопнуло, я больше не могу слушать её жалобы.
It's quite dark, it must be after 10 o'clock. — Уже довольно темно, сейчас, должно быть, около 10 часов.
Proposals that have been under deliberation. — Предложения, которые рассматривались.
5) ( have been) побывать (где-л.)Where have you been? I've just been about the town. — Где ты был? Гулял по городу.
Syn:6) оставаться, пребывать (в каком-л. состоянии); не меняться, продолжать быть, как раньшеLet things be. — Пусть всё будет как есть.
Syn:7) иметь место ( о совокупности условий), являтьсяBeing they are Church-men, we may rather suspect... — Имея в виду, что они священники, можно подозревать…
8) принадлежать (кому-л.), относиться ( к чему-л); сопровождать, сопутствоватьWell is him that hath (= has) found prudence. — Благо тому, кто стал благоразумен.
Good fortune be with you. — Пусть удача сопутствует тебе.
Syn:9) (there + личная форма от be) иметься, наличествоватьThere is some cheese in the fridge. — В холодильнике есть немного сыра.
There are many problems with her essay. — С её эссе много проблем.
а) означать, значить; быть эквивалентным чему-л.To fall was to die. — Упасть означало умереть.
I'll tell you what it is, you must leave. — Я тебе скажу, в чём дело - тебе уходить пора.
State is me. — Государство это я.
Let thinking be reasoning. — Будем считать, что думать значит размышлять.
б) занимать место в ряду; характеризоваться признакамиOnly by being man can we know man. — Только будучи людьми мы можем познать человека.
He was of Memphis. — Он был из Мемфиса.
в) иметь значение, быть значимымIs it nothing to you? —Это ничего для тебя не значит?
11) (if … were / was to do smth.) если бы … имело место ( сослагательное наклонение)If I were to propose, would you accept? — Если бы я сделал тебе предложение, ты бы согласилась?
12) (be to do smth.) быть обязанным сделать (что-л.; выражает долженствование)The president is to arrive at 9.30. — Президент должен приехать в 9.30.
You are not to leave before I say so. — Ты не должен уходить, пока я тебе не разрешу.
I was this morning to buy silk for a nightcap. — Тем утром мне нужно было сходить купить шёлка на ночной колпак.
He is to go home. — Он должен пойти домой.
13) (be + about to do smth.) собираться (сделать что-л.)He is about to go. — Он собирается уходить.
The water is about to boil. — Вода вот-вот закипит.
Syn:14) ( be about) делать, исполнять; заниматься (чем-л.)What are you about? I'm about my business. — Чем вы сейчас занимаетесь? У меня свой бизнес.
15) ( be above) быть безупречным, вне подозрений, выше критикиHer action during the fire was above reproach. — Её поведение во время пожара было безупречным.
The chairman's decision is not above criticism. — С решением председателя можно поспорить.
16) ( be after)а) преследовать (кого-л.)Why is the dog running so fast? He's after rabbits. — Почему собака так быстро бежит? Она гонится за кроликом.
Quick, hide me, the police are after me! — Спрячь меня скорее, за мной гонится полиция.
б) стараться получить (что-л.)Jim is after another job. — Джим хочет устроиться на другую работу.
Don't marry him, he's only after your money. — Не выходи за него замуж, ему нужны только твои деньги.
She's been after me for a year to buy her a new coat. — Она целый год приставала ко мне, чтобы ей купили новое пальто.
в) разг. журить, бранить; ругатьShe's always after the children for one thing or another. — Она всегда за что-нибудь ругает детей.
17) ( be against)а) противостоять (кому-л. / чему-л.)Driving without seat belts may soon be against the law. — Вести машину непристёгнутым скоро может стать нарушением правил.
Father was against (his daughter) marrying young. — Отец был против того, чтобы дочь выходила замуж в юном возрасте.
б) противоречить (чему-л.)Lying is against my principles. — Ложь противоречит моим жизненным принципам.
18) ( be along) приходитьJim will be along (to the meeting) in a minute. — Через минуту-другую Джим придёт.
19) ( be at)а) разг. настроиться на (что-л.)Syn:drive 1. 16)б) разг. ругать (кого-л.), нападать на (кого-л.), приставать к (кому-л.)в) осуществлять активно (что-л.), посвятить себя (чему-л.)Jim has been at his work for hours. — Джим часами сидит за работой.
г) разг. быть популярным, быть моднымYou must get your clothes in the King's Road, that's where it's at. — Ты можешь отвезти свою одежду на Кинг Роуд, там её оценят по достоинству.
д) трогать (что-л.) чужое; рыться в (чем-л.)Syn:meddle 2)е) атаковать (кого-л.)Our men are ready, sir, all armed and eager to be at the enemy. — Солдаты находятся в боевой готовности, сэр, они все вооружены и жаждут броситься в бой.
ж) приводить к (чему-л.), заканчиваться (чем-л.)What would he be at? - At her, if she's at leisure. — Ну и чего он достигнет? - Будет рядом с ней, если ей захочется.
20) ( be before) обвиняться, предстать перед (судом, законом)Peter has been before the court again on a charge of driving while drunk. — Питер снова предстал перед судом за то, что находился за рулём в нетрезвом состоянии.
Syn:21) ( be behind) служить причиной, крыться за (чем-л.), стоять за (чем-л.)What's behind his offer? — Интересно, что заставило его сделать такое предложение?
22) ( be below)а) быть ниже (нормы, стандартных требований)I'm disappointed in your work; it is below your usual standard. — Я неприятно удивлён результатами вашей работы, обычно вы справляетесь с заданием гораздо лучше.
б) быть ниже по званию, чинуA captain is below a major. — Капитан по званию ниже, чем майор.
By joining the army late, he found that he was below many men much younger than himself. — Довольно поздно вступив на военную службу, он обнаружил, что многие из тех, кто младше его по возрасту, старше по званию.
23) ( be beneath) быть позорным для (кого-л.); быть ниже (чьго-л.) достоинстваCheating at cards is beneath me. — Я считаю ниже своего достоинства жульничать при игре в карты.
I should have thought it was beneath you to consider such an offer. — Я должен был догадаться, что вы сочтёте недостойным рассматривать подобные предложения.
24) ( be beyond)а) выходить за пределы возможного или ожидаемого; не подлежать (чему-л.), выходить за рамки (чего-л.)to be beyond a joke — переставать быть забавным; становиться слишком серьёзным
Your continual lateness is now beyond a joke; if you're not on time tomorrow, you will be dismissed. — Ваши постоянные опоздания уже перестали быть просто шуткой; если вы и завтра не придёте вовремя, мы вынуждены будем вас уволить.
Your rudeness is beyond endurance - kindly leave my house! — Ваша грубость становится невыносимой, я бы попросил вас покинуть мой дом!
The soldier's brave deed was beyond the call of duty. — Храбрый поступок солдата превосходил обычное представление о долге.
Calling spirits from the dead proved to be beyond the magician's powers. — Вызывать духов умерших людей оказалось за пределами возможностей чародея.
I'm afraid this old piano is now beyond repair so we'd better get rid of it. — Боюсь, что это старое пианино не подлежит ремонту, и лучше было бы избавиться от него.
б) превзойти (что-л.)The amount of money that I won was beyond all my hopes. — Сумма выигрыша была намного больше того, о чём я мог хотя бы мечтать.
в) = be beyond one's ken быть слишком сложным для (кого-л.); быть выше (чьего-л.) пониманияI'm afraid this book's beyond me; have you an easier one? — Мне кажется, что эта книга слишком сложная для меня; у вас нет чего-нибудь попроще?
It's beyond me which house to choose, they're both so nice! — Я решительно не знаю, какой дом выбрать. Они оба такие красивые!
The details of different kinds of life insurance are quite beyond my ken, so I have to take the advice of professionals. — Вопросы особенностей и различных видов медицинского страхования слишком трудны для моего понимания. Лучше я обращусь к помощи специалистов.
Syn:get 1. 28)25) ( be for) поддерживать (кого-л. / что-л.) ; быть "за" (что-л.), защищать (что-л.)I'm for it. — Я за, я поддерживаю.
You are for the chairman's plan, aren't you? Yes, I'm all for it. — Вы одобряете план, предложенный председателем, не так ли? Да, мне он нравится.
No, I'm for keeping the old methods. — Нет, я приверженец старых методов.
Syn:26) ( be into) разг. быть заинтересованным в (чём-л.)She doesn't eat meat now, she's really into health food. — Она не ест мяса и увлекается здоровой пищей.
27) ( be off)а) не посещать (работу, учёбу); закончить (работу, выполнение обязанностей)Jane was off school all last week with her cold. — Джейн всю прошлую неделю не ходила в школу по болезни.
в) не хотеть, не быть заинтересованным; перестать интересоватьсяJane has been off her food since she caught a cold. — С тех пор, как Джейн простудилась, ей не хотелось есть.
I've been off that kind of music for some time now. — Некоторое время мне не хотелось слушать такую музыку.
28) ( be (up)on)Mother has been on that medicine for months, and it doesn't seem to do her any good. — Мама принимает это лекарство уже несколько месяцев, и кажется, что оно ей совсем не помогает.
I've been on this treatment for some weeks and I must say I do feel better. — Я уже несколько недель принимаю это лекарство и, должен сказать, чувствую себя лучше.
б) делать ставку на (кого-л. / что-л.)My money's on Sam, is yours? — Я поставил на Сэма, а ты?
Our money's on Northern Dancer to win the third race. — Мы поставили на то, что Северный Танцор выиграет в третьем забеге.
Syn:в) разг. быть оплаченным (кем-л.)Put your money away, this meal is on me. — Убери деньги, я заплачу за обед.
29) ( be onto)а) связаться с (кем-л.; особенно по телефону)I've been onto the director, but he says he can't help. — Я разговаривал с директором, но он говорит, что не может помочь.
б) разг. постоянно просить (кого-л.) о (чём-л.)She's been onto me to buy her a new coat for a year. — Она постоянно в течение года просила меня купить ей новое пальто.
в) разг. открывать, обнаруживать (что-л.)Don't think I haven't been onto your little plan for some time. — Не думай, что я не знал какое-то время о твоём плане.
The police are onto us, we'd better hide. — Полиция знает о нас, уж лучше мы спрячемся.
30) ( be over) тратить много времени на (что-л.); долго заниматься (чем-л.), долго сидеть над (чем-л.)Don't be all night over finishing your book. — Не сиди всю ночь напролёт, заканчивая свою книгу.
31) ( be past) быть трудным (для понимания, совершения)It's past me what he means! — Я совершенно не понимаю, что он имеет в виду.
I'll save this book till the children are older; it's a little past them at the moment. — Я приберегу эту книгу до тех пор, пока дети немного повзрослеют. Сейчас она слишком сложна для них.
The old man felt that he was now past going out every day, so he asked some young people to do his shopping. — Пожилой человек почувствовал, что ему становится трудно выходить на улицу каждый день, и он попросил молодых людей покупать ему продукты.
Syn:get 1. 28)32) ( be under)а) подчиняться (кому-л.)The whole army is under the general's command. — Вся армия находится под командованием генерала.
б) лечиться (у какого-л. врача)Jane has been under that doctor for three years. — Джейн в течение трёх лет лечилась у этого врача.
в) чувствовать влияние, находиться под влиянием (чего-л.)When Jim came home singing and shouting, we knew that he was under the influence of drink. — Когда Джим с криками и пением пришёл домой, мы поняли, что он был пьян.
33) ( be with)а) разг. поддерживать (кого-л.)We're with you all the way in your fight for equal rights. — Мы от всей души поддерживаем вас в борьбе за равноправие.
б) разг. понимать и любить (что-л. современное); одобрятьI'm not with these new fashions, I find them ugly. — Я не понимаю нынешних течений в моде. По-моему, это просто ужасно.
в) понимать объяснения (кого-л.)34) ( be within) принадлежать, являться частью (чего-л.)I can answer your question if it's within my competence. — Я могу ответить на ваш вопрос, если это входит в сферу моей компетенции.
35) ( be without) не хватать, недоставатьMany homes in Britain were without electricity during parts of the winter. — Временами зимой во многих домах Великобритании отключали электричество.
•- be about- be around
- be away
- be behind
- be below
- be down
- be in
- be inside
- be off
- be on
- be out
- be over
- be round
- be through
- be up••to be down in the dumps / mouth — быть в плохом настроении / нездоровым; быть не в форме
to be in accord / harmony with smb. — иметь хорошие отношения с (кем-л.); иметь одинаковые вкусы, мнения с (кем-л.)
to be out in force / large numbers / strength — присутствовать, дежурить на улицах в большом количестве
- have been and gone and done- be above one's head
- be above oneself
- be abreast of
- be all eyes
- be at a dead end
- be at a loss
- be at attention
- be at each other's throats
- be at ease
- be at it
- be at loggerheads
- be at pains
- be behind bars
- be behind the times
- be beneath contempt
- be beneath smb.'s dignity
- be beneath smb.'s notice
- be beside oneself
- be beyond question
- be beyond redemption
- be down for the count
- be down on one's luck
- be hard up for
- be hip to
- be in at the finish
- be in charge
- be in collision with
- be in for smth.
- be in line with
- be in on the ground floor
- be in the chair
- be in the money
- be in the way
- be on full time
- be on the make
- be on the point
- be onto a good thing
- be over and done with
- be ahead
- be amiss II [biː] вспомогательный глагол; прош. вр. 1 л., 3 л. ед. was, 2 л. ед., мн. were, прич. прош. вр. beenHe was talking of you. — Он говорил о тебе.
A man who is being listened to. — Человек, которого сейчас слушают.
2) в сочетании с причастием настоящего времени или инфинитивом выражает будущее действиеShe is visiting there next week. — Она приедет сюда на следующей неделе.
He is to see me today. — Он сегодня придёт меня повидать.
The date was fixed. — Дата была зафиксирована.
His book will be published. — Его книга будет опубликована.
The political aspect of the subject has not been approached. — Политический аспект проблемы до сих пор не рассматривался.
4) уст. с причастием прошедшего времени передаёт перфектное значение для непереходных глаголовTherefore I am returned. — И поэтому я вернулся.
His parents were grown old. — Его родители состарились.
14 engine
двигатель (внутреннего сгорания); машина; мотор- engine analyzer - engine and gearbox unit - engine area - engine assembly - engine assembly shop - engine bonnet - engine braking force - engine breathing - engine-building - engine capacity - engine cleansing agents - engine column - engine component - engine conk - engine control - engine-cooling - engine-cooling thermometer - engine cowl flap - engine cross-drive casing - engine cutoff - engine cycle - engine data - engine deck - engine department - engine details - engine diagnostic connector - engine-driven air compressor - engine-driven industrial shop truck - engine dry weight - engine efficiency - engine failure - engine fan pulley - engine flameout - engine flywheel - engine for different fuels - engine frame - engine front - engine front area - engine front support bracket - engine fuel - engine gearbox - engine-gearbox unit - engine-generator - engine-governed speed - engine governor - engine gum - engine hatch - engine hoist - engine hood - engine house - engine idles rough - engine in situ - engine installation - engine is smooth - engine is tractable - engine knock - engine lacquer - engine life - engine lifetime pecypc - engine lifting bracket - engine lifting fixture - engine lifting hook - engine location - engine lubrication system - engine lug - engine management - engine management system - engine map - engine misfires - engine model - engine motoring - engine mount - engine-mounted - engine mounted longitudinally - engine mounted transversally - engine mounting - engine-mounting bracket - engine nameplate - engine noise - engine number - engine off - engine oil - engine oil capacity - engine oil filler cap - engine oil filling cap - engine oil tank - engine on - engine operating temperature - engine out of work - engine output - engine overhaul - engine pan - engine peak speed - engine performance - engine picks up - engine pings - engine piston - engine plant - engine power - engine pressure - engine primer - engine rating - engine rear support - engine reconditioning - engine renovation - engine repair stand - engine retarder - engine revolution counter - engine rig test - engine room - engine roughness - engine rpm indicator - engine run-in - engine runs rough - engine runs roughly - engine shaft - engine shed - engine shield - engine shop - engine shorting-out - engine shutdown - engine sludge - engine snubber - engine speed - engine speed sensor - engine stability - engine stalls - engine start - engine starting system - engine starts per day - engine stroke - engine subframe - engine sump - engine sump well - engine support - engine temperature sensor - engine test stand - engine testing room - engine throttle - engine timing case - engine-to-cabin passthrough aperture - engine-transmission unit - engine torque - engine trends - engine trouble - engine tune-up - engine turning at peak revolution - engine under seat - engine unit - engine vacuum checking gauge - engine valve - engine varnish - engine vibration - engine wash - engine water inlet - engine water outlet - engine wear - engine weight - engine weight per horsepower - engine winterization system - engine with supercharger - engine wobble - engine works - engine yard - engine's flexibility - aero-engine - atmospheric engine - atmospheric steam engine - atomic engine - augmented engine - AV-1 engine - aviation engine - back-up engine - birotary engine - blast-injection diesel engine - blower-cooled engine - bored-out engine - boxer engine - bull engine - car engine - charge-cooled engine - crank engine - crankcase-scavenged engine - crude engine - crude-oil engine - diaphragm engine - diesel-electric engine - Diesel engine - Diesel engine with air cell - Diesel engine with antechamber - Diesel engine with direct injection - Diesel engine with mechanical injection - direct injection engine - divided-chamber engine - double-flow engine - double-overhead camshaft engine - drilling engine - driving engine - drop-valve engine - ducted-fan engine - duofuel engine - emergency engine - explosion engine - external combustion engine - external-internal combustion engine - F-head engine - failed engine - fan engine - federal engine - field engine - fire-engine - five-cylinder engine - fixed engine - flame engine - flat engine - flat-four engine - flat twin engine - flexibly mounted engine - forced-induction engine - four-cycle engine - four-cylinder engine - four-stroke engine - free-piston engine - free-piston gas generator engine - front-mounted engine - free-turbine engine - fuel-injection engine - full-load engine - gas engine - gas blowing engine - gas-power engine - gas-turbine engine - gasoline engine - geared engine - heat engine - heavy-duty engine - heavy-oil engine - high-by-pass-ratio turbofan engine - high-compression engine - high-efficiency engine - high-performance engine - high-power engine - high-speed engine - hoisting engine - hopped-up engine - horizontal engine - horizontally opposed engine - hot engine - hot-air engine - hot-bulb engine - hydrogen engine - I-head engine - in-line engine - inclined engine - indirect injection engine - individual-cylinder engine - industrial engine - inhibited engine - injection oil engine - injection-type engine - intercooled diesel engine - intermittent-cycle engine - internal combustion engine - inverted engine - inverted Vee-engine - jet engine - jet-propulsion engine - kerosene engine - knock test engine - L-head engine - launch engine - lean-burn engine - left-hand engine - lift engine - light engine - liquid-cooled engine - liquid propane engine - locomotive engine - longitudinal engine - long-stroke engine - low-compression engine - low-consumption engine - low-emission engine - low-performance engine - low-speed engine - marine engine - modular engine - monosoupape engine - motor engine - motor an engine round - motor-boat engine - motor-fire engine - motorcycle engine - motored engine - multibank engine - multicarburetor engine - multicrank engine - multicylinder engine - multifuel engine - multirow engine - naturally aspirated engine - non-compression engine - non-condensing engine - non-exhaust valve engine - non-poppet valve engine - non-reversible engine - nuclear engine - oil engine - oil-electric engine - oil well drilling engine - one-cylinder engine - operating engine - opposed engine - opposed cylinders engine - Otto engine - out-board engine - overcooled engine - overhead valve engine - oversquare engine - overstroke engine - pancake engine - paraffin engine - paraffine engine - petrol engine - Petter AV-1 Diesel engine - pilot engine - piston engine - piston blast engine - port engine - precombustion chamber engine - prime an engine - producer-gas engine - production engine - prototype engine - pumping engine - pushrod engine - quadruple-expansion engine - qual-cam engine - racing engine - radial engine - radial cylinder engine - radial second motion engine - railway engine - ram induction engine - ram-jet engine - reaction engine - rear-mounted engine - rebuilt engine - reciprocating engine - reciprocating piston engine - reconditioned engine - regenerative engine - regular engine - reheat engine - research-cylinder engine - reversible engine - reversing engine - right-hand engine - rocket engine - rotary engine - rough engine - row engine - run in an engine - scavenged gasoline engine - scavenging engine - sea-level engine - second-motion engine - self-ignition engine - semidiesel engine - series-wound engine - servo-engine - short-life engine - short-stroke engine - shorted-out engine - shunting engine - shunt-wound engine - side-by-side engine - side-valve engine - simple-expansion engine - single-acting engine - single-chamber rocket engine - single-cylinder engine - single-cylinder test engine - single-row engine - six-cylinder engine - skid engine - slanted engine - sleeve-valve engine - sleeveless engine - slide-valve engine - slope engine - slow-running engine - slow-speed engine - small-bore engine - small-displacement engine - solid-injection engine - spark-ignition engine - spark-ignition fuel-injection engine - split-compressor engine - square engine - square stroke engine - stalled engine - stand-by engine - start the engine cold - start the engine light - start the engine warm- hot- starting engine - static engine - stationary engine - steam engine - steering engine - Stirling engine - straight-eight engine - straight-line engine - straight-type engine - stratified charge engine - stripped engine - submersible engine - suction gas engine - supercharged engine - supercompression engine - supplementary engine - swash-plate engine - switching engine - tandem engine - tank engine - thermal engine - three-cylinder engine - traction engine - triple-expansion engine - tractor engine - transversally-mounted engine - truck engine - trunk-piston Diesel engine - turbine engine - turbo-jet engine - turbo-charged engine - turbo-compound engine - turbo-prop engine - turbo-ramjet engine - turbo-supercharged engine - turbocharged-and-aftercooled engine - turbofan engine - turboprop engine - twin engine - twin cam engine - twin crankshaft engine - twin six engine - two-bank engine - two-cycle engine - two-cylinder engine - two-spool engine - two-stroke engine - unblown engine - uncooled engine - underfloor engine - undersquare engine - uniflow engine - unsupercharged engine - uprated engine - V-engine - V-type engine - valve-in-the-head engine - valveless engine - vaporizer engine - vaporizing-oil engine - variable compression engine - variable-stroke engine - variable valve-timing engine - vee engine - vertical engine - vertical turn engine - vertical vortex engine - W-type engine - Wankel engine - warm engine - waste-heat engine - water-cooled engine - winding engine - windshield wiper engine - woolly-type engine - worn engine - X-engine - Y-engine - yard engine -
15 plant
1) завод; фабрика; предприятие2) установка; агрегат3) электрическая станция, электростанция, ЭС (см. тж
station)4) энергоблок5) цех; отделение; мастерская6) установка сейсмоприёмника в грунте || устанавливать сейсмоприёмник в грунт•-
absorption plant
absorption refrigerating plant
accumulator plant
acetylene compressing plant
acid recovery acid restoring plant
acid recovery plant
adsorption plant
aerodrome accumulator plant
agglomeration plant
air separation plant
air-cooled refrigerating plant
aircraft development plant
aircraft manufacturing plant
aircraft overhaul plant
aircraft plant
aircraft washing plant
air-storage gas turbine plant
air-storage power plant
alkylation plant
arc-furnace plant
arc-welding plant
asphalt plant
assembly plant
atomic marine plant
atomic power plant
automatic flour handling plant
auto-shredding plant
auxiliary gas turbine power plant
back-pressure heat generation plant
bakery plant
baling plant
basic arc-furnace plant
basic slag-grinding plant
batching plant
batch-weighing plant
Bessemer plant
biogas producing plant
blackout plant
blast-furnace plant
blending plant
bob-tail plant
boiler plant
bow-type plant
box plant
bread-making plant
breaking plant
brick-making plant
brine refrigerating plant
bulk plant
butter-making plant
by-product coke plant
by-product recovery plant
by-products plant
can-making plant
canning plant
captive plant
car assembly plant
carbon dioxide refrigerating plant
carbon plant
car-repair plant
casinghead gasoline plant
casting plant
CDQ plant
cell plant
centralized photovoltaic power plant
central-mixing plant
centrifugal refrigerating plant
centrifuge isotope separation plant
charge preparation plant
cheese-making plant
chemical desalting plant
chemical separation plant
circulation degassing plant
clarification plant
clay-drying plant
closed-cycle cryogenic plant
coal gasification-gas cleaning plant
coal-cleaning plant
coal-conveying plant
coal-fired plant
coal-injection plant
coal-liquefaction plant
coal-preparation plant
coal-pulverizing plant
coal-reduction plant
coal-to-methanol plant
coal-washing plant
cogeneration plant
coke dry-quenching plant
coke-handling plant
coke-pitch plant
coke-quenching plant
coking plant
combination topping and cracking plant
combined heat power plant
combined photovoltaic-deolian electric plant
combined-cycle plant
combined-cycle steam plant
combiner plant
compressor plant
concentration plant
concrete product plant
concrete-mixing plant
concreting plant
condensate liquid recovery plant
condensate purification plant
condensing plant
confectionary producing plant
confectionary plant
constant-head plant
contactor centrifuge acid treating plant
continuous-casting plant
conventional power plant
converter plant
cooling plant
copper-smelting plant
countercurrent ion exchange plant
CR plant
crushing plant
cryogenic freezing plant
cryogenic power generation plant
crystal drawing plant
cutting and shearing plant
cycle-degassing plant
cycling plant
deaerating plant
degreasing plant
dendro-thermal power plant
desalting plant
desinfection plant
detinning plant
dewatering plant
diesel engine power plant
direct-expansion refrigerating plant
disposal plant
distilling plant
district-heating plant
diversion plant
double-strand plant
drainage pumping plant
drop-hammer plant
dry-process plant
dual-purpose turbine plant
dust extraction plant
dust handling plant
earth-freezing plant
earth-moving plant
EBM plant
EBR plant
ECM plant
edible fat plant
EDR plant
effluent treatment plant
eight-strand plant
ejector refrigerating plant
electric pig-iron plant
electric power plant
electrical propulsion plant
electricity distribution plant
electrochemical machining plant
electrodialysis plant
electrodialysis reversal plant
electrolytic tinning plant
electron-beam-melting plant
electron-beam-refining plant
electrostatic precipitation desalting plant
engineering plant
evaporation plant
extraction plant
extra-terrestrial power plant
fabric-dipping plant
feed milling
fermentation plant
filter plant
finishing plant
fish processing plant
fission power plant
fixed plant
fixed-head power plant
flexible manufacturing plant
flexing generating plant
floating nuclear power plant
floating pile-driving plant
floating power plant
flotation plant
flour milling plant
folding carton plant
food concentrate plant
force ventilation plant
formcoke plant
fossil-fuel plant
fractional horsepower refrigerating plant
fractional ton refrigerating plant
fragmentation plant
freezing plant
fruit-and-vegetable processing plant
fuel-pulverizing plant
full-fashioned sweater plant
full-scale plant
fume-cleaning plant
fume-extraction plant
furniture plant
fusion power plant
galvanizing plant
gas absorption plant
gas fire extinguishing plant
gas fractionation plant
gas liquids plant
gas plant
gas turbine power plant
gas turbine plant
gas-and-oil-buming power plant
gas-carburizing plant
gas-cleaning plant
gas-compressor plant
gaseous-diffusion plant
gas-fired plant
gas-generator plant
gasification-based combined cycle plant
gasifier-combined cycle plant
gasoline plant
gas-producer plant
gas-treating plant
gas-washing plant
generating plant
geothermal power plant
glass-manufacturing plant
glass-recycling plant
grading plant
graphite plant
graphite recovery plant
grease plant
hardening plant
H-cycle plant
heat power plant
heat pump plant
heat raising plant
heat-electric generating plant
heating and power plant
heating network plant
heating plant
heating-water converter plant
heavy-water plant
high-capacity refrigerating plant
high-head power plant
H-iron plant
hot dip filming plant
hot water peaking boiler plant
hybrid wind-photovoltaic plant
hydroelectric power plant
hydroelectric plant
hydroelectric pumped storage power plant
hydro-photovoltaic plant
ice plant
incinerator plant
indicator plant
industrial power plant
industrial steam plant
industrial waste treatment plant
industrial-scale plant
in-house printing plant
intake plant
integral coal gasification combined cycle plant
integrated steel plant
interlocking plant
intermediate solar plant
internal combustion power plant
ion-exchange plant
ion-exchange softening plant
iron powder plant
iron-ore pelletizing plant
isolated generating plant
isotope separation plant
jobbing plant
Kaldo-steelmaking plant
Kaldo plant
killing plant
laboratory-scale plant
ladle degassing plant
ladle-spraying plant
LD plant
LDAC oxygen-steelmaking plant
light plant
liquefied natural gas plant
liquefied petroleum gas plant
liquid freezing plant
liquor plant
loading plant
local plant
locomobile power plant
locomotive repair plant
loop plant
low-capacity refrigerating plant
low-head power plant
lube plant
machine tool plant
magnetohydrodynamic power plant
main propulsion machinery plant
marine reactor plant
marine refrigerating plant
meat packing plant
meat producing plant
mechanical air-conditioning plant
mechanical drive gas turbine plant
mechanical refrigerating plant
medium-head power plant
merchant-coke plant
metals-recovery plant
MHD power plant
midget power plant
milk plant
milling plant
mine-mouth power plant
mixed pumped-storage plant
mixing plant
mobile power plant
mold degassing plant
mold hydraulic cleaning plant
mortar-mixing plant
muck-shifting plant
mud-mixing plant
multiple-unit power plant
multipurpose sea-water desalination plant
multistrand plant
multiunit power plant
naphtha-treating plant
natural gasoline plant
natural gas-sweetening plant
noncondensing power plant
nonintegrated steel plant
nonterrestrial power plant
nuclear cogeneration plant
nuclear gas turbine plant
nuclear heating plant
nuclear power plant
nuclear steam power plant
oil shale retorting plant
oil-and-gas gathering plant
oil-burning power plant
oil-desulfurization plant
oil-extraction plant
oil-fired plant
oil-reclamation plant
oil-treating plant
on-line gas plant
open-coil annealing plant
open-cycle gas turbine plant
open-hearth plant
orbital power plant
orbital solar power plant
ore-bedding plant
ore-blending plant
ore-breaker plant
ore-conditioning plant
ore-dressing plant
ore-roasting plant
ore-washing plant
outdoor-type power plant
oxidizing plant
oxygen-converter plant
ozone plant
packaged power plant
packaged refrigerating plant
packing plant
paint varnish and lacquer plant
pallet conveyor mold-type plant
paperboard plant
peaking power plant
peaking boiler plant
peak-shaving liquefied natural gas plant
pellet plant
petroleum chemical plant
photovoltaic power plant
physical plant
pickling plant
pig-casting plant
pilot plant
plating plant
plywood manufacturing plant
polymerization plant
pontoon pile-driving plant
power plant
preserving plant
printing plant
process gas turbine plant
processing plant
Prolerizing plant
propulsion plant
public utility power plant
public-service power plant
pulverized-coal-fired plant
pulverizing plant
pump plant
pumped-storage plant
pumping plant
pumping-generating plant
quick-freezing plant
radiant freeze-drying plant
ready-mix plant
recovery plant
reforming plant
refrigerating plant
refuse-fired plant
regasifying plant
regenerative gas turbine plant
relift pumping plant
rendering plant
retreading plant
reverse osmosis plant
rolling plant
route interlocking plant
run-of-river plant
sack filling plant
salt plant
sand-preparing plant
satellite printing plant
scrap-shredding plant
screening plant
sea-water desalting plant
sedimentation plant
self-contained rail welding plant
self-contained refrigerating plant
self-sufficient plant
semiclosed-cycle gas turbine plant
semiunderground plant
separating plant
sewage disposal plant
simple-cycle gas turbine plant
simulated power plant
single-pool power plant
single-strand plant
single-unit plant
sinking plant
sintering plant
sizing plant
skimming plant
slab-producting plant
slag-expanding plant
slag-screening plant
slaughtering and meat processing plant
slaughtering plant
sludge filtration plant
small-size refrigerating plant
smoke extractor plant
soap plant
solar ice plant
solar plant
solar power plant
solar tower plant
solvent-extraction plant
split-shaft gas turbine plant
sputtering plant
stabilization plant
stand-alone solar power plant
standby plant
stationary gas turbine plant
stationary refrigerating plant
steam condensing plant
steam plant
steam power plant
steam-electric-turbine plant
steaming plant
steel continuous casting plant
steel plant
storage plant
stream degassing plant
stripping plant
sugar refining plant
sulfur recovery plant
sunken-type plant
superposed plant
supplementary fired combined cycle plant
supplementary heating plant
sweater knitting plant
tap-degassing plant
tar-boiling plant
tea plant
television plant
tertiary plant
thermal power plant
thermal plant
thermodynamic solar power plant
thermoelectric refrigerating plant
tidal power plant
tiger topping plant
tinning plant
tin-refining plant
tin-smelting plant
tonnage oxygen plant
top-blown oxygen vessel plant
topping plant
tower-type plant
train washing plant
transformer plant
trash-fired power plant
traveling pneumatic grain-discharging plant
treatment plant
tritium removal plant
turbine plant
turbo-refrigerating plant
two-axes focusing solar plant
two-shaft plant
ultrafiltration concentration plant
undercar power plant
underground nuclear power plant
underwater nuclear power plant
unit refrigerating plant
uranium enrichment plant
vacuum casting plant
vacuum degassing plant
vacuum dezincing plant
vacuum gas turbine plant
vacuum metallothermic plant
vacuum molding plant
vacuum-decarburization plant
variable-head power plant
variable-load power plant
vertical plant
vulcanizing plant
washing plant
waste disposal plant
waste-to-energy cogeneration plant
waste-to-energy plant
water demineralization plant
water softening plant
water treatment plant
water-cooling plant
waterpower plant
wave energy plant
wax plant
wet-process plant
wind-mill electric generating plant
wire-drawing plant
year-round air-conditioning plant
zero-discharge plant
zinc ore roasting plant
zinc-smelting plant -
16 have
1. [hæv] n1. pl имущиеthe haves and have-nots - богатые и бедные; имущие и неимущие (люди, классы, страны)
2. разг. обман, надувательство2. [hæv (полная форма); həv,əv,v́ (редуцированные формы)]v́ (had; 3-е л. ед. ч. наст. вр. has или арх. hath; арх. 2-е л. ед. ч. наст. вр. hast, арх. 2-е л. ед. ч. прош. вр. hadst, haddest)I1. иметьhe has (got) a family [a friend, a flat] - у него (есть) семья [друг, квартира]
I have many books [no money] - у меня много книг [нет денег]
all I have - всё, что у меня есть
to have shares in a company - быть держателем акций какой-л. компании
has the house a garden? - есть ли при (этом) доме сад?
the bag had no name on it - на сумке не было наклейки /бирки/ с фамилией
have you time to come with me? - у вас есть время (чтобы) пойти со мной?
do you have much time for reading? - у тебя остаётся много времени для чтения?
I have no words to express... - у меня не хватает слов, чтобы выразить...
I have nothing to do - мне нечего делать /нечем заняться/
I had my work to do - мне надо было (ещё) сделать работу; у меня ещё была работа
to have smb. on one's side - иметь поддержку с чьей-л. стороны
to have and to hold - юр. передаётся в собственность и владение ( в документах о передаче имущества)
2. обладать, иметьto have much [little] in common with smb. - иметь много [мало] общего с кем-л.
he has blue eyes [a bad memory] - у него синие глаза [плохая память]
he has (got) an ear for music [a fine taste, perfect health] - у него хороший (музыкальный) слух [прекрасный вкус, великолепное здоровье]
she had faith in him - она верила ему /в него/
these strawberries have a beautiful flavour - у этой клубники чудесный аромат
3. состоять из; иметь в качестве составной или неотъемлемой части4. 1) получатьhe had a letter [a telegram, a parcel] - он получил письмо [телеграмму, посылку]
they had no news of him - они не получали о нём известий, они ничего не слышали о нём
let me have your order as soon as possible - пришлите мне ваш заказ как можно скорее
2) приобретатьit is to be had at the chemist's - это можно получить /купить/ в аптеке
you may have it for five pounds - вы можете получить /купить/ это за пять фунтов
I'll let you have it for five pounds - я отдам /уступлю/ это за пять фунтов
which book will you have? - какую книгу вы хотите /возьмёте/?
3) узнаватьthey had it from your neighbour [from his own mouth] - они узнали это /получили сообщение об этом/ от вашего соседа [от него самого]
4) добиватьсяthere is nothing to be had here - здесь ничего не добьёшься /не получишь/
5) зарабатыватьhe has ten thousand pounds a year - он получает /зарабатывает/ десять тысяч фунтов (стерлингов) в год
5. находиться; иметься6. происходить, случатьсяwe had an earthquake last month - в прошлом месяце у нас было землетрясение
we have had much rain [fine weather] this year - у нас в этом году было много дождей [стояла прекрасная погода]
7. знать; уметьhe has small Latin and less Greek - он плохо знает латынь и ещё хуже греческий
8. разг. усваивать, понимать; найти решениеI have it! - придумал /нашёл/!
you have me? - вы меня поняли?; вам ясно?
9. взять в жёны или мужья10. 1) принимать (кого-л. в качестве гостя и т. п.)to have smb. (in) to dinner - пригласить кого-л. (к себе) на обед
we are having them down for the weekend /over the Sunday/ - мы пригласили их на выходные /провести с нами выходные/
we would rather stay with you, if you will have us - мы хотели бы остановиться у вас, если вы согласны (нас принять)
2) взять, принять (в друзья, в ученики и т. п.)would you like to have such a man for a friend? - вы бы хотели видеть /считать/ такого человека своим другом?
11. разг.1) одолеть, взять верх, победить (тж. have it)mind he doesn't have you! - смотри, чтобы он тебя не одолел!
he had you completely in the first round - в первом же раунде он победил вас
that's where I shall have him! - вот чем я его возьму!, тут-то я его обойду!, тут-то он и попадётся!
the ❝ayes❞have it - голосовавшие «за» оказались в большинстве
2) обмануть, обойти, перехитритьI'm afraid you have been had - боюсь, что вас обманули /провели/
12. сл. обладатьII А1. проводить ( время)have a good time /some fun/! - желаю тебе повеселиться /приятно провести время/!
they have had a somewhat agitating day - этот день прошёл для них в волнении, они пережили очень много волнений в этот день
she has had a bad night - она плохо спала в эту ночь; ночью ей было плохо
2. принимать (пищу и т. п.); есть, питьdo you have tea or coffee for breakfast? - вы за завтраком пьёте чай или кофе?
what will you have? - что вы будете пить /есть/?
will you have another cup of tea? - не выпьете ли вы ещё чашку чаю?
what can you let me have? - что у вас найдётся поесть?, что вы можете мне предложить? (в ресторане, кафе и т. п.)
I'll have ice cream and coffee - мне, пожалуйста, мороженое и кофе ( обращение к официанту)
have a cigar? - хотите сигару?
he had had two children by her [by a previous marriage] - у него от неё [от прежнего брака] двое детей
4. держать (кого-л. в своей власти и т. п.)5. переживать (события и т. п.)she had an odd experience - с ней произошёл /приключился/ странный случай
be didn't have any trouble in finding the book - он нашёл книгу без (всякого) труда
6. ощущать, испытывать ( боль); переносить ( заболевание)she has a headache [toothache, a sore throat] - у неё болит голова [зуб, горло]
he has measles [typhus] - у него корь [тиф], он болен корью [тифом]
7. проявлять, испытывать (чувства и т. п.)to have pity [compassion] for smb. - проявлять жалость [сострадание] к кому-л.
have no fear! - не бойтесь!, не бойся!
has she really the cheek to ask for more money? - неужели у неё хватило нахальства просить ещё денег?
please have the goodness /kindness/ to ring him up - будьте столь любезны, позвоните ему
he had the kindness to assent... - он любезно согласился..., он был так любезен, что согласился...
8. быть наделённым (властью, правом и т. п.)he has (got) authority [privilege] - он пользуется авторитетом [привилегией]
he has charge of... - а) он заботится о...; б) в его ведении находится...
to have responsibility for smth. - а) нести ответственность за что-л.; б) быть виноватым в чём-л.
9. приводить (к какому-л. результату); оказывать ( воздействие)this policy had the desired effect - эта политика привела к желаемым результатам
10. иметь (представление, мнение, право и т. п.)have you any idea where he lives? - не знаете ли вы, где он живёт?
I have no idea where he may be at present - я не имею ни малейшего представления (о том), где он сейчас может быть
he has an opinion... - он считает...
II Б1. to have smb. (to) do /doing/ smth. заставить кого-л. сделать что-л.; устроить или сделать так, чтобы кто-л. сделал что-л.I will have him come - я заставлю его прийти, я сделаю так /распоряжусь/, чтобы он пришёл
we ought to have the doctor examine her - нам следовало бы показать её врачу
she had us all guessing what her next move would be - мы все старались угадать, что она сделает /как она поступит/ дальше
I would have you to know... - я хотел бы поставить вас в известность..., я бы хотел, чтобы вы знали...
will you have me to help you? - вы хотите, чтобы я вам помог?
2. to have smth. done1) (выражает действие, совершённое по инициативе или побуждению какого-л. лица) велеть, приказать сделать что-л. для себяthe town council has had ten houses built - городской совет построил десять домов
2) (выражает действие, совершённое помимо воли или желания какого-л. лица и направленное на него или на какой-л. предмет) подвергнуться какому-л. действиюthree houses had their windows shattered - в трёх домах разбились /вылетели/ стёкла
3. to have smth. в сочетании с прилагательным или наречиемto have smb. up - заставить кого-л. подняться (наверх) [ср. тж. have up]
let's have her down - пусть она сойдёт /спустится/ к нам
can we have our ball back, please? - отдайте нам, пожалуйста, мяч
2) быть в определённом состоянии4. to have to do with smb., smth. иметь отношение к кому-л., чему-л.this has nothing to do with you - к вам это никакого отношения не имеет, вас это (никак) не касается
I advise you to have nothing to do with that man - я вам советую не иметь никаких дел с этим человеком
5. to have smth. about /on/ one иметь что-л. при себе, с собойhe hadn't any money [papers] about /on/ him - у него не было при себе /с собой/ денег [документов]
have you the time on you? - у вас есть при себе часы?
6. to have smth. against smb. иметь что-л. против кого-л.what have you against it [him]? - что вы имеете против этого [него]?
I have nothing against it [him] - я не имею ничего против этого [него]
7. to have smth. on smb. знать о ком-л. что-л. плохое, дурноеhe has (got) nothing on me - он обо мне ничего дурного не знает; у него нет никаких улик против меня
8. to have smb., smth. on smb. напускать кого-л., что-л. на кого-л.; науськиватьto have the law [the police] on smb. - подать в суд [заявить в полицию] на кого-л.
9. to have at smb. налетать, напускаться на кого-л.(let us) have at him - за ним (в погоню)!
to have a go /a shy, a shot, a bash, a stab/ at smth., smb. - сделать попытку (сделать что-л.); пробовать что-л., пробовать силы на чём-л., на ком-л.
10. one had better /best/ do smth. лучше бы вам /тебе, ему и т. п./ сделать что-л., вы бы /ты бы, он бы и т. п./ лучше...you had better ask him about it - лучше бы тебе /вам/ спросить его об этом
you had better say it at once - будет гораздо лучше, если вы сразу скажете об этом
11. one had rather do smth. than... я /ты, он и т. п./ бы предпочёл, сделать что-л., чем...I had rather do it myself - я предпочёл бы сделать это сам, я лучше сделал бы это сам
12. one had as soon /уст. as lief/ do smth. я /ты, он и т. п./ бы скорее предпочёл сделать что-л.13. 1) one won't /can't/ have smth. ( done) не допускать чего-л., не терпеть чего-л.let us have no nonsense! - давайте без глупостей!
2) one won't /can't/ have smb. do /doing/ smth. не позволить, кому-л. делать что-л.I won't have you say /saying/ such things - я не допущу, чтобы вы говорили подобные вещи
14. to have it that... говорить, утверждать, что...; гласитьthe newspapers have it that... - газеты утверждают, что...
he will have it that... - он считает /настаивает на том/, что...
rumour has it that... - ходят слухи, что...
III Аone has to do smth. - я /ты, он и т. п./ должен сделать что-л.
he has (got) to help us - ему придётся нам помочь, он должен нам помочь
the money has to be paid - эти деньги придётся заплатить /нужно уплатить, должны быть выплачены/
you don't have to apologize - можете не извиняться, совершенно не нужно извиняться
2. в сочетании с существительным означает единичный акт или кратковременное действие, соответствующее значению существительногоto have a swim [a shave, a wash, a walk, a dance, a smoke] - поплавать [побриться, помыться, погулять, потанцевать, покурить]
let me have a look [a try] - дайте мне взглянуть [попробовать]
to have a bath [a shower] - принять ванну [душ]
to have a word with smb. - поговорить с кем-л.
3. have got см. get II, III А 1III Б1. вспомогательный глагол, служит для образования форм перфекта1):he has read this book - он прочёл /читал/ эту книгу
how long have they known each other? - как давно они знакомы /знают друг друга/?
you ought to have done it - вам следовало /надлежало/ это сделать
it's silly not to have gone after having accepted the invitation - глупо было не ходить, раз вы приняли приглашение
you haven't swept the room. - I have! - ты не подметал пол. - Нет, подметал!
he hasn't been to England before, has he? - он (ведь) раньше /прежде/ не бывал в Англии, не так ли?
you've forgotten your gloves. - So I have! - вы забыли перчатки. - Действительно!
2) эмоц.-усил. ( выделяется интонационно):well, you have grown! - как ты вырос!, ну и вырос же ты!
had I seen him?! - видел ли я его?!, ну конечно же, я его видел!
she has frequently dreamt about the past, has Joan! - Джоан очень, очень часто вспоминала о прошлом
3) ( в условных предложениях):had one... - если бы я /ты, он и т. п./...
had they searched more closely, they would have found what they wanted - если бы они искали (по)внимательнее, они бы нашли то, что им было нужно
2. вспомогательный глагол, служит для образования эмоц.-усил. конструкций и альтернативных вопросов вне перфекта:she had a good time, had Mary! - и здорово же провела Мэри время!
he had a sister, hadn't he? - у него ведь была сестра, не так ли?
to have it - получить удар, понести наказание
I've had it! Let's stop and rest - всё, больше не могу! Надо передохнуть
he decided that he had had it and quit the stage - он решил, что с него довольно /хватит/, и ушёл со сцены
let him have it! - а) покажи ему!, задай ему взбучку!; б) скажи ему откровенно, что ты о нём думаешь!
to let smb. have it in the face - дать кому-л. по физиономии
he has had it - а) теперь ему конец /крышка/; теперь он пропал; б) он безнадёжно отстал
to have it away /off/ with smb. - сл. иметь половые сношения с кем-л., «трахаться»
have it your own way - делай /поступай/ как хочешь /как знаешь/
and there you have... - и вот каков...
there you have the man - вот какой он человек, вот полюбуйтесь на него
have done! - перестань!, хватит!
and what have you - и так далее, и всё в таком роде
pens, pencils and what have you - ручки, карандаши и всё такое прочее /и так далее/
he had one on me - он меня надул /обошёл/
17 time
1) время || измерять [определять\] время; отмечать время; хронометрировать2) период [интервал\] времени4) срок; длительность, продолжительность5) темп; такт6) хронировать; синхронизировать; осуществлять привязку по времени7) регулировать взаимное положение фаз периодических процессов•time on — время включения; продолжительность пребывания во включенном состоянии;time to failure — наработка на отказ;time to repair — 1. наработка до ремонта 2. время ремонта-
absolute time
acceleration time
acceptance time
access time
acquisition time
action time
active repair time
actual airborne time
actual time
actuation time
addition time
add time
addressing time
administrative time
advance time
ageing time
aging time
air cutting time
air time
alignment time
annealing time
apparent time
arcing time
arc time
arrestment time
arrival time
assembly time
astronomical time
atomic time
attack time
attenuation time
average time
averaging time
backup time
baking time
base transit time
basin lag time
batch-free time
block-to-block time
blowing time
braking time
break contact release time
bridging time
bubble penetration time
bubble waiting time
build up time
burning time
burn-off time
burst time
caging time
calendar time
capture time
carbonizing time
carrier transit time
cell production time
chambering time
changeover time
characteristic time
charge time
check-in time
chill time
chock-to-chock time
civil time
clear time
clearing time
clipping time
closing time
compilation time
computer time
conditioning time
contact time
continuous recording time
continuous time
conversion time
cooking time
cool time
critical time
cumulative cutting time
cumulative operating time
cure time
current impulse time
current time
current-rise time
cutoff time
cutting time
cutting-in time
cycle time
damping time
data-hold time
daylight saving time
dead time
debatable time
debugging time
debug time
decay time
deceleration time
definite minimum inverse operating time
definite operating time
deionization time
delay time
departure time
detention time
development time
discharge time
disconnection time
discrete time
divide time
door-to-door time
down time
drift-transit time
drift time
drive time
dropout time
dust-free time
dwelling time
dwell time
early finish time
early start time
effective time
elapsed time
emptying time
engine ground test time
engine operating time
engine run-in time
engineering time
entry time
ephemeris time
erase time
error-free running time
estimated elapsed time
estimated time of checkpoint
execution time
exposure time
extinction time
fall time
fast time
fault clearing time
fault time
fetch time
firing time
first copy-out time
flash-off time
flight block time
flight dual instruction time
flight duty time
flight time
flooding time
floor-to-floor time
flotation time
flushing time
flyover time
forepumping time
forge time
freezing time
fuel-doubling time
fueling time
fuel-residence time
full operating time
fusing time
gate-controlled delay time
gate-controlled rise time
gate-controlled turn-on time
gate-controlled-turn-off time
gating time
generation time
Greenwich mean time
gross-coking time
ground operating time
group delay time
guard time
gyro erection time
handling time
heat time
high-water time
holding time
hold time
hold-off time
idle running time
idle time
ignition time
impulse front time
impulse tail time
incidental time
ineffective time
initial setting time
in-pile time
installation time
instruction time
instrument flight time
interaction time
interarrival time
interpulse time
interrupting time
intrinsic time
ionization time
keeping time
lag time of flow
lag time
landing gear extension time
latency time
lead time
leading-edge time
life time
local time
lockage time
locking time
low-water time
machine time
maintenance time
make contact operating time
make contact release time
make time
make-break time
manipulation time
Markov's time
Markov time
maximum permissible short-circuit clearing time
mean time between failures
mean time between power failures
melting time
mill delay time
mill pacing time
mixing time
modal transit time
monolayer time
moving time
multiplication time
near-real time
Newtonian time
no-load running time
nonreal time
normally-closed contact release time
nuclear time
nucleation time
object time
observation time
off time
off-stream time
on time
on-stream time
opening time
operating time
operator's time
optimized contact time
orbit phasing time
outage time
output voltage setup time
overall cycle time
paralysis time
partial operating time
particle residence time
peak-load time
periodic time
pickup time
plasma time
playing time
poison override time
predetermined time
preroll time
preset time
press down time
pressure resistance time
prestrike time
production pitch time
productive time
program fetch time
program testing time
propagation delay time
propagation time
proper time
pulling-out time
pull-out time
pull-in time
pull-up time
pulse fall time
pulse rise time
pulse time
ramp time
reaction time
read time
readiness time
reading readout time
reading time
real time
recession time
reclosing dead time
reclosing time
recovery time
reference time
release time
remaining life time
repair time
reset time
residence time
response time
restoration time
retention time
retrace time
retrieval time
reverberation time
reversal time
rewind time
rig time
rig total operating time
rig-down time
rig-up time
rise time
rolling time
roughing time
round-trip time
route-setting time
run time
run-down time
running time
running-down time
running-in time
run-up time
scheduled departure time
screen time
search time
seed-free time
seek time
selection time
self-extinction time
service time
serviceable time
servicing time
set time
setting time
settling time
setup time
shelf time
shipping time
ship time
shot time
sidereal time
signal modulation time
signal transit time
simulated time
sludging time
snubbing time
soaking time
solar time
sowing time
specified time
spending time
spray-on time
stabilization time
standard time
standing time
starting time
start time
station time
stay-down time
stock-descent time
stop time
stopping time
storage time
subtraction time
subtract time
succession time
summer time
sweep time
switchgear operating time
switching time
switchover time
tack-free time
takedown time
tap-to-tap time
task time
thermal death time
throughput time
time of arrival
time of coincidence
time of delivery
time of fall
time of flight
time of persistence
time of swing
tool-in-cut time
track time
traffic release time
trailing-edge time
trailing time
transfer time
transient time
transit time
transition time
translating time
transmission time
traveling time
travel time
trigger time
trip time
troubleshooting time
true time
turnaround time
turn-off time
turn-on time
turnover time
turnround time
unit time
universal time
up time
useful time
vehicle-off-the-road time
viewing time
waiting time
wait time
waiting-on-cement time
warm-up time
wavefront time
wavetail time
write time
Zebra time
zero time
zonal time
Zulu time -
18 gain
1) усиление || усиливать2) коэффициент усиления; коэффициент передачи3) выигрыш; увеличение || выигрывать; увеличивать4) коэффициент усиления антенны ( в данном направлении); максимальный коэффициент усиления антенны•gain per pass — кв. эл усиление за проход
- gain of antennagain per transit — кв. эл усиление за проход
- absolute gain of antenna
- acoustoelectric gain
- active element pattern gain
- amplifier gain
- antenna field gain
- antenna power gain
- antenna receive gain
- antenna transmit gain
- available gain
- available power gain
- backward gain
- Bayes gain
- Bayesian gain
- bridging gain
- charge gain
- closed-loop gain
- collector-to-base current gain
- collector-to-emitter current gain
- common-base gain
- common-drain gain
- common-emitter gain
- common-gate gain
- common-mode gain
- common-source gain
- completely matched power gain
- conversion gain
- correlation gain
- current gain
- differential gain
- directional gain
- directive gain
- direct-sequence process gain
- diversity gain
- double-channel gain
- efficiency gain
- expected gain
- feedback network gain
- forward gain
- full beam gain
- grounded-base current gain
- grounded-base power gain
- grounded-base voltage gain
- grounded-collector current gain
- grounded-collector voltage gain
- grounded-emitter current gain
- grounded-emitter power gain
- grounded-emitter voltage gain
- incremental gain
- input gain
- insertion gain
- internal loop gain
- inverse gain
- isotropic gain of antenna
- large-signal power gain
- laser gain
- level-dependent gain
- logarithmic gain
- loop gain
- low-level current gain
- low-signal current gain
- luminous gain
- matched power gain
- net gain
- neutralized stable gain
- nonreciprocal gain
- obstacle gain
- off-axis gain
- on-axis gain
- one-pass gain
- open-circuit voltage gain
- open-loop gain
- optical gain
- optimum gain
- output gain
- parametric gain
- partial gain of antenna
- partial realized gain of antenna
- photoconductivity gain
- power gain
- process gain
- processing gain
- radiant gain
- realized gain
- reciprocal gain
- relative gain of antenna
- relative partial gain of antenna
- reverse gain
- ride gain
- round-trip gain
- saturated gain
- screen gain
- servo loop gain
- single-channel gain
- single-pass gain
- small-signal gain
- spectral-conversion luminous gain
- spectral-conversion radiant gain
- spectral luminous gain
- spectral radiant gain
- speed gain
- threshold gain
- total gain of antenna
- transducer gain
- transmission gain
- turn-off thyristor gain
- turn-on thyristor gain
- unilateral gain
- unsaturated gain
- voltage gain -
19 gain
1) усиление || усиливать2) коэффициент усиления; коэффициент передачи3) выигрыш; увеличение || выигрывать; увеличивать4) коэффициент усиления антенны ( в данном направлении); максимальный коэффициент усиления антенны•gain per pass — кв. эл. усиление за проход
- acoustoelectric gaingain per transit — кв. эл. усиление за проход
- active element pattern gain
- amplifier gain
- antenna field gain
- antenna power gain
- antenna receive gain
- antenna transmit gain
- available gain
- available power gain
- backward gain
- Bayes gain
- Bayesian gain
- bridging gain
- charge gain
- closed-loop gain
- collector-to-base current gain
- collector-to-emitter current gain
- common-base gain
- common-drain gain
- common-emitter gain
- common-gate gain
- common-mode gain
- common-source gain
- completely matched power gain
- conversion gain
- correlation gain
- current gain
- differential gain
- directional gain
- directive gain
- direct-sequence process gain
- diversity gain
- double-channel gain
- efficiency gain
- expected gain
- feedback network gain
- forward gain
- full beam gain
- gain of antenna
- gain per unit length
- grounded-base current gain
- grounded-base power gain
- grounded-base voltage gain
- grounded-collector current gain
- grounded-collector voltage gain
- grounded-emitter current gain
- grounded-emitter power gain
- grounded-emitter voltage gain
- incremental gain
- input gain
- insertion gain
- internal loop gain
- inverse gain
- isotropic gain of antenna
- large-signal power gain
- laser gain
- level-dependent gain
- logarithmic gain
- loop gain
- low-level current gain
- low-signal current gain
- luminous gain
- matched power gain
- net gain
- neutralized stable gain
- nonreciprocal gain
- obstacle gain
- off-axis gain
- on-axis gain
- one-pass gain
- open-circuit voltage gain
- open-loop gain
- optical gain
- optimum gain
- output gain
- parametric gain
- partial gain of antenna
- partial realized gain of antenna
- photoconductivity gain
- power gain
- process gain
- processing gain
- radiant gain
- realized gain
- reciprocal gain
- relative gain of antenna
- relative partial gain of antenna
- reverse gain
- ride gain
- round-trip gain
- saturated gain
- screen gain
- servo loop gain
- single-channel gain
- single-pass gain
- small-signal gain
- spectral luminous gain
- spectral radiant gain
- spectral-conversion luminous gain
- spectral-conversion radiant gain
- speed gain
- threshold gain
- total gain of antenna
- transducer gain
- transmission gain
- turn-off thyristor gain
- turn-on thyristor gain
- unilateral gain
- unsaturated gain
- voltage gainThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > gain
20 machine
станок; машина || обрабатывать на станкеto machine all over — обрабатывать ( изделие) кругом
to CNC machine — обрабатывать на станке с ЧПУ, обрабатывать на станке с ЧПУ типа CNC, обрабатывать изделие на станке с ЧПУ, обрабатывать изделие на станке с ЧПУ типа CNC
to fix a machine — налаживать станок; ремонтировать станок
to machine off — срезать; отрезать
to machine the feature — обрабатывать элемент, обрабатывать элемент изделия
to program the machine — программировать ( обработку) на станке
machine with sliding frame — станок с подвижной рамой, станок с перемещающейся рамой
- 2 m3 machinemachine with traveling table for shaping — станок с подвижным столом для раскроя по формату, станок с перемещающимся столом для раскроя по формату
- 3-axis NC machine
- 50-taper machine
- 630-mm-class machine
- 90º plate shearing machine
- 90º sheet shearing machine
- above resonance-balancing machine
- abrasion testing machine
- abrasive belt head machine
- abrasive belt-grinding machine
- abrasive cold-sawing machine
- abrasive cutting-off machine
- abrasive disk machine
- abrasive electrochemical machine
- abrasive metal-cutting machine
- abrasive wear-testing machine
- AC machine
- accounting machine
- acyclic machine
- adapting machine
- adaptive control machine
- adaptive controlled machine
- adding machine
- adjustable multiple-spindle drilling machine
- adjustable rail machine
- adjustable rail milling machine
- advanced technology machine
- air-drying machine
- airspace profiling machine
- align boring machine
- all-electric machine
- all-geared machine
- all-hydraulic machine
- all-purpose machine
- all-steel machine
- alterating impact testing machine
- alterating stress testing machine
- aluminum machine
- analog machine
- ancillary inspection machine
- angle straightening machine
- angle-bending machine
- angle-iron bending machine
- angle-iron shearing machine
- anthropomorphic machine
- arm tapping machine
- armoring machine
- articulating arm tapping machine
- artificial intelligence-driven machine
- AS/R machine
- aspheric diamond turning machine
- assembling machine
- assembly machine
- ATC machine
- ATC-equipped machine
- atomic X-ray machine
- attrition testing machine
- autochucking machine
- automatic arc welding machine
- automatic assembly machine
- automatic bar machine
- automatic buffing machine
- automatic chucking machine
- automatic chucking-and-turning machine
- automatic continuous drum milling machine
- automatic data processing machine
- automatic drill fluting machine
- automatic forging machine
- automatic gas-cutting machine
- automatic gas-welding machine
- automatic machine
- automatic metal forming machine
- automatic polishing machine
- automatic punching machine
- automatic screw machine
- automatic straightening and cutting machine
- automatic strip-straightening machine
- automatic tapping machine
- automatic toolchanger machine
- automatic toolchanging machine
- automatic turret machine
- axial fatigue machine
- axis-controlled machine
- axle turning machine
- balancing machine
- baling machine
- ball race grinding machine
- ball screw machine
- ball-grinding machine
- ball-hardness testing machine
- balling machine
- band cutoff machine
- band machine
- band metal shearing machine
- band-filing machine
- band-grinding machine
- banding machine
- band-polishing machine
- bandsaw blade grinding machine
- bandsaw machine
- bandsaw welding machine
- bandsaw-brazing machine
- bandsawing machine
- bandsaw-sharpening machine
- bar automatic turning machine
- bar feed machine
- bar feed turning machine
- bar machine
- bar-and-chucking machine
- bar-and-chucking turning machine
- bar-and-tube straightening machine
- bar-bending machine
- bar-chamfering machine
- bar-cutting machine
- bar-pointing machine
- bar-polishing machine
- barreling machine
- bar-shearing machine
- bar-skimming machine
- bar-straightening machine
- bar-tagging machine
- bar-type boring machine
- base-type milling machine
- basic machine
- batch-produced machine
- battery spot-welding machine
- beading machine
- bearing roller lapping machine
- bed-type configuration machine
- bed-type drilling machine
- bed-type machine
- bed-type milling machine
- below resonance balancing machine
- belt-driven machine
- belt-grinding machine
- belt-polishing machine
- bench-grinding machine
- bench-mounted machine
- bench-top machine
- bench-type machine
- bending and forming machine
- bending machine
- between-centers turning machine
- bevel gear hobbing machine for spiral bevel gears
- bevel gear hobbing machine for straight gears
- bevel gear lapping machine
- bevel gear making machine
- bevel gear testing machine
- bevel grinding machine
- beveling machine
- bidirectional broaching machine
- binding machine
- bipedal walking machine
- bitting machine
- blade-edging machine
- blade-grinding machine
- blanking machine
- blending machine
- blind spline broach machine
- blind spline broaching machine
- block-and-head broaching machine
- blocked machine
- blower machine
- blowing machine
- blow-ramming molding machine
- blue-print machine
- blue-printing machine
- bobbin machine
- bolt head forging machine
- bolting machine
- bolt-maker machine
- bolt-making machine
- bolt-pointing machine
- bolt-screwing machine
- bolt-threading machine
- bolt-upsetting machine
- bonded machine
- bore centerless grinding machine
- bore-sizing machine
- bore-slotting machine
- boring and milling machine
- boring machine
- boring/facing machine
- boring, drilling and milling machine
- boring, milling and drilling machine
- bottleneck machine
- box-column drilling machine
- bracket-drilling machine
- bracket-milling machine
- braiding machine
- brazing machine
- breaking machine
- bridge machine
- Bridgeport milling machine
- bridge-type milling machine
- Brinell's machine
- broach pulldown machine
- broach-and-center machine
- broach-grinding machine
- broaching tool sharpening machine
- broach-sharpening machine
- brushing machine
- buffing machine
- built-from-scratch machine
- bunching machine
- burn machine
- burning machine
- burnishing machine
- burr-cutting machine
- burring machine
- busy machine
- butt-seam welding machine
- butt-welding machine
- by-level broaching machine
- cabinet-based machine
- cable tension testing machine
- cable-making machine
- cable-stranding machine
- cam automatic screw machine
- cam machine
- cam-controlled machine
- cam-controlled screw machine
- cam-cutting machine
- cam-driven machine
- cam-driven screw machine
- cam-grinding machine
- cam-measuring machine
- cammed screw machine
- cam-milling machine
- cam-operated screw machine
- camshaft-grinding machine
- capable machine
- capacitor discharge spot-welding machine
- capacitor spot-welding machine
- capstan drive machine
- car wheel grinding machine
- carbide tool grinding machine
- carbide tool lapping machine
- carousel machine
- cast iron machine
- cast machine
- casting cleaning machine
- casting machine
- casting washing machine
- cavity sinking EDM machine
- cell machine
- center column rotary index machine
- center column rotary indexing machine
- center hole grinding machine
- center hole lapping machine
- center-drilling machine
- centerdrive machine
- centering and end facing machine
- centering and facing machine
- centering machine
- centerless bar turning machine
- centerless cylindrical grinding machine
- centerless grinding machine
- centerless lapping machine
- centerless polishing machine
- centerless turning machine
- center-type machine
- center-type turning machine
- centrifugal babbiting machine
- centrifugal casting machine
- centrifugal machine
- centrifugal sand-throwing machine
- ceramic-cutting machine
- chain broaching machine
- chain making machine
- chain shotblasting machine
- chain tension testing machine
- chain testing machine
- chain-operated broaching machine
- chamfering machine
- charge-discharge machine
- Charpy impact machine
- Charpy machine
- charting machine
- check balancing machine
- checking machine
- chip-making machine
- chip-producing machine
- chucker machine
- chucker-and-bar machine
- chucking machine
- circle cutting machine
- circuit board drilling machine
- circular cold sawing machine
- circular continuous milling machine
- circular cutoff machine
- circular dividing machine
- circular graduating machine
- circular grinding machine
- circular hot sawing machine
- circular saw blade grinding machine
- circular saw sharpening machine
- circular sawing machine
- circular seam-welding machine
- circumferential seam-welding machine
- cleaning machine
- closing machine
- CNC high-speed routing machine
- CNC machine
- CNC screw machine
- CNC Swiss-type screw machine
- CNC/CMM machine
- CNC-manual machine
- CNC-operated machine
- CNC-retrofitted machine
- CO2 laser cutting machine
- coil banding machine
- coil downending machine
- coiling machine
- coil-processing machine
- coil-strapping machine
- coil-stripping machine
- coil-winding machine
- coil-wrapping machine
- cold saw-cutting-off machine
- cold thread rolling machine
- cold upsetting machine
- cold-chamber die-casting machine
- cold-forging machine
- cold-forming machine
- cold-heading machine
- cold-sawing machine
- collecting machine
- column drilling machine
- column-and-knee-type machine
- column-and-knee-type milling machine
- combination jarring squeezing molding machine
- combined boring-and-honing machine
- combined curve-cutting and nibbling machine
- combined gear hobbing and gear shaping machine
- combined machine
- combined milling-turning machine
- combined planing-and-milling machine
- combined shearing machine
- combined surface planing and thicknessing machine
- combined vertical and horizontal broaching machine
- commercial machine
- commutator machine
- complementary machines
- component cleaning machine
- component insertion machine
- composite boring-and-honing machine
- compound machine
- compound table machine
- compound universal milling machine
- compressed air driven machine
- compressed gas machine
- compression-testing machine
- compression-type machine
- computer-controlled industrial machine
- computer-controlled machine
- computerized machine
- computing machine
- condenser spot-welding machine
- cone pulley machine
- conical rotor machine
- constant cycling machine
- container erecting-and-forming machine
- container-cleaning machine
- container-washing machine
- continuous chain broaching machine
- continuous drum milling machine
- continuous motion machine
- continuous motion orienting-and-tapping machine
- continuous path NC machine
- continuous path tape controlled machine
- continuous roll-forming machine
- continuous rotary milling machine
- continuous tapping machine
- continuous wire EDM machine
- continuous wire machine
- continuous-casting machine with bending discharge
- continuous-casting machine
- continuously running machine
- contour band machine
- contour production machine
- contour squeeze molding machine
- contouring band machine
- contouring machine
- contour-milling machine
- contour-shaping machine
- controlling machine
- conventional machine
- conventional manually-operated machine
- conventionally operated machine
- converted lathe-and-milling machine
- converted machine
- convertible planing machine
- conveying machine
- cooling machine
- coordinate boring machine
- coordinate boring-and-milling machine
- coordinate drilling machine
- coordinate drilling-boring-and-milling machine
- coordinate inspection machine
- coordinate measuring machine
- coping machine
- copy control machine
- copy grinding machine
- copying machine
- copy-milling machine
- copy-piercing machine
- copy-planing machine
- core blowing machine
- core jarring machine
- core shooting machine
- core wire straightening machine
- core-making machine
- corrosion-fatigue testing machine
- corrugating machine
- countersink machine
- countersinking machine
- coupling machine
- crack detection machine
- crankpin-turning machine
- crankshaft-balancing machine
- crankshaft-grinding machine
- crankshaft-lapping machine
- crankshaft-milling machine
- crankshaft-regrinding machine
- crank-shaping machine
- crank-slotting machine
- creasing machine
- creep feed grinding machine
- creep testing machine
- crimping machine
- crocodile shearing machine
- cropping machine
- cross roll-forging machine
- cross-wire welding machine
- crosswise veneer splicing machine
- crushing machine
- cupping machine
- curling machine
- curtain coating machine
- curve-cutting machine
- curved tooth bevel gear cutting machine
- curve-milling machine
- curvilinear slotting machine
- curving machine
- custom metalcutting machine
- custom-assembled machine
- custom-build machine
- customized machine
- cutoff band machine
- cutoff machine
- cutter inspection machine
- cutter-checking machine
- cutter-grinding machine
- cutter-relieving machine
- cutting machine with coordinate drive
- cutting machine
- cutting-off machine
- cylinder-boring machine
- cylinder-grinding machine
- cylinder-honing machine
- cylindrical coordinate-measuring machine
- cylindrical external grinding machine
- cylindrical gear hobbing machine
- cylindrical gear shaping machine
- cylindrical rotor machine
- cylindrical turning machine
- cylindrical-die thread-rolling machine
- data processing machine
- database machine
- DCC coordinate measuring machine
- De Levaud casting machine
- deburring machine
- decoiling machine
- dedicated proving machine
- dedicated special machine
- deencapsulation machine
- deep drawing machine
- deep hole boring machine
- deep hole drilling machine
- deep hole drilling/boring machine
- deep rolling machine
- defective machine
- degreasing machine
- descaling machine
- deseaming machine
- desktop machine
- destination machine
- detangling machine
- detwisting machine
- development machine
- dial machine
- dial-index machine
- dial-indexing machine
- dial-type machine
- dial-type transfer machine
- diamond die polishing machine
- diamond machine
- diamond pyramid hardness machine
- diamond-boring machine
- diamond-contouring machine
- diamond-honing machine
- diamond-impregnated wire cutting machine
- diamond-turning machine
- die head chaser grinding machine
- die-and-mold grinding machine
- die-casting machine
- die-filing machine
- die-grinding machine
- die-milling machine
- die-polishing machine
- die-ripping machine
- die-shaping machine
- die-sinking and hole-contouring machine
- die-sinking machine
- die-sinking milling machine
- die-sinking spark erosion machine
- die-stamping machine
- digging machine
- digitizing and scanning machine
- digitizing machine
- digitizing/cutting machine
- digitizing-metalcutting machine
- dimensional gaging machine
- direct computer controlled machine
- direct current commutator machine
- direct stress machine
- direct stress testing machine
- direct-drive machine
- discharge machine
- disk machine
- disk sanding machine
- disk-cutting machine
- disk-grinding machine
- disk-resurfacing machine
- dividing machine
- DMM machine
- DNC-controlled machine
- DNC-like machine
- DNC-supported machine
- double duplex milling machine
- double portal cutting machine
- double wheel lapping machine
- double-cantilever cutting machine
- double-column milling machine
- double-column planing machine
- double-column slideway grinding machine
- double-disk grinding machine
- double-end facing-and-centering machine
- double-end fine boring machine
- double-end grinding machine
- double-end machine
- double-end mill-and-centering machine
- double-end milling machine
- double-ended centering and end-facing machine
- double-ended centering machine
- double-ended drilling machine
- double-ended machine
- double-ended milling machine
- double-faced mill-and-centering machine
- double-fed asynchronous machine
- double-gantry milling machine
- double-head machine
- double-housing machine
- double-housing milling machine
- double-lap lapping and polishing machine
- double-punching machine
- double-ram vertical broaching machine
- double-roll forming machine
- double-shaping machine
- double-slide vertical broaching machine
- double-strand pig machine
- dovetailing machine
- dowel-insert machine
- down machine
- downstroking machine
- drafting machine
- draw machine
- drawing machine
- dream machine
- dressing machine
- drill and tap machine
- drill fluting machine
- drill machine
- drill press machine
- drill/tap machine
- drill-grinding machine
- drillhead-changing machine
- drilling machine
- drilling, milling and boring machine
- drilling-and-boring machine
- drilling-and-counterboring machine
- drilling-and-milling machine
- drilling-and-routing machine
- drilling-and-tapping machine
- drilling-and-threading machine
- drilling-tapping machine
- drill-layout machine
- drooping-characteristic machine
- drop-testing machine
- drum-type continuous milling machine
- drum-type milling machine
- dry cutting machine
- dry-floor machine
- drying machine
- dual co-axial spindle and subspindle turning machine
- dual controlled manual/CNC machine
- dual machine
- dual planing-and-milling machine
- dual-gantry machine
- dual-head machine
- dual-pallet machine
- dual-purpose machine
- dual-ram surface-broaching machine
- dual-station machine
- ductility testing machine
- dummy machine
- dumping molding machine
- duplex machine for rail ends
- duplex machine
- duplex multiple spindle machine
- duplex vertical broaching machine
- duplex-head milling machine
- duplex-manufacturing bed-type milling machine
- duplex-type of surface broaching machine
- duplicating machine
- duplicating milling machine
- dynamic balancing machine
- eager-beaver pulldown broaching machine
- earth-moving machine
- EB welding machine
- ECM machine
- economically priced machine
- ED grinding machine
- ED wire cutting machine
- ED-copying machine
- ED-cutting-off machine
- eddy current machine
- eddy current test machine
- edge-beveling machine
- edge-chamfering machine
- edge-cutting machine
- edge-knurling machine
- edge-milling machine
- edge-planing machine
- edge-trimming machine
- edging machine
- EDM diesinking machine
- EDM machine
- EDM texturing machine
- EDM wire machine
- EDM wire-cut machine
- ED-sinking machine
- educational machine
- efficiency testing machine
- eight-axis NC machine
- electric drive machine
- electric machine
- electric molding machine
- electrical discharge die-sinking and hole-contouring machine
- electrical discharge machine
- electrical discharge outcutting machine
- electrical discharge profiling machine
- electrically-operated machine
- electric-spark cutting machine
- electrochemical grinding machine
- electrode feeding machine
- electro-discharge drilling machine
- electro-discharge grinding machine
- electrolytic grinding machine
- electrolytic machine
- electrolytic tinning machine
- electrolytically assisted cutting-off machine
- electrolytically assisted machine
- electromagnetic molding machine
- electron beam drilling machine
- electron beam machine
- electron beam welding machine
- electronic data processing machine
- electroplating machine
- electrostatic stored-energy machine
- elevating beam boring machine
- elevating head milling machine
- elevating machine
- elevating rail machine
- elevator machine
- embossing machine
- encapsulating machine
- end preparation machine
- end-finishing machine
- end-finishing-centering machine
- end-grinding machine
- ending-and-centering machine
- end-turning machine
- endurance testing machine for repeated torsion
- endurance testing machine
- end-working machine
- energy machine
- energy transforming machine
- energy-intensive machine
- engraving form duplicating machine
- engraving machine
- engraving-type form duplicating machine
- Erichsen cupping machine
- Erichsen ductility machine
- eroding machine
- erosion machine
- etch machine
- etching machine
- exhibited machine
- expanding machine
- explosive force molding machine
- extended-travel machine
- extension machine
- external angular plunge grinding machine
- external broaching machine
- external cylindrical centerless grinding machine
- external grinding machine
- external honing machine
- extracting machine
- extruding machine
- extrusion machine
- face-grinding machine
- face-milling machine
- facing machine
- facing-and-centering machine
- facsimile machine
- failed machine
- falling weight testing machine
- fastener tapping-and-orienting machine
- fatigue bending machine
- fatigue testing machine for alternating torsion
- fatigue testing machine
- fault detection machine
- fax machine
- feedback machine
- field-tested machine
- file-cutting machine
- file-testing machine
- filing machine
- filing-and-sawing machine
- filling machine
- fine boring machine
- fine countersinking machine
- fine-blanking machine
- finish boring machine
- finishing machine
- finite memory machine
- finite state machine
- first-off machine
- fir-tree broachinng machine
- fir-tree milling machine
- five-side machine
- five-sided machine
- fixed beam machine
- fixed bed milling machine
- fixed bed-type milling machine
- fixed cycle machine
- fixed machine
- fixed post machine
- fixed sequence machine
- fixed weighing machine
- fixed-column machine
- fixed-table machine
- flame-cutting machine
- flame-profiling machine
- flanging machine
- flash butt-welding machine
- flat die thread-rolling machine
- flattening machine
- flexible assembly machine
- flexible machine
- flexible shaft filing machine
- flexible transfer machine
- flexing machine
- floor charging machine
- floor horizontal boring machine
- floor machine
- floor-type horizontal boring machine
- floor-type machine
- floor-type stripper machine
- flotation machine
- Floturn machine
- flowturning machine
- FLS machine
- fluid-actuated machine
- fluid-feed machine
- flute-grinding machine
- flute-milling machine
- fluting machine
- flying cutoff machine
- FM machine
- FMS machine
- FMS-capable machine
- foil butt-seam welding machine
- folding machine
- foot-operated welding machine
- forge rolling machine
- forging machine
- form cutter milling machine
- form-duplicating machine
- form-grinding machine
- forming machine
- form-milling machine
- form-testing machine
- foundry machine
- four-ball machine
- four-pallet machine
- four-roll bending machine
- four-roll forming machine
- four-roll sheet bending machine
- four-strand continuous casting machine
- friction disk sawing machine
- front-loading turning machine
- front-operated turning machine
- full-automatic turret screw machine
- furnace hoisting machine
- furnace-threading machine
- fusion cutting-off machine
- gaging machine
- gag-straightening machine
- galvanizing machine
- gang drilling machine
- gang slitting machine
- ganghead replaceable-type machine
- gangspindle drilling machine
- gang-tooled machine
- gang-type drilling machine
- gantry cutting machine
- gantry-loaded machine
- gantry-type machine
- gantry-type milling machine
- gantry-type plano-milling machine
- gas-cutting machine
- gear cutter grinding machine
- gear fine processing machine
- gear grinding and polishing machine
- gear lapping and polishing machine
- gear machine
- gear profile grinding machine
- gear tooth chamfering machine
- gear tooth grinding machine
- gear tooth inspection machine
- gear tooth rounding machine
- gear-burnishing machine
- gear-chamfering machine
- gear-checking machine
- gear-cutting machine
- gear-deburring machine
- geared head machine
- gear-finishing machine
- gear-grinding machine
- gear-hardening machine
- gear-hobbing machine for spur gears
- gear-hobbing machine
- gear-honing machine
- gear-lapping machine
- gear-making machine
- gear-manufacturing machine
- gear-measuring machine
- gear-milling machine
- gear-polishing machine
- gear-producing machine
- gear-rolling machine
- gear-shaping machine
- gear-shaving machine
- gear-sizing machine
- gear-testing machine
- general-purpose flat surface broaching machine
- general-purpose machine
- generating machine
- gilding machine
- gimbals head rolling machine
- gold rolling machine
- grading machine
- grinder-milling machine
- grinding machine for drill bits
- grinding machine with rotating column
- grinding machine
- grinding-and-lapping machine
- grinding-and-polishing machine
- grooving machine
- G-Tech machine
- Guillotine knife grinding machine for long knives
- Guillotine knife grinding machine
- gun-boring machine
- gun-drill machine
- gun-drilling machine
- gun-rifling machine
- gun-welding machine
- hacksawing machine
- half-NC machine
- hammer impact machine
- hammering machine
- hand-driven cutting machine
- hand-fed machine
- hand-held machine
- hand-load machine
- hand-milling machine
- hand-operated molding machine
- hand-operated press-molding machine
- hand-operated squeezing machine
- hard bearing balancing machine
- hard X-ray machine
- hardening machine
- hardness-testing machine
- hardwired NC machine
- Hazellet continuous strip casting machine
- head-changer machine
- head-changing machine
- heading machine
- headstock moving-type automatic screw machine
- head-to-head machines
- heating machine
- heavy machine
- heavy-duty machine
- heavy-hogging machine
- hexapod machine
- high-accuracy machine
- high-energy-rate forging machine
- high-energy-rate machine
- high-frequency ac welding machine
- high-frequency hardening machine
- highly accurate machine
- highly productive machine
- high-performance machine
- high-precision machine
- high-production machine
- high-productivity machine
- high-specification machine
- high-speed drafting machine
- high-speed machine
- high-speed spindle machine
- high-technology machine
- high-temperature fatigue testing machine
- high-velocity ram machine
- high-volume machine
- hinged roll-over machine
- hitch-feed cut-off machine
- HNC machine
- hob back-off machine
- hob tooth profile grinding machine
- hobbing machine
- hob-grinding machine
- hob-sharpening machine
- hoisting machine
- hole milling-and-reaming machine
- hole-making machine
- hole-punching machine
- hone machine
- honing machine
- honing-and-lapping machine
- horizontal arm measuring machine
- horizontal band machine
- horizontal bar machine
- horizontal boring machine
- horizontal broaching machine
- horizontal casting machine
- horizontal continuous broaching machine
- horizontal continuous drilling machine
- horizontal forging machine
- horizontal indexing machine
- horizontal internal broaching machine
- horizontal machine
- horizontal milling machine
- horizontal plate-bending machine
- horizontal punching machine
- horizontal ram machine
- horizontal shaping machine
- horizontal slotting machine
- horizontal spindle surface grinding machine
- horizontal square T-planer type milling machine
- horizontal-type machine
- horizontal-vertical milling machine
- hose-type sandblast tank machine
- host machine
- hot plate straightening machine
- hot-box core-making machine
- hot-chamber die-casting machine
- hot-heading machine
- hot-metal sawing machine
- hsc machine
- hybrid machine
- hydraulic axis machine
- hydraulic balancing machine
- hydraulic bloom shearing machine
- hydraulic core knockout machine
- hydraulic machine
- hydraulic molding machine
- hydraulic pipe testing machine
- hydraulic riveting machine
- hydraulic shearing machine
- hydraulic squeeze machine
- hydraulically-assisted machine
- hydraulically-driven machine
- hydraulically-powered machine
- hydraulic-assisted machine
- hydraulic-driven machine
- hydraulic-electric machine
- hydraulic-powered machine
- hydro-copying machine
- hydrostatic machine
- hydrostatic-extrusion machine
- imitation machine
- impact machine
- impact pendulum-type testing machine
- impact tension machine
- impact-test machine
- impact-testing machine
- impulse-cutting machine
- impulse-forming machine
- impulsive machine
- inclined tapping machine
- indentation machine
- index machine
- index milling machine
- indexer machine
- indexing chuck machine
- indexing drum milling machine
- indexing head machine
- indexing machine
- indexing turret machine
- induction hardening machine
- induction softening machine
- industrial machine
- informational machine
- ingot stripper machine
- ingot-planing machine
- ingot-scalping machine
- ingot-slicing machine
- injection-molding machine
- in-line machine
- in-line synchronous machine
- in-line transfer machine
- innovative machine
- inspection and measuring machine
- inspection machine
- integrated turning/milling machine
- intelligent machine
- intermittently manned machine
- internal broaching machine
- internal grinding machine
- internal grooving machine
- internal keyseating machine
- internal lapping machine
- internal planetary-type grinding machine
- internal thread grinding machine
- internal-and-external broaching machine
- internal-external inspection machine
- internal-part-transfer vertical broaching machine
- inverted vertical turning machine
- involute profile measuring machine
- ion beam machine
- iron shearing machine
- jar molding machine
- jar ramming machine
- jar ramming roll-over molding machine
- jarring machine
- jig milling machine
- jig-borer-class machine
- jig-boring machine
- jig-drilling machine
- jig-grinding machine
- jigless machine
- job-dedicated machine
- joggling machine
- jointed arm drilling machine
- jolt core-making machine
- jolt molding machine
- jolt pattern-draw molding machine
- jolt roll-over pattern-draw molding machine
- jolt squeeze molding machine
- journal-milling machine
- journal-turning machine
- Kenyon machine
- key machine
- key-and-slot milling machine
- key-bitting machine
- key-cutting machine
- key-duplicating machine
- keyseating and slot milling machine
- keyseating machine
- keyseating milling machine
- keyway-cutting machine
- keyway-milling machine
- keyway-seating machine
- keyway-slotting machine
- kneading machine
- knee-and-column machine
- knee-and-column milling machine
- knee-and-column-type milling machine
- kneeless-type milling machine
- knee-type machine
- knee-type milling machine
- knife-grinding machine
- knitting machine
- knurling machine
- labeling machine
- lamination segments blanking machine
- lapping and polishing machine
- lapping machine
- large-dimensioned machine
- large-scale machine
- large-size machine
- laser beam cutting machine
- laser beam machine
- laser die-sinking machine
- laser etch machine
- laser etching machine
- laser-assisted machine
- laser-controlled machine
- laser-cutting machine
- laser-hardening machine
- laser-scribing machine
- lathe machine
- laying-out machine
- lay-out machine
- lead screw tapping machine
- lead screw testing machine
- leakage-testing machine
- lens-grinding machine
- letter and paper cup machine
- leveling machine
- lever punching machine
- lever testing machine
- leverage proportioned tracing milling machine
- lever-type Brinell machine
- lifting machine
- light machine
- light production machine
- light-duty machine
- lightly manned machine
- light-weight machine
- limited-interference machine
- linear path-controlled machine
- linear station machine
- line-boring machine
- line-controlled machine
- live spindle machine
- lock-seaming machine
- long travel machine
- long-feed cut-off machine
- longitudinal circular cold sawing machine
- longitudinal dividing machine
- longitudinal grinding machine
- longitudinal seam-welding machine
- long-lasting machine
- long-running machine
- long-stroke broaching machine
- long-stroke machine
- long-term strength testing machine
- low-pressure die-casting machine
- machine of compact construction
- machine of dieing design
- machine of the state of the art
- machining machine
- magazine bar feed machine
- magnetic cobbing machine
- magnetic force welding machine
- magnetic forming machine
- maintenance-free machine
- manual machine
- manual-CNC machine
- manual-CNC turning machine
- manually controlled machine
- manually jogged machine
- manually tended machine
- manual-toolchange machine
- manufacturing bed-type milling machine
- manufacturing machine
- manufacturing milling machine
- manufacturing-oriented machine
- manufacturing-type machine
- marking machine
- marking-off machine
- marking-out machine
- mass centering machine
- mass-production machine
- master machine
- match-plate molding machine
- material testing machine
- material-cutting machine
- MDI-controlled machine
- measurement machine
- measuring machine
- mechanical drive machine
- mechanically driven machine
- medium duty machine
- medium travel machine
- mesh-welding machine
- metal slitting machine
- metal testing machine
- metal-cutting machine
- metal-folding machine
- metal-forming machine
- metal-planing machine
- metal-removing machine
- metal-sawing machine
- metal-working machine
- metamorphic machine
- metrology machine
- microcomputer-based NC machine
- microdrilling machine
- microfinishing machine
- micromilling machine
- microscopic drilling machine
- mill/turn machine
- mill-drill-bore machine
- milling cutter grinding machine
- milling machine with table of fixed height and with vertical spindle
- milling machine with table of variable height and with horizontal spindle
- milling machine with table of variable height
- milling machine
- milling/drilling machine
- milling/turning machine
- milling-and-boring machine
- milling-and-centering machine
- minicomputer-controlled machine
- minicoordinate boring machine
- minicoordinate drilling machine
- miter saw machine
- miter-cutting machine
- mitering saw machine
- mixing machine
- mobile gantry-type machine
- mobile weighing machine
- mock-up machine
- model engineers milling machine
- modular industrial machine
- modular machine
- modular-type machine
- molding machine
- mortising machine
- motor-driven welding machine
- movable bridge machine
- movable column machine
- movable saddle machine
- moving bridge machine
- moving column/fixed table machine
- moving machine
- moving table machine
- multiaxis machine
- multidie machine
- multidisciplinary machine
- multidrilling machine
- multifunction machine
- multihead automatic arc-welding machine
- multihead changer machine
- multihead machine
- multihead milling machine
- multiloaded machine
- multioperation machine
- multioperational machine
- multipallet machine
- multiple machines
- multiple secondary-operation machine
- multiple second-operation machine
- multiple-beam flame planing machine
- multiple-blowpipe machine
- multiple-broach broaching machine
- multiple-burner machine
- multiple-diameter grinding machine
- multiple-diameter turning machine
- multiple-head broaching machine
- multiple-head drilling machine
- multiple-operation machine
- multiple-purpose machine
- multiple-roll machine
- multiple-spindle automatic machine
- multiple-spindle bar machine
- multiple-spindle machine
- multiple-spot welding machine
- multiple-station machine
- multiple-station transfer machine
- multiple-table milling machine
- multiple-torch machine
- multiple-transformer machine
- multiple-transformer spot-welding machine
- multiproduct machine
- multipurpose broaching machine
- multipurpose shearing machine
- multireduction wire-drawing machine
- multiroll bar straightening machine
- multiroller machine
- multisensor coordinate machine
- multispecimen testing machine
- multispindle automatic screw machine
- multispindle bar machine
- multispindle head machine
- multispindle head-changing machine
- multispindle screw machine
- multispot machine
- multistation indexing transfer machine
- multistation machine
- multisurface machine
- multitool turning machine
- multiunit drilling machine
- multiuniversal machine
- multiway drilling machine
- nail-making machine
- narrow belt sanding machine
- NC machine
- needle die grinding machine
- needle die polishing machine
- nibbling machine
- nibbling, milling and punching machine
- nipple-threading machine
- No.40-taper-tool machine
- No.50-taper machine
- noncantilevered machine
- nonferrous sawing machine
- non-NC machine
- nonstock machine
- nonsystem machine
- normal accuracy machine
- normal manned NC machine
- notching machine
- numbering machine
- nut-castellating machine
- nut-chamfering machine
- nut-deburring machine
- nut-facing machine
- nut-making machine
- nut-running machine
- nut-setting machine
- nut-shaping machine
- nut-tapping machine
- nut-threading machine
- OD grinding machine
- OD machine
- off-line machine
- offset milling machine
- off-site machine
- oil hydraulic machine
- oil roll machine
- oil-grooving machine
- oiling machine
- omnimil versatile machine
- one-axis machine
- one-head automatic arc-welding machine
- one-hit machine
- one-meter machine
- one-off machine
- one-operator machine
- on-line machine
- open-side milling machine
- open-side planing machine
- open-side plano-milling machine
- open-sided milling machine
- operator-independent machine
- operator-initiated machine
- operator-positionable machine
- operator-programmed machine
- opposed spindle machine
- optical jig boring machine
- optical pattern tracing machine
- optical profile grinding machine
- optical reading machine
- original equipment CNC machine
- orthodox machine
- orthogonally movable machine
- oscillating bandsaw machine
- other machines
- outfacing machine
- outmoded machine
- out-of-alignment machine
- overdesigned machine
- overhead gantry machine
- overhead grinding machine
- overhead recessing machine
- overhead traveling drilling machine
- overwrapping machine
- own-use machine
- oxyacetylene-cutting machine
- oxyfuel burn machine
- packaging machine
- pack-checking machine
- packing machine
- paddle blade-type mixing machine
- paint machine
- pallet pool machine
- pallet shuttle machine
- pallet transfer machine
- pallet-change machine
- palletized machine
- pallet-loading machine
- pallet-type transfer machine
- pantograph-engraving machine
- pantographic engraving machine
- pantograph-type milling machine
- paper-cutting machine
- parting machine
- part-transfer vertical broaching machine
- pattern draw machine
- pattern milling machine
- pattern-controlled machine
- pattern-tracing machine
- PCB machine
- PCB-drilling machine
- PC-equipped machine
- PC-governed machine
- pedal-operated welding machine
- pedal-triggered machine
- pedestal spot-welding machine
- pedestal-drilling machine
- pedestal-grinding machine
- peeling machine
- peening machine
- pendant controlled machine
- pendulum impact testing machine
- percussion-welding machine
- perforating machine
- periodic machine
- physico-chemical machine
- pick-and-place machine
- pickling machine
- piercing machine
- pig casting machine
- pillar-drilling machine
- pilot machine
- pincer spot-welding machine
- pinion-generating machine
- pin-lift molding machine
- pin-making machine
- pin-on-disk wear test machine
- pipe cut-off machine
- pipe-bending machine
- pipe-beveling machine
- pipe-beveling/cutting machine
- pipe-chamfering machine
- pipe-cropping machine
- pipe-crushing machine
- pipe-cutting machine
- pipe-expanding machine
- pipe-facing machine
- pipe-flanging machine
- pipe-flaring machine
- pipe-swabbing machine
- pipe-testing machine
- pipe-threading machine
- pipe-welding machine
- piston contouring machine
- piston ring grinding machine
- piston-turning machine
- pit planing machine
- pit-based broaching machine
- pit-type planing machine
- pivot-head machine
- placing machine
- plain grinding machine
- plain horizontal knee-type milling machine
- plain-way machine
- planer-type boring machine
- planer-type machine
- planer-type milling machine
- planer-type surface grinding machine
- planetary grinding machine
- planetary milling machine
- planetary-type thread milling machine
- planing machine
- planing-and-milling machine
- planomilling machine
- plano-type boring-and-milling machine
- plano-type surface grinding machine
- plasma arc machine
- plasma-cutting machine
- plastics extrusion machine
- plate-bending machine
- plate-cutting machine
- plate-edge beveling machine
- plate-edge planing machine
- plate-fabricating machine
- plate-flanging machine
- plate-flattening machine
- plate-leveling machine
- platen TL machine
- platen-tooled machine
- plate-punching machine
- plate-shearing machine
- plate-straightening machine
- plate-working machine
- platform weighing machine
- plating machine
- plier spot-welding machine
- plugboard/capstan machine
- plugboard-control machine
- plugboard-controlled machine
- plug-ramming machine
- plunge-grinding machine
- plunger core machine
- plunger-type pickling machine
- pneumatic hand machine
- pneumatic machine
- pneumatic molding machine
- pointing machine
- pointing rolling machine
- point-to-point NC machine
- polishing machine
- polygonal turning machine
- polyvalent machine
- portable facing machine
- portable machine
- portable milling machine
- portable valve grinding machine
- portal cutting machine
- portal machine
- portal-frame machine
- portal-type machine
- portal-type plano-milling machine with variable height cross rail
- position control machine
- positive-displacement hydraulic machine
- positive-displacement pneumatic machine
- pot-broach vertical broaching machine
- pot-broaching machine
- powder metal compacting machine
- power machine
- power-driven machine
- power-operated molding machine
- precision boring machine
- precision-controlled machine
- precision-drawing machine
- preparatory NC machine
- preset machine
- presetting machine
- press-molding machine
- press-type machine
- pressure die-casting machine
- press-welding machine
- primary turning machine
- printing machine
- prior art machine
- prior art-type machine
- prismatic coordinate inspection machine
- prismatic machine
- prismatic-type indexing machine
- process machines
- processing machine
- process-specialized machine
- production machine
- product-oriented machine
- profile measurement machine
- profile-cutting machine
- profile-grinding machine
- profile-iron bending machine
- profile-milling machine
- profiler machine
- profiling machine
- profiling milling machine
- program sequence controlled machine
- programmable machine
- programmable-controlled machine
- progressive broach machine
- projection form grinding machine
- projection welding machine
- prototype machine
- proving machine
- pull test machine
- pull-broaching machine
- pull-down broaching machine
- pulling-in machine
- pull-type broaching machine
- pull-type machine
- pull-up broaching machine
- punch machine
- punching and shearing machine
- punching machine
- purpose-built machine
- purpose-designed machine
- push-broaching machine
- push-cut shaping machine
- push-down broaching machine
- push-pull fatigue-testing machine
- push-up broaching machine
- qualifying machine
- quenching machine
- rack milling machine
- rack-and-pinion machine
- rack-and-pinion-operated machine
- radial arm-drilling machine
- radial arm-sawing machine
- radial articulated-arm cutting machine
- radial drilling machine
- radial-and-pillar drilling machine
- radiusing machine
- rail end milling machine
- rail-bending machine
- rail-cambering machine
- rail-drilling machine
- rail-straightening machine
- railway axle grinding machine
- ram impact machine
- ram milling machine
- ram-boring machine
- ram-head milling machine
- ramming molding machine
- ram-type boring and horizontal milling machine
- ram-type EDM machine
- ram-type milling machine
- ram-type tooling machine
- ratio cutting machine
- raw component measuring machine
- reading machine
- reaming machine
- reaming-and-facing machine
- recessing machine
- reciprocating cutoff machine
- reciprocating grinding machine
- reciprocating machine
- reciprocating-die machine
- reciprocating-table surface grinding machine
- recognizing machine
- recoiling machine
- rectifier-type welding machine
- redesigned machine
- reference machine
- refrigerating machine
- regrinding machine
- reinforcing bar bending machine
- reinforcing rod cropping machine
- relieving machine
- remote-control machine
- remote-controlled machine
- renewed machine
- repetitive milling machine
- replaceable gang head machine
- replacement machine
- reproducing pattern milling machine
- research-oriented machine
- resistance welding machine
- resonance-balancing machine
- resonant vibration machine
- resurfacing machine
- retapping machine
- reverse torsion fatigue testing machine
- reverse torsion machine
- rewinding machine
- rifling machine
- rigid production machine
- rigid-bed milling machine
- rigid-capable machine
- rise and fall tank machine
- rising blade machine
- rising table broaching machine
- rivet machine
- riveting machine
- robot machine
- robot-assisted machine
- robot-controlled machine
- robot-fed machine
- robotic machine
- robotically-fed machine
- robot-loaded machine
- robot-operated machine
- rock-crushing machine
- rocker-arm spot-welding machine
- rocker-type pickling machine
- Rockwell hardness machine
- Rockwell hardness-testing machine
- roll machine
- roll sheet bending machine
- roll-bending machine
- roll-end milling machine
- roller finishing machine
- roller profiling machine
- roller section-machinestraightening machine
- roller shape-machinestraightening machine
- roller spot-and-seam welding machine
- roller straightening machine
- roller-stretcher machine
- roll-fluting machine
- roll-forging machine
- roll-forming machine
- roll-grinding machine
- rolling dividing machine
- rolling machine
- rolling-and-bending machine
- rolling-on machine
- rolling-quench machine
- roll-over molding machine
- roll-over pattern-draw machine
- roll-seam welding machine
- roll-straightening machine
- roll-threading machine
- roll-turning machine
- rotary assembly machine
- rotary broaching machine
- rotary compression-type machine
- rotary continuous drum-type milling machine
- rotary continuous milling machine
- rotary dial machine
- rotary dial-index machine
- rotary disk filing machine
- rotary drum broaching machine
- rotary drum fixture milling machine
- rotary flame planing machine
- rotary head machine
- rotary indexing drum machine
- rotary indexing machine
- rotary indexing pallet machine
- rotary indexing table machine
- rotary knife cutting machine
- rotary machine
- rotary milling machine with horizontal workholder
- rotary pallet machine
- rotary planetary machine
- rotary planetary-die machine
- rotary stamping machine
- rotary surface grinding machine
- rotary table machine
- rotary tooled machine
- rotary transfer machine
- rotary welding machine
- rotary-drive machine
- rotary-driven machine
- rotary-table broaching machine
- rotary-table index machine
- rotary-table indexing machine
- rotary-table milling machine
- rotary-table surface grinding machine
- rotary-table transfer machine
- rotary-type milling machine
- rotating machine
- rotating-beam fatigue machine
- rotating-beam fatigue testing machine
- rotation machine
- rotor milling machine
- rotor slot milling machine
- rough boring machine
- rough facing machine
- rough grinding machine
- rough milling machine
- rough turning machine
- roughing machine
- round column drilling machine
- rounding machine
- roundness measuring machine
- routing milling machine
- RP machine
- rundown machine
- running balance indicating machine
- S/R machine
- saddle-type machine
- sample preparation machine
- sampling machine
- sandblast cleaning machine
- sandblast machine with stationary nozzle
- sandblast machine
- sandblast sprocket-table machine
- sand-throwing machine
- saw machine
- saw-brazing machine
- saw-cutting machine
- saw-grinding machine
- sawing machine
- saw-setting machine
- saw-sharpening machine
- saw-toothing machine
- scalping machine
- scissors-type horizontal band machine
- scissors-type horizontal machine
- scrap shearing machine
- scraping machine
- scratchbrush machine
- screening machine
- screw machine
- screw thread grinding machine
- screw thread milling machine
- screw thread rolling machine
- screw thread whirling machine
- screw-cutting machine
- screw-driving machine
- screw-head slotting machine
- screwing machine
- screw-nicking machine
- screw-shaving machine
- scribing machine
- scrubbing machine
- scrubbing-and-drying machine
- sculpturing machine
- seam-welding machine
- secondary machine
- second-operation machine
- section bending machine
- section shearing machine
- section-iron bending machine
- section-iron shearing machine
- section-straightening machine
- section-stretching machine
- segmented transfer machine
- self-controlling machine
- self-correcting machine
- semiautomatic arc welding machine
- semiautomatic gas-cutting machine
- semiautomatic grinding machine
- semiautomatic machine
- semiautomatic welding machine
- semiproduction machine
- sensitive drilling machine
- sensitive tapping machine
- separately excited machine
- sequence-controlled machine
- sequential transfer machines
- series-produced machines
- servo indexer machine
- servo slide machine
- sets-of-parts operated machine
- shaft machine
- shape-cutting machine
- shaper machine
- shape-straightening machine
- shaping machine
- sharpening machine
- shaving cutter grinding machine
- shear machine
- shearing machine
- shear-speed machine
- sheet and plate bending machine
- sheet bending machine
- sheet metal bending machine
- sheet metal cutting machine
- sheet metal folding machine
- sheet metal leveling machine
- sheet metal shearing machine
- sheet metal stamping machine
- sheet metal working machine
- sheet straightening and polishing machine
- sheet working machine
- sheet-leveling machine
- sheet-straightening machine
- shell core blowing machine
- shell molding machine
- ship propeller milling machine
- shock-and-vibration machine
- shockless jolting machine
- shopfloor machine
- shopworn machine
- show machine
- shredding machine for wood wool production
- shredding machine
- side hole drilling machine
- side-milling machine
- side-planing machine
- sieving machine
- simple-to-operate automatic machine
- simple-to-operate machine
- simplex milling machine
- simplex multiple-spindle machine
- simulation machine
- simultaneous 5-axis machine
- single wheel lapping machine
- single-address machine
- single-axis machine
- single-blade sawing machine
- single-end boring machine
- single-end centering and end-facing machine
- single-end machine
- single-end tenoning machine
- single-ended boring machine
- single-ended machine
- single-function machine
- single-gantry machine
- single-head machine
- single-hitb machine
- single-operation transfer machine
- single-piece machine
- single-point cutting-off machine
- single-position metal forming machine
- single-purpose machine
- single-shift machine
- single-shifted machine
- single-slide bed-type machine
- single-spindle machine
- single-station machine
- single-task machine
- single-upright machine
- singlex machine
- sinking machine
- six-axis NC machine
- sizing machine
- skin-milling machine
- skiving machine
- slabbing machine
- slab-milling machine
- slant-carriage machine
- slant-slide machine
- slave machine
- slicing machine
- slideway-grinding machine
- sliding bush machine
- sliding head machine
- sliding head milling machine
- sliding head/fixed spindle machine
- sliding headstock bar machine
- sliding headstock machine
- slinger molding machine
- slitting machine
- slot and keyway milling machine
- slot-drilling machine
- slot-milling machine
- slotting machine
- small capacity machine
- small-chuck machine
- small-envelope machine
- small-footprint machine
- small-parts machine
- smooth planing machine
- snagging grinding machine
- soft bearing balancing machine
- software-controlled machine
- software-oriented machine
- soldering machine
- solid bed-type milling machine
- sorting machine
- spar milling machine
- spark erosion machine
- spark machine
- special design machine
- special unit machine
- special way-type machine
- specialist machine
- specialized machine
- special-purpose machine
- specialty machine
- speed reduction machine
- spherical grinding machine
- spindle turning machine
- spinning machine
- spiral drive planing machine
- spline cold rolling machine
- spline shaft grinding machine
- spline shaft hobbing machine
- spline-broaching machine
- spline-grinding machine
- spline-hobbing machine
- spline-milling machine
- splining machine
- spring end grinding machine
- spring forming machine
- spring manufacturing machine
- spring testing machine
- spring-coiling machine
- spring-making machine
- spring-winding machine
- spur-and-helical grinding machine
- square milling machine
- squeeze core-making machine
- squeeze molding machine
- squeezing machine
- squirrel cage balancing machine
- SR machine
- stack-routing machine
- stamping machine
- standalone machine
- standard configuration machine
- standard design machine
- standard machine
- standard-unit-type machine
- static balancing machine
- station-type machine
- storage retrieval machine
- straight line milling machine
- straightening machine
- strength testing machine
- stress-relieving machine
- stress-rupture testing machine
- stretch straightening machine
- strip leveling machine
- stud thread rolling machine
- studding machine
- subspindle turning machine
- subspindle-equipped turning machine
- subspindle-type machine
- super-accurate machine
- supercharged laser cutting machine
- superfinishing machine for centerless plunge-cut
- superfinishing machine for centerless throughfeed
- superfinishing machine
- surface and profile grinding machine
- surface-broaching machine
- surface-grinding machine with long table
- surface-grinding machine with two columns
- surface-grinding machine
- surface-milling machine
- surface-treatment machine
- swage machine
- swaging machine
- swing frame grinding machine
- Swiss bar machine
- Swiss screw machine
- Swiss sliding headstock machine
- Swiss-style sliding-headstock machine
- Swiss-style sliding-headstock-type machine
- Swiss-type cam automatic screw machine
- Swiss-type machine
- Swiss-type movable headstock automatic screw machine
- Swiss-type stationary headstock automatic screw machine
- swivel head milling machine
- swivel head slotting machine
- synchronous transfer machine
- synchronous-feed machine
- system machine
- system-ready machine
- systems-compatible machine
- tabletop machine
- table-type machine
- table-uo broaching machine
- tabulating machine
- tailored machine
- tandem table machine
- tap flute milling machine
- tap fluting machine
- tap-drill machine
- tape finishing machine
- tape machine
- tape preparation machine
- tape-controlled machine
- tape-handling machine
- taper strip milling machine
- tap-grinding machine
- tapping machine
- tap-sharpening machine
- targeted machine
- teaching machine
- TEM machine
- template-controlled machine
- tenoning machine
- tensile strength testing machine
- tensile testing machine
- tension testing machine
- test machine
- test sieving machine
- testing machine
- texturing machine
- thermal cutting machine
- thermal deburrting machine
- thermally symmetric machine
- thermally symmetrical machine
- thermoelectric machine
- thread chaser grinding machine
- thread-cutting machine
- threaded wheel grinding machine
- thread-generating machine
- thread-grinding machine
- threading machine
- thread-milling machine
- thread-producing machine
- thread-rolling machine with roller and segmented die
- thread-rolling machine
- thread-tapping machine
- thread-turning machine
- thread-whirling machine
- three-axis checking machine
- three-axis digital read-out inspection machine
- three-axis NC machine
- three-axis-controlled machine
- three-dimensional forming machine
- three-dimensional NC machine
- three-dimensional profiling machine
- three-roll bending machine
- three-roll forming machine
- three-roll sheet bending machine
- three-shift machine
- three-shifted machine
- three-way machine
- tiering machine
- tilt frame machine
- tilting body slotting machine
- tilting column machine
- tilting spindle grinding machine
- tilting spindle machine
- time-tested machine
- TL machine
- TNC-milling machine
- tool and diemaker's milling machine
- tool changer machine
- tool presetting and inspection machine
- tool presetting machine
- tool-and-cutter grinding machine
- tool-grinding machine
- toolroom machine
- toolroom-milling machine
- tool-setting machine
- tooth generating machine
- tooth rounding-and-chamfering machine
- top-of-the-line machine
- torsion testing machine
- totally automated machine
- totally enclosed machine
- touch-trigger machine
- T-planer type machine
- tracer controlled machine
- tracer milling machine
- tracer-controlled electrical discharge profiling machine
- tracer-controlled milling machine
- tracer-guided machine
- tracer-guided milling machine
- tracing machine
- transfer-line-ready machine
- transfer-segmented machine
- transfer-type machine
- transport machine
- transverse planing machine
- traveling bar-type boring machine
- traveling bridge-type plano-milling machine
- traveling column machine
- traveling column-type machine
- traveling gantry machine
- traveling head shaping machine
- traveling portal milling machine
- traveling table machine
- traveling table-type machine
- traveling wire electrical discharge machine
- traveling-head boring machine
- traveling-head surface grinding machine
- traverse grinding machine
- traversing head shaping machine
- trimming machine
- trip dog-controlled machine
- triplex milling machine
- trunnion machine
- trunnion-style machine
- trunnion-type machine
- T-slot milling machine
- tube cutoff machine
- tube grinding-and-polishing machine
- tube-bending machine
- tube-boring machine
- tube-chamfering machine
- tube-drawing machine
- tube-enlarging machine
- tube-forming machine
- tube-sawing machine
- tube-straightening machine
- tube-welding machine
- tumbling machine
- turbine shot-blasting machine
- turbine slot milling machine
- turn/mill machine
- turn, bore and cut-off machine
- turn-broaching machine
- turning machine
- turning, milling and boring machine
- turning-and-boring machine
- turn-mill machine
- turn-peeling machine
- turret hole punching machine
- turret machine
- turret press machine
- turret ram milling machine
- turret screw machine
- turret-chucking machine
- turret-drilling machine
- turret-milling machine
- turret-punching machine
- turret-type drilling machine
- twin pallet machine
- twin screw knee-type machine
- twin six-station turret machine
- twin-head machine
- twin-head shaping machine
- twin-opposed spindle turning machine
- twin-overarm milling machine
- twin-spindle machine
- twin-turret machine
- twist drill flute grinding machine
- twist drill fluting machine
- twist drill grinding machine
- twist drill milling machine
- twist drill point grinding machine
- twist test machine
- two-address machine
- two-axis NC machine
- two-axis-controlled machine
- two-dimensional engraving machine
- two-plane balancing machine
- two-roll sheet bending machine
- two-shift machine
- two-shifted machine
- two-tool machine
- two-way broaching machine
- two-way drilling machine
- two-way machine
- tybe-reducing machine
- typical machine
- ultra precision machine
- ultra-high precision machine
- ultra-high speed machine
- ultrasonic cleaning and degreasing machine
- ultrasonic cleaning machine
- ultrasonic copy-piercing machine
- ultrasonic drilling machine
- ultrasonic hole-contouring machine
- undedicated machine
- underdesigned machine
- underutilized machine
- unit construction machine
- unit-built machine
- unit-changeable machine
- unit-type machine
- universal boring machine
- universal cutter and tool grinding machine
- universal head milling machine
- universal horizontal milling machine
- universal knee-type milling machine
- universal milling machine
- universal rotaty table grinding machine
- universal table grinding machine
- universal testing machine
- universal tool and die milling machine
- universal tool milling and boring machine
- universal toolroom milling machine
- universal-spindle machine
- unmanned machine
- unmanned measuring machine
- unmanned turning machine
- upgradable machine
- uprated machine
- upright boring machine
- upright drilling machine
- upright drilling-and-boring machine
- upsetting machine
- used machine
- user-friendly machine
- utrasonic lapping machine
- valve seat lapping machine
- valve seat milling machine
- vehicle-mounted machine
- vending machine
- veneer slicing machine
- versatile machine
- vertical arm measuring machine
- vertical band machine
- vertical band-saw machine
- vertical band-sawing machine
- vertical bed machine
- vertical boring machine
- vertical broaching machine
- vertical chucking machine
- vertical double-ram broaching machine
- vertical double-slide broaching machine
- vertical drilling machine
- vertical machine
- vertical milling machine
- vertical planing machine
- vertical plano-milling machine
- vertical pull-up broaching machine
- vertical push-broaching machine
- vertical ram machine
- vertical slotting machine
- vertical spindle surface-grinding machine
- vertical turning machine
- vertical turning-and-boring machine
- vertical/horizontal machine
- vertically oriented drilling machine
- vertical-type machine
- vibration fatigue testing machine
- vibration machine
- vibratory finishing machine
- vibrofinishing machine
- Vickers hardness machine
- Vickers pyramid hardness machine
- vision-controlled machine
- volume production machine
- walking machine
- wall machine
- washing drying machine
- washing machine
- watch-case making machine
- watch-gear hobbing machine
- watch-gear making machine
- water jet cutting machine
- water-jet machine
- way-type machine
- way-type unit head machine
- weathering machine
- weighing machine
- welding machine
- well-developed machine
- wet-cutting machine
- wet-grinding machine
- wheel turning machine
- whirling machine
- wide belt sending machine
- wire bonding machine
- wire brush deburring machine
- wire coiling and winding machine
- wire cutting-off machine
- wire drawing machine
- wire EDM machine
- wire erosion machine
- wire netting and weaving machine
- wire-cut EDM machine
- wire-cut electrical discharge machine
- wire-cut machine
- wire-cutting machine
- wire-cutting spark erosion machine
- wire-eroding machine
- wire-forming machine
- wire-making machine
- wire-polishing machine
- wire-straightening machine
- woodsawing machine
- woodworking machine
- workpiece moving-type machine
- worm grinding machine
- worm milling machine
- wrist-pin boring machine
- xerox machine
- X-ray machineEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > machine
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Full-contact — Full contact … Wikipédia en Français
round — [adj1] ball shaped; semicircular area annular, arced, arched, arciform, bent, bowed, bulbous, circular, coiled, curled, curved, curvilinear, cylindrical, discoid, disk shaped, domical, egg shaped, elliptical, globose, globular, looped, orbed,… … New thesaurus
Charge (heraldry) — For a more comprehensive list, see List of heraldic charges. Shield Field Supporter Supporter Motto (Scotland) … Wikipedia
round — Synonyms and related words: Attic, Charybdis, Chateaubriand, Ciceronian, Indian file, O, O shaped, SRO, about, absolute, ace, admitting no exception, again, air lane, all but, all over, all out, almost, ambagious, ambit, amount, annular, annular… … Moby Thesaurus
round — round1 roundness, n. /rownd/, adj., rounder, roundest, n., adv., prep., v. adj. 1. having a flat, circular surface, as a disk. 2. ring shaped, as a hoop. 3. curved like part of a circle, as an outline. 4. having a circular cros … Universalium
round — I [[t]raʊnd[/t]] adj. round•er, round•est, n. adv. prep. v. 1) having a flat, circular form, as a disk or hoop 2) curved like part of a circle, as an outline 3) having a circular cross section, as a cylinder 4) spherical or globular, as a ball 5) … From formal English to slang
round — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. circular, annular, spherical, globular, cylindrical; approximate. See circularity, rotundity, numeration. n. revolution, cycle; circuit, ambit, course, itinerary, beat; series, catch, rondeau;… … English dictionary for students
round — /raʊnd / (say rownd) adjective 1. circular, as a disc. 2. ring shaped, as a hoop. 3. curved like part of a circle, as an outline. 4. having a circular cross section, as a cylinder. 5. spherical or globular, as a ball. 6. rounded more or less like …
charge — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. command, exhort, instruct; assess, tax; set a price; burden; debit; strike, attack; fill, load, prepare; accuse, blame. n. accusation, allegation, impeachment, indictment; command, order, mandate,… … English dictionary for students
full house — Synonyms and related words: ace, bellyful, best bower, bower, bumper, capacity, cards, charge, clubs, complement, cram, crush, deck, deuce, diamonds, dummy, face cards, fill, flush, full measure, hand, hearts, jack, jam up, joker, king, knave,… … Moby Thesaurus
Proposed Indian Round Table Conference 1922 — Descriptions of what happened vary greatly (listed from the most to least probable) 1. Malaviya Proposed Round Table, The Viceroy Lord Reading Agreed, Mahatma Gandhi Sabotages the Idea [http://www.houseofdavid.ca/Ind uni.htm#Read Read p 194 5]… … Wikipedia