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См. также в других словарях:

  • Full Speed Ahead — Álbum de D.R.I. Publicación 24 de octubre de 1995 Grabación Entre 1994 y 1995 Género(s) Crossover thrash Duración 62:44 …   Wikipedia Español

  • full steam/speed ahead — used to say that something is being done with as much speed and power as possible The work started slowly, but now it s full steam ahead. The campaign is going full speed ahead. • • • Main Entry: ↑full …   Useful english dictionary

  • full — Ⅰ. full [1] ► ADJECTIVE 1) containing or holding as much or as many as possible; having no empty space. 2) (full of) having a large number or quantity of. 3) not lacking or omitting anything; complete. 4) (full of) unable to stop talking or… …   English terms dictionary

  • full steam ahead — see under ↑steam • • • Main Entry: ↑full full steam ahead 1. Forward at the greatest speed possible 2. With maximum effort • • • Main Entry: ↑steam …   Useful english dictionary

  • ahead of the game — {adv. or adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. In a position of advantage; winning (as in a game or contest); ahead (as by making money or profit); making it easier to win or succeed. * /The time you spend studying when you are in school will put you ahead… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • ahead of the game — {adv. or adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. In a position of advantage; winning (as in a game or contest); ahead (as by making money or profit); making it easier to win or succeed. * /The time you spend studying when you are in school will put you ahead… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • ahead — a‧head [əˈhed] adverb if the value of something is ahead of a previous level, it has increased: • The shares were ahead more than 11% at one stage, and closed 85 up at 944p. * * * ahead UK US /əˈhed/ adverb ► at a better, higher, or greater level …   Financial and business terms

  • full speed ahead — If people do something with all their enthusiasm and energy, they go full speed ahead …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • Full Thrust — is a science fiction strategy wargame written by Jon Tuffley and published by Ground Zero Games of England. It is usually played with miniature figurines representing imaginary starships, although cardboard chits representing the vessels can also …   Wikipedia

  • full steam (or speed) ahead — proceeding with as much speed or energy as possible. → full …   English new terms dictionary

  • full speed ahead — ► full steam (or speed) ahead proceeding with as much speed or energy as possible. Main Entry: ↑full …   English terms dictionary

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