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  • 1 full house

    full house
    [ful h'aus] n no pôquer, uma trinca e um par na mesma mão.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > full house

  • 2 house

    1. plural - houses; noun
    1) (a building in which people, especially a single family, live: Houses have been built on the outskirts of the town for the workers in the new industrial estate.) casa
    2) (a place or building used for a particular purpose: a hen-house; a public house.) casa
    3) (a theatre, or the audience in a theatre: There was a full house for the first night of the play.) casa
    4) (a family, usually important or noble, including its ancestors and descendants: the house of David.) casa
    2. verb
    1) (to provide with a house, accommodation or shelter: All these people will have to be housed; The animals are housed in the barn.) alojar
    2) (to store or keep somewhere: The electric generator is housed in the garage.) guardar
    - housing benefit
    - house agent
    - house arrest
    - houseboat
    - housebreaker
    - housebreaking
    - house-fly
    - household
    - householder
    - household word
    - housekeeper
    - housekeeping
    - houseman
    - housetrain
    - house-warming
    3. adjective
    a house-warming party.) de inauguração
    - housework
    - like a house on fire
    * * *
    [haus] n 1 casa, moradia, residência, habitação, domicílio, lar. 2 edifício. 3 firma, casa comercial. 4 família. 5 parlamento, câmara. 6 lugar de diversão. 7 asilo, internato. 8 platéia, assistência, assistentes ou ouvintes. 9 sl bordel. • [hauz] vt+vi 1 morar. 2 alojar(-se), abrigar, recolher(-se). an appreciative house um público apreciativo. boarding house alojamento. like a house on fire fig com sucesso. house of call n 1 albergue. 2 agência de empregos. house of cards castelo de cartas (também fig). House of Commons Câmara dos Comuns (da Grã-Bretanha). house of correction instituto correcional, penitenciária. House of God igreja. House of Lords Câmara dos Lordes. House of Representatives Câmara dos Deputados (EUA, Austrália, Nova Zelândia). open house casa aberta (visitas podem chegar a qualquer hora, sem necessidade de convite especial). this is on the house Amer esta rodada fica por conta da casa. to bring the house down fazer a casa vir abaixo, provocar aplausos. to keep an open house ser hospitaleiro. to keep house fazer o serviço doméstico e não sair para trabalhar fora. to keep the house ficar em casa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > house

  • 3 house

    1. plural - houses; noun
    1) (a building in which people, especially a single family, live: Houses have been built on the outskirts of the town for the workers in the new industrial estate.) casa
    2) (a place or building used for a particular purpose: a hen-house; a public house.) casa
    3) (a theatre, or the audience in a theatre: There was a full house for the first night of the play.) casa
    4) (a family, usually important or noble, including its ancestors and descendants: the house of David.) casa
    2. verb
    1) (to provide with a house, accommodation or shelter: All these people will have to be housed; The animals are housed in the barn.) alojar
    2) (to store or keep somewhere: The electric generator is housed in the garage.) guardar
    - housing benefit - house agent - house arrest - houseboat - housebreaker - housebreaking - house-fly - household - householder - household word - housekeeper - housekeeping - houseman - housetrain - house-warming 3. adjective
    a house-warming party.) de inauguração
    - housework - like a house on fire

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > house

  • 4 live

    I 1. [liv] verb
    1) (to have life; to be alive: This poison is dangerous to everything that lives.) viver
    2) (to survive: The doctors say he is very ill, but they think he will live; It was difficult to believe that she had lived through such an experience.) sobreviver
    3) (to have one's home or dwelling (in a particular place): She lives next to the church; They went to live in Bristol / in a huge house.) morar
    4) (to pass (one's life): He lived a life of luxury; She lives in fear of being attacked.) viver
    5) ((with by) to make enough money etc to feed and house oneself: He lives by fishing.) viver
    - - lived
    - living 2. noun
    (the money etc needed to feed and house oneself and keep oneself alive: He earns his living driving a taxi; She makes a good living as an author.) sustento
    - live-in
    - live and let live
    - live down
    - live in
    - out
    - live on
    - live up to
    - within living memory
    - in living memory
    II 1. adjective
    1) (having life; not dead: a live mouse.) vivo
    2) ((of a radio or television broadcast etc) heard or seen as the event takes place; not recorded: I watched a live performance of my favourite opera on television; Was the performance live or recorded?) directo
    3) (full of energy, and capable of becoming active: a live bomb) activo
    4) (burning: a live coal.) aceso
    2. adverb
    ((of a radio or television broadcast etc) as the event takes place: The competition will be broadcast live.) ao vivo
    - liveliness
    - livestock
    - live wire
    * * *
    [laiv] adj 1 vivo. 2 ativo, esperto, aceso, pronto para agir. 3 ao vivo (transmissão). 4 carregado com eletricidade (como um fio). 5 que não explodiu ainda (como uma granada). 6 vivo, brilhante (cor). 7 fig eficaz, cheio de energia, de interesse atual. 8 em estado natural. • adv ao vivo.
    [liv] vt+vi 1 viver, existir. 2 subsistir. 3 morar, habitar. 4 ganhar a vida. she lives by sewing / ela ganha a vida costurando. 5 gozar a vida. 6 nutrir-se. to live and let live ser tolerante, cuidar da própria vida e deixar os outros em paz. to live away viver alegre e despreocupadamente. to live by/on one’s wits viver de expedientes. to live down fazer esquecer um delito por uma vida impecável. to live from hand to mouth ter apenas o suficiente para as necessidades indispensáveis à vida. to live in morar no emprego. to live it up viver à larga, viver de forma intensa. to live off viver à custa de. to live on viver de. to live out a) sobreviver. b) morar fora do emprego. to live through superar, sobreviver. to live to a great age atingir uma idade avançada. to live up to a) viver à altura de. b) cumprir o prometido, corresponder às expectativas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > live

  • 5 live

    I 1. [liv] verb
    1) (to have life; to be alive: This poison is dangerous to everything that lives.) viver
    2) (to survive: The doctors say he is very ill, but they think he will live; It was difficult to believe that she had lived through such an experience.) sobreviver
    3) (to have one's home or dwelling (in a particular place): She lives next to the church; They went to live in Bristol / in a huge house.) morar
    4) (to pass (one's life): He lived a life of luxury; She lives in fear of being attacked.) viver
    5) ((with by) to make enough money etc to feed and house oneself: He lives by fishing.) viver
    - - lived
    - living 2. noun
    (the money etc needed to feed and house oneself and keep oneself alive: He earns his living driving a taxi; She makes a good living as an author.) meio de vida
    - live-in - live and let live - live down - live in - out - live on - live up to - within living memory - in living memory II 1. adjective
    1) (having life; not dead: a live mouse.) vivo
    2) ((of a radio or television broadcast etc) heard or seen as the event takes place; not recorded: I watched a live performance of my favourite opera on television; Was the performance live or recorded?) ao vivo
    3) (full of energy, and capable of becoming active: a live bomb) em atividade
    4) (burning: a live coal.) aceso
    2. adverb
    ((of a radio or television broadcast etc) as the event takes place: The competition will be broadcast live.) ao vivo
    - liveliness - livestock - live wire

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > live

  • 6 period

    ['piəriəd] 1. noun
    1) (any length of time: a period of three days; a period of waiting.) período
    2) (a stage in the Earth's development, an artist's development, in history etc: the Pleistocene period; the modern period.) período
    3) (the punctuation mark (.), put at the end of a sentence; a full stop.) ponto
    2. adjective
    (of furniture, costumes etc) of or from the same or appropriate time in history; antique or very old: period costumes; His house is full of period furniture (=antique furniture). de época
    - periodically
    - periodical
    3. adjective
    (see periodic.)
    * * *
    [p'iəriəd] n 1 período: a) espaço de tempo decorrido entre dois fatos. b) época, era, idade. c) fase, ciclo. d) Astr tempo gasto por um planeta ou satélite para descrever a sua órbita. e) Gram oração ou grupo de orações que forma sentido completo. f) Geol divisão do tempo geológico, situada entre a época e a era. g) Mus frase musical de sentido completo. h) Arith parte de uma fração periódica que se repete indefinidamente. i) Med tempo requerido por uma doença em cada uma de suas fases. j) Med tempo decorrido entre um acesso e o seguinte. 2 Gram ponto final. 3 Sport tempo (divisão do jogo). 4 fim, termo, limite. 5 divisão do dia acadêmico, aula. 6 Physiol regras, menstruação. 7 Rhet sentença bem construída, sentença periódica. 8 Chem uma das divisões da tabela periódica dos elementos. • adj 1 relativo a um período. 2 representativo ou característico de um determinado período. for a period of... pelo espaço de... glacial period período glacial. period of grace período de carência. period of office tempo de exercício de um cargo. probationary period período probatório. the girl of the period a garota moderna. the Period o tempo atual. to put a period to pôr um fim a.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > period

  • 7 play

    [plei] 1. verb
    1) (to amuse oneself: The child is playing in the garden; He is playing with his toys; The little girl wants to play with her friends.) brincar
    2) (to take part in (games etc): He plays football; He is playing in goal; Here's a pack of cards - who wants to play (with me)?; I'm playing golf with him this evening.) jogar
    3) (to act in a play etc; to act (a character): She's playing Lady Macbeth; The company is playing in London this week.) representar
    4) ((of a play etc) to be performed: `Oklahoma' is playing at the local theatre.) ser representado
    5) (to (be able to) perform on (a musical instrument): She plays the piano; Who was playing the piano this morning?; He plays (the oboe) in an orchestra.) tocar
    6) ((usually with on) to carry out or do (a trick): He played a trick on me.) pregar (partidas)
    7) ((usually with at) to compete against (someone) in a game etc: I'll play you at tennis.) jogar com
    8) ((of light) to pass with a flickering movement: The firelight played across the ceiling.) saltar
    9) (to direct (over or towards something): The firemen played their hoses over the burning house.) dirigir
    10) (to put down or produce (a playing-card) as part of a card game: He played the seven of hearts.) jogar
    2. noun
    1) (recreation; amusement: A person must have time for both work and play.) divertimento
    2) (an acted story; a drama: Shakespeare wrote many great plays.) peça
    3) (the playing of a game: At the start of today's play, England was leading India by fifteen runs.) jogo
    4) (freedom of movement (eg in part of a machine).) folga
    - playable
    - playful
    - playfully
    - playfulness
    - playboy
    - playground
    - playing-card
    - playing-field
    - playmate
    - playpen
    - playschool
    - plaything
    - playtime
    - playwright
    - at play
    - bring/come into play
    - child's play
    - in play
    - out of play
    - play at
    - play back
    - play down
    - play fair
    - play for time
    - play havoc with
    - play into someone's hands
    - play off
    - play off against
    - play on
    - play a
    - no part in
    - play safe
    - play the game
    - play up
    * * *
    [plei] n 1 jogo, partida, disputa. 2 divertimento, brincadeira. 3 folguedo, passatempo. 4 peça teatral ou cinematográfica. a play of Shaw (ou by Shaw) / uma peça de Shaw. 5 Mus execução, interpretação. 6 gracejo. 7 jogatina, modo de jogar. 8 Mech jogo, folga. 9 lance, jogada. 10 atividade, ação, movimento. • vt+vi 1 jogar, disputar. 2 brincar, folgar, divertir-se. 3 tocar (instrumentos musicais), executar. 4 agir, proceder. 5 vibrar, oscilar, tremular. 6 representar, desempenhar. 7 Mech jogar, ter folga. 8 pôr em movimento, movimentar, acionar. 9 bancar, fingir. 10 apostar. 11 imitar. at play em jogo. at the play no teatro. in full play em plena atividade. play in the gear folga no jogo da engrenagem. play of colours jogo de cores. said in play dito por brincadeira. they are played out eles estão esgotados. they play a losing game eles procedem sem chance de sucesso. they played the devil with him eles o maltratavam. to bring into play movimentar, acionar. to give free play to one’s abilities proporcionar ambiente em que alguém possa desenvolver livremente as suas aptidões. to hold in play manter alguém ocupado. to make a play for 1 tentar obter. 2 tentar seduzir. to play about comportar-se sem responsabilidade. to play along cooperar ou concordar com alguém. to play a part 1 ajudar alguém a fazer algo. 2 representar um papel. to play around coll namorar, flertar. to play at 1 participar (de um jogo). 2 brincar com. 3 fazer de conta. to play a trick on pregar uma peça em. to play ball coll cooperar. to play down depreciar, negligenciar. to play fair agir corretamente. to play false enganar, trair. to play first violin ter papel preponderante. to play foul proceder incorretamente. to play horse with coll 1 fazer gato e sapato de. 2 desarrumar, lançar em desordem. to play house brincar de casinha. to play into a person’s hands favorecer alguém. to play off 1 fazer, agir, praticar. 2 dar espetáculo, fazer cenas. 3 fingir. 4 concluir um jogo. to play on (ou upon) tocar de leve, roçar. to play on (ou upon) words fazer trocadilhos. to play out 1 acabar, terminar. 2 fatigar, cansar, exaurir. 3 perder a eficácia. to play politics intrigar, maquinar, tramar. to play safe agir com cautela. to play the field espalhar esforço, interesses, afeições em muitas coisas ao mesmo tempo. to play the fool bancar o bobo. to play the game observar as regras do jogo, agir corretamente. to play the gentleman bancar o cavalheiro. to play the market jogar na bolsa, especular. to play up 1 começar a música. 2 redobrar os esforços. 3 mostrar-se firme e forte perante uma crise ou emergência. 4 destacar, salientar, dar ênfase. 5 enganar, trapacear. 6 provocar. 7 comportar-se de forma a não cooperar. 8 dar problemas, doer. to play up to sl 1 contracenar. 2 apoiar. 3 adular, bajular. to play with 1 brincar com. 2 jogar contra. 3 fazer pouco de. 4 masturbar. to play with fire brincar com fogo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > play

  • 8 period

    ['piəriəd] 1. noun
    1) (any length of time: a period of three days; a period of waiting.) período
    2) (a stage in the Earth's development, an artist's development, in history etc: the Pleistocene period; the modern period.) período
    3) (the punctuation mark (.), put at the end of a sentence; a full stop.) ponto final
    2. adjective
    (of furniture, costumes etc) of or from the same or appropriate time in history; antique or very old: period costumes; His house is full of period furniture (=antique furniture). de época
    - periodically - periodical 3. adjective
    (see periodic.)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > period

  • 9 by

    1. preposition
    1) (next to; near; at the side of: by the door; He sat by his sister.) perto de
    2) (past: going by the house.) perto de
    3) (through; along; across: We came by the main road.) por
    4) (used (in the passive voice) to show the person or thing which performs an action: struck by a stone.) por
    5) (using: He's going to contact us by letter; We travelled by train.) por/de
    6) (from; through the means of: I met her by chance; by post.) por
    7) ((of time) not later than: by 6 o'clock.) até
    8) (during the time of.) durante
    9) (to the extent of: taller by ten centimetres.) em
    10) (used to give measurements etc: 4 metres by 2 metres.) por
    11) (in quantities of: fruit sold by the kilo.) a
    12) (in respect of: a teacher by profession.) de
    2. adverb
    1) (near: They stood by and watched.) perto
    2) (past: A dog ran by.) por aqui
    3) (aside; away: money put by for an emergency.) de lado
    - bypass 3. verb
    (to avoid (a place) by taking such a road.) passar ao lado
    - bystander
    - by and by
    - by and large
    - by oneself
    - by the way
    * * *
    [bai] prep 1 perto de, ao lado, próximo de. 2 através de, por, via, pelo, pela. he went by Paris / ele viajou via Paris. it was sent by post / foi enviado pelo correio. 3 por meio de, com, pela ação de. 4 (indicando dimensão) por, multiplicado por. two feet broad by three feet long / dois pés de largura por três de comprimento. 5 na medida de, à, às, ao, aos. 6 na extensão de, em extensão, por. 7 de acordo com, conforme, segundo. 8 em relação com. 9 separado por, dividido por. 10 durante, dentro de. 11 até, antes de, não mais tarde de. 12 em direção a. 13 de, da autoria de, da origem de. a play by Oscar Wilde / uma peça da autoria de Oscar Wilde. • adj 1 perto, próximo, à mão. 2 passado (relativo ao espaço). 3 passado (relativo ao tempo). 4 ao lado, de lado. 5 Amer coll na casa, para a casa (quando de passagem). book by book livro por livro, um livro após outro. by all means de qualquer maneira, por todos os meios. by and by depois, logo, mais tarde. by and large Amer coll em geral, de modo geral. by birth de nascença. by chance por acaso. by degrees aos poucos, passo a passo. by far de longe. by heart de cor. by leave com permissão. by nature de natureza. by next year no próximo ano ao mais tardar. by night à noite, durante a noite. by no means de modo algum. by now entrementes, neste meio tempo. by oneself sozinho, sem ajuda, por iniciativa própria. I did it by myself / eu mesmo o fiz. by rights de direito, por direito. by the by a propósito, de passagem. by the hour por hora. by the job por tarefa. by the six o’clock train pelo (com o) trem das seis horas. by the way de passagem, a propósito, incidentalmente. by the yard por jardas, em jardas. by thousands aos milhares. by train por trem, por estrada de ferro. close by, hard by próximo, junto, perto. full and by Naut a favor do vento. he held the cat by the tail ele pegou (segurou) o gato pelo rabo. little by little aos poucos. side by side lado a lado. they got up by candlelight eles se levantaram à luz de velas. they passed me by deixaram-me de lado, passaram por mim. to march by passar em desfile. to set by pôr de lado. you must not judge by appearances não deve julgar pelas aparências. your being told that by him is queer é esquisito que isso lhe tenha sido dito por ele.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > by

  • 10 drive

    1. past tense - drove; verb
    1) (to control or guide (a car etc): Do you want to drive (the car), or shall I?) guiar
    2) (to take, bring etc in a car: My mother is driving me to the airport.) levar
    3) (to force or urge along: Two men and a dog were driving a herd of cattle across the road.) tanger
    4) (to hit hard: He drove a nail into the door; He drove a golf-ball from the tee.) bater
    5) (to cause to work by providing the necessary power: This mill is driven by water.) impulsionar
    2. noun
    1) (a journey in a car, especially for pleasure: We decided to go for a drive.) passeio
    2) (a private road leading from a gate to a house etc: The drive is lined with trees.) caminho
    3) (energy and enthusiasm: I think he has the drive needed for this job.) energia
    4) (a special effort: We're having a drive to save electricity.) campanha
    5) (in sport, a hard stroke (with a golf-club, a cricket bat etc).) pancada
    6) ((computers) a disk drive.)
    - driver's license
    - drive-in
    - drive-through
    - driving licence
    - be driving at
    - drive off
    - drive on
    * * *
    [draiv] n 1 passeio de carro, auto, etc. 2 percurso, distância a percorrer de carro, auto, etc. 3 estrada para carros. 4 entrada para carros em moradias. 5 ato de conduzir, dirigir, guiar. 6 condução de gado em manadas. 7 pressão, esforço, atividade, energia, impulso, empenho, dinamismo. 8 ímpeto, impulso, pulsão, necessidade instintiva. 9 Golf tacada ou movimento da bola. 10 Mil ataque, assalto, avanço. 11 força motriz, movimento, rodagem, mecanismo de engrenagem, acionamento, transmissão, propulsão. 12 Comp unidade de disco. 13 galeria de mina. 14 competições de jogos de cartas. • vt+vi (drove, driven) 1 impelir, empuxar, empurrar alguma coisa com força, empurrar para diante, impulsar, fazer caminhar para diante, forçar. 2 conduzir, guiar, dirigir (cavalos, carro, navio, etc.), levar. 3 ir de carro, auto, etc., passear de carro, etc., prosseguir. 4 constranger, compelir, forçar, coagir. 5 lançar, propulsar, acionar, pôr em movimento. 6 perfurar, arrastar por atrito, encunhar, cravar. 7 escovar (um túnel). 8 Naut desgarrar. 9 instar, seduzir, incitar, induzir, conduzir, levar a. 10 realizar, efetuar, levar a efeito. 11 mover-se com grande força (chuva, vento). 12 rebater (bola) no golfe. disk drive Comp unidade de disco. to drive a good ( bad) bargain fazer um bom (mau) negócio. to drive a hard bargain ser firme nas negociações. to drive a nail in cravar um prego. to drive a nail into someone’s coffin contribuir para a ruína ou fracasso de alguém. to drive ashore arrojar à costa. to drive asunder apartar, separar à força. to drive at 1 tender a, aludir, insinuar. 2 trabalhar em. to drive at full speed guiar a toda velocidade. to drive a thing into a person inculcar alguma coisa em alguém. to drive away expelir, expulsar, fazer sair, afugentar, afastar-se, partir em carro. to drive back rechaçar, repulsar, reconduzir em carro, etc., voltar de carro, etc. to drive by friction arrastar por atrito. to drive home 1 ir para casa de carro. 2 cravar um prego com um martelo. 3 fazer com que seja claramente compreendido. to drive in, into inserir à força, fincar, fazer entrar a marteladas. to drive it home to mostrar, forçar a acreditar. to drive into a corner colocar em situação difícil, encurralar. to drive off 1 partir, ir-se embora em carro, etc. 2 expelir, rechaçar. 3 Golf dar a primeira tocada. to drive on seguir adiante, levar em frente, empurrar, incentivar. to drive out 1 expelir, expulsar, fazer sair. 2 sair ou passear em carro, etc. to drive pigs to market roncar, ressonar. to drive someone mad/ crazy 1 enlouquecer, levar à loucura. 2 fig exasperar, irritar, deixar louco. to drive someone out of his senses/ out of his mind deixar maluco. to drive someone round the bend exasperar, enlouquecer. to drive to leeward desgarrar, desviar de rumo. to drive up the prices fazer subir os preços, elevar os preços. to drive up to passar de carro por algum lugar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > drive

  • 11 face

    [feis] 1. noun
    1) (the front part of the head, from forehead to chin: a beautiful face.) rosto
    2) (a surface especially the front surface: a rock face.) superfície
    3) (in mining, the end of a tunnel etc where work is being done: a coal face.) frente
    2. verb
    1) (to be opposite to: My house faces the park.) dar para
    2) (to turn, stand etc in the direction of: She faced him across the desk.) enfrentar
    3) (to meet or accept boldly: to face one's fate.) enfrentar
    - - faced
    - facial
    - facing
    - facecloth
    - facelift
    - face-powder
    - face-saving
    - face value
    - at face value
    - face the music
    - face to face
    - face up to
    - in the face of
    - lose face
    - make/pull a face
    - on the face of it
    - put a good face on it
    - save one's face
    * * *
    [feis] n 1 face: a) cara, rosto. b) fisionomia, semblante. c) careta. d) Poet presença. 2 aspecto: a) vista, configuração, aparência. b) situação ou estado de certos assuntos, idéias ou questões. 3 expressão de atitude moral: a) descaramento, audácia, atrevimento. b) dignidade, prestígio. 4 parte principal ou dianteira de alguma coisa: a) frente. b) fachada, paramento de parede. c) parte anterior de uma pedra aparelhada. d) lugar de extração numa galeria de mina. e) Tech espelho. 5 parte principal ou lateral de alguma coisa: a) anverso de cristais ou moedas. b) mostrador de relógio. c) Typogr olho de tipo. d) Geol fácies. e) Geom face, superfície de um sólido plano. f) face (de porca). g) corte (de lâmina, faca, etc.). • vt 1 encarar, enfrentar, afrontar, apresentar-se. he must face the facts / ele tem de encarar os fatos. 2 fazer face a, opor-se, resistir. to face the enemy / encarar (ou enfrentar) o inimigo. 3 ficar em frente de. the window faces the garden / a janela dá para o jardim. 4 defrontar-se com. to be faced with ruin / estar diante da derrota, da destruição, da falência. 5 virar de face para cima (por exemplo, cartas). 6 orientar uma casa em relação aos pontos cardeais. 7 voltar-se para, estar com a frente para. 8 Tech facear, fazer faces ou lados em, polir. about face! meia-volta volver! before my face diante dos meus olhos. boldface Typogr negrito. for his fair face pelos seus lindos olhos. full face vista de frente. half face perfil. in face of mediante. in the face of diante de, em face de, em virtude de. in the face of the day às claras, abertamente. left face! à esquerda volver! on the face of it a julgar pela aparência. right face! à direita volver! she made up her face ela maquilou o rosto. to carry two faces ter duas caras, ser ambíguo. to face about, left, right fazer meia-volta, esquerda volver, direita volver. to face down 1 alisar. 2 fig suster com audácia ou imprudência. to face out persistir descaradamente. to face out a lie mentir desavergonhadamente. to face the music Amer enfrentar as conseqüências, aceitar o inevitável destemidamente. to face up to enfrentar corajosamente. to flee from someone’s face fugir de alguém. to fly into one’s face atacar alguém. to fly into the face of decency pecar contra a decência. to have a face of fingir. to have the face to do something ter o atrevimento de fazer alguma coisa. to look a person in the face encarar alguém. to lose face desprestigiar-se, ser humilhado. to make a face fazer caretas. to put a good (bold) face on enfrentar algo com coragem. to put a new face on dar novo aspecto. to save one’s face salvar as aparências. to set one’s face against opor-se tenazmente. to shut the door in a person’s face bater a porta na cara de alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > face

  • 12 sound

    I adjective
    1) (strong or in good condition: The foundations of the house are not very sound; He's 87, but he's still sound in mind and body.) forte
    2) ((of sleep) deep: She's a very sound sleeper.) profundo
    3) (full; thorough: a sound basic training.) sólido
    4) (accurate; free from mistakes: a sound piece of work.) sólido
    5) (having or showing good judgement or good sense: His advice is always very sound.) seguro
    - soundness
    - sound asleep
    II 1. noun
    1) (the impressions transmitted to the brain by the sense of hearing: a barrage of sound; ( also adjective) sound waves.) som
    2) (something that is, or can be, heard: The sounds were coming from the garage.) som
    3) (the impression created in the mind by a piece of news, a description etc: I didn't like the sound of her hairstyle at all!) ideia
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause something to) make a sound: Sound the bell!; The bell sounded.) tocar
    2) (to signal (something) by making a sound: Sound the alarm!) tocar
    3) ((of something heard or read) to make a particular impression; to seem; to appear: Your singing sounded very good; That sounds like a train.) parecer
    4) (to pronounce: In the word `pneumonia', the letter p is not sounded.) pronunciar(-se)
    5) (to examine by tapping and listening carefully: She sounded the patient's chest.) auscultar
    - soundlessly
    - sound effects
    - soundproof
    3. verb
    (to make (walls, a room etc) soundproof.) tornar à prova de som
    III verb
    (to measure the depth of (water etc).) sondar
    - sound out
    * * *
    [saund] n 1 som, o que se pode ouvir. 2 vibrações sonoras. 3 tom, ruído. 4 distância dentro da qual um ruído pode ser ouvido. 5 Phon som, combinação de vogais. 6 barulho. • vt+vi 1 soar, emitir um som ou ruído. 2 fazer soar, tocar. they sounded the alarm / deram sinal de alarme. 3 ser ouvido, retinir, ressoar. 4 auscultar. 5 dirigir pelo som. 6 anunciar. he sounds the retreat / ele dá sinal para a retirada. 7 parecer. that sounds fine / isto soa bem. you sound disappointed / você parece desapontado. to sound off expressar-se pública e ofensivamente. to stay within sound ficar dentro do alcance do ouvido.
    [saund] n 1 estreito, canal, braço de mar. 2 Ichth bexiga natatória.
    [saund] n Med sonda. • vt+vi 1 sondar, medir a profundidade. 2 examinar, testar (trazendo uma amostra da profundidade). 3 inquirir, investigar, examinar. 4 mergulhar, afundar. 5 Med auscultar. to sound out sondar, investigar, inquirir cautelosamente.
    [saund] adj 1 sem defeito, inteiro, intato, ileso, bom, perfeito. 2 são, sadio. 3 forte, seguro, confiável. 4 sólido. 5 correto, acertado, razoável, sensato. 6 legal, leal, honrado, idôneo. 7 profundo (sono), eficiente. • adv profundamente. to be safe and sound estar são e salvo. to be sound as a bell (roach, trout) ser completamente sadio. to have a sound mind in a sound body ter mente sã num corpo são. to have a sound knowledge ter um conhecimento sólido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sound

  • 13 draw up

    1) ((of a car etc) to stop: We drew up outside their house.) parar
    2) (to arrange in an acceptable form or order: They drew up the soldiers in line; The solicitor drew up a contract for them to sign.) arranjar
    3) (to move closer: Draw up a chair!) aproximar
    4) (to extend (oneself) into an upright position: He drew himself up to his full height.) endireitar-se

    English-Portuguese dictionary > draw up

  • 14 light up

    1) (to begin to give out light: Evening came and the streetlights lit up.) acender-se
    2) (to make, be or become full of light: The powerful searchlight lit up the building; She watched the house light up as everyone awoke.) iluminar
    3) (to make or become happy: Her face lit up when she saw him; A sudden smile lit up her face.) iluminar-se

    English-Portuguese dictionary > light up

  • 15 draw up

    1) ((of a car etc) to stop: We drew up outside their house.) estacionar
    2) (to arrange in an acceptable form or order: They drew up the soldiers in line; The solicitor drew up a contract for them to sign.) dispor, arranjar
    3) (to move closer: Draw up a chair!) puxar
    4) (to extend (oneself) into an upright position: He drew himself up to his full height.) empertigar-se

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > draw up

  • 16 light up

    1) (to begin to give out light: Evening came and the streetlights lit up.) acender(-se)
    2) (to make, be or become full of light: The powerful searchlight lit up the building; She watched the house light up as everyone awoke.) iluminar(-se)
    3) (to make or become happy: Her face lit up when she saw him; A sudden smile lit up her face.) iluminar(-se)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > light up

  • 17 sound

    I adjective
    1) (strong or in good condition: The foundations of the house are not very sound; He's 87, but he's still sound in mind and body.) forte
    2) ((of sleep) deep: She's a very sound sleeper.) pesado, profundo
    3) (full; thorough: a sound basic training.) sólido
    4) (accurate; free from mistakes: a sound piece of work.) sólido
    5) (having or showing good judgement or good sense: His advice is always very sound.) consistente
    - soundness - sound asleep II 1. noun
    1) (the impressions transmitted to the brain by the sense of hearing: a barrage of sound; ( also adjective) sound waves.) som
    2) (something that is, or can be, heard: The sounds were coming from the garage.) som, barulho
    3) (the impression created in the mind by a piece of news, a description etc: I didn't like the sound of her hairstyle at all!) efeito
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause something to) make a sound: Sound the bell!; The bell sounded.) soar
    2) (to signal (something) by making a sound: Sound the alarm!) tocar
    3) ((of something heard or read) to make a particular impression; to seem; to appear: Your singing sounded very good; That sounds like a train.) parecer, soar
    4) (to pronounce: In the word `pneumonia', the letter p is not sounded.) pronunciar
    5) (to examine by tapping and listening carefully: She sounded the patient's chest.) auscultar
    - soundlessly - sound effects - soundproof 3. verb
    (to make (walls, a room etc) soundproof.) tornar à prova de som
    III verb
    (to measure the depth of (water etc).) sondar
    - sound out

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > sound

См. также в других словарях:

  • Full House — Título Padres forzosos (España) Tres por tres (Hispanoamérica) Un Hogar casi perfecto (Ecuador) Género Sitcom Creado por Jeff Franklyn Reparto John Stamos Bob Saget Dave Coulier Candace Cameron Jodie Sweetin …   Wikipedia Español

  • Full House — Fụll House 〈[ haʊs] n.; , s [ sız]〉 Pokerblatt, das aus einmal drei u. einmal zwei gleichen Karten besteht, (z. B. drei Asse u. zwei Damen) [engl., eigtl. „volles Haus“] * * * Full House [ fʊl haʊs ], das; , s [ haʊzɪs] [engl. full house, eigtl …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Full House — (deutsch Volles Haus) bezeichnet bei verschiedenen Glücksspielen eine Fünferkombination in der ein Wert dreimal vorkommt und einer zweimal. Der Begriff wird verwendet beim beim Poker, siehe Hand (Poker)#Full House beim Würfelspiel Kniffel… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Full House — [ haus] das; , s [ hauziz], auch Full|house das; , s <aus gleichbed. engl. full house, eigtl. »volles Haus«>: 1. Kartenkombination beim ↑Poker. 2. (ugs.) volles Haus, drangvolle Enge …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • full house — full houses N COUNT If a theatre has a full house for a particular performance, it has as large an audience as it can hold. ...playing to a full house …   English dictionary

  • Full house — (Poker) A hand containing three of a kind and a pair, as three kings and two tens. It ranks above a flush and below four of a kind. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • full house — n [C usually singular] 1.) an occasion at a cinema, concert hall, sports field etc when there are no empty seats ▪ Billy Graham is a speaker who can be sure of playing to a full house . 2.) three cards of one kind and a pair of another kind in a… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • full house — full′ house′ n. gam a poker hand consisting of three of a kind and a pair. Also called full′ hand′ • Etymology: 1885–90 …   From formal English to slang

  • full house — noun 1. ) singular a situation in which every seat in a building, for example a theater or sports STADIUM, has someone sitting in it 2. ) count in a card game, a combination of three cards with a particular value and two with another value …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • full house — ► NOUN 1) a theatre or meeting that is filled to capacity. 2) a poker hand with three of a kind and a pair. 3) a winning card at bingo …   English terms dictionary

  • full house — ☆ full house n. Poker a hand containing three of a kind and a pair, as three jacks and two fives: it ranks just above a flush and below four of a kind …   English World dictionary

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